Book Read Free

Ruby Falls

Page 13

by Nicole James

  He put his hands up. “I give up. Get your purse.”

  Chapter Ten

  Summer couldn’t sleep. She looked at the alarm clock on her bedside table. It was a little after midnight. Her throat was dry, so she got up, deciding to go downstairs for a glass of water. She didn’t have a robe to put on. She hesitated going down in just her nightgown, but she wasn’t about to get dressed, and besides, everyone was in bed.

  She snuck down the stairs as quietly as possible and moved silently into the kitchen. Getting down a glass, she filled it at the sink, looking out the window. There was a light on in the barn, and she found that odd.

  The creak of the screen door sounded just before Summer heard the inside door push open. She spun around, her heart in her throat.

  Steve strode in from the mudroom and came to an abrupt stop when he saw her. His eyes slid down her body, and his mouth went dry. She was standing there in a little silk, slip-like gown of pale pink with lace trim. It was very short and very sexy. He couldn’t take his eyes off her, or make his mouth work.

  “Steve, you scared me. I…I didn’t think anyone was up. Is something wrong?” she asked, crossing her arms in front of her and rubbing her hands on her upper arms, as if she were chilled.

  “Uh…no…I mean, one of the cows is giving birth.”


  “I just came in to wash up and get some things.”

  They stared at each other.

  “You sure are a sight, standing there,” he said, coming toward her.

  “I’m sorry. I’ll go up and…” She took a step to leave.

  He reached out and took her hand to stop her. And then, as if he couldn’t help himself, he was pulling her into his arms, his mouth coming down on hers. He was gentle at first, exploring, discovering. But then he wanted more, and his hands came up to frame her face as he tilted his head, fitting himself to her mouth. He groaned in his throat and deepened the kiss, his arms wrapping around her. Her arms slid slowly around his neck. He tightened his arms, lifting her slightly and bringing her body up against his as his hands moved over the silk of her nightie. Finally, he lifted he head slightly and looked down at her with a smile. “I’ve wanted to kiss you like that for so long, baby.”

  She started to pull away.

  He let her. “Ever see a calf being born?” he asked.

  “What?” she asked, disoriented by his kiss.

  “Come on. I need your help. Go get dressed.”

  They were standing next to a stall in the back of the barn. There were a few lights on, but it was still only dim light. Summer had thrown on jeans and a tee shirt. Steve had handed her one of the quilted flannel shirts that hung on the pegs in the mudroom. It hung down to her knees.

  The cow was lying in the straw on her side. She mooed low and long.

  Steve entered the stall, and Summer followed. He got down and examined the cow. “She’s doing fine. Her water broke while I was in the house. I can see the front hooves.

  Summer just stood there, not knowing what to do.

  “Kneel down by her head, just rub her neck, and try to hold her down if she tries to get up.”

  Summer did what he said. She watched as Steve rubbed her sides and talked in a soothing voice. When the next contraction came, he helped pull the calf out, and the head appeared. The cow lifted her head, her big brown eyes trying to see what Steve was doing. Summer tried to hold her down.

  “Just a few more pushes, Momma, and your baby will be born,” he said, rubbing the cow’s sides. “Come on, darlin’, give me another push, now.” The next contraction came, and Steve pulled the shoulders out. “Good girl. You’re doing fine,” he encouraged her. “One more now, come on.”

  The cow mooed long again, and her stomach tensed with another contraction. The calf came out in a rush of fluids. The cow lay exhausted, breathing heavily. Summer rubbed her neck. She looked at Steve, and they both laughed.

  A half hour later, both cow and calf were on their feet, the calf nursing hungrily.

  Steve and Summer had washed up in the sink at the other side of the barn and returned to check on the mother and baby. They stood outside the stall now, watching.

  “It really is a miracle, isn’t it?” Summer asked, turning to look at Steve.

  “Yup. Every time.” He put his arm around her, pulled her up against him, and they watched.

  “You must be so tired, and you have to get up in a few hours to milk,” Summer noted after a few minutes.

