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How The Wolf Lost Her Heart

Page 21

by Sarah Brownlee

  Raphael’s eyes glowed a dangerous orange.

  “Really?” he growled, also rising from his seat. “And there was me thinking we were friends, thinking that friends look out for each other.”

  “I told you before, I can look after myself!”

  “Yeah? Well, you did a pretty poor job of it the other day when you couldn’t even transform!”

  “And whose fault was that?” snarled Skye, the words spilling out before she could stop them.

  “I don’t know? Yours? You’re the Morpher, after all. But no, Skye, if I hadn’t been there, those thugs would have killed you!”

  “I am aware of that!” Skye shouted, tears forming in her eyes, and all her frustrations towards him shot out at once. “I don’t need you reminding me of that again and again! But leave it out now, will you? Quit playing the hero! I don’t need you or want you in my life!”

  “Is that so? Well, that’s a bit difficult considering how I promised you I’d always have your back!”

  “Well, BREAK your promise then!”

  Raphael’s teeth bared ferociously; even though he was in human form, his resemblance to a tiger was striking.

  “You know what? Fine! I’m sick of you – your moods, your rudeness, your ingratitude; you clearly don’t want me around, I’m just glad you finally had the guts to say it! I’m such an idiot for wasting my time with you –”

  “Yeah, you are! Bet you’re wishing you hadn’t dropped by that day when Pearson was in my house! Shame he didn’t do away with me there and then!”

  The anger in Raphael’s orange eyes maximized to its peak.

  “Don’t ever say that!” he roared.

  “Don’t worry, I won’t! I’m not saying anything to you ever again!”

  And with that, she stormed out of the room, brushing furious tears from her cheeks, slamming the door behind her. She stopped for a few seconds, breathing heavily, hugely upset by what had just happened. She could hear Raphael striding back and forth and then the sound of smashing glass from inside the room. Her face crumpling against her will, she fled down the corridor and bumped into the butler, Forbes, asking him in muffled tones if she could be escorted home. The butler prepared a car for her and ten minutes later she got into it, her heart heavy and her face soaking wet. As the car drove off, she heard an ear-splitting roar come from Raphael’s bedroom window; she saw the faint silhouette of a pacing tiger within its chambers. And she knew the friendship was broken.

  Chapter Seventeen

  “Right, birthday girl, I’ve decided where we’re going and what we’re doing so listen up!”

  It was Thursday evening and rain was splattering down heavily outside. Thunder could be heard rumbling in the distance and lightning flashed across the sky. Skye and Daphne were lounging at Skye’s house. The following Saturday was Skye’s birthday. She herself had made no plans, though for her friend it was a different story.

  “We’ll meet at six o’ clock,” said Daphne excitedly, while Skye poured some white tea into two cups, “at the Juggernaut Tavern. We’ll stay there for a few hours and have a couple of drinks.”

  “The Juggernaut Tavern?” said Skye, lowering the teapot and taking a sip of her tea. “Never heard of it.”

  “It’s brand new, just opened on Richmond Hill. I have already called them to book a seating area for our party. They’ll be providing some nibbles for us too.”

  “Ah … right. And who exactly were you planning on inviting?”

  “Already invited them,” beamed Daphne. “Obviously me and you are going. Then there’s Edge and his cousin. Ricardo and Joey Renzo. Stacey and Lillian –”

  “Hold on. Edge? Thought you finished with him? And Joey and Ricardo? Aren’t you sort of seeing Ricardo at the moment? Yet you’re bringing your ex-boyfriend too?”

  “Edge isn’t my ex yet, I plan on dumping him at the party.”

  “Oh my God –”

  “I just haven’t found the right moment yet,” said Daphne, waving her hand airily. “I think Saturday would be a good time to do it. There will be plenty of people there so he won’t be able to create a scene. Besides, I haven’t seen Ricardo in almost a fortnight and Saturday is the only day he has free this week!”

  “Unbelievable. You, quite literally, are unbelievable. Hasn’t it occurred to you that the boyfriend you are about to finish with might get a bit angry if the new guy you're seeing happens to be at the same venue as him, even if the place is packed with people? And all of this on my birthday? It’s a recipe for disaster!”

