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A Love That Destroyed Time

Page 78

by Melanie Ray

  “I'm not glass either.” Yed walked up the path and knocked on the door.

  A woman answered the door with a smile on her face, until she saw them holding hands. “Ezraponia. No.”

  Ezraponia held his hand tighter. “This is Yeducavich, mother.”

  “Come in. You, stay there.” Her mother glared at him while she pulled in her daughter. In her place, stood a hulking man.

  Her father. Yed smiled and stayed strong. “Sir, a fine day to you. I walked your daughter home.”

  No words of thanks, of course. Instead, he heard a different tone. “Don't walk her home again.”

  “I don't think I could keep that promise.” Yed continued to smile even though he could hear the growling, rumbling from her father. “I would like to date your daughter. I have no money amount to offer, but I am good for it.”

  “I don't care about money, get out.” Her father slammed the door. “Stay away from my daughter!”

  Chapter 102

  Ezra’s Father

  “Nope, no can do tonight,” Yed said through the phone as he fixed his hair. “Watch your own kids, I've got plans. Yes, I'm trying to see her again.” He slid the comb through his hair again.

  He headed toward Ezraponia's, softly. He watched the first window. Her dad was the most possessive he had ever tangled with. Even in his youth when he was the most rambunctious with women, he'd never met one like him.

  Ezraponia was worth the effort though. That time after her shift that he got to know her, she was so different. Everything inside him said she should be with him. It wasn't just her looks, which was odd to him. It wasn't her voice either, it was something else. A combination of pieces that made him feel the best when he had been around her.

  He slid a comb through his hair again as he approached the sidewalk. He knocked on the door bravely. He held his ground as the giant that was her father answered the door. “Hello, sir, fine night tonight, isn't it? I was wondering if you could allow me the honor of your daughter having a conversation with me?”

  Knocked to the ground, again, Yed stood up and looked at her father. “Is that a no?”

  “You are a persistent little bug,” he growled at him. “Ezraponia is not in the market for finding men. This is the fourth time you've walked up to this house!”

  And he'd keep doing it. Her father was right, he was persistent. Seeing Ezra looking from behind her father, Yed waved to her. “Ezzy, hey! I was just asking your dad about a chance to talk again soon.”

  “An official date will never take place.” Her father glared at him before paying attention to his daughter again. “Go.”

  “With me?” Yed asked hopefully before getting pushed down again. “How about now?”

  Ezra chuckled. “You just keep bouncing right back up unphased, Yeducavich.”

  “Ezraponia, get back inside,” her father warned her. “Go.”

  “With me?”

  “Did you just come back with the same pathetic joke?” Her father grabbed him by the collar. “Listen, you silly boy, Ezraponia is not your typical little girl. Don't give me this friend excuse, you are never dating her.”

  “I am not a little boy, and Ezraponia is not a little girl,” Yed said. “Which means you should let her have time with whomever she sees fit.”

  Yed felt his face meet the cement again. His body was starting to really hurt. “Okay, I give up for the night.” He dusted himself off. Her father had no qualms about violence. “I will see you again tomorrow, Mister Saga.” He waved back at Ezraponia. “See you tomorrow?” Seeing her father was stepping out of the house, he turned and headed out.

  Yed kept his promise though. He went back for more punishment the next night. Every night, it became a ritual to get beaten up for just another chance to talk to Ezra. He watched her at the restaurant window, but her family owned it. He had his name and face on the 'keep out on all accounts' sign. The window was the closest he could get. Still, he used it. He put his hand on the glass. She was like some mystery to his mind, hauntingly beautiful.

  If she didn't feel the same way, she would have called enforcement after him by now. So far, the only response he got was a look his way and a quick smile before she went back to her work.

  But, there was only one way to get close to her.

  Ezra turned off the light, walking out quickly. She missed the night Yed walked her home, but it just couldn't happen. Not as long as her father scared everyone away. He kept coming back for more punishment too. He just had the strange draw to her that she did to him. As she was walking home though, she felt someone grab her. She almost screamed, as a hand covered her mouth! Her heart beat, not knowing what would happen next.