  “No. After this, I’m awake.” He smiled down at her. Their eyes connected and held, and something passed between them. The smile faded from his face, and then he turned her in his arms, and his mouth came down on hers.

  A moment later, Summer felt the wooden boards of the stall against her back as Steve backed her up against it. His mouth moved over hers, and her head fell back as she submitted to him, letting him drink his fill, until she couldn’t think of anything else but what his mouth was doing to her. Her hands slid up to his face, and she cupped his jaw as he ate at her mouth, hungrily.

  They kissed again and again, until kissing wasn’t enough.

  “Come here,” he said as he pulled her into another stall where they stored clean straw.

  She followed.

  He pulled her down into a pile of straw, and she didn’t resist. Leaning over her, he rested on his elbow and slowly dipped his head, his mouth coming down on hers. Her arms came up around his neck, and his hand slid over her flat stomach, under the hem of her tee, and up to find she hadn’t bothered with a bra.

  His head came up, and he looked into her eyes, as his hand moved over her breast.

  She stared up at him, seeing the hunger in his face, feeling his touch moving over her, and at that moment she wanted to give him whatever he wanted to take. The look in his eyes told her he definitely wanted to take, and then he was pulling the hem of her shirt up as his mouth came down on her, closing over her nipple. The feeling was so intense that she arched her back and ran her hands through his hair, pulling his head closer. It went on and on and left her wanting more.

  Reaching down, he undid her jeans and slid his hand inside. He touched her and found her wet. His mouth returned to hers, his tongue plunging inside. Summer moaned under his mouth as his hand moved, rubbing her gently, over and over, until her breath caught in her throat, and she didn’t think she could take anymore. He was driving her wild. He brought her to the brink, stroking her over and over.

  His mouth broke from hers, and he kissed his way along her jaw to her ear. “I want to be inside you, sweetheart. Let me. Let me, please,” he whispered in her ear as he continued to stroke her.

  At that moment, she couldn’t have stopped. “Yes,” she whispered back. “Please.”

  “Tell me you want me. Tell me,” he insisted.

  “I want you. Right now, right here,” she whispered back.

  And then, before she knew it, he had her shoes and socks off, and he stood above her at her feet. He grabbed hold of the hem of both pants legs, and with a hard yank her jeans came off. He tossed them aside, and his hands moved to his belt. He stood over her, his eyes running over her body, as he unbuckled his belt and undid his jeans. A moment later, he was coming down on top of her.

  He ran his hands up her long legs and over her hips. His fingers curled into the silk panties at her hip, and he pulled them down and off. Coming back down on top of her, he kissed her long and deep as he spread her thighs apart and thrust into her.

  “Lord, Summer, you’re so tight. You feel so good, baby,” he whispered in her ear.

  She ran her hands up under his shirt, caressing his back.

  “Wrap your legs around me,” he ordered. She complied, and it deepened the pleasure for both of them. After a while, he rolled over and let her be on top. She sat on top of him, rocking sensually against him. She pulled the flannel shirt off, tossing it aside, and then she slowly pulled her tee over her head, dropping it in the straw. She heard him suck in his breath at the s
ight of her.

  “Fuck, baby. You’re so beautiful.” His hands came up and massaged her breasts.

  She reached down, closing her fists over the tails of his shirt and yanked his flannel shirt apart, the snaps popping open. Her hands ran up his abs to his pectoral muscles, her fingers running through the hair on his chest.

  Her touch drove him wild, and he reached up, pulling her down on top of him, needing to feel her bare breasts pressed against him. His hands stole up the soft, silky skin of her back. She kissed all along his neck as she rocked on top of him. Soon, he couldn’t take it anymore, and he rolled her onto her back, taking the aggressive role. He hooked his forearm under her knee and pulled up, tilting her hips up for a better angle and deeper penetration. He thrust into her over and over.

  His breathing labored, he rose up on his arms, dipping his head to see their connection, watching her body take him. “God, that’s sweet. I like watching the way you take me, baby.” He slid one palm down from her breastbone, over her belly, and down, touching her. “Come for me.” His eyes went back to hers as he brought her close again. “I want to watch it. I want to see your face.”

