Blurring Lines

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Blurring Lines Page 11

by Chloe Walsh

  “This is my room, Kenz,” he muttered, almost apologetically.

  “Fuck your room,” I snarled, stalking past him, feeling furious and flustered. “And fuck the naïve girl I was when I was fifteen – the girl who believed without doubt that Cade Mathews loved her.” I wiped my eyes with the back of my hand and grasped the door handle. “Fuck the person that I am today for still loving you, but most of all, fuck you, Cade! Fuck you for giving me the hope and motivation to survive what I did and then for snatching it all away from me!”

  “”My entire body shook as I ran down the hallway and into my room.

  I couldn’t believe what I’d just done.

  What I had just said to him…

  My bedroom door flew open and I smacked against the wall, so hard several chips of plaster crumbled to the floor.

  “You loved me back then?” Cade stood in the doorway of my bedroom, clad in a pair of tight white boxers, with his hands balled into fists at his sides, and looking absolutely furious.

  “Answer me, Kenz,” he demanded, chest heaving, as he took a step closer.

  “Yes,” I admitted in a torn voice. There was no point in lying. Not any more. “I loved you since I was ten years old.”

  “And now?” He stepped towards me until our chests were touching. I could feel his heart hammering. It was playing the same erratic tune as mine.

  “Do you love me now, Kenzie?”

  I nodded slowly, but before I had a chance to speak, Cade’s fingers were knotted in my hair and his lips were on mine. “Christ, what do you want from me, Kenz?” Cade hissed, walking me backwards towards my bed, never moving his lips from mine.

  “You.” My lips parted of their own accord and a sharp puff of air escaped.

  “All of you.”

  “All of me?” His eyes were hooded with desire, but his voice hid nothing.

  Nodding, I felt the base of my bed against the back of my legs seconds before I landed on my back.

  “I’m not going to hurt you,” Cade told me, covering my body with his. “I can give you everything but not that. I will never hurt you. Okay?”

  “Okay,” I whispered, and it was in that moment I realized I wasn’t addicted to sex or having withdrawals. I was addicted to Cade and I would do whatever it took to have him – to feel as pure and as loved as I did in his arms.

  I just needed Cade Mathews.

  Only Cade …



  What the hell were we doing?

  Jesus Christ, what was I doing, sprawled on top of Kenzie – who looked fucking perfect naked – with a raging fucking hard on and absolutely zero self control?

  Fuck me.

  This was wrong.

  No, this is so fucking right…

  I needed to stop this before it went too far – end things with Emily first and do this properly with Kenz – but Mackenzie was everything I had ever wanted and I was dammed if I could make my body move away from her. I couldn’t.


  My moral fiber was all screwed up. My body was winning the battle with my conscience and all I could do is plunge my tongue inside Mackenzie’s mouth and thank god for returning my angel to me.

  My phone rang out loudly.

  Even from all the way across the hallway I could my ringtone blasting, but there was nothing in this world that could force my hands away from Mackenzie’s body right now.

  Jesus, the pain I’d gone through when she went missing made the desperation I felt soar – push me further.

  I needed her.

  I did.

  I couldn’t deny it.

  I would walk over glass for this girl.

  Mackenzie was the one girl I had wanted and could never have. Not anymore. Something inside of me had snapped…

  “I’ve missed you,” I whispered against her mouth. Kenzie wrapped her long smooth legs around my waist, moaning against my lips as she clawed at my back.

  Slipping the heel of her foot into the waistband of my boxers, Kenzie managed to drag them downwards. “You’re perfect,” Kenzie whispered, slipping a hand between our bodies to free my dick before shoving my boxers down my thighs. “I want you – I just need you inside me, Cade. Please…fill me up…wash it all away…”

  “I love you, Mackenzie Moore,” I told her as I kicked off my boxers. Pushing her thong aside, I settled between Kenzie’s legs, and touched my forehead to hers.

  In this moment the fact that our parents were married and I had a girlfriend weren’t enough of reason for me to stop this. I didn’t think anything would stop me. My worries evaporated as I stared into her beautiful face. I would deal with the repercussions. I would sort this all out, but I would not deny her.

