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Pete Sebastian, Coach

Page 11

by Jean C. Joachim

  “You miss them, don’t you?” She touched his arm.

  “I do, and I don’t. It’s nice not to have to be on duty all the time. To worry what time they’re getting home. Who they’re going out with. Or watch my language. And now, I can have women over.” He closed his fingers around her wrist.

  She arched an eyebrow. “Women?”

  He drew her to him, chuckling. “Excuse me. Woman. But, yes, I miss coming home to them, their chatter and energy. There’s always something brewing here when they’re home. They have a ton of friends, and the house is hopping. I like it.”

  “Are they good to you?” She snuggled into his embrace.

  “They treat their old man fairly. Nice most of the time, but they can be stubborn. Especially when I put my foot down. And sometimes, they gang up against me.”

  “I bet you win more than they do.”

  “I’d say it’s about fifty-fifty.” He grinned.

  “You’ve taught them well.”

  “They’re good kids. A handful sometimes, but always good-hearted.”

  When they finished, Jo washed the dishes, and Pete dried. Then, he took her hand. “Time for bed.”

  A shiver shot up her spine as she followed him up the stairs to the big bedroom. The moon shone bright through the clean, clear glass. He ripped down the covers and shucked his shirt, tossing it on a nearby chair.

  Jo still wore her suit from work.

  “Need help?”

  She laughed. “Pete, I get undressed every night by myself.” She slipped her jacket around the back of a chair.

  “Every night?” He cocked an eyebrow, making her giggle.

  “Every night.”

  “Not when I’m around,” he whispered, bending down. He unbuttoned her blouse. Once it was opened, he zeroed in on her breasts, flicking her bra open. “You’re so beautiful,” he said, staring.

  Jo covered her chest.

  “You can’t be embarrassed now. We’ve already done the deed,” he coaxed, easing her arms down. “Let me have a look. They’re stunning.”

  She moved closer until their skin touched. Her breasts pillowed against the hardness of his chest. She wound her arms around his waist. He smoothed his palms down her back. Jo rested her cheek on his pecs. If I could do this every time things go wrong. Heaven. Her eyes closed as she drank in his warm, male scent. The hair tickled her nose a bit, but the strong, steady beating of his heart relaxed her muscles.

  Pete unfastened the waistband of her skirt and slid the zipper down. She stepped out of it, watching him shed his pants and boxers. Leaving her rose panties on, she followed him to the bed. Coach Bass stretched out and opened his arms. She joined him. He rolled on top of her, his mouth seeking hers as his hand found her breast.

  “You sexy thing,” he breathed.

  He wanted her, and his desire started her fire. Spending most of her life feeling unwanted and in the way, her heart warmed as well as her loins at his need for her. With one hand, he yanked her panties down while he supported her rear with his other. Soon, they were tangled together, his erection pressing against her, begging for admission. He caressed her breasts, pinching her nipples, and then slipped down to the juncture between her legs.

  A groan escaped his throat as he lowered his head to taste her. She gripped his shaft, feeling him grow harder with every swipe of his tongue. Heat rose from her belly to her chest, but tension pooled beneath his tongue until she couldn’t stand it.

  She cried out. “Pete! Do it. Take me. Please!”

  He rose up on his knees and rubbed himself up and down her wetness.

  She moaned. “You’re killing me.”

  He snickered then aimed and was inside her quickly.

  “Oh, God!” She groaned.

  He laced his fingers with hers and pushed their locked hands up toward the head of the bed as he moved. The moonlight was just enough to reveal a loving look in his light brown eyes. His gaze captured hers, asking, seeking. She couldn’t look away.

  The words “I love you” bubbled up to her lips, but she swallowed them back. Love him? I don’t even know him. His power, his will, and his protection circled her like a warm blanket. Freedom from fear or embarrassment dissolved her defenses. The thick walls she had built to protect herself cracked, leaving a tiny aperture big enough for him to slip through, like a small lizard, quick and silent.

  He kissed her sweetly, slowly, running his tongue over her bottom lip. The intimacy between them grew intense as desire spiked in her veins. He released her hands and fastened his long fingers around her rib cage, sliding them up to her breasts.