  She sucked in a deep breath. “Oh, God, don’t stop, honey. Please, don’t stop.”

  “I won’t, baby. I won’t.” She lifted her hips, surging against him, wanting more contact, needing it. He whispered in her ear, turning her on even more. “That’s it, baby. Take it. Reach for it. Find it. Yes. Fuck, I like feeling you go wild under me.”

  She held her breath, bucking under him, and then she went crashing over, her arms clinging tight to his shoulders and her thighs clenched around his hips.

  He heard her groan against the side of his neck. “I can’t hold back anymore,” he growled in her ear, as his body pounded into hers, and then his body went rigid, and he spilled into her. He collapsed on top of her, breathing heavily. He lay in her arms for a moment, then rose up and kissed her gently. “Did I hurt you, sweetheart?” he asked, concerned.

  She shook her head and pulled him down for another kiss.

  He rolled off her and gathered her in his arms, her head on his chest.

  She lay there, listening to his pounding heart slow down.

  “This meant something to me, Summer,” he murmured, turning her face to look up at him. “I mean it wasn’t just a roll in the hay…” He looked at where they were and smiled. “Well, it was, actually, but I don’t want you to think-”

  She reached up, pressing her finger to his lips, and smiled. “Shh. Just kiss me.”

  He complied.

  They lay there awhile, until he broke the silence. “Come inside. Come sleep in my bed, tonight.”

  “What if Jessie or Pop found out? We can’t,” she reasoned, shaking her head.

  “What if they did?” he challenged.

  “I, I just don’t want them thinking badly of me,” she explained softly.

  “Why would they do that?”

  “Steve, we’re not married. I shouldn’t be sleeping with you right under your daughter’s nose,” she argued. He grew silent, and she leaned up to look at him. He turned, his eyes coming to her. “You know I’m right.”

  His jaw clenched as he looked away. “It’s getting late. Come on, I need to get you back in your bed. Maybe you can still get a couple hours sleep before breakfast.” He stood up, reached down, and pulled her to her feet. They dressed silently, and he walked her back to the house. Opening the back door, he let her enter first, but stopped her in the mudroom and kissed her one more time. Pulling back, he murmured, “Goodnight, Summer.”

  “Goodnight,” she replied and then went upstairs.

  He sat down on a chair at the kitchen table and wondered if he’d just messed everything up.


  Steve finished his last bite of scrambled eggs, pushed his plate forward and took a sip of his coffee, leaning back in his chair. His eyes followed Summer as she moved around the kitchen, humming to a country song.

  He smiled, for once not having the heart to change the station from her music to the farm report. She looked happy. He liked her that way. She moved to pick up the skillet from the burner to carry it to the sink, and she glanced sideways at him, their eyes connecting. The corners of her mouth pulled up as she smiled a secret smile. His mouth pulled into a grin, and he winked at her over the rim of his coffee cup.

  She moved to the coffee maker and picked up the glass carafe. Crossing to him, she offered, “Would you like more?”

  He looked up at her, catching her double meaning, one hand holding out his mug, his other hand sliding up the back of her thigh, pulling her closer. “Oh, I definitely want more,” he replied.

  Cary watched the exchange from across the table. He hated to spoil the happy vibe these two had going, but the minute Jessie came down those stairs, Steve’s mood was going to take a turn for the worse. The only question was, was Jess going to have the guts to tell him, or was she going to force him to do it.

  Footsteps sounded on the stairs, and Cary glanced up at the clock. Well, she was coming down early, giving herself plenty of time. That was a good sign. At least she wasn’t trying to skate out at the last second, late for school.

  Jessie appeared in the archway, and Cary looked up at her. “Morning, Jessie.”

  She glanced nervously at him. “Good morning, Cary,” she said, and then her eyes swung to her father. “Daddy, can I talk to you?”

  Summer looked over at her from where she stood in front of Steve. “Are you hungry, Jessie?”

