A Love That Destroyed Time
Page 71
"Iri." Xiam felt himself being able to move again. "Iri isn't safe. She isn't living another life happily ever after like you keep saying. She's not." He lowered his head. "King Fayu is keeping her. She...she has to bear him a son!"
Yed's hissing stopped. The growling even ceased. "Xiamipoc. Give me Tigeravich slowly, and we'll talk."
"About what?" Xiam asked. "How I shouldn't even be thinking of my wife being taken for him?"
"No, let's talk about why you are trying to walk away with my son." Yed moved closer. "Tell me everything, don't just tell me this. What do you want with Tigeravich? You're a brother to me, and I don't...I don't want to have to hurt you."
Yed's expression was a cross between compassion and threat. Xiam sighed. Even with it, he had nothing on him. Walking on all fours, he had been slow. This wasn't something like a feline who walked on all fours all its life. He could outrun him if he needed too.
"Xiam," Yed repeated. "The whole story."
"King Fayu wants an heir," Xiam admitted. "I wasn't taking him. I...if I did, I'd move faster. If I did, I would have done it a long time ago. If I did, I wouldn't choose now. I'd choose later, after gaining trust." He looked at Tigeravich again. "I just...I don't know anymore."
"Let me guess, Iri in exchange for my son?" Yed was right on the mark. "You were actually considering taking my son to Fayu?"
"For Iri, I'd do almost anything." Xiam sighed. "I got a brand on my back. I'm supposed to steal him and show up at the gates, bearing the mark. Then he'd take him, and I'd get Iri back."
"Wrong! He'd kill you, and steal take Iridescent." Yed tried not to growl. "That was a stupid move. You should have told me sooner. This was all a trick, are we being followed?"
"I don't think so." Xiam shrugged. "King Fayu wanted you to think you were safe. He already knows about the rhyme."
"Damn it." Yed cursed beneath his breath. "Xiam, what about Muin and Zaria?"
"He's not going to do anything. He just wants to make sure you don't complete it." Xiam shrugged. "I'm as good as dead."
"No, just stay close, and give me Tigeravich."
"You don't have a basket-"
"I'll figure it out, just give me my son." Yed held Tigeravich in his good arm, partly sitting. "Go back and get the basket for me. From now on, you don't hold my son. Ever again. Got it?"
Xiam nodded and headed back to the camp. Yed was right, King Fayu would kill him. Iri was just, she was just...going to have to bear someone else's children. He stopped and looked over into the distance. He was walking back and forth on a cliff. He approached it, looking down.
All of the pain would be over. He wouldn't have to live knowing Iri was with King Fayu. If could just...
"What the heck is it with cliffs in your family?"
Xiam turned and saw Yed. He was hopping back, holding Tigeravich.
"Killing yourself isn't going to make things easier. Go get the basket, and things to write with." All compassion was lost from his voice. "Then get back here, and we'll talk. I'll help you."
How? Xiam was skeptical, but he didn't know what else he could do. He went back to camp and grabbed Tigeravich's basket, along with a writing utensil and a piece of paper. When he brought it back, Yed snatched it out of his hands. He eventually got Tigeravich back into the basket. After the boy was safe and sound, Yed began to write down a number. He handed it to Xiam. "Listen. That is my father's number. Memorize it, and then destroy that piece of paper. When you get to safety, call that number. Tell him Yed gave you the number, and tell him about Iri. He's smart and he should be able to help figure out a plan."
"Your father?" Xiam looked at the paper. "He can save Iri?"
"He is your best chance. Now, listen up." Yed gestured for him to come down to his level. Xiam leaned in closer, and felt his collar being grabbed. He struggled but Yed wasn't letting go. "One more thing. Had anyone else, besides you, ever tried that? They wouldn't be breathing right now! You. Until this situation is over, I don't want you near my family, because I can't risk giving you a second chance. If you get Iri out, you keep her away too. I don't want you returning, until I return for you. Not before, no matter what. You got that?"
Xiam managed to choke out 'got it' before Yed let go.
"Stay at the safety house, and I use that term literally. I mean it, Xiamipoc, don't come back here again. Go."
