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Watch Me Follow

Page 17

by Harloe Rae

  Lennon scoffs at my amendment.

  “I have more than enough for us to use however we like. If you’d like to chip in, I won’t refuse but it would be better to spend what you have on Len’s Looks. I’m more than willing to invest in your company too, if you’d let me. I want to provide everything so you can rely on me.”

  “All that sweet talk sounds very good coming from you,” Lennon says before brushing a brisk kiss to my jaw. “But what about your goals and personal achievements? Cost of living?”

  “You saw my apartment.” My thumb hikes to the hallway. “Aside from this room, I live a very minimalist lifestyle. I always have and that’s fine. I want more for us, together. If I have it, we should use it.” I squeeze her leg and tap the computer before adding, “My accomplishments are all right here. This space I created for us isn’t too bad, right? I’ve built a few very lucrative software programs by the age of twenty-two. That was a pretty damn good start. Now? I’ve got you.” I pull her palm to my lips. “I don’t need anything else ever again.”

  “Well, alrighty then.” Lennon sniffles a bit.

  “Alrighty then,” I echo with a small smile.

  Her fingers graze underneath my eyes. “Did you sleep all right? There’s purple smudges here.”

  “Nah,” I respond with a sheepish shrug. “My nights are always busy. I work out to quiet my anxiety before getting work done. I’ve never needed more than a few hours. That’s just the way it is.”

  “Is there anything I can do to help? I want you to find peace and be able to relax.” Lennon’s brow crinkles.

  “Oh, you do plenty. Without you here, I’d be a complete disaster. You bring a level of calm to my life that I can’t achieve alone. Not even a little bit, trust me.” I smooth the worry from her skin with my thumb. “Because of you, I’ve actually been sleeping more than usual but didn’t catch a wink last night for obvious reasons.”

  A brilliant blush bursts across her cheeks and all I can do is watch, totally enraptured, while my words cause such an impact. Her reaction reminds me of all that lies ahead for us.

  “Where to next, Sunshine?” I ask after a few silent moments.

  “What do you mean? We can’t stay in here forever, surrounded by love notes?” She looks around the room with raw emotion shining in her eyes.

  “Does that include staying naked? Because I’m totally game. We could start with a shower,” I mumble against her bare shoulder.

  “Together?” she squeaks sharply, and a blush races up her neck as she yanks the blanket higher.

  “Why are you hiding from me? We shared everything last night,” I ask and drag my finger under the offensive fabric. I tug lightly against the dip between her tits. “There’s no need to be shy, Sunshine.”

  “Easy for you to say, Mister Sexy Pants.” Lennon raises an angular brow.

  My burst of laughter is loud and unexpected.

  “Another nickname? I won’t even ask.” I stare deeply into her light eyes and my gut dips at the open affection reflected back at me. “You’re gorgeous. Never doubt that. It should be glaringly obvious that I’m legit crazy over you, Missus Sexy Pants.” I can’t stop the words from tumbling out and she shivers against me.

  “Missus?” Lennon questions softly while looking up through lowered lashes.

  “That just slipped out but I don’t take it back. That title sounds right.”

  “It really does.”

  “You’re my future, Sunshine. I’d do anything for you, which includes hours of worship and special attention.”


  “Need me to show you?”

  She nods rapidly and that’s all I need to be set in motion. My greedy hands grip her hips before she’s hoisted into my arms. As I’m carrying her into the bathroom, my mouth waters at the expanse of creamy skin on full display.

  “I’m gonna love all over you and make up for the pain last night. This is all about you,” I whisper and watch goosebumps rise along her flesh.

  With the warm water cascading down around us, I kiss and suck and lick every succulent piece of her until Lennon is a rippling puddle in my palms. I don’t consider my own release even when my cock begs for relief, knowing she’s probably sore. Roaring arousal pumps through me regardless, proving I don’t need to get off for this to feel good. Lennon pouts and reaches for my painfully hard length, demanding to return the favor. I shake my head and latch onto her mouth, silencing any further protest.

