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Evolution: Age of Expansion - A Kurtherian Gambit Series (The Ghost Squadron Book 3)

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by Sarah Noffke

  “What’s going on?” asked Eddie, stepping forward and narrowing his eyes. “What’s a Black Eagle doing out there, and why does it look like someone pulled it apart and pieced it back together? Don’t tell me that’s a Federation ship!”

  “I don’t think so,” said Chester, “which was one of the reasons I alerted you. This guy, from everything I’ve been able to tell, just flew in from the Frontier. I don’t think he realized he was close enough to Station 7 for anyone to get a shot of him.”

  “How did you get this feed?” asked Julianna.

  “I picked up some of the comm traffic from Station 7. They sent a message when he was close enough, but he cut the line as soon as it happened. He tried his best to stay off the radar.”

  “Tried?” asked Eddie.

  “Well, he did sever the line with Station 7, but I had already leeched into his comm, which granted me the opportunity to track his movements.” Chester rubbed his hands together with a cunning look in his eyes.

  “You’re one smart sonofabitch. Have I told you lately I’m glad you’re on our side?” said Eddie with a laugh.

  “You haven’t said it nearly often enough for my liking,” joked Chester.

  “He enjoys having his ego stroked more than Harley likes his head scratched,” said Marilla, not looking away from her screen.

  “It’s true, I’m just like a dog.” Chester tapped on his keyboard, enlarging the image of the ship even more. “Anyway, just before the comm was severed completely I heard the guy in this rogue ship say, ‘Damn Federation can’t protect me from the Brotherhood. No one can.’”

  “Brotherhood? He said that?” Julianna asked, standing up straighter. Harley had been eyeing her eagerly, as if hoping she’d acknowledge him or maybe even pet him, but she’d kept her eyes trained on the image over Chester’s desk.

  “Yeah, that was what got my attention and is why you’re here,” said Chester.

  “What’s that on the side of the ship?” asked Eddie.

  “I’ve been trying to find out. The image is getting cleaned, so I’m hoping a clearer version refreshes soon. The cameras on Station 7 aren’t the greatest, so we should be grateful they captured what they did.” Chester pushed up his glasses just as the image refreshed, the magnified text on the side of the Black Eagle now readable.

  “’DTC?’” asked Julianna, squinting. “Am I reading this right?”

  “I’ve seen that before,” said Eddie. “Not long ago, when I was visiting a fringe planet.”

  “You mean when you were taking a drunken tour of bars on shitty planets?” asked Julianna.

  “Yes, actually,” said Eddie, winking. “Tons of bar fights, lots of waking up in alleys. Good times.”

  “What’s it stand for?” asked Marilla, poking her head above her desk.

  Eddie thought for a moment. “Defiance Trading Company, if I remember right,” he finally answered. “They deal in black market weapons. I heard the Federation pushed them beyond their borders a long time ago. I don’t know much more than that about them, though.”

  “Which means, if this guy is flying around next to the border—” began Julianna.

  “Then something’s gone wrong,” Eddie said, completing her sentence as his gaze drew distant.

  “Something involving the Brotherhood, it sounds like,” said Julianna.

  “Yeah. If they’re after him, there has to be a reason. I’m guessing this guy could tell us some stories.” Eddie stood tall, the adrenaline already starting to pound in his veins. “Commander,” he said, glancing at Julianna, “you up for an impromptu game of hide and seek?”

  She grinned. “Absolutely.”

  Marilla chimed in with, “I’m guessing this guy is going to do his best to give you the slip. He sounds scared.”

  Eddie nodded. “Which means we need to double our odds, so I’ll have Lars come along. We can practice that pincer movement we were talking about yesterday,” said Eddie, his voice growing more excited.

  Julianna smirked. “Thanks, Chester, for keeping your eyes on the radar and constantly scanning. Good work.”

  Chester leaned back and laced his hands behind his head. “Someone has to have eyes out there.”


  Alpha-line Q-Ship, Federation Border Station 7 Airspace, Lorialis System

  “That’s the Omega-line? It doesn’t look any different from this Q-Ship,” said Lars from the copilot seat.

