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Blackness Takes Over & Blackness Awaits

Page 18

by Karlsson, Norma Jeanne

  Taylor’s the only one waiting for me. Shit! So much for using the guys as a barrier.

  “The guys headed out to grab some Chinese,” Taylor informs me. I nod and move past him to the doors. “You okay, Shannon?” His tone is concerned. I don’t blame him because I’m acting weird. Thirty seconds in and I realize this plan isn’t going to work. I can’t keep him at bay when he’s around me all the time. It will be exhausting and stressful. I just have to maintain my own composure. No more heat and stomach flips.

  “Just worn out,” I huff. He puts his hand on the small of my back and directs me out the doors to Rodger and our waiting S-Class.

  “Good game, Shannon?” Rodger asks as he takes me from Taylor, leading me into the backseat.

  “Yeah, my team won!” I brag.

  “I never doubted that would be the case,” he says smiling as he shuts me in. I get the same feeling that I used to when Uncle Mick would congratulate me after I won a game. I glow a little at the feeling. Taylor and Rodger climb in front, in their typical synchronous fashion. A comfortable silence fills the car as we ride home.

  After pigging out on Chinese I roll myself into bed. This day has been exhausting and my long night of talking to Kel is catching up with me.

  Ring, ring.


  “Hey, Kiddo,” Kel purrs.

  “Hey,” I coo in return. Yeah, I want Kel.

  “How was the game?”

  “Good, I won of course.”

  “Of course.”

  “Hey!” I feign offense at his snarky retort.

  “Oh come on. You know I’m just givin’ you shit. Maybe next time you guys play I can join you. I’m sure havin’ an odd number made it less fun for you all.”

  “We weren’t odd numbers.”

  “Who played?”

  “The six of us.”


  “Me, Kavy, Sully, Cally, Finn, and Taylor,” I explain. Silence is the only thing that follows. “Kel? You still there?”

  “Uh huh,” he sounds distracted.

  “You okay?”

  “Yeah,” he says curtly.

  “You don’t sound okay.”

  “Not liking this,” he responds with a terse tone.

  “Huh?” I’m so lost.


  “Kel, you’re gonna have to speak in actual sentences if you want me to understand what the hell you’re saying.” I hear a woman’s voice in the background before it’s muffled by Kel covering up the phone. He says something to the person talking, but I can’t understand anything being said. I know he’s staying with friends so it could be anybody.

  “Hello?” I question, trying to bring his attention back to our discussion. I hear him end the conversation with whoever and move his hand.

  “Sorry ’bout that,” he apologizes.


  “I’m jealous,” he states matter-of-factly.

  “Of?” I stretch the word as long as it can go.

  “Taylor. He’s gettin’ the time with you that I want. He’s spendin’ every wakin’ moment with my girlfriend. I’ve never in my life been jealous and I’m not dealin’ well. Taylor’s just doin’ his job and you’re livin’ your life, tryin’ to be safe. I know this…but I’m still so jealous that I’m beyond a green eyed monster.”

  “That wasn’t so hard was it?” I ask softly, relieved by his honesty.


  “Talkin’ to me.”

  “Depends…are you pissed at me?”

  “No. We’re new and across the country from each other. This isn’t easy for me either. Honesty is the only way this will work. I don’t know how to make a relationship work necessarily, but the truth is the best place to start. Don’t you think?”


  “Taylor may want me, but I want you, Kel. That’s what matters. Focus on that until you’re back here with me. I’m yours,” I coo.

  “You’re mine,” Kel breathes, sounding relieved. “Okay, tell me about Butch.”

  We talk for a long while about Butch and Mia. It’s really nice to have someone to talk to that knew Mia before. He shares stories about her that set light to my heart. Kel’s just as confused about Butch as I am. He says that’s how Butch always was with Mia, but obviously that changed when he attacked her. I hate that I can’t figure out his play. Only time will tell as his case moves forward. Kel doesn’t bring up Taylor or our relationship again as we talk. I think we both feel better about where we stand and how we’re moving forward together. I’ve never been “together” before. It brings me such comfort and peace, that I fall into an easy sleep; cuddling Kel’s pillow to my face, breathing him in.

