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Too Big Taboo Bundle: Naughty Brats, Forbidden First Time, Man of the House

Page 27

by Veronica Vaughn

  To my surprise, she whistled at my reflection

  “Damn, Lily, where’ve you been hiding those curves?” she exclaimed.

  Her stare made me uncomfortable. I blushed.

  “Knock it off,” I whispered through my teeth, grabbing the first dress I could reach and practically yanking it over my head to cover my body. It was a tiny black dress and it barely fit. I got so tangled I nearly tripped and fell in the tiny dressing room. Clumsy old Lily.

  Clarissa was nodding with approval when my head reached the neck hole. When I turned to look in the mirror I was horrified. The dress barely covered my ass! But it hugged my body like a glove and made me look hotter than I had any right to. Still, this was WAY too revealing.

  “No way,” I said, watching Clarissa’s grin widen. “I look like a slut.”

  “I know it,” Clarissa nodded. “That’s the one.”


  Dad was working on his motorcycle when Clarissa and I drove up. I don’t know anything about motorcycles, but this one is older than I am. Dad already owned it when he and Mom started dating. It’s one of my earliest memories, the roar of the engine and my little arms holding onto him for dear life as he drove me around the neighborhood. He always made me feel so safe.

  That was long before Mom died. These days, Dad spends more time cleaning and tinkering on his Hog than he does riding the stupid thing.

  When Dad heard me and Clarissa pull into the driveway he sat up and wiped his brow and quickly pulled a white T-shirt over his muscular frame. Clarissa purred from the driver’s seat.

  “Mr. B is so fucking hot,” Clarissa said. “Swear to God, I’d take him for a ride anytime. Then I’d beg for more.”

  “Shut up,” I snapped. “That’s my dad your talking about.”

  “Ooh, touchy subject.” Clarissa raised her eyebrow. “Just sayin’, it must be torture sharing a roof with the most eligible bachelor in Santa Fe. You must be wet all the time.”

  “That’s disgusting,” I groaned.

  “Fine, be that way. But don’t be mad when I’m sucking your daddy’s cock in about five minutes. You can watch if you want.”

  I rolled my eyes. Clarissa was all talk. Sometimes I wonder why we even spend time together. She is a real piece of work.

  Clarissa jumped out of the car and pranced over to the garage. I chased after her, feeling angry and flustered. Clarissa tried to make small talk and was practically waving her tits in Dad’s face. It was embarrassing to watch, to be honest. I could tell Dad noticed her attention, but he didn’t seem to enjoy it any more than I did. He averted her gaze and turned his blue eyes to me.

  “Lily,” he said. “You’re really not coming to your own birthday party tonight? What do you want me to tell Grandma and Grandpa?”

  He was sweaty and his white T-shirt clung to his chest and biceps. Why did his tattered blue jeans have to fit him so perfectly? It made me think things I shouldn’t. Clarissa was standing behind him, just out of his field of vision, and pretending like she was sucking a dick. Very mature.

  “Tell them the truth,” I sputtered. “It’s my eighteenth birthday and I already have plans. I don’t know why you have to get together today of all days. Why not tomorrow or anytime this summer?”

  “Because we made reservations,” he said, sounding a little hurt.

  “Well, it’s not my fault you didn’t check with me first,” I fumed.

  I don’t know why I’ve been so mean to Daddy lately. I know he loves me, but my feelings have been a complete jumble.

  I stormed through the garage to the door to our house. Clarissa chased after me. I heard her flirting with Dad even as she was following me through the door and into the washroom beside the kitchen. It was so annoying to hear her talk to him like that, as if she was on his level.

  Dad could have any woman he desired, but to my knowledge he had not been on a single date in the six years since Mom died. When people asked him about moving on, he always said he was focused on raising me first. But now I was eighteen. I didn’t know what the future held for us, whether our relationship would change once I started college and whether there would be a new woman in his life. He deserved to be happy, but I didn’t have to love the idea of it, did I?

  Maybe things were already changing between us. I had not exactly been daddy’s little angel during my senior year of high school. No, I wasn’t sleeping around, but I was always ready to snap at the smallest sign of conflict. I should have behaved more respectfully. I knew I was in the wrong, but I couldn’t help my rebellious streak.

  “Your dad has the most beautiful eyes,” Clarissa said.

  “Zip it.”

  “And that smile,” she said dreamily.


  “I bet he’s got a big, fat cock, too,” Clarissa grinned.

  I shut my eyes, clamped my hands over my ears and let my voice drown out anything else my best friend had to say about my dad’s anatomy.


  Clarissa and I were standing in front of the mirror in my bathroom upstairs. She had talked me through all my misgivings about wearing such a slutty dress, and we were putting on makeup for our night out. The conversation eventually turned to the boys in our class. Doesn’t it always?

  “Seriously, though,” Clarissa said. “Why haven’t you ever dated any of the guys from school?”

