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The Chronicles of Soone - Rise of Lucin

Page 23

by James Somers

  Juli came into the transgate control room of the Maelstrom carrying a small bag full of data discs containing scripture files. She handed them to Kale saying, “They’re all here.”

  “Thank you, Juli,” he said.

  She hugged Kale’s neck whispering in his ear, “I’ll miss you. Please stay safe.”

  “I’ll do my best,” he replied.

  Kale nodded to Aija and the prophet returned the gesture of confidence. Grod activated the gate utilizing the same coordinates that Lucin has left loaded in the system during his escape to Demigoth. The field snapped into place with a bright light that faded into a blurred view of the unknown location on planet Demigoth.

  Kale and Wynn looked at each other and stepped through the dimensional portal onto a planet neither of them had ever been to before. But they were confident that no matter what challenges they were soon to face, the spirit of Elithias was with them.


  IT was dark on this new world that Lucin had stepped into. He was surrounded by lush vegetation, but beyond the hill ahead of him a vast cityscape was lit up. It had taken him over a week to reach the edge of the jungle on foot. Now, the entire horizon for as far as he could see was illuminated by the mega city. Demigoth was the home-world of the Vorn clan and despite the losses they may have sustained from the sphere doomsday weapon, he could see they still appeared to be a thriving culture. This would be the perfect place to start over again. Lucin had escaped Elithias again, and he would rise again.

  He sensed something and the brush could be heard rustling somewhere behind him in the dark. Lucin turned to the sound and it was increasing. Whatever was out there was watching him and he was able to perceive one overpowering thought in the minds of the creatures beyond the visible foliage—Prey!

  One thing caused him alarm. He was there in full symbiotic armor with weaponry at his disposal and these creatures felt absolutely no fear whatsoever. Lucin was definitely outnumbered and more predators were joining the others out there in the night beyond his physical sight. His instinct was to run and he followed it.

  Lucin was sprinting away at top speed. It may have been a reaction brought on by his human host body; nevertheless it seemed the most rationale course of action. Lucin didn’t want to make his start here on Demigoth with his host body chewed to bits and digesting in the belly of some indigenous predator.

  He was heading for the city. The terrain was uneven making it difficult to run effectively and the vegetation was course and whipping at him unmercifully as he tried to make his way through. Lucin could sense the predators behind him and they seemed to be gaining. It was difficult to determine the number, but he could hear their breathing and the ravenous growling they produced while on the hunt.

  Lucin spotted some taller trees up ahead as he came out of the undergrowth into a clearing. He thought for a moment that he might climb one of the trees, but he would only be trapping himself. As Lucin ran near to one of the trees, a creature leapt out of it and pounced on him. It took only a second to realize that it was a Horva and one of the brute unintelligent late generation types of clone. Anger flooded Lucin as he grappled with the creature; the others were closing fast. He had to get off of the ground or they would be piled on him killing his host body.

  Lucin quickly turned the fight in his favor and laid into the Horva with several well placed strikes that nearly incapacitated the creature. He snatched the feral clone up by its throat and held the naked man aloft. Tendrils from his symbyte skin latched onto the Horva as the others became visible at the edge of the underbrush surrounding the clearing. It was time to give these brutes a dose of fear and respect for the angel-man.

  Lucin crushed the trachea of the feral Horva struggling uselessly in his grip. In moments the body went limp and he deliberately tossed the body out in front of the others. If they didn’t understand his speech, they would certainly understand that the stronger rule the weaker.

  His perception of the creatures appeared to be accurate—they kept their distance from him, but seemed in awe of the one that had so easily vanquished one of their own. It occurred to him then, that these Horva would be his new army. Once he assimilated them, he would easily be able to conquer their primitive minds and control them as he had hoped to do with the normal humans back on Castai. And if cloning technology was still readily available it wouldn’t take him long before he would have a sizeable fighting force to command. He would begin the systematic takeover of Demigoth with one of its most valuable assets—clones.


  AFTER a week of hiking through the jungle area surrounding the jump point left in the transgate memory by Lucin, Kale and Wynn entered into a shining megalopolis. This was the massive Vorn city of Gaj. The Barudii had waited until nightfall to enter the city. But a problem quickly became apparent as they walked the crowded streets.

  “We stick out like a sore thumb,” said Kale in a harsh whisper.

  “We are wearing robes and hoods, young master,” replied Wynn.

  “Yes, but we’re the only ones wearing them,” said Kale—he was clearly agitated. “Everyone is looking at us.”

  Wynn glanced around from beneath the rim of his hood. Everyone they passed was clearly eyeballing them. “I see your point. Perhaps we should take a more covert approach.”

  The pair ducked into an alleyway. Kale tore away the cloak in the shadows. “I think our lack of melanin is a dead giveaway here.”

  “Calm down, Kale,” said Wynn. “Let’s take to higher ground and use the shadows.”

  Wynn removed his cloak and leapt the distance to a high ledge above them. Kale followed the elder Barudii, finding a perch next to Wynn on the ledge.

