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Falling For Her Bodyguard: A BWWM Suspense Romance

Page 4

by Stacey Pond

  As they walked back to the car, Gianni cleared his throat. “I didn’t mean that it didn’t look good on you, I just-”

  Kenzie held up a hand. “I really don’t care.”

  She slipped inside the car once the driver took her bags. The drive back felt even longer from the silence. Kenzie wondered what his problem was. She’d had men falling at her feet since she became a star, but this one wasn’t budging. In some ways, it made her want him even more. Kenzie quickly pushed that thought out of her head. She didn’t want Gianni, she could do much better than a bodyguard for a boyfriend anyway.

  When they reached the apartment, Kenzie locked herself in her room. She spent the next few hours working on her music before she pushed the notebook away in frustration. One of the requirements for her new CD was a love song. The woman scoffed. What did she know about love? Her first and only serious boyfriend had been at sixteen. They’d dated for four years before he decided he wasn’t into the relationship anymore. After that, she rarely dated. Ben had drawn her attention for the first time in a long time, but she didn’t even call her attraction for him love.

  Kenzie unlocked her door before walking into the apartment. It looked empty, but she knew that either Gianni or one of the others would be there. She’d found out the other day that it wasn’t just Gianni that lived there. They more or less used the room for whoever was on duty, it just usually happened to be him. She walked into the kitchen and poked her head into the fridge. She wished her friends could come over. The place was empty, lonely without someone to joke around with. She slammed the door to the fridge.

  “What does he know? My friends can know where I stay. I’m pretty sure my stalker isn’t stalking them too.”

  Kenzie dialed up Cassie and Ben. She gave them the address with instructions not to tell anyone where she was. When they arrived, Kenzie hopped off of the couch before throwing the door open. Cassie threw her arms around her neck before they stepped into her new place.

  “I like it. It’s kind of like your old place only more sophisticated,” Cassie said as she ran her hand over one of the plush pillows on the couch.

  Kenzie shrugged. “It’s okay. Check out the new outfit I bought today. It’s so cute.”

  Kenzie stopped talking when the door to the second bedroom creaked open. Her breath hitched before she chided herself. She was an adult, she could do what she wanted. The man who stepped out of the bedroom wasn’t Gianni though, it was a younger man she’d dubbed Brick. He was wide with hard muscles and red hair. He glanced around at her and her friends.

  “What’s this?” He asked, his voice deep.

  “These are friends. They’re what people with lives have.”

  The man looked around before he turned heading back into the room. “I’m calling Gianni,” he called over his shoulder.

  “Be right back,” she called to her friends before dashing into the room after Brick. He was just putting his phone to his ear when she yanked it away. “Don’t do that! Look, it’s cool. I’ve known them since we were kids, they can be trusted.”

  “Fine, then tell Gianni that.”

  “Why? He’s not my dad.”

  “No, but he’s put together very complex plans for your safety. You doing this is making his job a hell of a lot harder.”

  Kenzie felt a small pang of guilt, but she wasn’t going to admit it. “Fine, call him. I don’t care.”

  She stormed out of the room, slamming the door behind her. She’d told Marco that she didn’t want to deal with this. It wasn’t fair that she was the victim and had to be locked away like a prisoner. When she ran into Ben and Cassie, she waved her hand.

  “Come on, let’s go to my room. We can get ready in there.”

  They disappeared into her room as she locked the door behind them. They spent their time fixing their hair and makeup after they’d slipped into their dresses. Cassie was wearing a short black dress that showed off her modest cleavage. Her platinum hair rolled down her back in waves. It was apparent that she was a model just by the way she moved. Of course she’d slipped on a pair of black high heels. Kenzie felt even shorter than usual standing next to her in flats. Just as she was finishing up her makeup, a loud knock made them all jump.

  “Open this door.”

