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His Royal Majesty : A Royal Wedding Romance

Page 11

by Cassandra Bloom

  Adrian grunted as he drove his dick into her—Veronica felt the heat and jealousy hit her. She felt like her heart was getting ripped through her stomach.

  Oh, she wanted to be that woman.

  The woman let out a sharp cry—startling Veronica. She dropped the glass on the floor with a clatter.

  Adrian stopped and snapped around—his eyes growing wide when he spotted Veronica behind him. His cheeks flushed a bright red and instantly he grabbed the blanket from the bed, covering his manhood as he jumped off the bed.

  Veronica stood there frozen, "I am so sorry—I didn't mean to disturb you..." she trailed off, bending down to pick up the glass. The brunette looked up, not bothering to clothe herself, "Your Highness, why'd you stop?"

  The brunette's eyes fell onto Veronica, a smile lit her face, "Oh—good, the food's here."

  Veronica sighed a breath of relief—at least it wasn't Adrian who ordered.

  Veronica looked between the two of them, the heat hitting her face hard. The woman got up, completely naked and skipped to the tray—popping fruit into her mouth. She gave Veronica a wink as she picked up the whip cream, "Right on time."

  Veronica blushed—I shouldn't have given her that.

  Veronica looked to Adrian who was now facing the window looking out into the ocean, clutching at the sheet around his waist.

  The woman plopped onto the bed, and Veronica stared at Adrian, and she heard the woman spray herself with the cream.

  His shoulders tensed, "That will be all, thank you Veronica."

  His words were sharp and clear.

  Veronica's stood straight, remembering Megan's words, "Of course sir—"

  Adrian's head snapped back a little, when she said sir. But, he turned back to the window—dismissing her.

  With the glass in her hand, Veronica sped out of the room, and created as much distance as possible until she couldn't hear the faintest noise coming from his room. As soon as she felt the ocean air hit her face, her phone buzzed.

  She looked at the screen and her stomach disappeared into her throat.

  It was a text message.

  You and I need to have a little chat.


  Chapter 23

  Could I feel even more like an asshole?

  Technically, everything had gone according to plan. Adrian knew that Gisela had called for room service and he figured that Veronica would show up. She did and of course, she still startled him.

  He thought he was going to be able to pull it off.

  Just moments ago—he and Gisela were alone in his room. He had picked her first—for some reason, he felt like Cressida wanted to be last in line—probably part of some dramatic master plan.

  Gisela had instantly gotten to her knees—unbuckling Adrian's pants and taking him into her mouth. He placed his hand on the back of her head as he pushed her mouth further along his shaft. There were waves of pleasure—his dick starting to get harder with the touch of warmth and suction.

  He inhaled and pushed his dick further down his throat, he heard her slopping moans.

  But, as soon as he looked down—his dick got softer. He half expected Veronica's dark eyes, gazing up at him with awe. Instead he saw hazel eyes, lines of mascara starting to smear on her lids, as she sweat. He looked away trying to focus on the pleasure instead. She sucked him hard, but his body was not tensing into orgasm. She cupped his balls, and twisted them in her fingers. Still, he didn't feel the pleasure coursing through him like hot lava.

  Finally, he sighed and Gisela let go of his dick in disappointment.

  "Something wrong?" her mouth shone with spit.

  He shook his head, I can do this—for fuck's sake.

  "Nothing—I just want to have you instead."

  Without another word, she smiled and slunk back up his body with a flirtatious wink. She strolled away from him, and swayed her hips. She turned back and unclipped her dress. It fell to the floor in a soft pile of red—she wasn't wearing anything underneath. Her smile glittered.

  He took a deep breath and took off his clothes, and then led her to the bed. Immediately, he turned her around—turning her face away from him, as he entered her.

  He felt his dick get real hard—when he started to imagine Veronica underneath him, squirming against him, her dark eyes looking back as he plunged into her. His body was instantly lost imaging her instead—and soon he felt the pleasurable rhythm course through him, focusing on his fantasy entirely.