  The city was monstrous in size; much bigger than any of those they had left back on Castai. None of the twelve Vorn-founded cities left during his father’s reign was even remotely comparable. As far as the eye could see was a technological landscape, complete with massive electronic displays proclaiming various news, updates and entertainment options. There were huge buildings reaching for the sky in every direction where the two men looked. If the city had suffered during the attacks of the sphere weapon unleashed so many years ago by the Barudii of the twin Castai before their ultimate defeat, it was not apparent now.

  “How are we supposed to find Lucin in all of this?”

  “Patience, Kale,” said Wynn, “Remember, Lucin was not in a dark skinned body when we last saw him on Draconis. He must have the same problem that we have being here.”

  “But he can switch bodies at will and only the Horva appear to be immune to him.”

  Wynn was trying to be the optimist, but he was beginning to wonder if they had been overzealous in their plans to follow Lucin to this planet in this manner. Clearly it would have been easier for Grod to make the trip and he could have blended well with the native populace.

  “I wonder when the sunrise will come,” said Kale. “When that happens we had better be hidden away somewhere.”

  “You’re right. We probably wouldn’t receive a warm welcome from anyone here whether influenced by Lucin or not. The peace your father achieved with the Vorn and Horva did not reach this planet to my knowledge.”

  Kale sat to one side of the building’s corner on the high ledge while Wynn stood just beyond the corner on the other side. He was watching some of the news reports, at least the visuals that were being broadcast to the large monitors on the sides of many of the buildings, to see if he might catch something related to Lucin’s arrival in the area. He surmised that the archenemy of Elithias and man would not go unannounced for very long and Lucin had been on the planet for nearly two weeks prior to his and Kale’s arrival. That gave him plenty of time to do something.


  A fierce looking dark skinned man with multiple braids running off of his head and down his back watched as two light skinned males positioned themselves on a high ledge across the airway lanes from the building he was hidden on. He watched the pair through a telescopi
c site from the shadows cast by the large video monitor adorning the face of a high rise apartment complex. The targets had been spotted earlier on the streets below and when they appeared nearby, he had expected a more difficult shot as the strangers walked among the civilian populace. To his surprise they had made his job easier by separating themselves from the crowds and now they were at a more level height with him, making his shot easier to obtain.

  The dark skinned sniper adjusted the cross-hairs to fix on the older of the two men. The white haired man was on the ledge facing him while the younger sat in the shadow of the building just around the corner. The white haired man was quite visible in the light of the massive video monitor. With its light shining in his face, there was no way he could see the attack coming from the shadows just beneath the monitor.

  The sniper spoke into a com-link attached to his lapel. “Master, may I take the shot.”

  Over the com-link came the reply, “You may take the shot. We are in position.”

  The sniper touched the trigger of his long rifle and an infrared beam, visible only through the telescopic lens, appeared on the chest of the white haired male standing on the ledge. He waited for the right moment as traffic from the airway lanes passed between him and his target. A nice break between vehicles provided the perfect opportunity and the sniper squeezed gently on the rifle trigger.


  KALE looked over the city wondering how he and Wynn would be able to maneuver unnoticed among the dark skinned Vorn long enough to find Lucin without being attacked or apprehended by the military presence. The Vorn military might have been defeated during the beginning of the Baruk conflict back on Castai, but they were reported to still be quite active on Demigoth. And two Barudii would likely be seen as hostile invaders and subject to every bit of malice they could manage.

  Kale looked back at Wynn still standing on the opposite ledge near the building’s corner. He was still watching the monitor for clues to Lucin’s whereabouts in the city.

  “Have you seen anything on the monitor that might indicate he’s here in the city?” asked Kale.

  “Well I haven’t—“

  A single silent, burst of energy slammed into Wynn’s chest as he spoke. Blood stained the wall behind the Barudii warrior as he stumbled back and caught the corner of the building with his left hand.

  Kale couldn’t believe it, “Wynn!”

  The elder warrior slumped down along the wall and struggled to crane his neck around the corner to see Kale as he got to his feet to come to Wynn’s aid.

  “Kale,” he said weakly as he bled profusely from the entry and exit wounds, “RUN!!”

  More shots began to peck into the wall of the building around Wynn. His head dropped lifeless as the last bit of blood pressure failed him. Kale’s friend and teacher was dead.

  The shots continued, but were coming from different buildings around Kale. He took off running down the length of the ledge, igniting a kemstick along the way. Shots were coming from every direction. Kale leapt away from the ledge and allowed his self to drop back down into the alley way between the buildings.

  Kale landed amid puddles of water in the alley, but he was not alone.

  “How good of you to come to my party,” said Lucin. There were at least a dozen people with him; all of them looked very much like the feral Horva from Castai, but they appeared more lucid. “I’ve found more followers since my arrival,” said Lucin confidently.

  Kale was still brandishing his ignited weapon before him, but the alley was a dead end behind him. The only way out appeared to be through Lucin and his minions.

  “I didn’t think you found the Horva body very hospitable,” said Kale.

  “Interesting thing, it seems the first generation clones possessed something these don’t.”

  “Lucky for you.”

  “Wasn’t it?” replied Lucin.

  “Well, will it be one at a time or altogether?” said Kale to the whole group.

