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Too Big Taboo Bundle: Naughty Brats, Forbidden First Time, Man of the House

Page 5

by Veronica Vaughn

  “Yes, sir,” I beamed.

  “I’ll teach you to run away from home.”

  Mason seized me and threw me over his knee. His open palm came down hard on my bare ass, the loud “thwack” echoing across the bedroom as he spanked me.

  “This is for running away,” he said, his hand striking my bottom again. The surge of pain ricocheted from the red mark he left on my skin.

  “This is for your sass,” he smacked me harder and I gasped out loud, my flailing body still draped over his knee. The pain felt so good, and I was getting so riled up.

  “And this is for being especially naughty and seducing your own stepfather,” he smirked.

  I felt his palm and each of his five rough fingertips come down on my ass, the surge of pain and pleasure. My mind was racing and my body was wholly and entirely his to do with as he pleased. My passion was building so fast I thought I was about to explode.

  Mason ran his hands over the red marks on my ass, cradling the curve of my butt, sliding back. My breaths were short and ragged, the intensity of his spanking still occupying my only thought.

  His fingers found my slit. I was already dripping wet and still draped over his knee. Mason stroked my mound, his fingers exploring inside me. When he touched my clit the orgasm erupted, my body shuddering as I moaned.

  Mason smacked my ass and I screamed.

  “Fuck me,” I moaned. “Oh, my God, fuck me now.”

  Mason smacked my ass again. “You don’t tell me what to do,” he said. “Ask me nicely.”

  “Please,” I begged. “Please, oh God, please. Fuck me now!”

  Mason tossed me onto the bed. Before I even knew what was happening I was on my knees and my face was being driven into Mason’s pillow. My ass was in the air and I felt the rock-hard tip of Mason’s cock rubbing against my folds, searching for entry. My pussy was dripping wet, soaking his dick. He worked himself past the outer lips of my pussy and pressed hard against my inner slit, trying to push through.

  “It’s too big,” I screamed. “It won’t fit.”

  “Oh, it will fit,” he smirked. “I’ll make it fit.”

  My back arched and Mason thrust viciously inside me, stretching me open, ripping me apart. My vision went blurry as I cried into his pillow. My body was erupting in pain and pleasure, and my hands frantically reached for something, anything, to grab hold of.

  After his initial fury to get inside my pussy, Mason became more gentle, slowly drawing his cock in and out, in and out. I liked having his rigid cock stuffed inside me, filling my tight pussy. The pain diminished and was replaced by a feeling of fullness. Now that he was inside of me I never wanted to let go of him.

  Without even realizing it, I sighed and moaned as Mason pushed deeper into my cunt, filling me with every inch of his stiffness. When Mason reached down and rubbed my clit, it felt like every nerve in my body was surging toward my firm little nub, then ricocheting back through my entire being.

  Wait, Mason’s not wearing a condom. I’m not on birth control. I’m being fucked by my stepdad and neither of us is using protection. What if he got me pregnant? What if I had his baby?

  Mason began to fuck me harder, driving deeper than I thought possible.

  Oh my god, this is amazing. I can’t stop now. I never want this to stop.

  I moaned and let my ass grind into his crotch, accepting as much of Mason as I possibly could. Mason groaned, smashing me into the bed, and I felt the next orgasm coming. My head was spinning, and all my muscles tightened. My thighs quivered and my pussy pulsated, massaging Mason’s cock as he plunged into me.

  I howled as the orgasm rocked my body, and Mason let out a loud growl as his cock erupted in my cunt. I felt his seed spraying the walls of my pussy, giving me what I needed.

  Mason slumped over my back, letting his swollen dick linger inside of me for a moment. Then he pulled out and I could feel the hot wet cum dripping out of me, running down my thigh. It made me smile. I was satisfied and exhausted, and I fell onto the bed as Mason crawled beside me, wrapping his arms around mine and nuzzling my ear with his lips.

  “I had no idea how badly I wanted that,” he said.

  “I’ve wanted it all my life,” I admitted. “I’ve always loved you.”

  “I love you too, Chloe,” he assured me. “More than anything.”

  I felt safe and happy with his arms around me. Soon we drifted off to sleep in his bed. In the morning, we made love again.


  The next two months flew by like a whirlwind. Life seemed to slow down only when Mason was working a shift at the station. He’d come home after a long day or night and tell me about the fires he’d put out, the lives he and his fellow firefighters had saved.

  In early August, Mason took me out to dinner one Friday night at a patio restaurant on the other side of town. The weather had been hot all day, but now a cool breeze was blowing in.

  Mason noticed me shivering and he immediately stood up and draped his blazer over my bare shoulders.

  “Thank you, sir,” I smiled.

  Instead of returning to his chair, Mason suddenly dropped to one knee. His eyes were on fire with passion. I started crying when I realized what was happening. He reached into the pocket of the blazer that was draped on my shoulders and presented me with a small velvety box containing the most beautiful diamond ring I had ever seen.

  “Will you marry me, Chloe?” he asked.

