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His Royal Majesty : A Royal Wedding Romance

Page 43

by Cassandra Bloom

  Within moments, Ivy was completely naked. This was not a slow dance or slow tease as Travis had done in his sexual room. No, this was just raw, primal urges between two horny people who desperately craved each other’s body. Ivy reached for his tie and yanked it off. Travis removed his shirt and his pants, putting him down to just his boxers. The setting sun glowed upon Travis, putting him in her spotlight and highlighting his muscular, well-shaped body.

  Ivy wanted that last piece of clothing off. She wanted to see Travis’ manhood in all its erect glory. She wanted to shudder with glee at the thought of sticking him inside her.

  Instead, though, prolonging the tease just long enough, Travis knelt down. He propped her legs on his shoulders, and he darted his tongue toward her clit.

  “Oh, God,” she yelped, her hands gripping the table and whatever they could find.

  Last time, she had had to hold her tongue so hard it nearly made her lips bleed. She was certain that that intensity had forced her to bleed somewhere. But now, Travis had no rules. Ivy had no rules.

  And as Travis’ tongue worked her way around her, as he made her shiver, shake, and quiver with the utmost sensation, she held nothing back. She wanted the city to know—she had gotten Travis back. And Travis knew how to work what he had better than any man possibly could.

  This was what Travis could have given her their first encounter here, Ivy thought. Why had she waited to make this happen?!?

  Except, she soon realized, he couldn’t have given this to her on their first encounter. This was pleasurable and rewarding in part because he had shown that he cared for her; before, he had just seen her as an object of sexual desire. He couldn’t have treated her the way he did now back then.

  So, God, yes, worth the wait, oh so worth the wait.

  Ivy squeezed her legs as the intensity within built up, like tension in a clenched muscle that grew by the minute. It had not taken long for her to come at his house, and now, he seemed to move even faster with her. How Travis Dunn made this happen, she did not know.

  But she did know that soon, heat shot out from her groin to the rest of her body, the source of her nirvana. Her body shook uncontrollably. Pleasure rushed to her mind, blinding her senses and putting her in a place where the only thing she felt came from Travis—the only thing she wanted to feel.

  She screamed to the heavens, squeezed to burst Travis’ head, and shivered like she’d found herself in the Arctic.

  Slowly, her senses came back as Travis stepped back. Her hair felt frazzled, but her body had never felt this good. She looked up just in time to see Travis drop his boxers.

  And heavens, he had the cock of a Greek god. So thick, so long, and so… everything. She’d felt it at the house, but seeing it made her realize just how special and endowed a man she was dealing with.

  She looked into his eyes. His eyes honed in on hers. He hovered over her and kissed her. She reached down for his girth and wrapped her hand around it. Suffice to say, it was huge and nearly impossible for Ivy to wrap her hand around. She guided it in her, and the pleasure began anew.

  If her first time had been about the experience of having a first time, her second time was just the actual act of sex. Which was just as well—Ivy didn’t want the moment to involve anything but sex.

  And now, free to move, she tried everything that she’d always fantasized about but never had the chance.

  She wrapped her legs around Travis and pulled him in close. Travis had the look of a bulldog, but she, too, had unleashed her inner animal. Sex became like a carnage, destroying the desk as they went hard at each other. Papers flew, materials scattered, and even Travis’ computer screen got knocked over. That was the one time Ivy paused, but Travis didn’t even skip a beat, and so Ivy did not either.

  They wound up pressed against a window in Travis’ office. Ivy looked down on the city and thought of how far she had come. Just a month ago, she’d worked a crap job with no dating life and no male prospects to speak of. She could have easily envisioned herself turning into the crazy lady.

  And now? She had her dream job. She had a beautiful dating life. And she had the man of her dreams inside her and with her.

  Travis grunted deep into her ear as he neared his orgasm. Ivy’s eyes seemed to go to the back of her head for how much pleasure she felt. When Travis exploded, she could feel his cock filling her. She grunted, “Yes, yes, yes,” back at him.

  When Travis finished, he collapsed onto her shoulder, his arms wrapped around her. Once more, the tenderest, sweetest moment came not during sex, but in those moments shortly after. This time, when Travis pulled out, he turned her around gently and kissed her on the forehead before pulling him in close.