"Alone?" Xiam asked. "I can't see anything in the dark, what if waryes-"
"Just get out!" Yed yelled. "Just, go and get out. Sleep out there, further, much further away." He placed the basket back over his head and walked back to camp.
Xiam looked at the number. If he had told Yed in the first place, he would have helped with more grace. Now, he would have to leave in the dark, without even saying goodbye. He held the number tightly and started to climb downward.
One day, he hoped Yed forgave him. He wanted to be mad at him, for not understanding more, but how could he?
He didn't know in the end, if he would've done it or not.
Chapter 85
Stealing. Yed watched Tigeravich worm around in the basket as he walked back to camp. Xiam could have stole his son. Oh, he read those eyes, he was salivating for the boy. No one was taking his family away. Not now, not ever. Even his best friend.
Even his brother.
The betrayal was hard to stomach. If it was Guy, he wouldn't be walking around anymore. But, it was Xiam. X. He entered the camp and lied the basket down. He nudged Ezra, knowing he needed to tell her about him now. "Ezzy?"
Ezra opened her eyes and looked toward him. "What's wrong?"
"I kicked Xiamipoc out." The words were harsher than he wanted, but it wasn't something he could control. "He's not coming back. Not until this is all over." He lied beside her. "Maybe not even then."
"Yed." Ezra's voice was soft. "He's my brother."
"King Fayu set up the meeting. I knew it was too coincidental. He must know we're out here somewhere." Yed looked toward Ezra. "Ezraponia Cattral, he was contemplating taking Tigeravich to King Fayu."
He saw the disbelief in her eyes. "No, no never. Not Xiam, he would never!"
"For Iri, he would. Fayu knew his weakness." Yed's voice growled with hatred. "King Fayu took Iri, and he's using her to bear his child. Xiam needed to exchange Tigeravich, for his heir."
Ezra didn't answer at first. "He was going to...steal my son? My brother was going to steal my son?"
"I don't know, but he was strolling around, at night, holding him. I don't think even he knew whether he could," Yed admitted as he stroked her hair. She was frazzled and even started to cry. "For now, he's not allowed near you."
"My son. I would have been asleep and lost my son to my own brother!" She collapsed to the ground and began to sob.
"At least Muin didn't see it." Yed rubbed her back soothingly. "I'm sorry." Ezra didn't answer back. "I sent him back to the safety house, and gave him my dad's number. He can probably get Iri out."
A bond. A close bond that the family had shared, believeing that no matter what, they could always trust each other. Blood was thicker than water, that was the Earth expression.
Over time, Yed knew he'd forgive him. He never took Tigeravich, and he did tell him about the deal. Eventually, one day they would forgive him.
But, the trust and the closeness they shared, it was gone forever.
That night, both Yed and Ezra slept with Carressella and Tigeravich between them.
"I can't." Ezra nestled Carress' face. "How can we leave her with someone that used to be a waryes?"
Yed looked toward Carressella. Ezra had a point, but what choice did they have? Xiam was gone again. There was only him, Ezra and Guy. He had to watch out in the more dangerous Waryes Kingdom. Ezra had to go to the wall by herself. Guy had to watch Carressella.
Maybe...maybe just maybe. He hadn't spoken to him in so long. On the phone, but face to face? The last time, he died. If his father could keep Tigeravich in his home safely...b
ut he sent Xiam there.
Damn! Xiam's double crossing, it had made them nervous. Leaving his daughter to Guy. He watched them a week, it would be fine. Regwallis could be trusted, but he was simply a boy. He couldn't leave him alone to watch a baby.
"Yed father, why are you and Ezra mother crying?" Regwallis' voice came from over his shoulder. Yed looked back and wiped his eyes. That kid had excellent night vision.
"We're fine, Wallis," Ezra said. "We just...I just..."
"We're fine. Get some sleep, Regwallis." Yed gestured back to his bedding. "We have a long trip ahead, we need to get what rest we can."
"It's awful cold," Regwallis complained. "I wish we could make a fire."
"Just wrap around tight. There's more to fear than the cold if we draw attention," Yed reminded him. He rubbed his head. The notion was odd. He'd probably never fully get used to it, but Regwallis was his son now. "Get some sleep, Regwallis Son." It was the first time Yed addressed him with the honor of son attached to his name.