  “It's okay, Ezzy.”

  She knew that voice. Even though her heart was still beating fast, it was for another reason. It was Yed. “What are you doing?”

  “Stealing a couple of minutes? Your dad won't lay off even two seconds.” Yed wrapped his arm around her back. “What is it going to take for him to let me even talk to you?”

  “Nothing.” Ezra said, knowing what he meant. “There's nothing. No money, no honorable meetings, he never lets me go. I wasn't even allowed to be raised in a Den.”

  “No Den years at all? He's obsessed, you would have been too small for anyone to attempt anything,” Yed said. “I am trying so hard here.” He pressed his hand against the wall behind her. “You drive my mind crazy.”

  “It's not pheromones.” Ezra's cheeks blushed. “I can't believe I said that. Sorry, it just felt natural. That makes no sense.”

  “Nothing does.” Yed leaned his head against hers. “When I'm with you, I feel complete, but not. Like there's . . .I get weird visions. Especially of your hair all covered in black.”

  “I remember a ring. A strange ring.” Ezra looked toward him. “Several other things, I've tried writing them down. Past life?”

  “No one remembers those though. If it is.”

  “How could it not be?” Ezra asked. She looked around, knowing time was running out. “They'll come searching if I don't show up, Yed.”

  “Just a few more minutes.” Yed brought her closer to him. She inhaled his scent, enjoying his embrace and wishing it would never end. “I need to tell you something, and I don't want you to be scared.” She felt his hands raise her face to his. “I've got an insatiable need to be with you, in every way.”

  Those words didn't scare her. Not one bit.

  “Something forbidden and tempting.” He ran his hand through her hair, watching it fall against her skin. Ezra snuggled as close as she could. “Talking isn't enough.”

  Without any warning, his lips fell on hers hungrily. She should be considering him a predator with such a move, but she could never think of him like that. She opened her mouth and joined him, moving her hands behind his head.

  She didn't need money or prestige from Yed, just someone who understood her. He'd radiated that feeling since they met. “I love you.” Oh no. Oh no! What had she said? She couldn't backtrack the comment now. Saying that to someone she just met not long ago. They had never even had an official date, and she had to blurt that out?

  Yed hadn't stopped kissing her though as he pressed her body more to the wall behind them. She wondered if he heard her, or had ignored her mistake.

  She knew the answer though as she felt a new sensation that made her tail tremble. His tail was wrapping around hers. Fur against fur, it felt nice, but she knew what that meant. “No, I can't. I have to go.”

  “Sorry, I'm sorry,” Yed apologized as she moved away. “It just happened.”

  “I know.” Ezra straightened her clothes back out. “I just, I have to go.” She walked off quickly, knowing she had lost more than enough time. Touching tails? There was only step left after that, but why was it so hard to stop herself?

  Yed banged on his brother's dormitory door so hard. “Come on, open up, I seriously need to talk!”

  “Okay, okay.” He heard the door unlock and saw Xiam. “Yed, what is i
t? Do you know what time it is?”

  “I need help.” Yed went right past him, holding out his hands. “I met a girl and I want her. I don't mean just date her or kiss her. I want her. I want her body, I want her hand in marriage and I-I just met her!” He turned around. “I can't get her out of my head. I stand out beside her window all day. I keep going to her house, and her father beats the hell out of me every day, and I can't stop.” His breath and voice was so fast, he was losing it. “She doesn't help, she feels just the same. And tonight? We never even had an approved date and I-I . . .I touched her tail with mine. What do I do, Xiam?!”

  Xiam looked at him, his mouth dropped. “Come on in?” He sighed and closed the door. “Yed, it's just hormones or something. I get that too. My study partner, Iri, I get strange feelings around her. I know that things get out of hand sometimes, and that's all it is. You aren't ready for anything. Trust me, I'm an expert.” He held out his name tag. “Ceremony conductor assistant! Two more years and I will be out of here.”