  “I guess we can check that off the bucket list, huh?” Ivy said, drawing a short laugh from Travis.

  He continued to hold her, leaving Ivy with little doubt that he was in it for the long haul. In fact, it left no doubt.

  Ivy believed everything he had ever told her. The three years. Mia. His own personal battles. That he had truly wanted to date her after their first encounter. A man as genuine and tender as Travis would not have lied at any point along the way.

  The fact that he had dismissed a soft moment of humor in exchange for something like this gave Ivy all the reassurances she needed.

  “There is no bucket list with you, Ivy,” he said as he finally moved away to get his clothes.

  “Then why did you bring me up here?”

  Travis chuckled.

  “I like to have things come full circle,” he said. “I know it’s a bit ridiculous, but when I brought you up here the first time, I moved shamelessly and aggressively. But I didn’t have the right to. Even as you seemed to enjoy it, I could sense something was off. I didn’t know it was because you were still a virgin, but regardless, it couldn’t go on. So I said to myself that if I ever got another chance, I would take you up here to atone for what I did.”

  “Oh, Travis,” Ivy said, melting where she stood, feeling like ice cream on the Fourth of July.

  “I don’t have a bucket list, Ivy, because every moment with you feels like a once-in-a-lifetime event,” he said. “I don’t need to write down such things when I get to experience them daily.”

  Goodness, Travis, you’re too much.

  “So let me explain it like this, Ivy,” Travis said, the confidence soaring in him. “You’re with me now. You’re my girlfriend. And when you get some vacation built up, we’re going somewhere warm for some time.”

  Ivy smirked. The confidence, take-no-prisoners Travis had suddenly appeared, insisting, no, assuming that she would be his girlfriend now.

  And she was more than fine with it. She admired it. She was in the safety of tender Travis. As long as that side remained, the sexy, aggressive side could come out whenever it wanted.

  “I would like that,” Ivy said.

  “Excellent,” Travis said.

  The primal demeanor dropped as Travis approached, replaced by the tender love he’d shown moments before. He leaned in to kiss her and held the kiss before delivering his next words, words which made Ivy the happiest girl in the entire city.

  Later that night, Ivy stood inside Travis’ room and in the living room where she had dared Travis to take her virginity. At the time, he’d refused and left her a confused mess.

  But now, he stood against the bar, sipping on whiskey, much as he had the last time this encounter had taken place. She lay on a couch, relaxing from a wonderful long day. She did not sport a fancy dress—in fact, she had stripped down to sweats, choosing comfort over style.

  And even though she knew that rankled the inner fashion spirit within Travis, she also knew that he would look past that and adore her for all that she was. Sweet. Hardworking. Fearless. Feisty.

  And loving.

  “So you’re completely serious,” Ivy said as she stretched out. “You really want me to move in?”

  Travis smirked, moved over, and sat on the couch next to her. He still wore his s
exy suit and tie, and Ivy swore that he would never take it off. It wouldn’t surprise her if he had a bedtime suit and tie. If sex didn’t require both parties to be naked, she could’ve seen him wearing a sex suit and a sex tie.

  “I wouldn’t lie or joke about something that serious, Ivy,” he said. “For too long, I’ve closed off my world to those around me. I’ve made lots of money, yes, but I’ve lost lots of potential love and friendships in the process. Maybe this is moving too fast, I don’t know.”

  Ivy understood what people would say. They would tell her that she had barely known the guy for a month, and already she would be living with him. Yes, they would say, it was cool to live in a mansion, and it was nice to think that you could have your own wing, let alone a side of the bed. But people just didn’t move that fast. It was too risky, too dangerous. What if things went bad? Where would you go?

  But Ivy knew advice that may have applied to most situations didn’t apply to that one. She knew Travis wasn’t risky—if anything, anyone who dared to cross him or her was at greater risk. She needed no further proof than the first time she’d ever met him and how he’d defended her from a raging asshole at her coffee job.

  And if things went bad? How could they have gotten any worse than the way they started? They had survived the early turmoil of trying to figure out what they wanted out of the relationship. They had survived Ivy pushing Travis to his emotional limits and Travis being as cold as ice early in their dynamic. They had survived bitter arguments, misunderstandings, and displays of mistrust—because they understood that they could push past that to something special.