  “Yes,” I said, tears of joy streaming down my face. “Yes, of course.”

  I started laughing. My giggles caught Mason off guard.

  “What’s so funny?” he asked.

  “It’s just that I had something important to tell you tonight, too,” I replied, trying to stifle my uncontainable smile.

  “You’re going to be a daddy!”

  I watched Mason’s eyes as they flashed from puzzlement to surprise to pure elation. He began to laugh, too, and he grabbed me from my seat, lifted me in the air and held me tight to his chest, swinging me around and around. The other restaurant patrons were all staring, but we paid them no mind at all.

  Mason and I were madly in love. We were getting married, and I was going to be a mommy. As we ate our fancy dinner, I couldn’t wait to be alone with my fireman so we could celebrate together, in the privacy of our own home. There are just some fires you can’t put out.

  The Alpha Billionaire’s Tight Little Brat

  Ava is a sweet and innocent little lady. It’s been two years since she last saw Trenton Paine, the brilliant scientist who raised her.

  Trent’s latest invention turned him into an overnight billionaire. Now Ava is being summoned to Trent’s mansion, where she will live with him again. Ava always harbored a secret, forbidden desire for Trent. Those familiar feelings are stirring again, but something about Trent has changed. Trent’s riches have transformed him into the kind of man who takes what he wants, when he wants it.

  Ava prays her relationship with Trent will survive his ferocious alpha appetites. But Ava must decide how far she is willing to go for true love—even if it means total submission, and giving Trent the heir he demands.


  He has me right where he wants me.

  Lying in the dark, on the silky sheets of his bed, I feel the coarse fibers of the knotted rope digging into my wrists. My hands are bound, my fingers clasped together. I feel like a sinner begging for mercy, ready and willing to submit to my fate.

  In the shadows I can see the fullness of my breasts. They heave and fall with every shallow breath that passes between my lips. Mingled feelings of fear and arousal surge through my body, my nipples so tight they almost hurt, pointing toward the mirror on the ceiling. In a million years, I never would have thought my first time would be like this.

  This is what you wanted, I remind myself. You asked for this.

  The door opens. A sliver of light widens across my naked body. As my eyes adjust to the glare, I see the chiseled form of a man standing in the doorway. I s
ee wide shoulders and a broad chest, those delicious abs tapering downward to his narrow hips and muscular thighs.

  I would recognize that body anywhere. His body.

  The billionaire.

  The man who raised me.


  I saw the magazine before Mom did. It was right there between Us Weekly and People. My jaw dropped wide open.

  “Mom,” I muttered, at a loss for words. “Mom,” I repeated, more insistently this time. “Mom!”

  My mother and I were not exactly on speaking terms at the moment. Our latest argument had erupted in the cereal aisle of the local grocery store. We couldn’t agree whether to buy Cheerio’s and Raisin Bran. She knew how much I hated raisins. The next thing I knew, we were shouting at each other.

  Now Mom was angrily unloading the shopping cart. Vegetables and frozen dinners were piling onto the checkout counter much more quickly than the grocery store clerk could scan them.

  “Mother. Please, look.”

  Annoyance flashing in her eyes, she glanced up from a handful of ripe tomatoes. Then she saw the magazine. Her eyes widened, and the tomatoes tumbled from her fingers. She stumbled backward, nearly toppling the candy shelf behind her.

  “No,” she gasped. “It can’t be. Can it?”

  On the cover of Us Weekly, one of the Kardashians was striking a seductive pose, and Kate Middleton was flashing her pearly whites on the cover of People. Between them, on the front of Time Magazine, was a face I recognized all too well.

  It was Trent, my mom’s ex.

  As in my stepdad. I guess I should say my ex-stepdad.

  Mom divorced him a couple of years ago when I was sixteen. A dashing, Harvard-trained nanobiologist, Trent had plenty of smarts, and God knows he wasn’t hurting in the looks department. But he was a failed inventor. Despite his tenacity and long hours in the lab, none of his earth-shattering schemes had ever panned out.

  Mom had done everything in her power to convince him to give up the dream and go find a real job. After one too many flops, she cut the cord on their marriage and left him practically penniless. She got the house and the car. And me, of course. Trent got his stack of worthless patents.

  I stared at the magazine cover. It was the last place I expected to see the man I used to call my dad. As handsome as ever, with those icy blue eyes and rugged jawline, I noticed that Trent hadn’t bothered to shave for the photo shoot. A half smile, half smirk crossed his full lips. The same lips I had fantasized about kissing when I was a little girl, when I sat on my bedroom floor and practiced with my boy doll, Eugene.

  I read the words below Trent’s face and could not believe my eyes. “Trenton Paine,” it read in big bold letters. “The Overnight Billionaire.”

  What. The. Hell.

  Mom snatched the magazine and greedily flipped through the pages, searching for information about her ex’s sudden success. I watched the stages of emotion work across her face, from shock to grief to outrage, then back to shock as the realization set firmly in place that she had thrown away her chance at vast riches.

