Book Read Free


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by Taige Crenshaw

  A Total-E-Bound Publication


  ISBN # 978-1-78184-190-7

  ©Copyright Taige Crenshaw and Aliyah Burke 2012

  Cover Art by Posh Gosh ©Copyright December 2012

  Edited by Tina Burns

  Total-E-Bound Publishing

  This is a work of fiction. All characters, places and events are from the author’s imagination and should not be confused with fact. Any resemblance to persons, living or dead, events or places is purely coincidental.

  All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced in any material form, whether by printing, photocopying, scanning or otherwise without the written permission of the publisher, Total-E-Bound Publishing.

  Applications should be addressed in the first instance, in writing, to Total-E-Bound Publishing. Unauthorised or restricted acts in relation to this publication may result in civil proceedings and/or criminal prosecution.

  The author and illustrator have asserted their respective rights under the Copyright Designs and Patents Acts 1988 (as amended) to be identified as the author of this book and illustrator of the artwork.

  Published in 2012 by Total-E-Bound Publishing, Think Tank, Ruston Way, Lincoln, LN6 7FL, United Kingdom.


  This book contains sexually explicit content which is only suitable for mature readers. This story has a heat rating of Total-e-burning and a sexometer of 2.

  This story contains 60 pages, additionally there is also a free excerpt at the end of the book containing 9 pages.

  Kemet Uncovered


  Taige Crenshaw & Aliyah Burke

  Book Six in the Kemet Uncovered Series

  I am referred to as the ‘Hidden One’. The personification of the life-bringing northern wind. As one of those who constitute the Ogdoad, I am respected by others and sometimes even feared. Yet I am adrift when it comes to interactions between a man and a woman.

  The rules are so confusing and I try to find my way with him—Reid Jacobs. He is a man that makes me—a goddess—wonder how I have done without the coursing need for intimacy. With each touch he unravels me and makes me lose every ounce of my control. I want him more than air itself but…I will not settle for anything but total acceptance of everything I am.


  Taige Crenshaw’s Dedication

  To my co-author for this series, Aliyah Burke, thanks for taking this journey with me. It was wonderful sharing this with you even when you get me into mischief and claim to be innocent. LOL.

  Aliyah Burke’s Dedication

  Thanks to my troublemaking co-author for this series, Taige Crenshaw.

  Thanks for the great run! Had a blast.

  Trademarks Acknowledgement

  The author acknowledges the trademarked status and trademark owners of the following wordmarks mentioned in this work of fiction:

  Flintstones: Hanna-Barbera Productions

  Gargoyles: Walt Disney Television

  CSI: NY, Blue Bloods: CBS Broadcasting, Inc.

  Google: Google, Inc.

  Avalanche: General Motors

  Band-Aid: Johnson & Johnson

  Chapter One

  There she was again.

  This time she was alone.

  Reid Jacobs’s pulse pounded faster, which had nothing to do with his running but everything to do with the sexy specimen of womanhood running in front of him. He’d been running in this park for a long time. It wasn’t until a few months ago he noticed the woman. She’d joined another lady—whom he’d nicknamed Ponytail—and a man who came frequently to the park. He’d seen each of them alone at first then they had started to run together. Usually when he and the male passed each other they nodded. Ponytail, on the other hand, kept her head straight and was focused on nothing but her run. At least until she ran with the man.

  Then came the day she came with puppies along with the other people. Everything about the woman in white had caught his attention. She was feminine, regal in bearing and all-out sexy. The others with her had faded from his attention and all he saw was her. She moved with confidence, looking so very delectable, despite holding the leashes of four puppies. He wouldn’t even think of approaching her in the group of people with her. Heck, with his shyness he wouldn’t even if she was alone. Most times she was with them.

  Reid focused back on the woman running a little ahead of him on the trail. Her long, dark brown hair with blonde highlights was pulled back into a ponytail, which bounced behind her with each step. He heard the puppies barking, which meant they were probably running before her. He missed Liv, his German Shepherd who usually joined him, with him. He’d left her home to rest since she had seemed to not be feeling too well.

  Reid studied the back of the lady before him. The woman’s red—instead this of white this time—running outfit was beautiful against her ebony skin. Reid zeroed his gaze to the shorts, which hugged her firm butt and showed off toned legs. He jerked his gaze up to her back. He was acting pervy, ogling her ass. That wasn’t like him at all. The nerd in him enjoyed speaking with a woman more than gawking at their physical form. Yet since the first day he had seen this woman, he’d been drawn to her. It baffled him. He’d never been led by baser urges.

  Maybe you can just say hi. What’s the harm in that?

  He snorted in disgust at himself. No, that’s a bad idea. I’ll come across as a babbling idiot. Or worse, one of those men who cases the running trails, desperate to hook up with women.

  You’re just chickenshit, he countered.

  Cluck, cluck.

  Reid chuckled. Arguing with himself—yep, he was a little weird. He was so much better with Liv or his computers. Building, then programming a computer was easier than trying to approach a woman. Reid took a fortifying breath. His footfalls hit the ground as he continued to decide if he was actually brave enough to approach the ebony-skinned goddess.