  The only reason Ivy had asked if he was sure was because she knew what lay beyond that. And it meant there was a strong, good chance that Ivy would only end up sleeping with just the one for her entire life. There are worse outcomes in life, she thought with a grin.

  “But I do know that I love you, Ivy,” he said. “I do know that in listening to people smarter than me in recent days, I’ve realized the same thing. I’ve accomplished so much—but I can accomplish so much more with you. I have had a lot of good things—but the greatest thing will only come with you. And for that reason, yes, I’m completely sure that I want you to move in with me. I’ll buy out the rest of your lease with the apartment, I don’t care.”

  Ivy laughed. As far as she was aware, she was probably the first person ever to go from living in a studio apartment to the city’s biggest mansion in the history of humanity! The reversal of her life had seemed so dramatic, it all felt like a dream.

  But this was no dream. This was reality. And for the first time in forever, she could truly say she didn’t want to change a thing about reality.

  “I love you too, Travis,” she said, and she knew that she meant it.

  That was another thing she knew people would say she had moved too fast on. You were supposed to wait at least three months to say you loved someone, maybe longer. Maybe much longer.

  But the intensity of her feelings told her the truth, and she didn’t want to run from the truth. If anything, she wanted to embrace it as much as she could. She wanted to say that she loved him as frequently as she could. And she wanted to show it as much as she could.

  Which reminded her of one thing.

  “Just don’t expect me to be able to buy you gifts like you do me,” Ivy said, drawing a laugh from both of them. “I may have more money now, but I make in a year what you make in a day.”

  “Only financially,” Travis said. “Not in the feelings you produce for me. Besides, I don’t date you for material gifts. Heaven knows I can buy anything in the world. But that’s the thing. I’m not interested in buying love. I’m not interested in buying anything that money can put a price on. I’m only interested in things money can’t buy. You. Time with you. Experiences with you. Although…”

  Travis smirked.

  “I got us tickets to go tour Israel this summer,” he said. “I thought it would be a nice first trip together.”

  “First trip?!? Damn!” Ivy said, laughing. “Are you going to make our one year anniversary take place on the Moon? And then our ten year on Mars?”

  “You laugh, but I probably could swing it,” Travis said, drawing a playful eye roll from Ivy.

  “Good grief, Travis,” she said. “Good grief.”

  But the truth was, beyond that, she was left speechless. Travis showed her the tickets on his phone, and when she saw them, she could only lean up and kiss him.

  For all that they had been through, for all that she had survived to get here, for all the emotional trauma that he’d experienced to get here, Ivy could only believe that it was meant to be. He was meant to come around and show her that it was worth her waiting for love. She was meant to come around to show him that he could love again and move on from a dark past.

  Maybe, she thought, she would grow out of that mindset someday.

  But not today.

  “I’ll make sure it doesn’t interfere with your job, of course,” Travis said.

  “Thank goodness,” Ivy said, playfully patting his arm. “I didn’t get my dream job just to say, ‘well, I found the man of my dreams, so goodbye work!’”

  “I know, and that’s a huge part of why I like you,” Travis said before leaning in to kiss her on the forehead. “I can think of no further proof that you love me for more than money than that.”

  Ivy cooed as she rested her head against his shoulder. The job would end someday. The mansion would soon become rote. The lifestyle would get old.

  But she and Travis would grow old together, and that would never get old.

  Especially, Ivy thought with a filthy grin, as long as you have that special room. Oh, heavens, we’re going to have to do that one again!

  “What are you thinking about?” Travis said.

  Ivy smirked as she pulled him in close.

  “You remember that room you took me to the first time I came over?” she said. Travis’ eyes narrowed in delight. “I think it’s time we go for a round two.”

  Travis lifted her up, pulled her close, and carried her up to his room. As Ivy got swept up, she looked at everything that passed her by. It was but a blur as statues and paintings turned into anticipation, a desire to have Travis in the flesh, and a desire to have him command her once more.

  As long as Travis Dunn was hers, she would do whatever he said. She would call him Master all night long, because she got to call him his lover all day long.

  “I’m never letting you go, Ivy Zimmerman,” he said. “You are mine, and that’s never going to change.”

  Copyright 2018 Cassandra Bloom ALL RIGHTS RESERVED

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  Cover Design by Emcat Designs

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  This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places and incidents either are products of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual events or locales or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental.

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