  “I’m so in love with you,” I confessed, stroking her nose with mine.

  Tears filled Mackenzie’s jewel green eyes, causing my heart to hammer in my chest. “You are?” she whispered, clinging to my body like ivy.

  “Always was, always will be.” Closing my eyes, I dropped my lips to hers. Pressing against Kenzie’s slick entrance, I inhaled sharply before burying myself deep inside her.

  “I wished for you,” she whispered, thrusting upwards. “When I was in the nest, I wished to sit under the old oak tree in your back yard and hold your hand just one more time.”


  “I’m here,” I told her, burying my face in her neck as I moved slowly inside her. “I love you. I love you. I fucking adore you...”

  I repeated those words as I plunged my cock into her slick-soaked pussy. She was so wet and I knew it was all for me. Fucking beautiful. I wanted her so bad – wanted to keep her forever. I was fucking burning for her.

  “I needed you to hold me in your arms and tell me everything would be okay,” Kenzie cried out, continuing to torture me with her honesty. I watched as a bead of sweat trickled between her breasts. “I wanted only you. Only you, Cade! Just you …”

  “Hey. Shhh ...”

  Stilling inside of her, I raised Kenzie’s face upwards and kissed her softly before I told her, “I’m going nowhere, Kenzie. Do you believe that, baby girl? You have me. Only me. All of me. Okay?”

  “What about our parents, Cade? What about Emily?” Kenzie breathed.

  “Screw our parents. They’ll just have to deal with it – and I’ll end things with Emily,” I replied immediately. I vowed – meaning every damn word. “When she gets back. Right fucking now, if you want! I promise. I only want you, Kenz. I love you ...”

  “It’s happening,” she whispered, brushing her nose against mine.

  “What’s happening?” I murmured. Dropping my lips to her neck, I sucked on her sweet skin.

  “I’m starting high school with you as my man,” she moaned and my heart soared. “My dreams are coming true.”

  Lust, intense, intricate animal instincts urged me forward and I couldn’t hold back a second longer.

  “Your man,” I husked against her collarbone, as I thrust into her slick heat. “I like the sound of that.”

  Kenzie pushed her palms against my chest and I immediately rolled onto my back. Straddling my hips, Kenzie fisted my dick in her palm and slowly fed it into her tight hole.

  “I’ve never done it this way,” she breathed, trailing her fingernails over my chest. Moaning loudly, she threw her head back and sighed.

  I clasped her hips and lay still, giving Kenz the chance to find a rhythm she was comfortable with. “You like to grind,” I chuckled, after a few minutes of watching Kenzie’s sexy movements as she rolled her shaved pussy all over me. I rocked her back and forth on my dick. “Good to know, baby girl …” I rasped.

  “I’ve never had an orgasm,” Kenzie moaned, mouth agape, eyes clenched shut.

  “All those men – hundreds,” she panted. “Never felt good.” Leaning forward, she pressed her lips to mine. “Only you.”

  “You were never pleasured?” I managed to squeeze out.

  Kenzie shook her head, continuing to bounce on my junk.
“No pleasure for us in the nest,” she panted. “Our bodies were used only for their pleasure – amusement.”

  Well, I was breaking that habit tonight.

  “Get on your back, baby girl,” I told her, squeezing her thighs.

  Kenzie’s eyes widened in surprise, but she did as I asked. “Why?”

  Smirking, I settled between her legs and lowered my mouth.

  “Because I’m gonna eat you up,” I husked, before placing a soft kiss on her clitoris. Kenzie’s hips bucked upwards. Holding her thighs apart, I trailed my tongue down the length of her slit.

  “Tonight is going to be all about your pleasure.”


  “I used to chant your name in my head,” Kenzie whispered in the darkness a few hours later as she played with my fingers, tangling them and entwining them with hers.

  “And when things got bad, and I forgot my own name, I would cling to you.” Rolling onto her stomach, she rested her chin on my chest and let out a sigh of contentment.