  She knew right away that it was Gianni, but she’d never actually heard him sound angry before. At first, she considered ignoring him, letting him simmer as he banged on the door. The thought was gone before it fully materialized as she told herself once again that she was an adult. If she wanted some company, she could have it. Kenzie walked over to the door, unlocked it before throwing it open.

  “What’s up?”

  What she hadn’t expected was him reaching inside the room, grabbing her arm and leading her into his bedroom. He flipped the switch beside her head after he’d closed the door bathing the room in fluorescent lights. She glared at him.

  “I told you I didn’t want you having people over.”


  “So, now you’ve compromised your security. Now, I have to find a new place for us to go. That means securing the staff and residents of another building to not go running their mouths that they saw Kenzie walking through the lobby. That means countless more hours not just for me, but the whole team. They have lives, families. The last thing they want to do is spend their time looking after someone who’s just going to be selfish and self absorbed like you!”

  It was the most words she’d ever heard him string together at once. Every one had been more painful than the last. Her eyes watered without her wanting them to. Before she knew it she had burst into tears. She threw the door open to his room before storming back to her own. The door was slammed and locked after her. Cassie and Ben looked on as she walked into her bathroom slamming that door as well.

  Why does he have to be such a jerk?

  Chapter 4

  Cassie knocked on the door. “Are you okay?”

  Kenzie wiped her eyes with a tissue before she looked at herself in the mirror. Her makeup was smudged, black eyeliner and mascara running down her face. She cleaned herself up before she emerged from the bathroom, she gave Ben and Cassie a small smile.

  “I’m fine. Let’s go.”

  Cassie always described her parties as little, but Kenzie knew that was never the case. When they pulled up in front of the night club, music poured out the front door whenever it was opened. She could see people standing around, waiting. When they pulled up the flash of cameras in the darkness was enough to steal her vision for a moment. Gianni pushed them all through the doors more quickly.

  Kenzie was instantly swept up in a whirlwind of kissed cheeks and tight hugs. She smiled at everyone until she thought her cheeks would crack. As soon as there was a break in the commotion, she disappeared from the crowd to grab a drink with her friends. They stood at the bar as they ordered and waited for their drinks to be poured. Out of the corner of her eye, Kenzie saw Gianni looking at her. She turned away quickly, felt a huge wave of embarrassment wash over her.

  “Shots, Kenzie. Wake up!”

  She shook her head to clear it of the loud music and her thoughts. Kenzie picked up the shot glass that held something blue Cassie had ordered. As Cassie counted down, she threw the shot back. Her mouth was filled with the taste of sour blueberries. She puckered her mouth making everyone laugh. Kenzie decided to push Gianni out of her mind for the night. She didn’t need his approval. He didn’t know who she was and he couldn’t scold her like a child.

  The woman slammed down the next shot before beckoning for another. She was going to have fun, no matter what happened. After everything she’d been through, she figured, she deserved a good time. She drank too much, danced too much and as one a.m. rolled around she knew she was done for, but she still kept going. Kenzie laughed as she stumbled into a bar stool, caught herself and sat in it.

  She held up two fingers to the bartender. “One more!”

  Kenzie felt some
one brush up against her. A hand was laid on the bar next to her. She looked up slowly to see Gianni standing next to her, talking quietly to the bartender. When he was done, he laid a hand on Kenzie’s shoulder before helping her slide from the bar stool.

  “Where are we going?”

  “To the apartment. I think you need some rest,” Gianni said as he led her through the crowd of people.

  “Rest? I’m fine! I don’t need your help,” she said as she shrugged his arm off of her.

  Gianni glared. When he did, the man who usually looked generally bored, looked dangerous. She could see why people might find him intimidating. As she’d been thinking, Gianni had taken her arm once more and was pushing her forward a little more quickly now. There was no shrugging him off this time. They made it outside where more lights went off in her face, making her angry before he slid her into the car. This time, he slid in with her before telling the driver to hurry up.

  “You don’t like cameras, do you?” Kenzie asked with slurred words.

