A Love That Destroyed Time
Page 3
Yed removed the pack off his head. “Deceive me, sire?” Oh he deserved a vacation now.
"You must understand it was our last option," King Sheward emphasized the importance of what he had to say. "I could not let it get away simply because you were a Protector."
Yed’s mouth twitched twice. "Highness? What is it you're speaking of?" He tried to sound patriotic, but it came out as a light growl. The way the King sounded, it couldn’t be good.
King Sheward took one hand off his scepter and moved his gaze back toward Yed. “Get out your anti-allurance spray."
Yed reached into his pocket and brought out the spray. “It’s right here, King Sheward.”
“Your escort changed it out,” King Sheward revealed. “It is a concentration of male pheromones which helped attract her to you. At the same time, we recruited the bartender to slip things in both your drinks. It made you more relaxed, while canceling out some generic anti-pheromone pills she had been taking.”
“You wanted us to attract each other?” Yed didn’t bother saying any allegiance that time. “If she were on pills the cancellation would last no longer than-”
“Thirty minutes,” King Sheward interrupted him. His royal attitude softened. “I’m sorry, Protector Yeducavich Smilliat.”
Yed focused on him, waiting for the part he was sorry about. His throat felt phlegmy, King Sheward had not moved from his serious tone or posture for most of the conversation. “Are you sorry it didn’t work?”
“No, I am sorry I had to deceive you, it had to be done.” King Sheward patted his arm gently. “You were the only one that could pull it off.”
Yed felt out of it as he pieced together what King Sheward was saying. It didn’t sound like it was a failed attempt. That couldn’t be true though because he was talking to her, but then the headache came? “The headache was from the drink.” He dropped his ice pack to the ground in realization, his attention back at King Sheward, eyes pleading he was wrong. “Sire, did you make me corrupt my vow?”
“One time, no one will ever know,” King Sheward assured him. “The needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few.” King Sheward gestured toward the escort who appeared beside Yed. “Your escort here watched the alleyway; no one saw you and no one will ever know.”
“That is correct.” The escort looked at Yed, but took a step back. Yed was not giving off warm friendly vibes “She ran off first, and I-I picked you up...” Yed could hear the choppiness in the escort’s phrasing as he thought of how easy it would be to lose control. A small punch or kick. Brutal beating, it would be fine.
“I could not disobey the King. I-I couldn’t lose my position.” The escort looked away from Yed and back at the King. “Majesty, may I go now?”
King Sheward waved the escort off and stood only a foot away from Yed. “We’ve scheduled everything out for a reason, to the best time we could. She was important and you must realize that. This is not simply an individual, it is our future at stake and she refused to help.” The King assured Yed as he placed his hand on his shoulder. “If there is a child, our race can carry on. A second chance. A part of you must understand that.”
Yed had nothing to say. Investigate highly, best days, they were timing for the best time to conceive. He could be a father of a females’ child whose name he didn’t even know? This can’t be happening, it isn’t. King Sheward would not do this. I’m dreaming. I’ve got to be, this makes no sense, I don’t hurt females, I never hurt females. He could feel his anger emerge and, for a brief second a thought about striking the king down. He remained calm and steadied himself. There was a good chance nothing would happen, but it wasn’t impossible .
The past echoed in his head. What would his father say to what he let happen? What would his family have thought of him? After everything that happened, how could he do this to them? His instinct racing against his brain as he shoved King Sheward away from him. “It isn’t fair! I’m a Protector, and I chose it for a reason!”
On hearing his outburst, the doors swung open and Protectors flooded the room around Yed. He could not continue on the path he was on. If he got hurt there would be no way he could be of help anymore. He bent down to the ground and bowed to the King. “Majesty.” His word dripped like oily poison.
“Rise, Protector Yeducavich Smilliat.” King Sheward held his hands up to the other Protectors. “At ease.”
Yed did not rise until after everyone was gone. He looked back at King Sheward. If only he wasn’t the damn king of the kingdom. His next words were staccato as he held himself together. “Talk—to—her.”
"It will not do any good," King Sheward said with a degree of sympathy barely detected. "She has learned to distrust any and all Protectors, royal guards, males, everyone. We've known about her for years and we have tried to change her mind countless times before resorting to this level.”
Yed looked toward the ground. He should have known from the way she had been acting. He assumed they bothered her recently but it had been years. No wonder she was so uncaring for the kingdom.
"She wouldn’t believe anything you say," King Sheward said firmly. "She would only talk with her family or her so-called childhood Protector."
“Then what’s the problem? Call her damn Protector, a little humiliation doesn’t seem like it would phase you.” Yed knew he needed to back down with his intolerance, he was speaking with the leader of the kingdom, but his feelings raced ahead of his mind. He needed to keep himself calm, the images going through his head were anything but healthy.
“There is no humility in finding him. I knew who he had been.” King Sheward paused a minute. “It was another reason I had to keep everything secret.”
Yed looked squarely at him, this wasn't right. Had that female been someone he had guarded in the past? Females needed no protecting until they reached maturity, and he had never guarded anyone that was a child. Well there was one, but that was different. He wasn’t a Protector. It wouldn’t be her. It couldn’t be her. His mind faded back to the restaurant and the words she had said about him looking familiar.