  Be brave. You can do this. Reid increased his speed to get closer to the woman.

  She turned a corner on the trail.

  Reid kicked faster to keep her in his sight. Shock then dismay filled him when the trail loomed empty before him. Where did she go? Reid slowed, keeping an eye out for a flash of red, but by the end of his run, he still hadn’t seen her. She must have taken a shortcut. Reid cooled down walking back to his jeep. He grabbed a water bottle from inside, leaned against it and drank. Reid absently nodded to the others going and coming from the trails. Knowing what car she drove, he glanced around and noted her vehicle was gone.

  “Way to go, you missed your chance to talk to her.” He got in his vehicle and started it. “Oh well, it wasn’t meant to be.” He already knew he wouldn’t have the guts to even try to talk to her again.

  Reid backed out of his space and headed for home. He flipped on the radio then started to sing along. Reid glanced at the empty seat beside him. He sighed. If Liv was there, she’d howl along with his tone-deaf singing. Reid chuckled. Fifteen minutes later he pulled into his driveway, parked then headed to the house. He unlocked the door and paused when no barking met his entrance, for Liv usually was there to meet him. Frowning, he went inside.

  “Liv,” he called.

  A faint bark greeted him. Reid moved deeper into the house towards the workroom he ran his business from. Coming closer to his desk, he spotted Liv lying on her blanket and knelt beside her. She turned her head licking his hand.

  “Still not feeling better.” He scratched behind her ear. “Time to go to the vet.”

  Liv woofed softly then lay back down. Reid stood before heading for his desk to call her vet. He sat, reaching for the phone, then paused.

  “Crap. Miller is out of town. He gave me the name and number of the vet covering. Where did I put that
number?” Reid sat thinking for a moment.

  Remembering, he rose and pulled a piece of paper off the corkboard that was on the wall to the left side of his desk. He retook his seat then glanced at Liv who lay on the right side.

  “Got it. Let’s see if this Dr”—he glanced at the paper—“Leonard can see you today. And hope he’s good at his job.”

  Liv whined.

  “I know you like Miller but he’s out of town so we’ll have to make do.”

  Reid picked up the phone and called to make an appointment.

  * * * *

  Twenty minutes later Reid followed the last direction of the GPS then pulled up to the substitute vet. From the address they’d given him he hadn’t realised it was a ranch. The feeling of space and hominess was prevalent in the flowers and trees surrounding the good-sized building as well as the area. The sign Leonard’s Veterinary Clinic was displayed prominently on the front. If the building and amount of cars was anything to go by the new practice was already doing well.

  Reid got out of the car, retrieved Liv and they went inside. After giving the receptionist his name he nodded at a few people he recognised from Dr Miller’s. While he waited, he pulled out his tablet and started to make notes on the programme he was currently working on.

  “Mister Jacobs,” a voice called, drawing his attention.

  Reid glanced at the nurse then stood and led Liv towards the examination room. She asked a few questions then left. Liv rested on the table, eyes closed, while Reid sat beside her in a chair, his hand on her side. Worry nagged at him, Liv was usually rambunctious and for her to be so listless concerned him. She was getting on in age.

  The door opened. Reid turned and stood. “It’s you.”

  The woman from the park glanced at him, confusion on her face. And what a face it was. He’d got glimpses of it and had felt she was beautiful but this close he realised how wrong he was. The woman was captivating. Her hair was still pulled back in a ponytail. It left her face prominently displayed. Eyebrows the same colour as her hair were over eyes a compelling shade of green, which were surrounded by thick curling lashes. He’d never got close enough to see her eye colour before. Against her ebony skin her captivating eyes stood out. All of her features came together into a package that only reinforced his impression of her being regal. Reid gulped at being in such close proximity with the woman. Suddenly he realised that he had been silent and staring for a long time.

  “Ummm… I’ve seen you jogging in the park. For months now, I’ve thought of talking with you but you’ve always been in a crowd. But today you weren’t and I was going to but then you were gone. And I was disappointed since I finally decided to.” Reid stopped, his eyes widening in horror.

  He silently cursed himself. When he was nervous he had no filter. He groaned and lowered his head. “Just ignore me.”

  The woman’s delighted laugh made him look at her. The mirth made her face even sexier.

  The sound faded but her full smile remained. “So you’ve been watching me.”

  Her voice left him disconcerted, feeling singed, yet stroked with velvet all at once. “I haven’t been stalking you or anything.”

  “I know you’re not a stalker,” she reassured.

  Reid frowned. “How would you? You should really be careful of believing what people say to you.”

  “I have no worry of a human hurting me.” The woman waved a heavily adorned hand. Her rings gleamed with various designs and her bracelets clanked.

  Did she just call him human?

  “You are too cute to worry about my safety, Reid.” She tucked some hair behind her ear.

  Reid frowned, wondering how she knew his name. As soon as he did, he realised who she was.

  “Dr Leonard—”

  “Ashia,” she interjected. “Call me Ashia. I’m already calling you Reid.”

  “Okay. Umm… Liv is acting listless and I’m worried she’s ill,” Reid said.