  November 2, 2013

  It’s Kavy’s birthday and we’re having a party at Flannery’s. His whole family, Sully’s brothers, and Aidan are all flying in early this morning. Kel gets back today too, but later in the afternoon, so I won’t see him until the after festivities begin. I’m so excited to see everyone that I started bouncing off the walls yesterday. Kavy slept in bed with me last night; I had missed his giant smelly ass. Even though I’m with Kel, my boys will always keep their places in my life. I may not be able to sleep with Kavy all the time, but his arms were the first in my life to comfort me. It’s his birthday, but waking up in his arms is my gift this morning.

  The alarm goes off and I leap out of bed. I’m not a morning person but I love holidays. I dive on top of Kavy and start singing “Happy Birthday” the Marilyn Monroe version which wakes him up and makes him laugh. I make quick work of my shower and dress in jeans and a dark blue cable-knit sweater. We’re out the door in twenty minutes flat. We rock!

  Taylor’s with us. He drives Cally’s SUV with me in it, and Kavy drives his. We’re picking up a lot of people, my people. There are glass walls at KCI so you can see everyone coming off the plane. Waiting outside the glass, I see the Kavanagh twins Ryan and Adam first. I squeal like a five-year-old. I haven’t seen them since my birthday in September…too long!

  They come out of the gate area and I attack them, grabbing them both around their necks. They laugh and hug me back. I feel a tap on my shoulder, and see the O’Sullivan boys, Hugh and Collin. I spin around and give them the same two for one hug. Once I let go of them I see Aidan and Pop (Kavy’s dad) waiting their turn with me. I grab Aidan around his neck and he kisses my cheek. I spin to Pop and he wraps me in a big bear hug. I’m close to every one of them like family…not like family, they are my family. Pop, Pappy (Sully Sr.), and Doc (Cally’s dad) are my dads and Ma (Sully’s mom) and Ma (Cally’s stepmom) are my mothers. The five of them together are the perfect parents providing love, support, protection, and affection. The boys are my nine fiercely protective brothers. I love them all so completely it’s difficult to imagine a normal scenario anymore.

  “How ya doin’, Kid?” Pop mumbles in my hair after kissing the top of my head. Pop’s a good looking man. His hair is salt and peppered, his face creased with the perfect amount of wrinkles, his blue eyes have the twinkle of a twenty-year-old, and his body is still broad and solid. Kavy, Ryan, and Adam will still look amazing in their seventies with Pop’s genes.

  “I’m good, Pop. How was your flight?” I pull back looking at the missing pieces of my family. Everyone murmurs some version of good. Hugh and Collin are eyeing Taylor which reminds me they don’t know who he is.

  “Gentleman,” I call attention, “this is Taylor.” I motion at him. “My bodyguard.” They had all been filled in by me or their brothers so they aren’t shocked to have me introduce my bodyguard to them. I think they didn’t expect a hot one. Men!

  Pop sticks his hand out. He’ll be the voice of the group. “It’s a pleasure to meet you, Taylor. We’re depending on you to keep Shannon safe.” So protective. Taylor gives a firm couple of shakes.

  “Nice to meet you too, sir,” he nods at the group. “Gentleman, it’s my pleasure to keep her safe.” WHAT?! That was weird. Aidan chuckles and I elbow him. I didn�
��t grow up with siblings, but Aidan is my baby brother (who’s a giant 6’8”). He wraps his arm around my shoulders and we all set off to the cars; Taylor, Hugh, Collin, Aidan, and me in one car, Kavy, Pop, Adam, and Ryan in the other.

  We talk and laugh the whole way home. There’s nothing better than all of us being together. Once we get back to our house it’s a free-for-all. Boys everywhere bellowing, laughing, joking, shit giving…the house is full of life. The boys are staying out in the pool house. It’s set up like a bunk room with six beds, a kitchenette, and bathroom. That’s where they always stay. Pop is in the guest room, Finn’s old room. While they’re all catching up I make a huge brunch: spinach and feta quiche, French toast, bacon, pastries from McLain’s, coffee and fresh squeezed orange juice. We have to eat in the formal dining room to fit everyone at the table. Groans and moans of happiness are music to my ears as my family fills their bellies.

  “Kid,” Pop coos at me, “you’ve outdone yourself here,” stuffing a fork full of French toast in his mouth.

  “Thanks, Pop,” I beam at him. “So birthday boy, what’re we doin’ this afternoon?”

  “We were talkin’ about playin’ football,” Sully pipes in.