"Her family name is Saga," King Sheward began the explanation with a brief reminder. "She escaped when everyone in her family was destroyed. Much too young to be alone, she was given to a childless family. Soon after, more children came but her new mother and father loved her so much, they continued to keep her as their own and she no longer goes by Saga. She hasn't since she was a small child."
King Sheward’s words blurred with the rest of reality as Yed kept dwelling on that restaurant. Those last words she said before things got fuzzy:
“I don’t want anything heavy,” the female said firmly. "He...always told me when I...yeah, I don't drink heavy."
“She goes by the name of...” King Sheward stopped. “Protector?” He waved his hand in front of Yed’s face. “Are you still there?”
Chapter 3
"Whoah," Prince Regwallis said as he tried to balance himself when Yed rushed past him at full speed.
Yed paid no attention to Prince Regwallis’ remark as he ran past the boy to his room. His heart beat fast, a part of him not accepting this could be reality. He opened up his suitcase and retrieved some old tattered letters. The paper he wanted had tinged yellow through time. He shuffled through the worn letters. He used to read the letters for comfort. They were written to him from the Cattral’s, a caring family who treated him as one of their own. He had been a young non-official Protector, carrying out his duty by serving the family. It was more than shelter though as he became close friends with the children. He was no more than a child himself back then, and whether he would admit it or not, he had never found that close relationship with anyone since then.
He kept track of them by writing letters back and forth, but as with all things, the letters slowed down and eventually stopped coming. He continued to shuffle through until he found the the very last letter written to him. He held it closer to his eyes as he read.
/> AI. 5675
Dear Yed,
Hi! It's been a long time. It's too bad we can't write more often, but at least we can write. So far, things are looking up! Remember, Iri ,the girl I told you about in the last letter? I took your advice and I didn't do anything reckless; I just gave her a flower and told her she was pretty. Her parents didn't like it, but we started to hit it off!
I've finally graduated from school and have my Certificate of Excellence in Cuisine. Ezra, Muin and Iri were really happy for me and they’re going to help me open up my first restaurant. I hope you get to see it one day. I think I’ll name it Cattral’s.
I do have a new problem though. Muin! Her pheromones aren't half as bad as Ezra's, but she keeps having this same male named Zaria come over for her! The thing is, I can't do much because Muiny actually likes him back. Should I just let it continue?
Hope you get this letter soon. The way everything works though, I'll be lucky if it reaches you in a year.
Yed read the letter again. That was the last one Xiamipoc Cattral ever sent. He never received another with the new address which would have allowed him to write back.
A lost letter that would explain what happened. He wished he still needed that letter.
Yed sat down on the floor, staring at the pile of worn letters while thoughts of what happened raced through his mind. Why? King Sheward would do all this for a small chance of a pure warno lineage?
With what Yed had in mind, he wouldn't be able to push King Sheward far away. He didn't know what was up his sleeve, but it would have to stay there to get the chance he had to take. Standing up, he made his way back to the throne room.
King Sheward looked back as Yed came near him again. "Protector."
Yed nodded with steel eyes. No matter what the circumstances, or what cruel trick had been played, he had to be respectful to King Sheward. His words would be kept short and to the point as much as possible so that his true sentiments did not emerge. "I want to be her Protector." He watched King Sheward shake his head. "You owe me that much."
"Halt," a royal guard moved in front of King Sheward. "No one speaks to King Sheward in that manner."
Yed held his eyes on the guard. A simple maneuver and he could have taken him out, but he need King Sheward on his side. He reached into his vest and pulled out his official Protector license. He held it out in front of King Sheward briefly before letting go. It hit the ground with a soft thud at King Sheward’s feet. "Appoint me or I leave anyhow."
Yed watched King Sheward breathe out slow and deep. One way or another, he was getting back to his friends. King Sheward had something planned, and not knowing the extent of it, he couldn't risk them getting hurt.
"Protector Yeducavich Smilliat, you are a rare class, an A Protector. I don't want to lose you, which is why I told you,” King Sheward insisted as he folded his hands on his scepter. “With your skill you would have figured it out at some point. Hate me as you wish, but don’t do this to your kingdom. It is more fragile than you know.”
Yed made no response to his speech. Either King Sheward appointed him or he walked. He kept silent, not moving at all as he continued to stare.
" If it means so much to you, I may appoint you her Protector again," King Sheward muttered. “It takes time though, remember that.”
“I’ll help,” Yed insisted. “I’ll wait in offices to sign papers and I’ll take them back myself.”
King Sheward mumbled something undetectable then held up his index finger. "She will be suspicious that you came right when this happened."
"Well gee, I wonder why," Yed said sarcastically. He noticed the guard eyeing him again. "Majesty."
"I warn you.” King Sheward leaned further upon his scepter, his crown tilting forward. “I am being lenient. Do not say anything about the kingdom’s involvement. Disobey this order and I will pass judgment.” King Sheward’s eyes hardened and his posture became rigid. He stood in a manner Yed had only seen used in front of his enemies. “One day, you will understand.” His eyebrows lowered as he tapped his scepter. “You will be guilty of treason if you implicate our kingdom into this matter."