  Adrian's body finally tightened and he had to hold his tongue to keep from saying Veronica's name. He grunted with pleasure—and then something fell behind him. He awoke from his dream, and turned to see those same dark eyes that he was imagining underneath him.

  Veronica blushed a bright red—almost the same color he had seen when he had made her come with his fingers.

  He froze—he thought he was prepared. He had imagined what he would do.

  He would keep fucking the woman under him, staring at Veronica—letting her know that she meant nothing. That he was perfectly fine fucking any other woman but her.

  But, his dick begged to differ. His stomach dropped at the sight of her, of the way her mouth fell open, her eyes flickering from Adrian to Gisela. Shame washed over him, and his dick fell limp.

  He had no idea what to do—but, he felt vulnerable and grabbed for the blanket—wishing she had never entered.

  Gisela got up and Adrian took the moment to think. His breathing was hard—from both his fantasy and from realizing that his plan was backfiring. He couldn't look at her any longer. He had to finish this—he had to perform his duties. He did the only thing he knew—shut down completely.

  He strolled away from them—trying to focus on the waves that rolled under the ship—trying to focus on anything but Veronica's body behind him. He wanted her to go away.

  "Of course, sir," Veronica's voice tingled through him. He wanted her to say it again.

  He heard the door close behind him.

  He exhaled—finally taking a breath he didn't realize that he was holding.

  Gisela's arms wrapped around him.

  He wanted to get away—his dick was completely out of order. After catching Veronica's eyes—how could his dick get hard again?

  He excused himself from Gisela's hold— "Hey—come back later—I'm exhausted."

  She blinked at him, clearly offended that he didn't want to come all over her. But, she bit her lip annoyed and got dressed.

  Adrian kept the blanket around him—and as soon as she left, he slumped into the sofa chair beside the window. He had his drink in his hand, it must have been from that bartender—because it hit the spot perfectly.

  He felt that time was ticking fast now—Meg would throw a fit once she found out that Adrian hadn't fucked one of the last two women on board.

  But, that technically isn't true is it?

  For the first time, he let his mind wander over the possibility—something he had pushed back. Veronica was technically a woman on board. She was eligible, and smart and witty and sexy—and God, was he attracted to her. He could see her now, by his side—

  But, that is not an option.

  The logical voice was clear in his mind.

  There was no way that a woman of her class—and especially with a history in the black market—could ever publicly be on his arm. It would crush his reputation—he would literally shatter all hope of becoming King. And, then he would never live out his mother's legacy—of her kind and gracious reign. One that he had planned to extend into decades. He rolled onto his back, trying to think—but, it was all too foggy.

  What has gotten into me?

  Chapter 24

  Veronica was pacing through the office. She hadn't expected a text from Mario—and she knew those words were not kind ones. She wondered what the hell that could be—was it because Adrian had beaten up the repo guy?

  It had to be—but, now it didn't matter—Veronica shook. She felt cold. She clung to her arms, holding herself l
ike she desperately needed to feel the warmth of arms around her.

  She finally took a seat and sat down—would Mario follow her to the edge of the earth? Would she always be looking over her shoulder? Would she get a chance to pay it all back?

  There's a knock on her door. She freezes—she know it can't be Adrian—he should be having mind blowing sex right now. After all, that seemed to be on his mind earlier based on the looks on her face.

  She took a deep breath—she was even afraid to open the door, wondering how Mario could get to her from here.

  She opened it slowly—Brian was there. His shadow loomed over the doorway—and he looked down as if angry.

  "Brian—" he didn't usually show up at her door, "What's going on?"

  "Can we talk?" his eyes looked into her, a strange intensity in them. She gulped—she had seen him like this before. Usually, he was angry with a face like that—throwing things around and shouting.