Regwallis smiled, and even saluted him. "Okay, Yed father!" He lied down beside him.
Yed nodded, knowing he couldn't take it back. Regwallis' royal family of King Sheward and Queen Trivelle would be fresh in his mind for years. Regwallis was extremely young right now though. He'd barely remember them in twenty years. Thinking back, the older King Regwallis he had known, remembered his father's last words. Some remained, but he didn't seem to remember much. If Regwallis had been older, it would be less awkward. He could remain secondary, like he was now.
One day though, Regwallis would think of them as primary, and address them as mother and father only. Just like Ezra eventually made the jump with the Cattral's, he'd have to be ready for Regwallis.
Two sons and a daughter in an apocalyptic climax. Life sure was strange. Yed lowered his head, realizing his family was asleep. He needed to sleep too. There was no catching up later. He had to put Xiam out of his mind. He had made some basic warnings with strings and bells, nothing fancy, but a waryes would fall for them. There was nothing to worry about. He had to forget that he lost his relationship with Xiam, and he had to forget that Muin was up higher alone with Cooey. He had to forget.
Eventually his body relaxed and he faded away. Before he did, he was mindful of opening his eyes one last time to check.
Guy in the corner.
Yep. Everybody was there.
Xiam stayed behind the tree. He knew that look. Yed wasn't going to invite him back, and Ezra would be hardpressed to ever trust him again. But, they were so far from the Waryes Kingdom, and look how they were traveling? He could take on Yed himself, what chance did he have with more than one of the enemies? The Warno Kingdom was difficult enough. Four days, if he did this, it would only take them about four days. Ezra and Guy could go the wall, while Yed stayed back with Carressella. Without intervention, the outlook wasn't good.
If Yed caught him. If he suspected and caught him, he'd kill him. He was close, but he wouldn't give him a second chance. He saw that warning look in Yed's eyes before. He scribbled on the same piece of paper that he gave to him for Yed's father.
I've seen many worlds, many more than you.
I can't risk my family, & you can't make the WK
Too far, you know it.
I love all of you.
He won't go to Fayu, I will take him to your father.
Keep going. I promise he'll be safe.
Xiam held the paper close. He'd memorized the number, all that was left was to get Tigeravich. Ezra and Yed were holding the children extra close. There was no way he was going to get in there without getting caught. He'd have to depend on his speed.
Yed would desperately try to run, but the Protector never exercised that way that he had seen. Out in the wilderness, sticks and stones? He could do it. He approached slowly. Tigeravich was right beside Yed's side. He moved his little head slightly.
He would need enough food to last a few days. Xiam walked around toward the basket first. He tucked it under his arm. If he had been anyone else, Yed would have woken up. He knew exactly how slow and how quiet he had to be so that he wouldn't wake up. He moved back off to the side, putting the basket back down. He moved closer to Tiger. Yed would sense if he pulled his son, but maybe if Tigeravich wiggled himself out?
He touched Tigeravich's foot. The boy wiggled slightly, but didn't do much else. He attempted it slowly again, but had no choice but to yank when he heard-
"What are you doing?"
Guy. Guy woke up. Xiam didn't even wait to see the white's of Yed's eyes, he grabbed Tigeravich and started to run. His heart beat, knowing he didn't have much time.
Xiam?! That son of a-he still did it! He gave him his father number, and still he took him! Yed wasted no time, trying to run as he could. His son was being taken away, and he couldn't run fast enough! He didn't have enough time to develop the skill that Muin had, and the ground wasn't easy to run on. He wanted to cry out Xiam's name, but that could alert any waryes in the area and put his whole family in danger.
He kept running, but couldn't see Xiam anymore. He still kept running out of desperation, hoping he could see him. His hands were bleeding and bruised to bits, but he had to get his son back. Xiam!
He watched Guy run past him with ease and down the path. His 'loyal subject' that he had no choice to depend on.
Yed heard a tumble. He bounded as fast as he could through the pain. When he caught up, he found Guy holding the basket and Tigeravich.