  “You were my safe place.”

  “I wish I could take it all away for you.” My voice was thick with emotion as I trailed my fingers down the length of her back.

  “The pain. The memories.”

  Closing my eyes, I inhaled a deep breath and forced myself to calm down, and not let the anger that was festering inside to get the better of me.

  “I hate this fucking helpless feeling.”

  “Keep loving me,” Kenzie yawned. “It heals me – you heal me.”

  “I’ll leave her,” I vowed, rolling onto my side to look at her. “I promise.”

  “I believe you.”

  I lay on my side, facing Kenzie.

  She did the same.

  We didn’t speak. We just looked at each other until sleep found us both. When I was on the crest of slumber, when she thought I wouldn’t notice, Kenzie leaned over and brushed her lips to mine.

  “I love you, Cade Mathews,” she whispered, and I’d never heard sweeter words.



  March 1st, 2006

  Waking up in Cade Mathew’s arms felt almost surreal.

  For the first time in almost four years I felt … good.

  What I had experienced last night – the pleasure – the rawness of having him inside my body would stay with me until the day I died.

  I had no doubt about it.

  It hadn’t escaped my attention that the only times in my life when I had felt good were the times the boy in my bed had his arms wrapped around me. And knowing that, in a few short hours, the whole world would know he was mine caused the excitement inside me to bubble and grow.

  “Morning, baby girl,” Cade whispered. He pressed a kiss to my hair before tightening his arm around me. “Sleep well?”

  “Good morning,” I replied, nuzzling my face against his bare chest. “And, yes, I did.”

  “That was the first full night’s sleep I’ve had in almost four years,” he told me in a gruff tone, thick with emotion.

  “Are you having any doubts about me?” I asked, and then held my breath as I waited for his reply.

  Rolling me onto my back, Cade nestled between my legs and grinned. “Does that feel like I’m doubting you?”

  In one fluid movement, Cade buried himself inside me and let out a soft grunt. “I’m going to have you forever,” he vowed before plunging his lips to mine and rocking into me.



  March 1st, 2006


  The sound of my mother’s piercing scream drilled through my ears, and I froze for a brief moment before pulling out of Kenzie.

  “Shit,” I hissed as I leapt off the bed and retrieved my boxers from the end of her bed. “What the hell does she want?”

  “I guess she wants to have that talk about me,” Kenzie replied quietly. Shrugging on a T-shirt, she grabbed a pair of sweatpants from her closet and quickly stepped into them.

  My sweatpants, I thought to myself.

  “Yeah. Damn it. I forgot.”

  “I wonder why,” Kenzie chuckled, just as her bedroom door flew open.

  Mom’s gazed trailed over my half-naked ass before casting a glance at Kenzie. “What are you doing in Mackenzie’s room, Cade?” she asked, tight-lipped and furious.

  Scratching my head, I looked over at Kenzie and panicked.

  “Killing a spider,” I offered lamely. It was pretty damn obvious what I had been doing.

  Mackenzie snorted loudly. “It was huge,” she added, before making a terrible attempt of smothering her laughter with a cough.

  Mom glared at the both of us.

  “I’m watching the both of you,” she warned us, before turning on her heels. “And answer your damn phone, Cade,” Mom added, as she stalked out of the room. “It’s been ringing all bloody night.”

  “A spider?” Kenzie teased, when my Mom was out of earshot.

  “What?” Shrugging, I grinned like someone had stuck a clothes hanger in my mouth. “That’s all I could think of.”

  “Whatever, Indiana Jones! I need a shower before school.” Rolling her eyes, Kenzie sauntered passed me. “Oh, Cade?” Kenzie purred as she reached her bedroom door.


  Her eyes danced with mischief, and I found myself grinning like an idiot at her.

  “We both know that in the case of a spider, you’re the one who would call me.”


  “Good morning, Cade,” Mitch said in a cheery tone the minute I entered the kitchen. He was sitting at the table, looking bright as a button, reading the paper.

  “Morning,” I squeezed out.