  “Yeah, I know you made assistant, why did you think I chose you? We'll celebrate later, but this is serious.” Yed sat on the bed, wringing his hands. “When I'm around her, I get these visions, of like other lives or something. She said the same. We're both writing stuff down, but I want to compare with her.”

  “Past lives?” Xiam scratched his head. “I've never heard that one. Anyhow, females are look don't touch. It's good to see you found someone that you'd get beaten up for, but you need to keep your mind straight. Forget all this past life nonsense.” Xiam pulled up a chair beside him. “Ask for a date. Afterwards when you can spend some decent time with her, these feelings will probably even themselves out.” Xiam patted his leg. “Everything will be okay, brother, but no more touching tails. That is a big no-no.”

  “I know.” Still, it felt right. Somehow, he'd just have to get her father's approval. Somehow.

  The next night, Yed presented himself as professionally as possible as he knocked on the door. “A fine day to you, sir. I would like to try and have a conversation without hitting.”

  “Go away,” her father answered. “Do you have any brains at all? You are not talking to my daughter.”

  Yed squeezed his hands together. “I love your daughter, sir. I'll never hurt her, but I need to be with her.” It didn't matter what the request was, how he conducted it, or what he wore.

  He found his face on the cement again, but he wasn't done yet. He had hired a Protector for a Protector's Oath. One that had researched him, tested him for compatibility, the works. It was expensive and worth two paychecks, but if it worked, it was worth it.

  “Don't you even dare!” He roared at him. “Ezraponia will never, will not ever become yours.”

  Yed knew it wouldn't be easy. He stood up and faced her father again. “I belong with her. I don't care how many times you pound me in the ground. I've even hired a Protector for a Protector's Oath.”

  “You've got guts, you have always had them.” Her father crossed his arms. “I met the Protector, and I have your papers. It's not enough.”

  “Then I'll get an even more advanced Oath, just tell me what you want, sir!”

  Even by a Protector's Oath, Ezra's father would still not give him a chance. “Mister Saga, please.” The door got slammed in his face. He stood there, knocking every few minutes, hoping her mother would answer. She was easier to get along with, but even she seemed to know better than to answer the door.

  Could his life be any harder?

  “I wish you'd just leave him be!” Ezra yelled at her father before she turned around, her dress whipping across her legs. “Every other woman my age, their fathers have long since lost interest. I am perfectly capable of deciding who I want to be with. Yeducavich Cattral is special to me.”

  Her father continued to sit in his chair, his arms folded. “No. Never. A thousand times no. I will watch over you for as long as I can. When I can't, I will appoint a trusted Protector to do so.”

  “Just stop. Why can't you just stop?” Ezra swallowed. “You know he'll be showing up here again and again.”

  “Probably, but I don't care. I will turn him away. You need someone special, not a stupid bumbling guard.”

  “He's not bumbling.” Ezra humphed and snuck out the back door. She would at least catch a glimpse of him on the side of the house.

  “He is a tough act,” The Protector that Yed had hired for his Oath said on the phone. “I gave him everything I had. From your birth records, your biological family, your biological father's Protector record, and your criminal record. I even handed him the likes and dislike surveys.”

  “Yeah, yeah.” Yed knocked on the dreaded door of Ezra's house again. “She's not someone I can forget, I've got to get her. I don't care how much it costs.”

  “Look, kid, I really don't see the way,” the Protector said. “Most any father would lay down arms after a Protector talked to them. That man, he seemed to become even angrier that you hired me for your Protector's Oath. Look, I don't understand the situation. I truly believe that she is stuck. Anything else you hire me for, it doesn't matter. Maybe Protector Level W doesn't impress him.”

  “Fine, I'll try a higher class if I have to.”

  “Higher classes are always busy protecting females 24/7, boy. I think you need to back off and let her go. There are other women you could achieve with this level of responsibility.”

  Yed didn't want another woman, he wanted his Ezzy. “I'll keep it in mind, thanks.” Yed hung up the phone, just in time to smile at Ezra's mother who answered the door. “Mrs. Saga, how are you today? My, that's a lovely dress you are wearing.”