  “Don’t be silly, Skye,” said Daphne smoothly. “Edge doesn’t know about Ricardo.”

  “I think it’s pretty rotten on Edge that you’re two-timing him like that. I mean, I’m not exactly his biggest fan, but you should at least finish with him first before jumping onto Ricardo! Besides, you are aware that Ricardo has about ten girls on the go, aren’t you?”

  “Well, I haven’t actually done anything with Ricardo yet,” said Daphne defensively. “Besides, you should see the way Edge treats me! And Ricardo does not have ten women on the go, he even told me that as soon I’m single again he’ll drop any girls he’s been seeing!”

  “Wow, and you actually believe him?”


  Skye shook her head, exasperated.

  “Fine, do what you want. Just try to keep the drama levels at the venue as minimal as possible please. I can just imagine a fight breaking out. Did you say that Edge’s cousin is coming too? Please tell me it’s not the same cousin from before.”

  “The one and only.”

  Skye groaned.

  “And who are the other two girls you mentioned? Do I even know them?”

  “Nope, but you will soon! They’re in one of my college classes!”

  “So let me get this straight,” said Skye, placing her teacup down. “For my nineteenth birthday you’re inviting your soon-to-be old boyfriend, your soon-to-be new boyfriend, your soon-to-be old boyfriend’s pervy cousin, your soon-to-be new boyfriend’s twin brother and two girls who I’ve never met before? You really amaze me sometimes, you know that?”

  Daphne beamed.

  “I knew you’d approve. Now is there anyone you can think of that you’d like to invite?”

  Skye sighed.


  “What about Raphael?”

  “No,” said Skye shortly, that unpleasant feeling in her stomach rising at the mention of his name.

  Since that horrible argument in his home two weeks ago, Skye had not heard from Raphael at all. Her tag device remained silent except for the times her mother called her to check up on her, still ultra-paranoid about her safety and whereabouts. She herself would not dream of contacting Raphael after the fight they’d had and she knew he would not contact her. Though she hated to admit it, this caused her to feel even more miserable. Not only had she failed when it came to being in love with him, but she had now lost him as a friend as well. And Raphael had proven to be a good, loyal friend who truly did have her back. She wished she didn’t miss the runs they had together or the way his green eyes lit up whenever they spoke about their morphing ancestors. She was sorry for the things she had said to him, but far too proud to admit it.

  It’s probably better this way anyway, she had told herself sorrowfully. At least this way I can get over him properly. If he’s not around, there’s nothing to remind me of him.

  Yet she was constantly reminded of him. Whenever she rode on the shuttle bus past Bert’s Bubble Tea; whenever she took a stroll in a park and remembered the first time they ran together in Hampstead Heath; whenever she prepared herself dinner in her kitchen and recalled how Raphael had come to her rescue. Skye found herself desperately seeking diversions, whether it be in the form of work, reading or letting her friend throw a birthday party for her, something she would have never allowed under normal circumstances.

  “You know,” began Daphne in a rather tentative voice, “Ricardo told me that Raphael hasn’t really been hims
elf lately. He spends most of his time shut up in his room painting. I think he’s probably still upset about your argument. Maybe you should give him a ring …”

  Her voice faltered at the sight of Skye’s eyes narrowing dangerously.

  “I am not ringing him,” she said coldly. “Unfortunately, Raphael and I didn’t make very good friends after all.”

  “But you must miss him a little bit. It must have been nice to spend time with another Morpher! And I thought you and he had a little thing going on …”

  “There was nothing going on between myself and Raphael!” Skye snapped. “We were just friends. I’m surprised you don’t know about him and Sasha.”

  “Sasha? What about her?”

  “Well, they like each other, don’t they?” said Skye, unable to stop the sick feeling she felt at voicing these words out loud. “They were kissing at Jinxes.”

  Daphne’s eyes widened.

  “They were? Are you sure?”

  “Of course I’m sure, I’m not blind!”

  Daphne’s hand had flown to her mouth.

  “Oh my gosh – I had no idea! Wow … I’m really sorry.”

  “I don’t know why you’re saying sorry, it’s not as if I care.”