  Ashia’s smile widened as she flowed closer to him. There was no other way to describe the boneless sensual way she moved. She stopped so near she was in his personal space. Reid inhaled, his nostrils filling with a delectable scent. It wasn’t anything he could place, yet it reminded him of the smell of rain as it fell during a darkening twilight. Reid chuckled at his sappiness.

  “You have a very good laugh, Reid.”

  Reid was caught in her green-eyed gaze. “Umm…thanks.”

  “You are very welcome, Reid. Now let me see what is wrong with your companion.” She turned her attention to Liv.

  Free of her intense gaze, Reid shivered. Ashia was a lot of woman to take so close. Now more than ever he decided not to ask her out. He focused on Liv as Ashia checked her over. He appreciated the gentle way she handled Liv. Ashia turned her head. That was when he noticed the jewellery on the upper top of her left ear. Ashia moved to the other side of the table and he noticed a matching one on the right ear too. Instinctively he moved around the table and stood beside her. Reid touched the jewellery then bent to get a look. It was lovely. Delicate woven pieces of what looked to be gold and silver made up the cuff. Hanging from it was a piece that seemed to have some sort of writing on it. At the tip was a green gem that matched her eyes.

  “It is a cartouche,” she said.

  Reid turned his head. How had he got so near to her? He could feel her breath on his lips. Reid released the jewel and stepped back.

  “Sorry, I shouldn’t have touched you.” He slid his hands into his pockets.

  “Is that why you are standing like that?” Ashia glanced at his hands then back to his face. “If so it’s unnecessary. You wouldn’t have been able to touch me without my wanting it.”

  Reid frowned as he realised what she had said. Flustered, he glanced at Liv. “What’s wrong with her?”

  Ashia explained but he was too distracted to register much of what she said the moment he realised it wasn’t serious. She wrote on a few pieces of paper and Reid accepted them without reading them. Ashia turned to leave but paused before the door, looking over her shoulder.

  “What did you plan to say to me, today at the park?”

  Reid responded without thinking. “Some lame thing about seeing you then I might have worked up the courage to ask you out.”

  “You can cook me dinner at your house tonight, Reid Jacobs. I’ll be there at seven o’clock,” Ashia said then turned back to the door.

  The way she had stated it sounded like a promise as well as a warning.

  “Wait. What? How do you know where I live?” Reid took a step towards her.

  “The writing on the cartouche states Amaunet.” Ashia’s reply didn’t answer any of his questions.

  Reid watched, stupefied, as she left the room closing the door behind her. A soft woof caught his attention. He moved back to Liv and put his hand on her head.

  “Seems that we’re having company tonight.”

  Reid glanced at the papers she’d handed him and shoved the papers in his pocket then said to Liv, “I have a feeling Daddy will be babbling like a fool often in front of that woman.” Reid stilled.

  They hadn’t even had dinner yet and he was already planning on her being around often.

  “Yep, I’m delusional. One dinner with me, and she’ll run for the hills. Ah shit, I can’t cook. What am I going to make? Maybe I can buy something.”

  Liv woofed again.

  “You are absolutely right, no cheating by buying out. Google a simple recipe. It can’t be that hard to make something passable.”

  With that decided Reid gathered Liv and headed out. As he walked through the reception room, he noticed Ashia speaking with the receptionist. She glanced up and winked, instantly making him blush. Shit, he was in over his head. He left quickly.

  Ashia held back a laugh as Reid almost knocked over Mrs Garcia—one of her patients’ owners—as she came in. Before he slipped outside Reid glanced over his shoulder towards her and she widened her smile causing another delightful blush to stain his
porcelain skin. He was really cute. His skin tone was offset by red hair that was extremely curly, which made his bright blue eyes that were covered by small wire-framed glasses more captivating. Reid was thin and gangly, taller than her by a few inches, but even under his baggy T-shirt and cargo pants she could see he had muscles.

  The whole fascinating package that made up Reid combined to make his look what she had come to think of since being with humans as geeky cute. He turned her on, so she must like her some geeky cute.

  Ashia returned to the back of the vet clinic. She hadn’t felt this revved in millennia. It was certainly strange that a human had put her in this state. She found she enjoyed living among the humans. She’d been bored and had wanted a change of scenery. Renpet—or as she was known to the humans, Devi—seemed happy with her life amongst the humans. Renpet was the goddess of time and immortality, and Ashia, had decided to come see what had intrigued her fellow goddess so.

  Now she had her first human date. And with a sexy geek who she wanted to kiss very badly. Ashia chuckled, remembering his babbling about seeing her jogging in the park. She’d never even noticed him. Reid had been so earnest about not being a stalker, then protective thinking she was naïve. If only he knew she had had more experience looking after herself and had seen much more than he ever could. As she’d examined his dog she’d felt his eyes on her. His concern for his doggy companion had been almost tangible. His interest in her had been even more so. She’d felt him coming towards her. She could have stopped him from touching her cartouche, but she had wanted his hand on her skin. When his fingers had brushed along her ear and against the side of her neck it had taken everything she had to not turn her head and suck his fingers.


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