  “Old against young. O’Sullivan, Callaghan, Finn, you and me against them.” Kavy motions at his younger counterparts. “Pop’ll ref. You up for it, Kid?” he wiggles his eyebrows at me.

  “Oh it’s on…and thanks for puttin’ me on the old team. They’re older than me,” I motion to the “young ones”. The joy of me graduating two years early is that Ryan, Adam, Collin, and Hugh are all older than me, even though they were behind me in school. So not only am I the only girl in our family, but I’m almost the youngest with just Aidan trailing me. Protective older brothers doesn’t begin to describe what I have going on.

  “And I look better than all of you,” I snark!

  “No one is arguing that, Kid,” Ryan chuckles at me. I shoo the air at him and we all make our way to our rooms to get ready for football. Taylor stops me before I enter my room.

  “Is your hand okay to play, Shannon?” He pulls my hand up and runs his finger across my healing knuckles. It’s affectionate and sweet. I shouldn’t let him touch me like this, but his attention makes my first reaction to pull away fade. We’ve developed a close friendship in the last few weeks. He’s been so supportive and caring, while intensely guarding me. It was only natural to develop a friendship. After that talk with Kel, about him being jealous, I’ve been careful with how close I allow Taylor to get to me…emotionally and physically. It hasn’t been as hard as I thought it would be. We work out in the mornings together, go to work, come home, and go to bed. He’s really just like having one of the boys around.

  Kel and I are doing extremely well. I’m shocked at how easy our relationship is. We talk all the time and get closer every day. He hasn’t shown any signs of jealousy and I don’t feel like I have to hide anything from him. I’m honest and so is he. I can’t wait to see him today!!

  “I’m good. It’s just touch football. They won’t hurt me.” I look into his eyes and he’s staring at me with emotion, concern. He’s still holding and caressing my hand when I hear a throat clear. I look to my right and see Pop watching us. I pull my hand away from Taylor’s like it’s on fire.

  “Everything all right, Kid?” He’s studying Taylor hard but talking softly to me.

  “Yeah, Taylor was just checkin’ my hand. Making sure I can play with the boys,” I say a little too bubbly. I feel like my dad just caught me making out with my teenage boyfriend and I’m in trouble.

  “Why don’t you have Aidan look at it before you go out? Just to be sure,” he instructs in a parental tone. I am in trouble.

  “’Kay. See ya in a few.” I slip into my room and listen for any warnings or smack downs…but it’s silent.

  Smashed into my Under Armour long pants and long sleeve shirt, I head out to the backyard. We have a good flat acre that makes it fun to play on. The ground has been freezing for a week so it’s not muddy. I’m ready to get my game on.

  Aidan comes up to me briskly. “Let me see your hand,” he commands. Touchy around here this morning. I pull my glove off and he inspects it. Aidan is a resident in trauma surgery. He’s a great doctor, thorough and brilliant just like his dad. “Why didn’t you tell me about this when we talked this week or last?” He lets go of my hand and grabs my chin forcing me to look him in the eye.

  “I didn’t want you to worry. It’s not a big deal,” I huff. I just got shit back to normal. I don’t want to deal with the crazy protectiveness again.

  “Well it’s healed nicely. Keep your gloves on and if you hurt it again, just stop playing and your stalker can take your place.”

  “My what?”

  “Your stalker.” He motions his head toward Taylor.

  “It’s not stalking if I pay him to follow me around, Aidan.” I push his chest and snicker.

  “No, it’s not. But he doesn’t want to just guard your body, if ya know what I mean.” The famous Callaghan eyebrow wiggle in effect. I roll my eyes and elbow him in the ribs.

  “I’m just callin’ ’em like I see ’em.” He shakes his head and we walk off to play some football.

  The old team beats the young team. Imagine that! After we play and get cleaned up, we enjoy a little poker and college basketball. Kavy’s birthday is shaping up quite nicely. While we were playing football, Kel texted me he was delayed out of Seattle for weather and wouldn’t make it to dinner. Sad face for two seconds, and then brushed it off, he’ll be here soon. Kavy wanted Capital Grille so that’s what he’s getting. We reserved a private room so we can be the loud, annoying group we are without disturbing an entire restaurant.

  “Whatcha wearin’ tonight, Kid,” Kavy asks as I head toward the stairs to start getting ready. Everyone in the room is staring at us because that is a question I’m sure no one has ever heard Kavy utter. I know what he means though.