  “Not as a general rule. Please, put your seatbelt on.”

  Kenzie waved a hand. Gianni groaned, making the driver chuckle. The man reached over her lap, grabbed the seat belt. Kenzie wrapped her arms around his neck pulling him closer. He looked at her with a look of unease, confusion, but she was studying his face slowly.

  “Can I have my neck back, please?” He asked quietly.

  Kenzie let him go. The seat belt clicked as it was fastened, before Gianni rose up. He leaned back against the seat of the car and closed his eyes. As he did, Kenzie couldn’t help but to be enamored with him. She wondered what he would do if she sat on his lap, played with his dark locks, kissed his lips?

  She shook her head as she realized he was staring back at her. The man raised an eyebrow. She looked away. Still, she wondered what his wavy hair would feel like around her fingers.

  When they pulled up in front of the apartment, her fingers fumbled with the seat belt. Gianni reached over her lap again, unlocked her and helped her out of the car. He kept an arm wrapped around her back as he led her inside. His steps slowed down to match her stumbling ones.

  When they were inside the apartment, Gianni deposited her in her room. She fell onto the bed, tried to get comfortable, but it was impossible in the dress. Her shoes were kicked off as she pushed herself up, walked down the hallway in search of him. When she reached his room, she pushed the door open. Gianni stood, back to her, as he slipped off his pants. He turned quickly when he heard the door. The sight of him in his black boxers made her bite her lip.

  “What are you doing in here? I’m not making you food tonight, you’re on your own.”

  Kenzie walked forward slowly. “I don’t want food.”

  “What do you want then?”

  “You,” the woman said as her fingers traced a path along his chest.

  Gianni’s hands held her shoulders before he pushed her back. “You’re drunk.”

  “Who cares?”

  “I do. Stop it.”

  Kenzie pouted. “You don’t think I’m attractive, that’s right.”

  “I never said that.”

  “In the store earlier…”

  Gianni sighed. “In the store I was trying to remain professional.”

  Kenzie grinned. “So, you think I’m hot?”

  “No. I think you’re beautiful.”

  The woman stopped at his words, but the seriousness on his face hadn't changed. He really meant that. Kenzie laid a hand on his chest. Her fingers ran over his smooth skin. At that moment, she knew she wanted him. She’d wanted him since the moment she saw him, but she’d tried to push those thoughts aside. Now, they were too strong to ignore. Her hand ran up to his face to rest on his cheek. As she gazed at him, he lowered his head until his lips were brushing hers. Then he moved away, leaving a kiss on her cheek.

  “Not when you’re drunk,” he whispered. Kenzie didn’t have time to be disappointed before he grabbed her hand. “Why don’t we both change? I’ll make us some food.”

  Kenzie nodded. As she turned around, she felt his hands run down her shoulders. His fingers brushed against her skin sending electricity through her body. She felt the dress loosen as the strings were untied. Then, barely noticeable, she felt a kiss placed on her shoulder. As she threw a glance over her shoulder, she saw Gianni staring back at her longingly. It made her smile. The man cleared his throat.

  “Right. I’ll meet you in the kitchen.”

  Kenzie disappeared into her room to change. The smile wouldn’t leave her face. At least now we’ll stop fighting so much. She slipped into a pale, pink nightgown that stopped at her thighs. When she walked into the kitchen, Gianni stared before he regained his composure.

  “What?” She asked suddenly self-conscious.

  “Nothing. Food’s almost done.”

  Gianni didn’t seem to be able to take his eyes off of her though. It made her grin as she walked out to the living room and drew her legs up on the couch. She flipped through the channels aimlessly as she looked for something for them to watch.

  The smell of cooking food made her stomach tighten in hungry anticipation. He carried two steaming plates out for them before sitting them on the table. The man had gone simple, burgers and fries. She smiled.

  “Just what I wanted, thanks.”

  Gianni nodded. “Drunk food always seems to be burger and fries.”

