How The Wolf Lost Her Heart
Page 14
Lord Renzo closed his eyes and sighed deeply before placing both of his palms over the hands that rested on his shoulders and clasping them.
“Raphael, go and ask Tibbs to get the car ready to take Skye home,” said Lord Renzo.
The three brothers left the room and Skye was left alone with their father.
“I’m very sorry you had to witness that,” said Lord Renzo, looking strangely old under the lighting from the candelabras.
“No – don’t be sorry – it’s fine,” said Skye quickly.
“My sons, I fear, will not cease their impulses until something drastic happens. Sometimes I find myself questioning how I can condemn them when I was flighty myself in my youth. But what are the old good for, if not to teach the young not to make the same mistakes as we did?” He shook his head. “Raphael worries me the most. He is the bravest and most compassionate of all my sons – and, therefore, the most vulnerable. He values your friendship, Skye. I can tell he does. Raphael has many who call themselves his friends, but few whom he considers true friends. You are the first he can truly relate to. His ability has always rendered him different to others, no matter his gift to socialize. He needs someone like himself … and I would hazard a guess that you do too.”
He smiled at her and rose from his seat, picking up his walking stick as he did so. Raphael re-entered the room.
“Ready to go?” he said to Skye, who nodded.
“It has been a pleasure to meet you, Sir” she said to Lord Renzo. “Thank you very much for the meal – it was wonderful.”
“I hope we shall see you here again, Skye,” replied Lord Renzo, as the butler handed him a waistcoat that was hanging by the door. “You are welcome any time.”
Raphael led Skye out of the room and they walked down the corridor until they came to the open front door where the limo was waiting to take her home.
“Thanks for coming,” he said as she stepped out onto his marble porch, the stars twinkling down on them. “Sorry about the, erm, scene you saw back there. My father isn’t pleased with any of us and of course we understand why … Also, my brothers can really cross the line sometimes. I hope they didn’t upset you at any point?”
There was an almost anxious look in his eyes, but Skye hastened to reassure him.
“No – honestly, it was fine. I like them. I like your dad too. You have a really nice family.”
Raphael smiled.
“Well, now you can come round whenever you’re free – I mean, only if you want to obviously,” he added hurriedly. He cleared his throat. “I guess I’ll see you soon then?”
“Yes, that would be nice,” replied Skye, hoping that the eagerness wasn’t too obvious in her voice.
She turned away and walked down the stairs, stepping into the limo, the chauffeur holding the door open for her. A minute later the vehicle started to drive off and Skye felt that same eerie feeling she always felt whenever someone was watching her from behind. The hairs prickled on the back of her neck and her body stiffened; she turned slowly around and looked through the window to see if Raphael was still standing on his porch; but he had gone and the feeling suddenly vanished.
Chapter Twelve
A couple of weeks after the night that Skye had dinner with the Renzo family, the residents of West London were preparing excitedly for the annual celebrations in an enormous venue called ‘Jinxes’, a sort of mixture between a bar, club and lounge. Despite the rather negative connotation of the name itself, the celebration was long associated with a vibrant, neighbourly feeling where people could mingle with one another and enjoy each other’s company. The English had always been traditionally known for cold-shouldering their neighbours and random strangers, and this particular party brought with it an atmosphere of relaxation where anybody could mix happily with one another. Years ago, the equivalent of these celebrations had been known as the ‘Notting Hill Carnival’ the only difference being that the party ran on the streets, not inside a venue. But when the breakdown of law and order occurred the carnival was abolished. Now, inside ‘Jinxes’ one had to purchase a ticket and be approved of by a team of security. The security, staff and venue itself was funded mainly by the Renzo family and several of their friends in West London and it was often greatly anticipated by the citizens; it was nice to enjoy an open party without the fear of being mugged, stabbed or any other risk of criminal activity. Just like the carnival of the past, there was to be a range of music and a variety of food stalls. Mrs Archer happened to be running one of the food stalls this year.
“Now I’ll need your help for a couple of hours, but after that you’re free to do as you please,” she told her daughter one morning while they were out shopping at the supermarket together. “You can go and hang out with Daphne or your boyfriend.”
“Mum. I have told you a zillion times before that Raphael is not my boyfriend,” said Skye.
“Then why do you spend so much time together?”
“We don’t – not really – I haven’t seen him for about a week now.”
“But, Skye, you actually go round to his house!”
“I’ve just spent a little time with him while he’s been feeling sick, that’s all. It makes him feel better if he transforms and has someone to run with.”
It was more or less true. Though, of course, Raphael was not sick (he was still laying low while the murder blew over), she had spent a couple of hours transforming with him and running around in the vast Renzo grounds. This was much to the amusement of the twins, Ricardo and Joey, who commented that the place was turning into a wildlife park, what with wolves and tigers sprinting around.
“It must be wonderful, his home,” said Mrs Archer dreamily. “I’ve driven past it several times over the years. You really are very lucky, Skye. What are his family like?”
“Well, his dad’s really nice,” replied Skye.
“I can imagine he must be. The man is a hero.”
“I’ve met his brothers too. Not the eldest one, he’s in China. But the twins.”