  “A parka,” I sneer at him.

  Cally pipes in with an explanation for the group that’s still struggling with our back and forth, “Kid wore a dress a couple weeks ago that caused quite the scene.” Some of them nod, others shake their heads. Taylor is just staring at me and Aidan is staring at him.

  “No more dresses,” I throw up three fingers, “scouts honor.”

  “Aw come on Kid,” Kavy whines, “wear something pretty for my birthday, a present for me.” He winks.

  “I didn’t think you or your cohorts approved of my wardrobe choice last time.”

  “We approved,” Sully butts in, “we just, uh, well, we were, uh, you know,” he stutters.

  “Articulate, Sully. And no, I don’t know.”

  “Shocked,” Finn chimes in, “we were just…shocked at how stunning you were. We had taken for granted the jeans and T-shirt Kid we’re used to.” He smiles and Callaghan brow wiggles at me.

  “I wanna see you in a dress,” Hugh whines.

  “Me too,” Ryan and Adam chime in unison like the twins they are. I look around and everyone is nodding and smiling, like I’m offering to bake them a cake or something.

  “I’d love to help you all out, but as you mentioned I’m a jeans and T-shirt kinda gal. I don’t have a dress to wear and the one from last time is, uh, ruined.” I threw it out actually. It served its purpose, I guess, but I didn’t feel like wearing it again.

  “Here,” Kavy throws his wallet at me, “go buy one.” I roll my eyes and throw the wallet back at him.

  “It’s not a present for you if you buy it Kavy.” I shake my head. “Is this really what you want for your birthday? Me in a dress?” I can’t believe him.

  “Yup,” he pops his p at me. I huff and turn on my heel toward the garage.

  “Come on Taylor. You get to go shopping.” I do jazz hands. I’m not really a fan of shopping. It’s something I do out of necessity, not pleasure. But I’d do anything to make Kavy’s birthday a good one.

  “Help us out, Taylor,” Sully yells. �
�Make sure she doesn’t buy a moo-moo.”

  “I’ll see what I can do,” Taylor chuckles. He gets along with the guys really well. They’ve all been hanging out, watching sports, and working out together. True male bonding. The boys have watched how intently Taylor attends to me and that’s won him huge brownie points. He also just fits in with us really well. He has the same sense of humor, witty and sharp. He enjoys the same things we do and he’s a good guy. If he wasn’t working for me, he’d still be someone we’d hang out with. Now he gets to include shopping with me onto his list of duties. Lucky him!

  I race to The Country Club Plaza to find a dress, deciding to go to BCBGMAXAZRIA, it seems like the best last minute choice. I grab a sales girl and tell her I have maybe a half hour to pick, try, and buy. She gets to work and has me in a fitting room in no time. The first two dresses are more for work than play, so I rule them out without trying them on. The next dress is a flirty skater dress. I come out and do a twirl for Taylor. He smiles and says it’s nice. It is nice, but that’s it. The next one is a little racier, it has a cutout detail all the way down the side and it’s really short. Taylor says wow to that one. I don’t have shoes though so I rule it out on my own. The last dress is risky. It’s sleeveless with a high back, thick straps, a V-neck front, and falls just above the knees. The risqué part is the sides are open with a few bands holding the front to the back. It frames my tattoo perfectly! When I step out of the fitting room I know this is the dress. Taylor’s breath hitches while he just nods. I’m sold. It’s black too so shoes aren’t a problem. Out the door we go.

  I have an hour to get ready once we’re back from dress shopping. Kel texted while I was trying dresses on that he was finally taking off from Seattle and should land around 8:00 p.m. We’re planning on getting to Flannery’s around 10:00 p.m. so he’ll meet us there. I also plan to keep my dress a secret and wear a cardigan over it until we get to Flannery’s.

  Dinner is fantastic and my dress is well received, although I could sense some disappointment from the group at the apparent demureness of it. Suckers! We finish up the meal with gifts. Kavy gets mostly whiskey and gift cards from his brothers and friends. They are guys after all, not a lot of thought put in, but a little effort made. Pop got him a Blackhawks executive suite for the end of December when we’ll be home for Christmas. It’s really a gift for all of us! Now it’s my turn. I hand Kavy the wrapped box…there’s an idea. He tears at it like a child would, that’s Kavy thirty-two going on six. When he opens the box he gasps and shoots his eyes to mine.


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