  “You’re beautiful. Every inch of you,” he muttered, his eyes closing for a second as she undulated her hips in rhythm with his.

  She lifted her leg, and he glided his hand along her thigh before positioning it against his shoulder. She’d always shied away from men as big as Pete Sebastian. Intimidated by their size, she was a bit frightened of being intimate with a man so tall. But those fears fell away with Coach Bass. His gentleness created confidence, not fear. She wondered if it was raising two daughters that had turned him into such a tender man.

  “Okay. Enough of this.” He pulled out and rolled her over as if she were a roly-poly pug. Giggling, she gave herself over to him. He gripped her hips and raised them up. Then, he rose up on his knees and pulled her to him. He was inside her again in a flash.

  “Oh, God. Pete!”

  “What? Am I hurting you?”

  “No, no. It’s great. It feels great. I’m just surprised.”

  “Surprised it feels good?” He chuckled.

  “Surprised at the switch.”

  “Did I interrupt something?”

  “Uh huh.”

  “Oops. Sorry about that. Let’s see if we can get it back.” He reached down around her thigh and touched her as he pumped in and out. A loud moan from her elicited a laugh from him. “Back on track?”

  “Hell yeah,” she mumbled, her face squished into the pillow, turned to the side to breath, and her eyes closed.

  He sped up, slamming her harder and harder, bringing her to orgasm quickly. Jo cried out as everything inside her clenched and heat flew through her. The glow of pleasure filled her head and heart. Now, it was his turn. It didn’t take but a few seconds before he followed her, groaning and clutching her to him. Her knees slipped out, and she flattened on the bed, with the Coach following her.


  “Sorry. Did I crush you?” he asked, rolling off her.

  “Almost, but not quite.”

  He sat up, his brows knitted. “Are you all right?”

  “Sooo good.” She turned over to gaze at him.

  He had the body of a man much younger than his forty-two years. She explored every hill and valley. He cupped her cheek and leaned in for a kiss. She curled her fingers around his neck. They both lay back, arms outstretched, grinning.

  “You’re amazing,” she said.

  “Amazing? Why?”

  “You’re a great lover.” She moved onto her side, her chin perched on her hand.

  “Thank you. So are you.” He faced her.

  Jo folded her arms behind her head and faced the window. The moon shone huge, ivory-bright, and round.

  “Now. What I’ve been waiting for.” Pete scooched closer to her. “Come here.” He lay back, propped against two pillows, and opened his arms. Jo crawled into his embrace, resting on his chest. Pete pulled up the covers to her elbows and snuggled her to him. “Isn’t it beautiful?” he whispered.

  She nodded once, not wishing to disturb their positions. He stroked her hair as she nestled into him. The warmth of his body comforted her, while the tickle of his chest hair made her want to giggle.

  The click of nails on the hardwood floor drew her attention.

  “Uh oh. Invasion coming,” Jo commented behind her hand as the clip clop of little paws approached. Suddenly, an object landed next to them with a plop.

  Pete sat up. “What the—?”
  Heavy breathing indicated a pug had joined them.

  “Daisy sleeps with me at home. I hope you don’t mind.”

  “It’s okay. Just not used to having two women in my bed at the same time.”

  Jo laughed. Daisy found her mistress and cleaned her face. “Oh, Daisy! Stop!” the blonde commanded as she maneuvered the pooch to the foot of the mattress. Snatching a tissue from a box by the bed, Jo dried her cheeks.

  “Two for the price of one,” Pete snickered.

  “I’m gonna smear peanut butter on you while you’re sleeping.”

  “You wouldn’t dare!”

  “Try me. Then, you’ll know what it feels like to be kissed by a pug.”

  He grabbed her, laughing, and returned her to her previous position, cuddled up against him. Before he could fix the blanket, the sound of snoring came from the bottom of the bed. “What?”

  “Oh, sorry. I forgot to tell you she snores. All pugs snore. It actually puts me to sleep.”

  “A snoring dog in bed with us?”

  “You don’t mind, do you?” She sat up and gazed at him.

  “Honey, as long as you’re here, I don’t mind anything.”