  “That’s kind of the point,” said Eddie. “The differences are on the inside.” He pulled the controls to the side as Julianna maneuvered the other ship, the one Hatch had just created, up next to them. “Strong Arm,” he said, using Julianna’s call sign, “you wanna show Carnivore what that baby can do?”

  “I thought you’d never ask,” said Julianna over the comm. The Q-Ship she was flying punched out at breakneck speed, leaving the other behind.

  “Whoa, it can definitely move,” remarked Lars. “I’ll admit that’s impressive, but I thought the new line had some out-of-this-world features?” The Kezzin gave Eddie a sideways glance that showed his disappointment.

  Eddie activated the thrusters to send their own Q-Ship racing after Julianna. “Just wait. There’s another feature you have to see in action.”

  “Carnivore, did you just say ‘out-of-this-world’ while we’re racing through space?” asked Julianna.

  Eddie snickered. “He’s been sheltered, so give him a break. We’ll teach him some fun references.”

  A laugh echoed across the comm. “Don’t learn your lingo from Blackbeard.”

  “Hey, I know things!” argued Eddie.

  “If you three are done shooting the breeze, our target is ahead,” said Pip.

  “’Shooting the breeze?’” asked Eddie, activating the second thruster to catch up with Julianna.

  “Yes, it’s one of the many weird things about his new evolution,” said Julianna, a sudden edge to her voice.

  Eddie shot Lars a look and raised his eyebrow but said nothing, and Lars returned the glance with a slight shrug.

  “Target spotted,” said Lars, checking the radar. Julianna, as planned, had made an arc around the upcoming Black Eagle.

  “That puppy is slow. It must have been kept in a rusty garage since it was decommissioned.” Eddie sent the Q-Ship toward the flying target, doubling his speed.

  “Strong Arm, we are approaching and will be in position soon,” Lars informed Julianna.

  “Fifteen seconds,” supplied Pip.

  “Almost there,” muttered Eddie.

  “Target’s fuel reserves are low. Engines have failed twice,” Pip informed them.

  Lars flipped two switches overhead before adjusting his microphone. “Defiance Trading Company, we’ve determined that your spacecraft is in distress. We’re a Ronin tow craft, and we offer assistance.”

  There was no answer over the static-filled comm, but the gray Black Eagle immediately spun in the opposite direction. For a moment it looked like it would stall, but the engines kicked back on and it shot forward.

  “We’ve got a runner,” said Eddie, sitting up.

  “Your engines are failing, Defiance. We can help you. We mean you no harm,” said Lars over the comm.

  Another voice finally answered. “I don’t need any help. I’ve got a rescue craft already on the way.”

  Eddie sent the Q-Ship after the Black Eagle and quickly caught up. The craft in front of them came to an automatic halt, causing Eddie to swerve the Q-Ship around it. He overshot it by a short distance before doubling back and hovering just in front of the old craft.

  “Fuel levels on Defiant ship are nearly depleted,” said Pip.

  “How long could he idle?” asked Eddie.

  “Three hours, roughly,” said Pip.

  “I don’t have three hours to hang around here,” remarked Eddie. “This idiot needs to realize we aren’t the bad guys.”

  “Unless he turns out to be an enemy, and then we’ll fuck him up,” said Julianna.

sp; “There you are, Strong Arm. What say we end this already?” Eddie and Lars were only thirty meters from the other ship, close enough for a visual, and Eddie leaned forward to look into the Black Eagle. The murky dust covering the windows made it impossible to discern a figure, though.

  “There’s a problem,” said Pip over the comm.

  “Of course there is. Wouldn’t be a party without one,” said Eddie, not at all deterred.

  “Fuel level is rising,” informed the AI

  “How is that possible? You said it was near zero,” said Lars.

  “It shouldn’t be possible,” said Eddie. “Maybe there was a malfunction with the gauge.” As soon as the last word left his mouth the rogue Black Eagle zoomed forward again in another attempt to get away. It wasn’t going to work, but the last-ditch effort was kind of cute. Eddie flew straight after it and kept pace.