  “I would have been a billionaire,” she mumbled, in a daze.

  “Karma sucks sometimes,” I said, needling her.

  “Watch your mouth, Ava,” my mother snapped. “That’s enough out of you.”

  “I’m just saying …”

  “I said that’s enough! You know what? I don’t even want to look at you right now. Go wait in the car.”

  I gritted my teeth and groaned in frustration, but I took the car keys. Mom and I had been fighting a lot. I was eighteen now, and she refused to acknowledge that I was a full-fledged grown-up. It made her feel old to be the mother of an adult daughter. I stormed out of the grocery store, my oversized purse slapping at my hip. As I rushed through the parking lot, a gangly bag boy whistled at me. He grinned and looked me up and down, enjoying the view of my full-figured curves.

  I narrowed my eyes, flashing a go-fuck-yourself look that scared the bag boy right back into the store.

  She’s such a bitch, I fumed to myself. It’s not my fault she ran off her husband and now she’s paying the consequences. The more I thought about it the more I seethed with resentment. I can’t wait to get out from under her roof.

  I sat in the front passenger seat and didn’t lift a finger to help Mom load the grocery bags in the trunk. She didn’t even look in my direction on the drive home, muttering to herself about her burdens and the unfairness of life. I rolled my eyes when she grumbled that Trent had abandoned her, when we both knew good and well that she was the one who had left him. Trent hadn’t wanted the divorce.

  Sitting in the car, alone with Mom, I remembered life with Trent. I’m not saying he was the best dad ever. He was strict and usually preoccupied by work. His demeanor could swing from warm to chilly without warning. But I could hardly remember my real dad, and Trent was the closest thing to a father that I had.

  Oh, well. Now that I was on my way to college, I didn’t need a dad anymore.

  When Mom pulled up in our garage, I jumped from the car and hurried to my room and slammed the door. Needing to get away from my mom, I texted my boyfriend Nate to come pick me up. I heard his car engine rumbling in the driveway before I got his text, and I made a dash for the front door.

  “Where do you think you’re going?” Mom shouted, but I was out the door before she could stop me.


  Nate took me to a party in the suburbs, where everyone was listening to hip hop and drinking stale beer. I was still fuming about my spat with Mom.

  “She’s so unreasonable,” I complained.

  “Forget about your mom for half a minute,” Nate said as he placed a hand on my thigh. “We’re all having fun here except for you.”

  What did he know? I was so worked up, I couldn’t let it go. I kept thinking about the arguments Mom and I kept having, which seemed to be flaring up all the time these days. We had been on our own since she left Trent. You’d think that would have drawn us closer, two single women trying to get by, but the opposite was true. She assumed she’d meet another man. There was never a shortage of eligible bachelors when Mom was younger, but Mom had really let herself go in the years she was married to Trent. The experience had left her bitter.

  “The good men are all taken,” she was always grumbling.

  I really didn’t feel like being at this party. I watched two drunk girls who were giggling and sloshing beer on the living room carpet. They were very pretty, with their flat tummies and little butts. Seeing them made me feel self-conscious about my own ample curves. I was the girl who developed huge boobs way too early, like fifth grade, and had always been bigger than the other kids in my class.

  I turned to Nate, who was sitting quietly beside me on the couch. To my indignation, I realized he was staring at the thin girls, too. One of them drunkenly stumbled, then caught herself before falling over. Beer sloshed everywhere. She giggled, and a dopy grin spread across Nate’s face.

  “I want you to take me home now,” I said.

  “Now?” Nate replied with surprise. “But we haven’t floated the keg.”

  “I’m just ready to go home,” I said.

  “Whatever,” he shrugged.

  We didn’t talk for most of the drive home. It was well after midnight, and the streets were dark. “Why are you being so quiet?” Nate asked, finally breaking the silence.

  “You were looking at those girls,” I accused.

  “What girls?” Nate asked, playing dumb.

  “Those skinny bitches at the party. You were practically drooling over them.”

  “You’re crazy,” Nate said. “I was just laughing at them for being so dumb and wasted. You know I only have eyes for your sexy ass.”

  I knew he was just placating me, but I appreciated the compliment. He was a nice boy, for the most part. Handsome in a generic way, and a bit too skinny. Sometimes I felt self-conscious walking with him in public because I was a little bigger around than him. Kissing him was okay. His
mouth tasted nice because he was always chewing minty gum. But I was never sure he was doing it right. His mouth felt like a vacuum cleaner on my lips. Then, when he tried to grab my boobs, he’d forget to kiss and our mouths would be jammed together, not moving, like two suction cups you can’t get unstuck.

  But Nate was the only boy who had ever shown any interest in me, and I appreciated him for that. Soon I’d be ready to go all the way with him.

  Nate pulled up in front of my house. It was your average three-bed, two-bath number in a nondescript neighborhood. All the lights were off, so I was confident that Mom was sleeping. Nate turned off the car engine and leaned in, his eyes closed and lips puckered. I put a hand on his chest to keep his lips from locking with mine.


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