  Jo lay against him again, feeling his heart beat, staring at the moon through heavy-lidded eyes, and let sleep claim her.

  * * * *

  Spending the night with Pete was a challenge. She bumped into him from time to time, waking her up briefly, and the moonlight shone right in her eyes. She rolled over, facing the coach. When she collided with him, he’d place his hand on her side or rump and moan something unintelligible and smile.

  Still, she enjoyed sleeping with him. Instead of feeling an invasion of her space, having him near pleased her. He was warm, so there was no more cold spot. Not being alone was safe, not scary. Daisy’s presence didn’t hurt either.

  Daisy was the first to awaken at seven. The pug stood up, stretched and yawned, rousing Jo. She gazed at Pete. His hair was messy, his scruff a bit longer, but his face relaxed. He looked peaceful, handsome, and sexy. She snuggled up to him.

  He stretched his arms up, gazed at her, and smiled. “Hello, gorgeous.”

  She grinned. Pete rolled onto his side, moving his warm hands to her body. She arched into his touch, feeling his chest and his abs with her small fingers. As she inched closer, his erection poked her belly.

  “Morning wood,” he whispered.

  She closed her fingers around him, ready to make love, until Daisy’s barking distracted her.

  “Probably sees a seagull,” Pete said, continuing to massage her breasts, his lips exploring her earlobe.

  “Hmm.” She nodded. But the barking got louder and more insistent. Jo was about to roll over and get out of bed to investigate when someone yelled the word “Surprise!”

  Pete bolted up to a sitting position. “What the hell?”

  Jo turned over, clutching the sheet to her chest. Two young women, obviously identical twins, stood in the doorway. The smiles on their faces fell off immediately as their gazes flitted to Jo, then to Pete, and back to Jo again. Their feet appeared to be nailed to the floor as they remained blocking the doorway.

  “Alexis, Alyssa! What are you doing here?”

  “We live here. Who’s this?” one of the girl’s asked, her tone cold enough to make ice cubes in July.

  “Oh my God.” Pete rubbed his hand over his face. “Jo, I’m so sorry.”

  “Maybe I should get dressed before we make introductions?” Jo said.

  At that, the girls turned and ran down the stairs. Pete and Jo heard the front door slam.

  “Fucking shit,” Pete spat out as he leapt out of bed, grabbing his robe off the back of the door. “Girls! Girls! Wait.” There was more barking as the front door opened and slammed again.

  Pete stopped to address Jo. “Call Edie. Tell her we’ll be late. Broken down cars. Make something up.” Then, he was gone.

  Jo peeled the covers down and dressed as if the house was on fire. She left a message on Edie’s voicemail, excusing them for at least the morning.

  “Daisy. Come!” The sound of pug paws scurrying across the polished floor met her ears. The dog, tongue hanging, joined Jo, who headed for the stairs.

  Her feet flew as she descended. Right out front, the girls sat in their car, but Pete dangled the keys from his right hand. He stood by the driver’s window. They were yelling at each other. Jo tiptoed over with Daisy behind her. She tapped Pete on the shoulder.

  When Jo touched him, he turned around. His face as stormy as Hurricane Katrina, he stared at her. “What?” he fairly shouted.

  Jo winced and stepped back. Her eyes stung.

  Pete’s features softened. His brows knit as he reached out for her. Snaking his arm around her shoulders, he drew her close. “I’m sorry, Josie, honey,” he said, his voice as soft as a summer wind. He kissed her forehead. “What is it?”

  “Introductions?” She willed her voice not to wobble.

  Pete turned back to face the glares of his daughters. “May I present Alyssa, in the driver’s seat and Alexis on the passenger side. This is Jo Parker…my girlfriend.”

  Jo picked up Daisy and held her.

  “Figured as much,” Alyssa mumbled under her breath.

  “Nice to meet you. This is my pug, Daisy,” Jo said, screwing up her courage.

  The young women turned sour expressions on her.

  “I expect some respect, girls,” Pete warned.

  Both attempted smiles and nodded at Jo.

  “Likewise,” said Alyssa, in a phony voice.

  “Nice dog,” Alexis put in.

  Jo put her hand to her throat, and Daisy growled. Despite the hot sun, the air chilled.