  “Sleep well?”

  Not really, considering I spent the night buried inside your daughter – who I’m head over heels in love with ...

  I managed a grunt in response, before I went scavenging the cupboards in search of food.

  Mitch watched my every move from his spot at the head of the table, and I began to shift awkwardly.

  Did he know?

  Fuck, he couldn’t. There was no way …

  Grabbing a bowl and a spoon from the cupboard, I slowly made my way over to the table and sank onto the chair. Pouring some Cheerios into my bowl, I added a dash of milk before tucking in, keeping my eyes cast downwards.

  Mitch cleared his throat loudly, but I didn’t look up. I didn’t fucking dare.

  “I wanted to have a word with you, Cade,” he finally said.

  “Oh, yeah, about what?” I muttered, hoofing spoonfuls of cereal down my throat.

  “About you and my daughter,” Mitch replied instantly.

  Heat crawled up my neck, and I nearly choked on my spoon as I strived to remain cool and not look guilty as sin.

  “What about us?”

  Mitch stared at me long and hard before letting out a heavy sigh. “I want you to watch out for her in those hallways today – as best you can.”

  Mitch cleared his throat again and pulled at the collar of his shirt. “I know how high school can be,” he whispered quietly. “Full of cruel and judgmental little shits. And Mickey’s been through so much. Just … take care of my baby, please …”

  “Good morning.” The sound of Mackenzie’s raspy voice cut through the air, causing Mitch to pause, and every hair on my body to stand on edge.

  “Mickey.” Mitch’s eyes lit up. “You all set for school, sweetheart?”

  “Yes,” she replied softly. “I’m riding with Cade to school, right, Dad?” she asked, taking the seat beside me. Her bare thigh brushed against my leg, and I swear to God my eyelids fluttered shut.

  Fuck, I needed to work on that …

  “Mitchell, have you seen my pager?” Mom asked, as she hurried into the kitchen dressed in a pair of blue scrubs.

  “Yeah,” Mitch replied, attention focused on my mother. “I think I saw it on the windowsill over there ...”

  “I want you tonight,” Mackenzie whispered into my ear, and I had to force myself to conce
ntrate on chewing my food and not the perverted images her hoarse voice had brought to the surface of my mind.

  God, she tortured me.

  How she fucking tortured me …

  “Hard,” she purred, reaching her hand around and cupping my dick. She slipped her hand under the waistband of my shorts, and took me in her soft palm.

  Jesus …

  “Are you okay, Cade?” my mother asked, taking the seat opposite me. Mom gazed at me from across the table. Her blue eyes were full of concern. “Why aren’t you dressed for school … you look a little flushed – are you running a fever?”

  “I …” My words trailed off, and I was pretty certain my eyes had rolled back in my head. Kenzie chuckled and continued pulling on my dick. “I’m … good.”

  “How was your session with Dr. Rosetta on Saturday, Mickey?” Mitch asked, just as Kenzie upped her pace.

  “It was hard, Dad,” Mackenzie purred in that raspy voice, continuing to jerk me off underneath the kitchen table. Our parents were completely oblivious, and I think Kenzie was getting off on that. Hell, I was getting off on that – and thanking God my mother had a fetish for tablecloths.

  “And so long …”

  My head dropped, I leaned forward and rested my elbows on the table before putting my fist in my mouth. My hips thrust upwards as the tightening feeling inside of me came to a head.

  “Fuck …” I hissed as the heat of my cum spurted onto my thighs.

  “Watch your language, Cade,” my mother snapped.

  “Sorry,” I managed to squeeze out, as I watched Mackenzie raise her fingers to her mouth and suck.

  “Well,” Mitch declared with a chuckle, as he rose from the table and smiled nervously. “You two better get a move on – you don’t want to be late on your first day back, Mickey.”



  March 1st, 2006

  “Are you nervous?” Cade asked when he pulled into the student parking lot and killed the engine on his bike. Kicking out the stand, he twisted sideways and flicked open my visor. “You don’t need to be,” he husked. “I’ve got your back.”


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