  “Do you even drink?” She asked amused as she picked up a french fry, blew on it and popped it into her mouth.

  “Yes, but it’s usually when I’m not working.”

  The woman nodded. He was so responsible, but then again he was older than her. They watched the movie and ate in silence. When Gianni went to ask her a question, he glanced at her. The woman had curled up on the couch, her head resting on the arm. Her slow, steady breathing filled the room. Gianni turned off the TV. He put the dishes away before he came back, gathered her up in his arms and carried her to her bedroom. Gently, he laid her on the bed before covering her up. She moaned, mumbling in her sleep. Gianni brushed a lock of hair from her forehead. He turned out the lights. A smile spread on his lips as he headed back to his room.


  Kenzie woke up to the sun filtering through her blinds, her head throbbing and pounding against her skull and a faint memory of the night before. Most of what she remembered was drinking too much, dancing too hard and the soft touch of Gianni’s hands against her skin. The last thought made her grin. There was something there, she was sure of it. Slowly, she pushed herself up before glancing at the clock. 7:00. She groaned. Why was she up so early?

  As she swung her legs from under the cover, she could hear thumping from outside of her door. She wondered what was going on as she walked out into the hallway. Her fingers pushed through her hair as she walked into the living room. There were moving boxes scattered throughout the room and two men were loading her things up into a truck. She recognized them as Brick and one of the other guards.

  Kenzie wiped her hand over her eyes before she headed to the kitchen. First, pain pills. Then she would figure out the rest of the day. In the cabinet above the sink she found a small bottle of pain pills before she filled a glass with cold water. Once she’d swallowed them down she went in search of Gianni.

  Gianni was standing in his room, filling a box with books. His eyes were squinted as he began to tape the box shut, his lips moving without making a sound. He didn’t look too happy. Kenzie walked in before she plopped down on the bed. He looked over at her.

  “Get ready.”

  “For what?”

  Gianni sighed. “Remember I told you yesterday that we’d have to find a new place for you? We found a house a little further North.”

  “I don’t want to move.”

  “Too bad.”

  Kenzie scoffed. “No, I don’t think you understood me. I’m not moving, period.”

  Gianni slammed the box down that he held in his hand
s. He pressed fingers to the bridge of his nose before taking a deep breath. After he’d moved the box to the hallway and stepped back into the room he started on the next box.

  “You don’t have a choice. This is ridiculous. I told you last night that it was going to happen. For once, can you just do what I ask?”

  Kenzie stood up. “I don’t hear you asking, first of all. I may dress young and have fun, but I'm still an adult. I don’t need another father. So, why don’t you just leave, because I’m not going anywhere.”

  Kenzie could hear him calling after her as she left, but she was in no mood for further discussion. She walked into her bedroom, slammed the door and headed into the bathroom to take a shower. The warm water eased her aching muscles from the night before, some of the headache washed away with the help of the pills. Her eyes were closed, fingers working into her stiff shoulders when the shower curtain was ripped open.

  “What the hell are you doing?”

  “I just thought you’d want to see this.”

  Gianni threw a package wrapped up in purple cloth on the toilet. She leaned over, picking the bundle up gingerly before she peeled it open. Inside, there was a Kenzie doll, but it was all wrong. The eyes had been scratched out. A knife was stuck in the belly of the doll, fake blood covered it. Kenzie let out a shriek before she threw it to the ground.

  “Where did that come from?”

  “Downstairs. Someone left it for you. Are you ready to go now?”

  Kenzie nodded slowly. It was time to go. Gianni closed the shower curtain before leaving her alone in the bathroom, but she felt uncomfortable now. She turned the faucet off, dripped water through the bathroom as she skipped picking up her towel. In her room, she found one of the little pills and swallowed it. The pounding of her heart slowed. She forced herself to stay calm, but she no longer could stand the place. All she could think about was what if he’d found a way inside?


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