“Oh yes?” Mrs Archer raised an eyebrow and made her way towards the fruit section. “Apparently those two have got quite a reputation – and not a good one either. Nothing like those thugs, of course. But they appear to be quite the womanisers. Handsome boys, but my goodness! The stories I have heard about those two … Every mother ought to lock her daughter up before allowing her near those scoundrels!”
“Yes, I gathered that impression,” said Skye, recalling the way Lord Renzo had scolded his sons while they were having dinner.
She had to admit, though, she really did enjoy the time she spent with Raphael in his home and on their grounds. She tried not to think about her feelings too much while she was with him; but it was always there, deep inside her, that frightened yet daring emotion, wondering what it would be like to hold him … touch him … kiss him … She still couldn’t quite believe that she had allowed herself to fall so hard for him when only a few weeks before she was so adamant that she would keep it firmly on the ‘friends’ spectrum so that her pride and feelings were protected. But that was love for you. It was completely irrational and incomprehensible and it had to be dealt with accordingly. Her vulnerability at opening up was only compromised by the fact that she wouldn’t give him any inclination of how she felt about him. After all, she had absolutely no idea how he felt about her. Sometimes, she liked to believe that he saw her as more than a friend, more than a Morpher … When he looked at her and smiled or said certain things to her about wanting to protect her, she wondered if there was more to it than how it came across. It thrilled her to think that maybe, just maybe, he might return her feelings. But the voice of reason often came howling in her ear when she reminded herself of the differences between them; how he had so many admirers and girls falling at his feet, girls who were much more well-off, beautiful and intelligent than her, while she had no suitors at all. How his family pretty much ruled the city and she was just a simple citizen. Raphael was friendly and affectionate
by nature, there was no denying this; and he felt protective over everybody, not just her. She ensured her feet were kept firmly on the ground and did not trick herself into believing that he felt the same way; an open revelation of unrequited love would devastate her beyond belief, especially considering her unfortunate past with the opposite sex. For now, the tingling feeling in the pit of her stomach that she associated him with was good enough for her.
“I’m going to go for a run tonight,” Skye told her mother as they approached the check out. “It’s a full moon as well so I’m hoping to get a good few hours in.”
Skye always enjoyed going for runs on a full moon. The lunar effects on her wolf self were magnificent. It was not uncommon for humans to act slightly bizarre during the full moon, but for the animal it was an entirely different story. There was a rush, almost a madness, that she experienced under the celestial body, something that made her feel as though she were in a different world altogether.
A trolley bumped into theirs at that moment and Skye snapped out of her dreamy anticipation for that evening.
“Oops – oh, sorry,” said the girl who had bumped into them and Skye realized with a sickening groan that it was Sasha, dressed in tight jeans, a top showing her midriff and ridiculously high heels. She was staring at Skye with a rather sneering expression, flicking her hair as she did so. Skye looked back, the dislike mounting within her.
“That’s quite alright,” smiled Mrs Archer, who was completely oblivious to the loathing the girls were radiating towards each other. “Skye, I’m going to fetch the milk quickly, wait here.”
She scuttled off and Sasha lined up behind Skye to pay for her shopping; Skye felt her muscles tense and she turned her back on the girl who was openly looking her up and down in such a derogatory manner. Damn! She couldn’t stand this girl and sincerely wished that they had gone to a different supermarket.
“So, Skye, how have you been?” said Sasha with a very false smile.
“Fine,” said Skye stiffly, half turning round.
Hurry up, Mum, she thought.
“I’m glad I saw you actually, I’ve been meaning to ask you something.” Sasha looked Skye right in the eye, an innocent expression on her face.
“I heard that Raphael hasn’t been feeling too well lately; he hasn’t been to any of the house- parties my friends have held in the past few weeks and he usually comes all the time. So I wanted to bring him some flowers later on today, just as a ‘get well soon’ gift. Which do you think is better? Chrysanthemums or orchids?”
She held up two plant pots that were sitting in her trolley.
“I really wouldn’t know,” replied Skye coldly. “I don’t think that Raphael is very fond of flowers.”
“Oh really?” sneered Sasha. “And what makes you think that?”
“Well, he hasn’t exactly mentioned his love of them when I’ve been round to see him,” said Skye, a triumphant feeling surging through her as the other girl’s eyes almost popped out of her head.
“What do you mean, you’ve been round to see him?” she said, unable to keep the incredulous fury out of her voice.
“Oh, you didn’t know?” said Skye, now the one with the innocent expression. “He’s invited me round a few times, just to keep him company while he’s been feeling poorly.”
Sasha was speechless for a second.
“You do know that Raph and I dated a while back, don’t you?” she said suddenly.
Skye felt as though a bucket of icy water had just been flung over her. A smile crept up at the corners of Sasha’s mouth.
“Oh yes?” said Skye in an attempt to be nonchalant, trying hard to hide the unpleasant emotion that was flowing through her due to this nasty surprise.