  A relaxed smile lifts her lips as I take my time washing her pliable form, making sure to massage the soap into her sluggish muscles. The small space smells like coconut and the beach and paradise, which is exactly why I bought a bottle of her shampoo. Getting clean has never been so dirty and doesn’t last nearly long enough in my opinion, but Lennon’s fingertips are starting to prune. I take my time toweling her off, enjoying the feel of her curves underneath the soft terry cloth.

  We get out and wander into the bedroom. I step into a pair of sweats before grabbing a shirt for her. It’s far too large but Lennon doesn’t complain as she slips it on. Her sinful body is covered from my hungry gaze but I’ll never leave her alone if she stays naked. A pleased grumble barrels from my chest as the fabric brushes her knees. Having Lennon wear my clothes is a fucking nice alternative to seeing her bare.

  “Thanks. For, uh, everything. How the heck did you get so good at, um, all that sexy stuff?” She shoots me a shy smile and fidgets with the hem. A rosy hue blossoms across her features and I know it’s not from the clammy air clinging around us.

  “You want the honest truth?” Shame paints the words and worry slithers up my torso. Lennon nods while stepping closer to me, a frown denting her forehead. I blow out heavy sigh. “I did a lot of research in preparation. Like advice columns, articles, chat rooms, and . . . uh, porn.” I choke out the last part. Lennon stares at me silently, no reaction whatsoever. My blood pressure spikes, assuming the worst. Shit. “It’s not like I was doing it for pleasure or anything. Don’t be mad. I didn’t enjoy watching them,” I tell her honestly.

  Lennon chews on her lip before a giggle bubbles out. “Why would I be mad? Don’t guys watch dirty videos all the time? I mean, kudos to whatever you studied, it worked really well.” The statement comes across as a fact, not her padding my ego. She bites her lip before adding, “I really like what you do. Now I feel bad for not doing anything to make it better for you. Urgh, I totally suck.”

  “Not possible,” I assure her as I loop my arms around her waist. “You’ll always—”

  “Let’s watch some together,” Lennon blurts while fiddling with the drawstring on my pants.

  “Now? You’re serious?” I sputter.

  “Yeah, why not?” She shrugs. “It’ll give us something to do while we finish cooling off.”

  “Um, that kind of defeats the purpose of watching it,” I utter and my dick stirs at her fingers’ close proximity.

  “No. This is for instructional use only.” She shakes her finger at me. “I want some pointers before we head out of town later. This camping trip will be super romantic and sexy now.” Her blue-green eyes sparkle in the low light. “Plus, I still need to pack and can’t spend all day in bed. No matter how hot and bothered these pornos make me.”

  An amused huff puffs from my mouth before I lead us to the bed. I grab my laptop before opening a free site I’d found during my exploration.

  “These aren’t that great so don’t expect much. I learned more from the blog posts,” I offer softly while clicking through all the permission tabs.

  “Oh, hush. It’s only fair. Lucy always talked about watching this sort of thing but I never saw the point. If nothing else, it will be another first for me,” she says and reaches for my hand.

  Suddenly lude noises blast from the tiny speakers. Filthy language and corny moans fill the quiet room as we sit extremely still, watching the small screen. Our heads tilt toward each other, trying to figure out the unnatural position. My stomach flips and awkwardn
ess creeps up my spine. This entire situation doesn’t feel right—at all.

  “Oh my. Wow.” Lennon’s eyes bulge. “Um, okay. That’s . . . interesting.” She gestures at the computer. “How does she bend like that? That can’t be comfortable. Isn’t there a 101-beginner’s version?”

  “See? I warned you. Totally over the top and not very helpful.” I click out of the video before tossing the laptop aside.

  She starts laughing.

  “I’m not even sure what to call that. I might be scarred for life.” She pats her temple before fanning her face. “Phew, well that’s done. Should we get ready to go?” Lennon twists and kisses my cheek before hopping off the springy mattress.