  “No thank you, Summer,” she replied.

  Steve looked up at his daughter, a smile on his face and answered her question. “Sure, princess. What is it?”

  Jessie held his eyes. “Could we talk outside?”

  Steve’s smile faded, his parental radar honing in. “Alright.”

  Summer stepped back, sensing trouble as well.

  Steve stood up.

  Cary’s eyes followed Jessie as she moved past him, and headed out the door, with her father behind her. The back door closed. Summer looked at Cary, questioningly. Cary blew out a breath, and stood up. They both moved to the kitchen sink, to watch out the window. Jessie was standing in front of her father, her head bowed. Steve’s head was dipped down, so he could hear her. She talked for a while, her words too soft-spoken to carry inside to them. Then they saw Steve straighten, and take a step back. His raised voice carried inside the house, “You what?”

  Summer looked at Cary. His eyes were focused completely on Jessie. She turned back to the window, hearing more of the conversation drifting through the glass.

  “Daddy, please.”

  “Obviously, I’ve been too easy on you. Given you too much freedom. Maybe I tried to make up for the fact that your mother was gone. I let you get away with too much. I’m done with that, Jessie. Do you understand? Done!”

  They watched Jessie nod and stare at the ground.

  “Look at me!”

  She looked up at her father.

  He pointed at her car. “You drive to school and back. That’s it. Other than that you’re on this land.” He pointed to the ground at his feet. “You don’t leave Garrett land unless one of us takes you.”

  “Daddy, you can’t take my car, please-”

  “I just did.”

  “Daddy, I said I was sorry-”

  “To school and home, Jess. That’s it. You hear me?”

  “Yes, Daddy.”

  He pointed toward the road. “Get to school.”

  Jessie ran to her car and pulled out.

  Summer looked up at Cary. “My God, what did she do?”

  Cary looked down at her, and then the back door opened and slammed shut. They both turned as Steve walked in. He moved to the table, picked up his coffee mug, and downed a swallow. Then he carried it to the sink and dumped the rest. “Let’s get to work, Cary.”

  Cary looked at Summer, and then walked toward the door. “Sure, boss.”

  Summer touched Steve on the arm. “Stev
e, is everything okay?”

  “Jessie is grounded. That’s all you need to know for now, okay?”

  She nodded. “Okay.”

  His hand slid to the back of her neck, his fingers gliding into her hair at the nape. He pulled her forward, and his mouth pressed a kiss to her forehead.

  Then Summer watched him walk out the door.


  That afternoon, Cary walked out of the barn with Pop. His eyes fell on Jessie, sitting on the back steps, her arms folded on her knees, her chin propped on her forearm, staring at the ground. He paused to pull his work gloves off and stuff them in his back pocket. “Hey, Pop?”

  Pop stopped and looked back at him. “Yeah?”

  “Think you and Steve can handle the milking tonight?” he asked, his eyes on Jessie.

  Pop followed the direction of his eyes, and looked over at Jessie, then back at Cary. “Sure, son. You go on.”

  Pop walked back into the barn.

  Cary walked over to Jessie. She didn’t look up, until there was a boot resting on the bottom step. Her eyes followed the length of his leg and looked up at him. “Home from school?”


  “I’m proud of you, Jess,” he stated.

  “For what?”

  “For coming clean.”

  She huffed out a breath. “Guess you’re happy. I’m grounded.”

  The corner of his mouth pulled up. “You’ll survive.”

  “I can’t leave Garrett land, except to go to school,” she whined. “My life might as well be over.”

  Cary laughed, shaking his head. “What a little drama queen you are. Your life is not over. He didn’t exactly confine you to your room, which I would have done, by the way.”

  She glared up at him. “Garrett land, big whoop.”

  “Let’s take a ride.”

  “I can’t leave the property. I just told you.”

  “Who said anything about leaving the property? Come on.” She got up and followed him. He led her inside the big shed and walked over to the ATV. He threw his leg over and turned the key. “Climb on.”


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