  Daphne shook her head in disgust.

  “Urgh! I can’t believe he would go for her! He seemed like a really decent guy.”

  “Yeah,” said Skye bitterly. “But he’s a man. They’re all mugs when it comes to a pretty face and fake compliments.”

  They spoke a little longer about the plans for Saturday before Daphne headed home and Skye started to prepare dinner for herself and her mother. On Friday evening, the day before the party, Skye breathed the usual sigh of relief when her shift at work ended. She shut down her computer, grabbed her bag and left the office.

  “Hey, Skye, hold up!”

  Lucas came jogging from behind her, a big grin on his face.

  “Hi Lucas,” said Skye, coming to a halt.

  “Hey, you. Haven’t had much chance to talk lately, it’s been so busy in the office. Did you get the emails I sent you about the petition for the lions in Zimbabwe? I figured you’d be interested in that!”

  “Yeah, thanks very much for it. I was going to check it out over the weekend.”

  “Great to hear it. You been feeling alright? Lately you’ve seemed a bit down …”

  “No, tired that’s all. I’m fine.”

  “So – I was thinking! That drink we’ve been meaning to do; how about now? That is, if that guy doesn’t turn up and interrupt us.” His voice turned gruff. “Who was he anyway?”

  “Just an old friend, I don’t see him anymore,” said Skye uncomfortably. “But sorry, I can’t tonight. Got to get home and help my mum with something.”

  “Ah,” said Lucas, looking downcast. “No problem. How about tomorrow?”

  “Well, tomorrow it’s my – actually, how would you like to come to my birthday drinks tomorrow?” Skye said suddenly. The truth was, even though she and Lucas were no more than friendly acquaintances, there was a part of her that appreciated his attentions. He was a nice enough person and, besides, any distraction from thinking about Raphael was welcome. Why not invite Lucas to the bar? It was all innocent anyway … and Daphne would be pleased because it meant an extra person would turn up (she had been stressing about the fact there weren’t that many people going …).

  “Oh, it’s your birthday tomorrow? Yeah, absolutely! When and where?”

  “We’re going to this place called the Juggernaut Tavern on Richmond Hill. It starts about six.”

  “Great! I’ll see you there then.”

  He smiled, waving, and then walked off in the other direction. Skye made her way to the shuttle bus-stop, hoping that Lucas knew she didn’t feel anything for him other than mild affability. He was always looking at her in the office … sending her the occasional email about things he thought would interest her … suggesting they go out for drinks. Skye tolerated it patiently, but she doubted she would have invited him, were it not for what had happened with Raphael. Though she didn’t particularly like to admit it, the fact that someone liked her helped soothe her wounds a little. She did not see this as being selfish in any way … purely that it was nice for someone to think she was nice.

  Musing on the inevitable drama that would occur tomorrow when the two primary men in Daphne’s life came face to face, Skye hopped on the bus and wondered what she would do if Edge and Ricardo went head to head for the damsel they both desired.

  Think I’ll just sit back and chew some nibbles, she thought.


  Skye arrived at the Juggernaut Tavern at six-thirty in the evening. She was running a little late, mainly because her mother was adamant that her message about staying safe was fully drilled into her daughter’s head. Skye repeatedly told her that she would be out with seven other people and that she was staying round Daphne’s that night so there was no risk of her going home on her own. With a frantic kiss on the cheek and a final happy birthday wish, Mrs Archer eventually relented and Skye made her way to Richmond Hill.

  “There she is – the birthday girl!” squealed Daphne, running up to her friend and enveloping her in a big hug. “How come you’re late? Everybody is already here!”

  “Mum didn’t want to let me go,” replied Skye as Daphne led her towards the back of the bar where they had a reserved table. It was clear that the bar was brand new because the place was rather shiny and sparkling; it was large and classy and had a nice relaxed atmosphere.

  “Here she is everyone!” said Daphne with a great beaming smile, gesturing towards Skye.