  She opened the door and he pushed his way inside. She took a step back and was surprised when he closed and locked the door behind him. She felt her heart racing—she hadn't really been alone like this with him in awhile. He looked at her and his angry eyes fell onto her.

  "Is there something you need to tell me?" his lips pulled into a smile, but it was eerily forced.

  She tried to think—of all the things she could think of—I gave the prince a blow job or the prince fingered me in the market?

  Beads of sweat began at the nape her neck.

  He cocked an eyebrow, "I'm waiting."

  She took a breath—she knew it was always better to come clean before someone caught you lying—but, she couldn't form words.

  He let out a groan of frustration, rolling his eyes. He clicked his tongue, eying her up and down.

  "When were you going to tell me about your debt?" his eyes bore into hers.

  Her mouth dropped, "How did—you find out?"

  Her hand flew to her lips, who could have shared that with him?

  Is that what Mario's text was about?

  Had Mario completely blown up her life?

  "So—it is true?" Brian's nostrils flared. He looked like a puffing blueberry—his dark blue jacket hanging around him, "I didn't think the guy had the right woman—but, here is all is—"

  "I can explain—" she began, but where to start?

  "I cannot believe you owe some sleazy credit company ten grand!"

  She stopped short, "Wait—what did you say?"

  He glared at her, "Of course I know—they called me, telling me that you filed me as a cosigner—and that you owe them ten grand from your shopping."

  Her mind swam — she owed the credit companies way more than that—and she owed Mario so much more.

  "They called you?"

  He threw his hands into the air, "Did you not hear me—I mean I could barely make out what the guy was saying, but I understood plenty."

  That didn't sound correct to Veronica— "Why couldn't you understand him?"

  Brian looked at her like she was an idiot, "Because of his thick accent—a credit card from Jamaica—really, Veronica?"

  He rolled his eyes at her, like she had said the stupidest thing.

  The information clicked in her head—Mario's message, and a thick Jamaican accent. The man from the market called Brian—pretending to be a credit card company.

  The guy must have told Mario about Adrian's protection over her. And, now—Mario was calling her fiance—leaking a little bit of information about her.

  But, why?

  Veronica could only guess—that Mario wanted his money sooner rather than later. And, Mario was showing her that he could reach her—he could reach Brian, and he had a way of destroying any chances with him. Mario was threatening to spill her secrets. A feeling of fear washed through her.

  She looked up at Brian—his eyes glittered like hard rocks. Was he going to dump her for ten grand?

  But, to her surprise—his face broke into a wicked smile.

  She felt a new wave of nausea hit her—she knew that look.

  "Well, babe—" he sauntered closer to her, "This was a huge disappointment, but I am willing to forgive and forget."

  Veronica backed up immediately—feeling her stomach turn in knots. She felt a new fear.

  No way—I won't let him take it.

  The worst ran through her mind—Brian was about to ask for sex in return, about to ask for her virginity.

  His eyes raked down her body—he licked his lips.

  Veronica felt her breakfast coming back up her stomach—she hadn't been like this before. She didn't before—but, she had never had Adrian before either.

  Veronica backed up and then she her body hit the desk. She was trapped.

  Brian slunk up to her, and pressed his body against hers. He grabbed her by the elbows—and shimmied his body against hers—she could feel his cock pressing against her hips.

  It's not as big as Adrian's, she thought instantly. She couldn't bear this—she didn't want this.

  Brian lowered his lips and sucked onto hers, slobbering into her mouth. Veronica gulped—she felt helpless, she had to obey him—she had to keep Brian happy. She didn't have any choice.

  Her lips parted, hesitantly—and he forced his tongue into her mouth. He tasted gross—he tasted like stale peanuts and cheap wine. It was not the same taste that Adrian had—which was spearmint and the waft of soap. Brian pushed against her—he moaned.

  She had tried to please him before—but, he always said she needed more work. This time, she completely didn't want to touch him—not after having Adrian in her mouth in the same exact spot.