"Majesty, your child is fine." Guy smiled and wiggled the basket. "I'm afraid I couldn't catch Xiam. I don't understand why he would try to take him though."
Tigeravich. Yed approached Guy as he placed the baby back in the basket. "You saved him."
"Well, I-I can't explain it. I was chasing him, and then I felt some kind of emotion. I couldn't help myself, the royal family has taken down so much." Guy wiped his eye. "I don't know, I just...lightning shot out from a tree, and it tripped Xiam. He quickly got back up, but I seized your son and the basket."
Power again. Guy was so powerful. He didn't understand how to use it, but when the moment came, he did. "Guy." Yed looked down at Tigeravich. "Thanks." He placed the basket around his neck and headed back to camp. On the way, he ran into Ezra who was holding Carressella. "Everything's fine," he assured her. "Guy saved him again."
"Tigeravich." Ezra reached out to her son. "He tried again? Again? It isn't my brother, that can't be my brother responsible!"
"Time changes beings," Yed said softly. "He may not have traveled, but he experienced it. I'm sorry, Ezzy." He pawed her hand slightly. "Let's go back to camp."
"Xiam?" Ezzy questioned.
"He did it. He flat out did it, no question." Yed gritted his teeth. "Never again, that is not the same Xiam. He will never come near you or the children again. If he does..." He limped away, feeling the pain more intensely. Ezzy was hanging on to his statement though, and she had to prepared. "If he does, I have to kill him, Ezzy."
He heard her start to sob harder, and he understood the sentiment. He never thought those words would come from his mouth. The X of Earth was gone, and the Xiam of this time was gone mentally. The inhibitors had been too much.
"My brother," Ezra managed to squeak. "Xiam. You can't."
"He's not taking my children, and he's not taking you! That is not the same Xiam we grew up with," Yed warned her. "His mind has become twisted. There's no reason he would come back, I made it clear to him to not come back until I came to him. He knew, and he still pushed me." Yed quickly turned away before wiping his eye. "It would be a mercy killing, after whatever they did to his mind." He closed his eyes and headed back to camp.
They all went back to lie down. Yed saw the paper he had given Xiam with his father's number on it, laying on the side of the bedding. He took it and crumpled it. It was his own loss that he wasn't careful enough to keep it, because
after that, he was never helping again.
It was a shame. When they got closer to the Warno Kingdom, he wanted to send Xiam to the Waryes Kingdom with Tigeravich. His father could have watched him, and it would have been easier. Now, they were back to square one. He looked over at the corner toward Guy. He saved his son through that emotional energy. Yed had little defense, and Ezra had none. Their only real protection was Guy.
He made a decision. It wasn't an easy one because there was no guarantee, and every moment written down would be gone. Destroyed. If power was hiding in the Chronicles, if their power was kept in there? Chronicles were indestructible, except when opened. All those memories, all those last written words...
His Chronicles had to be destroyed.
Chapter 86
"I can't believe it took another whole day to get to the car," Ezra grumped. Guy helped her take Carressella off from around her neck and place him in the back seat.
"It's okay, your Majesty. I'll drive, and everything will be okay."
"Not quite." Yed reached into the back seat. He could always recognize his. Chronicles were as important as food and water. Pictures disappeared, souvenirs disappeared, but Chronicles were eternal. He always wondered why the books of paper and wood could be so powerful. Most came to believe that somewhere in the past they made a trade with a powerful planet. No one had that skill though.
It wasn't skill, it was their own magic protecting it. "Sorry," he whispered to his book. He brought it out, opened it, and dropped it to the ground. "Start a fire."
Ezra was silent as Guy followed his instructions. When a fire was roaring, Guy stepped back and bowed toward Yed.
Yed held his Chronicle over it, still open. The pages began to burn. Unprotected when opened, like any other book. He watched as pieces burned and fell into the fire. He remembered all the words he used to write in it. How many times he wanted to write in it, but was scared someone would find it. He remembered reading his Chronicle to learn about himself again. Finding the paper he wrote to his children so long ago in it.
Burned. Ezra pulled on his arm, but he wouldn't stop. When it disintegrated and he was holding the last of the cover, he watched it drop to the ground.