“Yeah … about a year ago,” replied Sasha casually, but clearly relishing in delivering this information to Skye. “For a couple of weeks. Problem was he started working at that art place, then volunteering to help a bunch of dogs. We hardly had time for each other so we called it off. I met someone else too. But recently I realized that I had let a good thing go. I’m not sure if you know how that feels; trust me, it’s made me realize what I had with him – something really special.”
She sighed loudly.
“So I’m just going to take it slow. Last time we jumped into it way too quickly. But to be honest with you, that’s a joyride I wouldn’t mind taking again.”
She giggled and Skye felt all the blood in her veins turn cold. Surely this wasn’t true – was it?
Mrs Archer returned at that moment, sweaty and blustering while holding a four-pint milk bottle in her hand.
“Couldn’t find the milk anywhere in this blasted shop!” she exclaimed, flustered.
They paid for their groceries and Skye helped her mother carry the six bags of shopping. Sasha placed her plant pots on the till as they turned to leave.
“Bye, Skye!” she said with an enormous grin. Skye did not even bother replying.
“Who was that?” asked Mrs Archer as they loaded the shopping into the boot of the car.
“No one important,” muttered Skye.
“Hmmm. Is something wrong, dear? You seem rather pale?”
Still reeling from Sasha’s revelation and feeling rather sick in her stomach, Skye struggled to compose herself.
“Really. I’m fine,” she said as they both got into her mother’s car. Mrs Archer switched on the engine and gazed at her daughter in concern.
“Are you sure, dear? You look extremely clammy! Maybe you shouldn’t go into work today? You could stay at home with me and we could watch a film … I even bought ice cream!”
“Don’t tempt me, Mum,” said Skye, shooting her mother a small smile. “Ned will go berserk. You know what he’s like. Plus, I need the money.” She checked her watch. “Oops, I have to be there in twenty minutes; might just make it if we drive there now.”
“Alright, I’ll drop you off. But you come straight home if you feel unwell! I do hope you haven’t caught Raphael’s cold.”
Raphael. That name made her stomach lurch. As they drove down the road to get to Trixaction Cinemas, Skye repeated Sasha’s words over and over and over again in her mind.
“You do know that Raph and I dated a while back, don’t you?
How in the world could this possibly be true? Raphael had made it clear to her that Sasha wasn’t his type! Fair enough, she was dazzlingly beautiful; a real traffic halter. But she was a nasty, spiteful cow too. Skye had hinted to him several times about her curiosity as to whether he found Sasha attractive or not; he had always denied it. But if that were the case, how could he have dated Sasha? It didn’t make any sense. The thought of Raphael with Sasha (of all people) made her insides squirm uncomfortably and she felt as though she was going to vomit.
This is going to drive me mad, she thought. There was only one way to find out if Sasha was telling the truth or not and that was to ask Raphael himself. But she had to do it in a way where it didn’t look like she was bothered about it. She hadn’t spoken to him for a few days and she knew it would be a very bad idea to randomly call him up and ask if him Sasha was an ex-girlfriend; that would make her look like she was interested in his love life and she absolutely couldn’t let him think that!
Why wouldn’t he tell me about it? Why would he keep it a secret? He said she wasn’t his type! Then why would he have got with her? How can I ask him without him getting suspicious? Urgh, if he really did date her I will lose all respect for him!
Feeling as though her mind was about to explode, Skye thanked her mother for the lift as they arrived outside her office, waving goodbye as she entered the building.
“You are five minutes late!” snapped Ned as she entered the office. He stormed over, looking up at her from his diminutive height and pointing a finger in her face. “What have I told you about lateness, Skye? Do you realize that lateness does not help our department in terms of maintaining a professional and reliable image? Well? Is good timekeeping not a priority for you? Well?�
With very strong flashes of transforming into her inner beast and biting off the finger that was inches from her face, Skye found it extremely difficult to respond to her swelled-up manager and instead managed a rather manic grin.
“I’m sorry,” she said, smiling robotically. “It won’t happen again.”
She made her way over to her desk, switched on her computer and sat down, the grin still cemented on her face. As if the horror encounter with Sasha wasn’t enough, she now had to contend with Ned, whose self-important pomposity was trying at the best of times, but today was completely unbearable.
If I ever snap, she thought grimly, placing her headpiece over her ears, those two are the first ones I’m coming after.
“Skye? Hey … Nice of you to call me, I was thinking of giving you a buzz this evening actually.”
Raphael’s face was hovering in mid-air as Skye stood outside ‘The Fire Horse’ pub during her lunch-break. Having left the office and trying to ignore the constant glares from Ned, Skye had taken a ten minute bubble break before proceeding towards the pub, realizing that she had to call Raphael and ask him about Sasha. It was bugging her so much that she was unable to concentrate at work. This was made particularly apparent while she was on a call to an infuriated customer who spent five minutes ranting about being sold the wrong ticket. Her response at the end of it was an absent-minded, “That’s nice.” Unfortunately, this was overheard by Ned who called Skye into his office afterwards and yelled at her for a good fifteen minutes about her lack of ‘customer care.’ Skye tried very hard indeed to shake the image of Raphael and Sasha out of her head, but to no avail. She had to ring him. As soon as possible.