  “What are you doing here? Last night, you told me you weren’t coming home.”

  “Lexie convinced me you were sad and lonely, so we planned to surprise you for the weekend. Sad and lonely, bullshit.”

  “You’re a God damn hypocrite, Dad,” Alexis said, turning her gaze to her father.

  “Yeah. Told us we couldn’t go away for the weekend with our boyfriends, while all the time, you’re here, sleeping with this, this…woman!” Alyssa made a gesture toward Jo.

  “Watch it, Lyssa. Watch what you call her.”

  “I just called her a woman. Though I suppose I could call her something else.”

  The young girl stuck out her chin and aimed her words at Pete. Jo backed away. I’m not getting in the middle of this. She spied her car on the other side of the generous driveway. Slowly, she made her way back inside as the voices escalated in volume and intensity.

  Once inside, she quickly gathered her things. She leashed Daisy and took everything out to her vehicle. She fastened her seatbelt, took a deep breath, and then turned the key in the ignition. This isn’t my battle.

  She saw Pete whirl around at the sound of her tires on the gravel. “Wait! Wait, Jo!” he called.

  She lowered the window and yelled in response, “Call me!”

  Then, she turned right and headed back home. After blowing out a breath, she tried to sort things out. Short and sweet. Bye-bye, Coach Bass. A frown pursed her lips. She didn’t want to say goodbye. He hadn’t been just a fling. Although that’s what she’d thought she wanted. He’d managed to creep under the barbed wire guarding her heart and worm his way in.

  They have some nerve comparing themselves to him. He’s a grown man. It’s not the same. And he’s entitled to have a sex life, whether they like it or not. Still, the idea of confronting the girls or sitting around a table with two sullen, hostile young women jumpstarted her fight or flight instincts. And, as usual, flight was her first response.

  Chapter Eight

  Pete’s heart sank as he watched Jo peel out of his driveway and zoom down the street. Anger warred with frustration inside him. Fucking bad timing.

  “She’s gone. Great. Are you happy?” He shot an icy look at the girls before he closed his fingers around the car keys and stuffed them in his pocket. Then,
he headed back to the house, grumbling to himself. Coffee. All this before my coffee.

  The girls stayed in the SUV, sulking. He could tell by their expressions. Being both mother and father had made them close. Sometimes, maybe too much so, he wondered. Now, he was in a pickle. The one thing he’d managed to hide from them all these years, his sex life, was a topic of conversation, staring boldly at them. How the hell am I going to weasel out of this one? He returned to the car. Shit! All those years of hiding, coming home at midnight. And now this. Fucking A.

  “Come on. Chocolate chip pancake time. Let’s go,” he said, opening the door.

  Alyssa shot him a dirty look. “Don’t think pancakes can fix this, Dad.”

  “Right.” Lexie climbed out and followed them into the house.

  Pete got busy in the kitchen. Always a man of action, football had taught him to think on his feet. “You know that things are never equal between parents and kids.” He pulled down a blue, ceramic mixing bowl.

  “Sure, Dad. Right. You used to use that one on us when we were thirteen,” Lyssa said.

  “We’re nineteen now. Adults, legally. Just like you.”

  “Nope. Never like me. And I’m a man. I’m not going to get pregnant or get my heart broken.” He opened the fridge.

  “How do you know she’s not going to break your heart?”

  Oops. One point for them. She might. “That’s not the point. You can’t do everything I can do. I’m your father.”

  “Then act like it,” Lexie said, her jaw stiffening.

  Alyssa poured coffee for her and her sister, ignoring Pete’s empty mug.

  He lined up pancake mix, milk, sour cream, two eggs, and chocolate chips on the counter. “I’m a man. It’s different for me.”

  “Sexist pig,” Lyssa mumbled.

  “What did you say?” Pete’s eyes spit fire.

  “You heard her. She’s right.”

  “Because I can’t get pregnant, and you can? Do you think I want you sleeping with every horny college boy? I know horny college boys, believe me. I was one once. They are out for one thing and one thing only. Then, they’ll leave you. Hurt you. Impregnate you. Careless bastards.” He pulled down a measuring cup.


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