  “They’re all so immature, you know?” I replied. “I’m just not interested in guys who can’t even carry on a conversation.”

  “An older man, then,” Clarissa said.

  My face flushed red. Clarissa noticed my embarrassment and burst out laughing.

  “You little tramp,” she teased. “You need a man with experience, then. Since you have no interest in the super-sexy man downstairs, I know just where to find your very own Mr. Right Now.”

  I was highly skeptical, to say the least. “Oh really, Miss Know-it-all. OK, I’ll bite. Where would I meet such a man?”

  “The Palace, of course!” Clarissa said confidently.

  “A casino?”

  “Sure, why not?” she answered. “As of today you’re a legal adult, which means you can legally gamble. And only the highest rollers play at the Palace, not the little-boy pretenders we’d meet at any old club. Plus there’s a dance floor, and the bartenders don’t check ID. Prince Charming will be sweeping you off your feet in no time.”

  “Wow, what a stellar idea,” I deadpanned. “Really, a genius plan, Clarissa. One thing, though. Don’t you need a lot of money for the Palace’s security guards to even let you in the door?”

  Clarissa smiled slyly. “Way ahead of you, Lily,” she said. “All I need is for you to open your dad’s safe.”

  “You must be joking,” I said.

  “Come on! We both know about the stash. There’s no need to pretend that it isn’t there, just waiting to be used.”

  “That’s my college money and you know it,” I said. “No way. Absolutely not. Dad’s taking the cash to the bank any day now, and he expressly forbade me from touching it before then. He’s going to demand that every last dime is accounted for.”

  Clarissa pouted. “I’m not saying we spend it all! But they won’t even let us in the casino if we aren’t flashing any cash! Anyway, it’s your money. Your mom left it for you. Now you’re an adult and you should be able to use it any way you like. And tomorrow we put it right back where we found it, no damage done.”

  My eyebrow raised at the prospect. Could I really get away with it? If the money was just a prop to get us in the door, then I didn’t really have anything to lose. I reluctantly agreed. Clarissa’s eyes lit up with excitement.

  “Tonight is going to be a night you’ll never forget! Now, let’s go open that safe!”

  See what I mean about that rebellious streak of mine?


  Spare me the lecture. I know it was a stupid idea, and I know I shouldn’t have let Clarissa talk me into it. But I did, and there’s nothing I
can do about that now.

  We opened the safe and grabbed the money—my money. Clarissa and I pulled sweaters over our skimpy dresses to not raise any eyebrows. We made a beeline for Clarissa’s car, not even bothering to say goodbye to Dad.

  I was so nervous, but would it be bad to admit I was excited, too? I am 18, after all! Don’t all young adults do crazy things? Call it a rite of passage.

  The casino was huge and more elaborate than a cathedral. Marble everywhere. Picture men in tuxedos and women in gowns that cost more than my car. It felt like I was in the movies. My head was spinning amid the whir of voices and laughter and all the commotion.

  “I … I’ve never seen anything like it,” I finally sputtered.

  Clarissa giggled and grabbed my hand. I let her guide me to a booth where a man in a bow-tie exchanged our cash for a bucket filled with colorful tokens. He smiled haughtily as he handed over the chips.

  “Enjoy yourselves, ladies,” he sniffed.

  We took the tokens and made our way through the sea of people, all playing poker or blackjack and other games that I didn’t recognize. Some guy jostled me and I spun around quickly, hoping to see my future Romeo. Wrong. It was just some lecherous old man practically eye-fucking me.

  “You workin’ tonight, baby?” The guy was clearly leering at my boobs. He ran his tongue over his lips, spittle collecting in the corners of his mouth. His breath smelled like garbage.

  “Back off, creep,” I said.

  “Don’t be like that, baby,” he countered. “I just want to play …”

  I broke free from the lecherous man and ran after Clarissa, which was more than a little difficult in heels. Everywhere I turned, it seemed there was some other threatening man staring at me. I felt more self-conscious than ever in a tiny dress that I wouldn’t have been caught dead in, if I hadn’t let Clarissa talk me into wearing it. I wanted to disappear. For some reason I couldn’t stop thinking about my dad. I wanted to find Clarissa and get out of there and apologize to him. This evening was turning out to be a disaster.

  Clarissa was at a fancy wooden table crowded with people. I pressed against her.

  “Where were you?” she asked, not waiting for an answer. “This is Roulette. It’s easy.”

  I couldn’t believe the amount of chips she wagered.

  And I couldn’t believe how quickly it vanished from the table. In less than three minutes, all of the money was gone.

  My money! My college fund! Gone.

  Everything that happened next was a blur. I know I was sobbing. I think I might have been wailing, even. Fancy ladies and gentlemen were glancing at me like my skin was covered in some kind of contagious disease.

  “You’re making a scene,” Clarissa hissed. “Keep it together, why don’t you.”