  The response was mixed as they both heard Ezra's scream on the side of the house. Yed and her mother both ran off the porch to see her. Reaching her first, Yed tried to comfort her.

  She was vomiting on the side of the tree, her face looked like it was in torture. As he whispered to her, she looked like he was pure evil. “No, stay away, stay away! We'll ruin everything!”

  Stay away? “Ezzy, what's wrong?” Yed asked, trying to touch her back in comfort. She moved so fast away from him that she stumbled to the ground. Her mother tried to help, but she pushed her away. Nearby was her mother's planting shovel for the flowers on the side of the house. Ezra had grabbed it and started to dig it into the dirt.

  Her father came out after hearing the commotion, and grabbed Yed. “Get away from my daughter!”

  “I was only trying to help,” Yed said, “she's sick. Something's wrong, sir.” Yed was dragged out to the front yard. He waited there, watching Ezra's parents gently take her inside. He ran toward the door. “Mrs. Saga, wait, I want to know if she's okay.”

  “She will never go to you. She is too special, you'll never understand. Please stop this pursuit, all you're doing is angering my husband and breaking Ezraponia's heart.” Her mother sighed exhaustively. “She is probably sick because of you. Just go.”

  “I can't, I love-” The door slammed in his face. “your daughter.” Yed made his hands into fists. They would turn him down thousands of times. They were as solid as a brick wall. He walked to the side of the house to see what she had carved into the ground.


  “Love kills?” Yed walked away from the house, remembering that statement. She had remembered something big that had affected her health. There was only one thing to do.

  Chapter 103


  He waited outside the alley of her family's restaurant. He hated to do this again, and he tried the gentlemanly approach. He pulled out every stop. Even if he could have gotten a dowry amount, he could have worked on it. Nothing, there was nothing. His next step would not be looked upon nicely. Until he could take that step, he still needed to see her.

  As she came out to dump the trash he called to her. “Ezzy.”

  She looked back and saw him. “Yed.” She put down the trashcan. “You aren't allowed to be here.”

  “Tell them you're going s
omewhere. Shopping for something the restaurant is out of maybe?” he suggested. “Please?”

  Ezra nodded, heading back in. When she came back out, she had her coat on. “Okay. I am going to have to go to the store now.”

  “I'll take you.” Yed gestured toward his car. “Come on.” They both headed for the car quickly, trying to make a getaway before anyone saw them with each other.

  Yed wanted to drive them to the middle of nowhere, but it was too far. “I want to talk to you. I can't take you to the castle without some tattling, so I'm going to take you to my family home.”

  “The family home?” Ezra asked. “I'm not so sure that's a good idea.”

  “I would never do anything you're uncomfortable with. Just trust me. If you hate what I setted up, just run out screaming predator.” Yed winked at her. “I bet you won't hate it though.”

  Walking into the family home, Yed had been met with a surprise. Ezra watched as he had a hissy fit about someone in the house.

  “I'm not doing anything wrong, I swear,” the stranger said as Yed grabbed him by the collar.

  “Yed, knock it off.” His sister looked over at Ezra. “You sure do pick'em.” She paid attention to Yed again. “Zaria is not doing anything wrong.”

  “You haven't had permission to see him again.” Yed let go of his collar and pointed toward the door. “Certainly not privately. Out.”

  “You are such a jerk.” Yed's sister thonked him on the head. “You can't say that Zaria is fine and that I can date him, and then turn around and say I can't. That trick was so mean.”

  “I don't remember giving you permission to be so loose.” Yed scoffed and looked toward Zaria. “Beat it.”

  “Oh yeah?” His sister grabbed Ezra. “I'm Muin, nice to meet you. Ezra, right? The one my brother doesn't have permission to see either?” She looked back toward Yed cunningly.

  “Don't even.” Yed gestured toward Ezra. “We are old enough, you aren't.”

  “Doesn't matter. At least I'm not sneaking around behind Zaria's parents,” Muin said in a sing-song manner. “Ha!” She pointed at Yed in a winning fashion. “Now I've got you and Xiam. You both have to agree that dating Zaria is fine.”


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