  Lucin was clearly amused by the young man’s confidence, considering his predicament. “Your father wouldn’t share your optimism, I think,” said Lucin.

  Kale knew Lucin was baiting him, but his fury won out and he rushed ahead at him and his Horva followers. Several of the Horva rushed in between Kale and their master to protect him. Kale slew them quickly without a break in his stride and kept gunning for the Mithrial-man.

  Lucin brought forth a surge of kinetic power that captured Kale and sent him flying back into a number of garbage collection containers at the rear of the alley, despite his mental efforts to counter the attack. Clearly, Lucin was gaining in strength and Kale realized he was facing off with a being of far greater power and immeasurable evil. He clamored out of the garbage containers and hurled his body through a nearby window and into the darkened building, hoping to escape and fight another day.

  Once inside the building, Kale ran through the narrow corridor he found before him. More of Lucin’s Horva leapt out from the shadows to attack him; they were everywhere. Kale engaged them with his blade and hand to hand.

  Lucin has been waiting for us to come. This attack is too coordinated, thought Kale as he fought off the Horva and tried to keep moving.

  “You can run, little king, but you cannot hide!” shouted Lucin from somewhere within the building. He was close. Kale found an opportunity to flee the Horva and took it.

  Outside the building, people were milling about on the streets as normal. The glass of one large front window in the building burst outward as a young light skinned man jumped through, carrying a sword of light. Kale hit the ground running as glass shards scattered everywhere on the sidewalk and into the street. He saw motorized vehicles running on treads and others on wheels in the street before him and he considered commandeering one of them to try and make his getaway faster.

  A lesser man might have thought he was running out of fear, but Kale’s intention was to win the battle with Lucin and he was outmatched at the moment. He had to get away so that he could ultimately defeat him.

  As he looked over a few of the passing vehicles, Kale’s moment of indecision was enough to allow his pursuers to catch up to him. A Horva man came at him from behind. Kale deflected the man’s melee weapon with one hand and with the other he used the attacker’s momentum to send him on into the street. The dark skinned man collided with one of the wheeled vehicles, sending his battered form sailing across the pavement like discarded doll. Two more were coming at him through the window Kale had shattered—one carried a pulse weapon and the other held a short sword.

  Kale hurled his blade at the man with the rifle as he tried to take aim and fire on the Barudii warrior. The other man slashed at Kale, but he evaded him easily; stepping in to quickly disarm the man of his sword and land several powerful blows to his stomach, throat and jaw. His attacker fell backward onto the pavement bleeding from his mouth. Kales blade was still planted in the man with the gun further away.

  Pulse laser fire began to erupt from every direction upon Kale’s position. Instinctively the young king shielded his self within a kinetic bubble. The hollow sounds of laser bolt impacts was deafening inside the bubble. Kale searched in every direction but the sight was the same—everywhere around him soldiers and civilians alike were closing in and firing automatic weapons. Kale looked like the victim at the center of a neon-insect attack as laser fire came upon him like rain within his mentally generated forcefield.

  Lucin walked into the street and up to the kinetic bubble. All weapons went silent as he approached. Kale turned to find the Mithrial-man there behind him. Lucin exerted his own power upon Kale and the charged bubble around the king failed. The two men were suddenly toe to toe and a lightning fast exchange of fists took place with Lucin landing a blow to the side of the young man’s face. Kale reeled back, staggering as though he had been belted with a piece of stone. Lucin quickly snatched the boy king up, his feet dangling in the air. He looked the youth straight in the face, “You cocky human. How dare you even att
empt to engage me,” said Lucin and he spit in Kale’s face and then threw him into the side of the vehicle already stopped in road next to them. Kale’s body shattered the glass windows of the vehicle’s doors as the metal caved in. He fell to the ground face first before Lucin and lost consciousness.


  GROD and Emil stared in disbelief at the huge monitor plastered to the side of the gargantuan building reaching to the clouds before them. The city of Gaj was a truly magnificent place to behold, with its busy streets and bustling pedestrians constantly on the go from sunrise to sunrise and on and on. Grod thought it a dizzying cycle—don’t these people ever sleep, he wondered.

  But the event being played in a continuous loop as news broadcasting before their eyes was staggering in a way that left them completely speechless. Pictures of a white haired, fair skinned man lying in a slump with lifeless eyes and a pained expression frozen upon his face chilled Grod to the bone. It was incomprehensible—Wynn Gareth, Barudii Master Warrior, was dead at the hands of the Vorn and Horva residing in this shining megalopolis.

  The video images of Wynn continued to the point where his body was removed from the building ledge he had been killed upon. The disturbing images continued further though, revealing the fate of Kale. He could be seen in the middle of one Gaj’s busy streets throwing a man into an oncoming vehicle and taking down two other combatants before forming a kinetic forcefield to protect his self from a massive barrage of laser fire. Then he appeared; Lucin himself. The two struggled before the cameras and Lucin got the better of the young king. After showing Kale being bound and hauled away from the street, the video cut to an announcement of the public execution of the Barudii king. The day was set for today, a few hours from now, in a large spectator sports arena.


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