  In true Clarissa fashion, she had already made friends with a preppy college boy who had his arm around her at the table. He probably thought she was rich, given how much of my dad’s money she had been spending. He was whispering something in her ear that I couldn’t quite hear. She burst into giggles. It was if I had completely vanished. That only made me want to cry more.

  Some friend she is.

  Just then, an enormous security guard appeared. He was blank faced and wide as a fridge. He escorted me away from Clarissa.

  “But my money...” I wailed to the man, trailing off. I don’t know what I expected him to do about it.

  He dragged me away from the table, towards the exit. “It’s gone,” he said. “Best to just forget about it, lady. Happens to the best of us.”

  The guard took me outside the casino and left me sobbing on the sidewalk. Some birthday this turned out to be. I had no one to call but my daddy.


  When he rolled up on his motorcycle I wanted to jump in his arms. But something wouldn’t let me. The same old anger and insecurity from before kept me from letting him see my vulnerability.

  Basically, I went into bitch mode.

  “Took you long enough,” I huffed.

  He took off his helmet and gave it to me without a word. I could tell he was seething, but pretended not to notice. I put the helmet on and climbed behind him, straddling him with my thighs. My dress was way too short to be on a motorcycle but I had no other option at that point. The fabric of my thong pressed against his back. I felt a funny feeling between my legs. The bike rumbled rhythmically beneath me which only made things more intense.

  He drove home fast, weaving in and out of traffic. Going around a sharp curve I wrapped my arms around his waist to steady myself, and I felt the hard contours of his abs tense at my touch.

  Once we were home I jumped off the bike, straightened my dress and sulked.

  “So it’s all gone?” he asked. I had given him the short version of what had happened at the casino with Clarissa, and I could tell he was furious.

  “Every dime,” I replied snottily.

  My stepfather’s blue eyes flashed with rage. “You know what, to hell with the money,” he said. “You disobeyed me. If you were still a little girl I’d bend you over my knee and spank you.”

  “Too bad I’m not your little girl anymore,” I sneered.

  “Yeah, too bad,” he muttered. “You’re eighteen, and you can do what you want. That also means I’m not legally responsible for you. Since you obviously can’t live under my rules, in my house, then you can get the hell out. Right now.”

  Wait. He wasn’t really going to give me the boot, right? He wasn’t my biological dad, but he was still my dad! I was barely eighteen, just out of high school. I hadn’t even started college yet. And now I had no college fund. I was feeling woozier by the minute at the thought of my future going down the drains.

  “You can’t do that, Dad!” I cried.

  “Like hell I can’t. I’ve had enough. You’re on your own.”

  Daddy looked me up and down, his eyes raking across my body. I must have looked like a trainwreck, with my messed-up makeup and slutty dress clinging to my curves. Who was I trying to fool?

  I burst into tears and fell into his arms, crying, “No! Please!” We fell backward into his recliner. He sat there but did not move to comfort me. His body was tense, rejecting. I began to panic. I couldn’t lose the only father I had ever known. He was my provider, the only constant in my life, and I was really about to lose him.

  I was sobbing. My mind was a blur. Without even realizing it, I slid down to his knees and fell across his lap, presenting my ass to him.

  “Spank me, Daddy,” I cried.

  “Sit up,” he said.

  “Spank me, Daddy. I was bad. I know that. Punish me, but don’t kick me out. Spank me, please.”

  For a moment he said nothing. “When you were a girl and I gave you discipline, I always told you that it was going to hurt me more than it hurt you,” he said.

  “Make it hurt,” I whispered.

  Suddenly I felt the smack of his open palm against my ass.

  “Oh!” I screamed.

  It stung. I clenched my teeth to bear the pain, it hurt so bad. But I wanted more.

  “Again,” I said.

  He unleashed all his pent up rage on me. Daddy spanked me again and again. My skirt rode up my ass and his hand smacked my bare skin. My daddy was spanking me so hard and putting me in my place. The sharp pain radiated like electricity throughout my body. To my shock I felt a twinge between my legs. I was so sensitive, I didn’t even notice I had started rubbing that spot against my daddy’s knee, grinding into him. I was overcome by a desire to be filled, to be stretched, for the first time. I wished he would tear off my thong and have his way with me.

  Daddy touched my thigh and it sent shivers through my body.

  “Did you learn your lesson?” he said.

  “Oh Daddy,” I murmured. “Yes.”

  Daddy lifted me up, like I was light as a feather, and sat me on his lap. My ass smarted. His finger touched my face and swept the hair out of my eyes.

  “Are you going to be good now?” he sa

  I threw my arms around his neck and pulled myself up against him. I could feel the firmness of his chest. He had been so distant earlier, but now I could feel his chest heaving as he breathed me in. I wanted to feel his lips against mine. I knew I shouldn’t, but I couldn’t resist.

  I closed my eyes and let my lips brush across his. His lips were so soft. His cheek was so scratchy. He pulled back.


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