  “Are you going to tell me where yet? Or still keeping it a secret?” I question as Lennon bounces in front of me. She insisted on planning this next date on her own, only sharing that we’d be gone for several days and that it involved a tent. Apparently, my sunshine isn’t into glamping, whatever that means.

  She laces our fingers and tugs me off the bed. “It’s going to be so much fun. You’ll see. Come on, come on. There’s a dive restaurant on the way that we can check out for lunch. How much time do you need to get ready?” Lennon talks at rapid speed and my ears buzz while attempting to intake everything.

  I rub her palm over my cropped hair.

  “Ready when you are, Sexy Pants.”


  All I need is right here, in front of me.

  I STEP BACK before wiping my damp brow, pride filling my chest at our teamwork. My lungs expel a long exhale as I stretch the strain in my lower back. Setting up a tent is no joke but the effort was well worth it.

  After securing the final stake, Ryker stands to join me and we take a moment to admire our rustic setup. The section of shaded grass we’re renting is completely surrounded by natural beauty. Dense trees line most of the space except for the section of sandy shore. The rocky cliffs rise up in the distance and edge the far side of the lake. I can hear the crashing rush of the waterfall just around the bend but it’s hidden from view. The sun reflects through the leaves and casts shimmering light around the small space. This slice of wilderness is our home for the next several days and the tranquil scenery is practically humming with peace.

  The campsites at Clifftop Outpost are secluded and widely spread apart for privacy. Their promise of a quiet escape from city living caught my attention when I was planning this surprise for us. I’d say they definitely held up their end of the bargain.

  My lids blink quickly as I twist to peer at the calm lake. The surface glistens as slow waves ripple with the breeze, beckoning us near. This oppressive June humidity has me craving a swim in the cool water. I tip my face up to Ryker and catch him staring at me.

  “Whatcha looking at?” I question with a smirk.

  “You,” he says without pause.


  He shrugs and reaches for my hand. “Because that’s kinda my thing. It’s what I do. What I’ve done for years. Do you want me to stop?” Ryker’s eyes spear into me and my knees threaten to buckle.

  “No. I um, like it. A lot.” I stress the last word and bite my lip.

  “Good,” he hums while tucking me into his side, “because I wasn’t going to quit.”

  I hop on tiptoes and tip my face toward his.

  “I love you, Ry.”

  Even with the sweltering heat blasting against us, Ryker shivers.

  “I love hearing that from your lips. Almost as much as I love you, Sunshine.” His prickly jaw nuzzles along my sticky cheek and even with the balmy weather, I welcome the embrace.

  “This place is all right, huh? Not too shabby?”

  Ryker guffaws. “You’re joking, right? Because you did real good. This spot is dynamite and has everything we need.” He gestures around us and I follow the sweep of his arm. “It’ll be fun to have a fire later. We can snuggle close for warmth.”

  When he wags his brows, I giggle into his shoulder.

  “Oh, I like the sound of that.” My lashes bat shamelessly up at him.

  Ryker chuckles again and the sound brings flutters to my belly.

  “I love you but there’s no way we’re gettin’ busy in that tent right now. It’s too fucking hot, but I’ll show you later.”

  I gawk unabashedly at his open expression.

  Oh, my. Playful and flirty Ryker is hazardous to my lady bits.

  “What?” He questions after I keep silently staring.

  “You’re so . . . sexy,” I blurt and my cheeks flame. My finger circles his dimples before pointing at his t-shirt. “This look is really working for you. Damn, you’re fine as hell.”

  A brilliant smile lights up his face and my brain short-circuits.

  “That’s my favorite,” I whisper in awe.

  Ryker’s forehead creases as he nods to tent. “Roasting in our little sauna?”

  “Oh my God. No!” I snort. “Your laugh and smile are the best.” My voice breaks at the emotion glittering in his soulful gaze. “That’s my number one,” I add softly.

  His mouth drops to mine before he murmurs, “It’s all because of you. Only for you.”

  I sag against him, pouring all my overflowing bliss into our brief kiss.

  “You’re wonderful and perfect and all for me,” I say on a happy sigh.