Yed shifted his right leg and jerked his index finger involuntarily as he considered the decision. "I'm not supposed to tell her you're directly responsible? So what are you saying, if I tell her-"
"- you cannot implicate the kingdom in the plot," King Sheward finished for him as he placed his hands behind his back. "You say anything and you will be guilty of treason."
Yed glanced at the ground. If he told her anything, all he could tell her was he was the guy that night? He couldn't explain why?
"Agree, and I will appoint you. I understand you want to see this through. Disagree though and leave, and I will make sure you never find her or her family again.” King Sheward’s words were rough and raw, a tone never used with Yed before. “The Warno Kingdom cannot be seen as the bad guy in this situation.”
Yed's throat felt dry. No one lived after being recognized as a traitor to the kingdom. Many times the killings were merciful and fast injections, no one wanted to prolong suffering. In some instances though, the act was considered so heinous, the traitor’s death involved viruses. Thoughts of a past traitor in particular filled his head. The kingdom had been so furious; he had been injected with five of the worst viruses known to their species. He hollered in agony for six days.
Yed took one more moment for himself. King Sheward would not punish him that far, he would never use such a threat. Yed gazed into his expression searching for a sign of weakness, a sign that would point it out as a joke.
Had the kingdom’s position become so weak that they would stoop so low? Yed rubbed the bridge of his nose. There was more King Sheward was hiding, he could sense it. No matter what King Sheward’s plans were, he couldn’t forget about his promise. He would just have to be extremely careful. To blame or not to blame, he had to protect them.
Chapter 4
“Thanks for helping out with my new curtains.” Ezra thanked her little brother Xiam. She didn’t need help with the living room drapes. She simply wanted him to be around. Being alone was not a comfort to her right then. Even though there was no one else who came to prey upon her, for the good of the kingdom, her last encounter had shaken her up. Yesterday she convinced her brother darker curtains would complement her house nicer than the light airy off-white colors she used to have.
She lied of course. Dark curtains brought no extra beauty to her home and the stark deep burgundy was almost black, making it feel like a prison. Why had she been cursed with the luxury of perfect lineage? She was no genius, no beauty, no one special at all. She was just an innocent bystander who was dragged into a fight for keeping her race alive. For all she cared the warno’s could evolve into waryes one day, it didn’t matter to her.
The annoyance of intrusions in her life had been avoidable for some time, but after she met that pretentious pretender in the restaurant a month ago, she would no longer take the king lightly. After waking up in a compromising manner in an alley, her tune had completely changed. Somehow, she needed to keep the kingdom out of her life.
Besides, the Warno Kingdom did not deserve to win against her, and she had no sympathy for it. In fact, if they wanted nothing but for her to shake King Sheward’s hand she would still refuse. Let it sink; let the whole damn place sink.
“Ezra, I know it won’t be easy to do, but you’re not getting any better. Why don’t I try to locate Yed, he could help,” Xiam suggested.
“Yed?” Ezra’s stomach felt queasy. “I’m fine, don’t try to contact him.” If Yed found out how she had been deceived, her shame would never go away. He taught her from a very young age how to treat men, and she couldn’t bear to think what her old friend would say if he found out the truth.
Yed knowing? Absolutely not an option. Ezra didn’t even want her own brother knowing what had happened. Xiam had
poked and prodded at her though and she was never good at lying. If only she had the gall to go back into his restaurant to say goodbye then he would have never known. “I’ll be fine Xiam, but could you hold the left corner up higher? It isn’t catching the hook.” After they placed the hooks on appropriately, someone knocked on the door.
Ezra glanced at the door. Please, not another warno trying to con her. She looked toward her brother with a small plea in her eyes. He took charge and answered the door, Ezra staying slightly behind.
"Hello?" Xiam asked.
Ezra stared at the man from her distance, but it was as she feared. Deep dark pants, shirt, even the uniform vest. A Protector. He had the typical black tail and black eyes. She kept her distance, only stealing a glance before going back behind Xiam.
"Is Ezra-" The voice sounded irritated, probably coming down with a virus. Served him right. "Xiam?" The sound of the voice corrected itself, becoming a deeper baritone. "Wow, you've really grown. Are you still outdoing Muin and Ezzy or did they leave you in the dust?"
"Ezzy?" Ezra's heart skipped a beat, only one man besides Xiam ever called her that.
"Yed!" Her brother knew it too. She felt a sense of happiness within, she hadn't heard or seen Yed in a long time. They had become close childhood friends when her stepmother and stepfather gave him shelter and food when he was young and in training. In return, he had helped take care of her and her family. They were all so close until his training was completed.
They had all tried to keep contact with letters, but Yed's work was all over the place. They soon lost contact with each other.
He was a great Protector. Her smile slowly faded away though. Oh no...with what just happened, he was not someone she could handle seeing right now. She heard Xiam and him chit chat, telling him about where they all lived now, even inviting him over to his own house. That would be a great idea, it would give her some time to gather herself before talking to her old Protector.