  “Have you guys been looking for me?” asked Julianna. Eddie couldn’t see her out the window, but a quick glance at the radar told him that she was hovering just above the Black Eagle.

  “There you are!” Eddie chuckled. “Lars, tell this guy we’ve got him surrounded. You’ve got a nice voice, so I’m sure it’ll sound comforting.”

  Lars shot Eddie a strange look. “’Comforting?’ Do I really?”

  “Like an old grandmother,” Eddie assured him.

  “If she had smoked for forty years,” added Julianna.

  “Are you sure you want me to say we have him surrounded?” asked Lars. “We only have two ships.”

  Keeping his hands on the controls, Eddie nodded. “Just do it.”

  Without another word, Lars flipped a switch. “Defiance, we have you surrounded and we mean you no harm. Allow us to tow you from here.”

  “I’m not falling for your bullshit. Just leave me alone.” The voice crackled through the staticky comm.

  “Testy little tyke, isn’t he?” asked Eddie. “Strong Arm, we’re ready for you to graduate to the next phase.”

  “Copy,” said Julianna. “Initiating. Be ready for next phase in three, two…and one.”

  In front of the racing Black Eagle another Q-Ship appeared, and Lars’ eyes widened with shock. Eddie had wanted to tell him about this part beforehand, but he had also wanted it to be a surprise. He wagered there was no danger in that.

  Lars whipped his gaze to the radar. Another ship had appeared behind the Black Eagle and almost at once the fleeing ship slowed, stalling once more before coming to a near-halt. A second later two more Q-Ships materialized on each side of the Black Eagle.

  Lars flicked off the comm, disconnecting them from the Defiance ship. “I’m guessing those aren’t enemy ships, based on the smile on your face.”

  “Those aren’t even ships,” said Eddie proudly.

  Lars stared at the vessel just in front of the Black Eagle. “Huh? They look like ships.”

  “Holograms are funny like that,” said Eddie.

  “Holograms?” sputtered Lars. “Strong Arm, are you doing that?”

  Julianna answered right away. “Yes, they’re projections. After the right modifications, Hatch was able to make them appear as actual ships on the radar too. Just one of many upgrades to this Omega-line Q-Ship.”

  “Damn, that’s remarkable,” said Lars.

  “Looks like it’s time to bring this guy in,” said Eddie. “Finally.”

  “Finally?” questioned Julianna. “This took a whole five minutes—you’re so impatient. But yes, let’s bring him in and end this.”

  Lars nodded, flipping the comm switch. “Defiance, we’re sending out tow cables. Cooperate, and you will not be harmed.”

  There was no reply as Eddie fed out the cables and locked them securely into place. After they had been reinforced, Eddie signaled Julianna. “Strong Arm, we’re all set. Meet you back at ArchAngel.”

  The Q-Ship projections disappeared from around the Black Eagle. “Copy,” responded Julianna. “I’ll be waiting with a welcome gift for our guest.”

  “Freshly baked muffins?” asked Eddie, mock hope in his voice.

  “With fucking crumble on top,” said Julianna.


  Loading Bay, QBS ArchAngel, Lorialis System

  Julianna aimed a rifle at the rogue Black Eagle’s airlock as the ship slid to a halt in the landing bay, and the crew sprinted in like a well-oiled machine, chaining the craft down to the dock at once.

  Julianna eyed the weapon in her hands. It was, sadly, more obsolete than the decommissioned ship in front of her.

  I’m getting new weapons soon, she thought, turning the gun over and examining its side.

  That could link you all to the Federation, Pip warned.

  Not if I steal them from some pirates.

  You’d better find the richest pirates you can, or their weapons won’t be any better than what you currently have.

  Fighting undercover for the Federation had its perks, one of them being that they didn’t have to follow the same protocols as other divisions. However, the outdated weapons were a definite downside.

  The crew had peeled back a safe distance and waited in silence.

  Eddie and Lars were stationed in front of the ship’s hatch when it finally cracked open.

  “Hold your fire and wait for my command,” said Julianna. She stepped forward, trying to get a good look at the pilot.