  “Damn straight, Sunshine. Before we get carried away, what should we do first?”

  “I read about a designated area of the cliffs that’s safe to jump from. That could be exciting.”

  Ryker nods and leads us to our pile of supplies. “Let’s hike up the trail and check it out.”

  “And we can have dinner up there. Picnic style,” I suggest while bouncing on my toes.

  “Sounds delicious.”

  We set off up the path with matching grins lifting our lips, our clasped hands swinging between us. I’m carrying the basket with food and he’s got the backpack with other essentials. We’re totally winning at this camping stuff.

  “Will your companies be all right while we’re here? Or will you need to check in?”

  Ryker chuckles and squeezes my fingers. “They’re hardly mine. The big bosses hire me and hardly know who I am. They’ll survive without the data dumps for a few days.”

  “I’m still not entirely sure what you do for them, other than keeping the bad hackers out.”

  “That’s the gist. The rest is just boring details that would put you to sleep.”

  “Never. I wanna learn about your job. It’s this entirely different world I have no clue about. I’m sure putting it all together is interesting.”

  “I dunno about that. Security software isn’t glamorous but it’s vital. If you’re serious, I can show you more when we get back to a computer.”

  “If it’s a part of you, I wanna know all about it.”

  “It’s settled. I’ll tell you everything.” Ryker pulls me closer to wrap his arm around me. “What about Len’s Looks? Let’s talk about what you’re planning for Denten.”

  I blow out a lungful of air. “It’s intimidating, you know? I’m going to have the freedom to create whatever my heart desires. I’m not sure where to start and that’s kind of overwhelming. There’s too many wild ideas swirling around up here,” I explain while tapping my temple.

  “You’re so talented, Sunshine. Once you get going, nothing will stop you.”

  Too bad I don’t have your confidence. I’m terrified of failing, like my parents have always predicted.” My stomach sinks at the thought of proving them right. That’s not an option I’ll consider.

  Ryker pulls me to a stop. “Don’t say stuff like that. You’re going to be a huge success. I’ll help with anything you need. Even just cheering you on in the workroom.”

  My eyes lock on his and something profound passes between us. I brush a soft kiss on his jaw. “You’re truly something special. How did I get so lucky?”

  “We were brought together for a reason,” he explains before dusting my lips with

  I lean into him and the basket bumps his leg, reminding us of our plans. Without another word, we climb the rest of the way before reaching the diving cliff.

  After setting everything down, I stretch my arms out wide and spin in a slow circle. The entire lake is visible from up here and the glistening sight is breathtaking. The rocky trail continues around but is blocked by huge boulders. The waterfall must be close because the pounding echo practically vibrates through me. My eyes continue bouncing around the stunning space while Ryker spreads a blanket on the flat surface. I go to him and wrap my arms around his waist, holding tight as his heartbeat drums into my ear.

  “This is incredible,” I murmur softly.

  Ryker hums, “It really is.”

  “You make me so happy.”

  He rests his chin on my head before saying, “You’re the definition of that word.”

  “I’ll love you forever, Ry.”

  I tilt my face up, seeking his warm embrace. Ryker swoops down immediately, not making me wait before pressing his lips to mine.

  “I’ll love you forever plus one, Sunshine,” he hums into my mouth.

  My tongue glides smoothly along his as we get lost in the kiss for a few beats, taking and giving from one another. My limbs turn to jelly when he pulls me closer while angling for a deeper connection. When we break away, our foreheads touch softly and the binds tying us together strengthen further. Current zaps between us as we get swept into oblivion, saying so much without uttering a syllable.

  His nose brushes down mine and I shiver from the gentle caress.

  “I can’t believe this is real. My insecurities are still on a constant loop,” he sighs against me. “What I feel for you is so powerful and all consuming. It’s really difficult for me to comprehend you feeling the same way. I’m trying but it doesn’t always add up,” Ryker admits quietly.

  “Well, I do feel the same. So much. And I’ll keep telling you until you believe me. This is forever,” I murmur quietly before placing a soft peck against his cheek.


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