  Skye smiled back at everybody, a little nervous. She was not really the social animal, after all. There was Edge who offered her a glum ‘Happy Birthday’ before folding his arms and glaring into the distance; he was clearly not happy and Skye had a feeling she knew why. Marcos, his cousin, was next to him, grinning broadly at her; those gums were unmissable. The wild twins, Ricardo and Joey, simultaneously rose from their seats and planted a kiss on each of her cheeks. Two girls she had never met before waved at her from their seats. And Lucas was there also, looking thrilled to see her.

  “Hey!” Lucas said, holding out his hand and offering her a seat next to him. “You look great! Love what you’ve done with your hair.”

  “Thanks,” said Skye, who hadn’t done anything particularly special with it and simply crimped it a little.

  “Right, drinks time,” said Ricardo, jumping from his seat. “Need to toast the birthday girl. Daphne, want to help me carry them back?”

  Unable to hide her flustered smile, Daphne rose from her seat and followed him to the bar. Edge eyed them both with an unmistakable look of anger, his nostrils flaring widely. Skye observed this apprehensively, glad she had not dressed up too much for the occasion for she had a feeling that at some point of the evening, drinks would be flying all over the place (not to mention fists).

  Skye chatted with Lucas for a while about how terrible work was and how glad they would both be once they escaped the sycophantic regime of Ned. Marcos, Skye was relieved to notice, had fixed all his attentions on one of the girls Daphne had invited from her college and was busy slurring to her about how beautiful he thought she was.

  Clearly someone’s had a bit too much to drink already, thought Skye, stifling a chuckle, thoroughly glad she was not on the receiving end this time and feeling rather sorry for the girl, who was wrinkling her nose and offering back one-word responses to his questions. Joey was busy chatting up the other girl, who giggled a lot and looked immensely flattered that one of the Renzo boys had taken an interest in her. Edge, Daphne and Ricardo all seemed to be caught up in some kind of ‘tension war’ which Skye’s wolf senses picked up on, on an extreme scale. Edge had a protective grip over Daphne, who was sitting very stiffly in her seat and sipping her champagne while Ricardo eyed the bar with a permanent raised eyebrow. The evening wore on, more and more alcohol was consumed and the whole time, though S
kye hated to admit it, she couldn’t help thinking how much better it would be if Raphael was there.

  An hour after Skye’s arrival, by which time she was busy laughing with Daphne and the two girls about funny episodes they’d had at school, the door of the bar swung open and Skye’s senses suddenly magnified as someone walked in. She swung her head automatically towards the door and her heart almost stopped beating, for it was Raphael. And following closely behind him – she couldn’t believe it – was Sasha.

  “Oh my God,” she gasped.

  “Skye? You alright?” said Daphne, staring at her in confusion.

  Skye hurriedly looked back to the group of girls.

  “Yeah, fine,” she said quickly.

  Ignore him, she thought, her breath quickening. Ignore him and ignore her. What are they doing here?

  While the girls continued to chat about the school days and Lucas, who was becoming more drunk by the moment, kept poking her to try and gain her attention, Skye sneaked a quick look around the bar to see where Raphael and Sasha were. She saw them seated not too far from them, close to the men’s toilets. Raphael was staring straight at their table, a hard, fixed expression on his face. Sasha was practically glued to him, flicking her hair and trying to engage him in conversation. Skye averted her eyes quickly, praying that Raphael had not caught her looking at them.

  How could he come here and bring her with him? she thought, her cheeks burning. She was thoroughly glad none of the others had noticed him yet. And why here of all places? He must have known we’d be here – what’s he playing at?

  She felt a rush of anger towards Raphael just then. So he had never known how she felt about him? So what? The fact was, they were both not speaking to each other and he had brought Sasha to the bar on the day of her birthday get-together. It felt like a complete slap in the face.

  Without thinking and not sure why, she turned to Lucas and started chatting to him in an exuberant, upbeat manner. Lucas grinned at this sudden enthusiasm she was showing and she started to laugh loudly at his jokes (even the ones that were not funny). Every now and then, she sneaked split-second looks towards Raphael and Sasha to see if he was watching – which he was. A triumphant feeling surged through her except it was spoiled in an instant when she saw Sasha stroking his arm. That familiar sick feeling returned and she excused herself, stating she needed to go to the bathroom.


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