  She didn't know what to do—she moaned too, trying to sound genuine. But, her mouth was trying to force him back out. He closed his eyes, and wrapped his arms around her—bringing her into a tight hug. She raised her hands as if in surrender—she didn't want to touch him. She had no idea where to put her hands. He shoved his tongue further down her lips and she felt like she was about to gag.

  Then, he pushed himself in between her legs, forcing them open—she heard her skirt rip a tiny bit. She gasped—and looked down. This was getting too real.

  "Oh my skirt—" she hoped that was enough of an excuse to run away.

  But, Brian didn't let her go—instead his eyes sparkled. She watched in rising terror as he reached out and quickly tugged on her skirt—creating a large tear up her thigh.

  "What the hell do you think you're doing?" she tried to push him back.

  He pulled her closer, "You don't need it for what I'm about to do to you..." his hands reached for her waistline.

  Her mind went black—she had to get out of here. She said the only that came to mind.

  "You don't wanna do that—" her voice was low, almost like a threat.

  He looked back at her, his fingers itching, "Why not?"

  She took a breath—feeling the embarrassment, "Because it's that time of the month—and it can get—messy."

  Brian's face scrunched up immediately into a sickening frown, he backed up quickly.

  "Eww" he said, grimacing.

  Veronica had a feeling that he was that type of guy—the type of guy who didn't want to know the details of women, just use them. And there was no way he was going to search her to find out. She almost smiled, proud of her lie.

  He looked her up and down as if he didn't want to touch her, but he leaned against the door, resigning.

  "Fine—" a different smile played on his lips, "Then blow me."

  Any chance of smile faded from her lips. She blinked—she didn't have an excuse for that.

  He looked at her waiting, and she grimaced.

  I've got to do something to please him.

  She slowly lowered to her knees, trying to imagine that it wasn't Brian's dick in her mouth but Adrian's.

  Chapter 25

  I had to talk to her—I needed to do something.

  His mind was on fire—as Adrian walked through the ship's halls. He had pulled on his cabana and
shorts and left his suite. He hadn't given Meg a chance to visit him—to scold him. Besides, he could try again—Gisela was more than willing to try again.

  He had stayed at his room for only a few minutes—it was like all of it came crashing down onto him. He had an idea—he could help Veronica, he knew about her debts and all that—he could somehow clean her name, without leaving a trace that he played a part.

  In fact, he thought it was a great idea.

  He text Megan—hoping she didn't think this was another way for him to get into Veronica's pants. He hoped Megan would see his charitable efforts at work again—he loved to do that.

  And what would be better than helping a struggling woman be free of debt?

  He was proud of himself, this could satiate his hunger for her—if he saw her as a someone to help, not hump.

  His phone buzzed, it was from Megan—she replied with a sarcastic eye rolling face. He grinned—he knew that she would not refuse his good deeds.

  He messaged her his plan—find a way to route money to Mario—and letting him know that Veronica was no longer under his thumb. He was practically giddy.

  Suddenly, a voice chimed behind him.

  He stopped, recognizing the shrill cry of Cressida—he turned around reluctantly.

  "There you are!" She threw her arms around him— pulling him in close.

  His phone buzzed again, and he tried to look at it.

  Are you sure?

  Megan needed his confirmation. But, as he tried to text back, Cressida pushed his phone down.

  "I was thinking that we could have dinner tonight—" she batted her eyelashes at him. Her hair was a platinum blond that shone brightly—her eyes were heavily colored with blue shading, outlining her own blue eyes. She smiled tightly—and leaned towards him, letting him get a good view of her breasts.

  He tried to back up, but she held on.

  He looked around—wondering how far it was to Veronica's office—he must have been another couple hallways away. He wondered if he could outrun Cressida.

  "Umm—I believe I have dinner tonight with Gisela," he smiled back at her. He couldn't put it off much longer, he needed to make the announcement day after tomorrow—he figured. He wrapped his hands onto hers and gently peeled her off him. She grinned wickedly for a moment.


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