  The cockpit door rose several more centimeters before she could see the pilot’s face, and she realized that he was human. By the time the man was in full view he had raised his hands above his head, and his eyes darted between her rifle and the other crew members.

  “I surrender! I surrender! I surrender!” the guy said, his voice frantic as he stared down the barrel of Julianna’s gun. He was in his early twenties, about like Chester, but had a black Mohawk and green eyes. A silver metal ring looped through his eyebrow and he had another piercing in the ear on the opposite side.

  “Step down slowly,” Julianna ordered, motioning to the floor with her rifle.

  The pilot, who seemed more like a kid than anything with his pale face and shaking hands, did exactly as he was told. He dropped to his knees, keeping his hands behind his head. Julianna motioned to Lars. “Search him. And don’t try anything stupid,” she told the boy. “We like to shoot first and ask questions later around here.”

  The guy’s face tightened when Lars reached into his waistband and pulled out a pistol which looked somehow more obsolete than the weapons they’d been using on this ship.

  “I thought you said you didn’t mean me any harm,” the stranger said.

  “We don’t,” said Julianna with a smile, the rifle in her hands steady, “but we need to ensure you’re the peaceful sort. We heard you mention the Brotherhood. Are you working for them?”

  The man’s mouth fell open. “Fuck, no! I’m running from them.”

  “Why’s that?” asked Eddie, stepping closer to Julianna as Lars drew back, raising his own weapon.

  The kid started speaking quickly, obviously scared. “Defiance, the trading company I worked with, they were selling weapons to the Brotherhood. Well, actually they were selling guns to a human the Brotherhood appeared to be working for, someone named ‘Felix Castile.’”

  “Okay, good. Now we’re getting somewhere,” said Julianna.

  “I’d been on a run for Mateo,” continued the pilot. “I wasn’t there when they did the trade. I showed up…” The guy’s eyes shot to his knees, then to his side. They darted all over, but they didn’t focus on anything. They were frantic, almost like he was seeing something…or reliving it.

  Julianna had seen this many times—this kid was in shock—and she lowered her weapon. “What did you see? What happened?” she asked, her voice a bit softer.

  “He… The Brotherhood… They killed everyone. The entire Defiance Trading Company is dead,” he said, his eyes jerking from side to side.

  Eddie’s gaze connected with Julianna’s and he gave her a slight nod, then lowered his rifle as well. “No
, they didn’t, since you’re still alive.” Eddie turned to Lars, who was still held his rifle at the ready. “Will you please lead our visitor to an interrogation room?”

  Julianna stepped forward, motioning for the stranger to lower his hands. “We call it an interrogation room, but please try to understand that we only want to talk. It sounds like we have mutual enemies. We can help you.”

  A tremor ran over the boy’s face but he nodded, getting to his feet as Lars approached him. The Kezzin led him through the bay door, with Eddie and Julianna following closely behind.


  The lights in the interrogation room were low, causing the Defiance pilot to squint at the pair when they entered.

  “What’s your name, son?” asked Eddie, perching on the edge of the table and gazing down at him.

  “Knox Gunnerson,” he said, looking at Eddie and Julianna quizzically. “Are you with the Federation?”

  Julianna shook their head. “No, we’re a rogue outfit about like the Defiance Trading Company, but we don’t sell weapons to terrorists. We spend our energy and resources trying to stop the terrorists that your organization supplies.”

  “The Defiance Trading Company isn’t bad. We’re—well, we used to be—there to help the little guy, help those who needed to defend themselves. It isn’t easy to get your hands on artillery out on the fringe. It’s different there. You wouldn’t understand.” Knox lowered his eyes to the table, cold resolve settling in them.

  “I think we would understand,” said Eddie, his voice calm. “Our job is to stop these terrorists—the same people who took out your company. If you help us, maybe we can find them before they hurt anyone else.”

  “What weapons did your people sell them?” asked Julianna.

  Knox pursed his lips, looking like he was suddenly unwilling to talk.

  “Look,” said Julianna, “we know how desperate things have gotten for some, and we’re not blaming you for what’s happened. We’re just trying to make sense of it. Will you help us?” She pulled out a chair and took a seat, hoping it made her appear less intimidating.


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