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Ample Delights

Page 6

by Nichelle Gregory

  Nick observed Terrah gripping the side of her chair with one hand. The whirr of the engines reached a fevered pitch and the stiffness of her posture spoke volumes as the plane jettisoned forward. She tensed beside him, and he knew exactly what to do to take her mind off their takeoff.


  The moment she turned her face towards him, he claimed her lips in a gentle kiss. He cradled her chin with his hand, half expecting her to pull away, but she melted instead, parting her lips to let him in. The tension within her body lessened as he stroked the side of her face with his thumb. He loved the feel of her soft skin beneath his fingertips as her tongue caressed and teased, mimicking his movements. She tasted of champagne. His cock, which had been behaving, instantly hardened as he imagined tasting all of her.

  When he finally broke the kiss, they were in the air.

  Chapter Seven

  Terrah slowly opened her eyes to stare at him.

  His gaze fell from her luscious lips to her heaving breasts, his dick stiffening almost to the point of pain in his jeans when he saw the outline of her hard nipples protruding through her thin sweater.

  She wanted him as much as he wanted her. He’d known that already, but confirmation was always good.

  Very good.

  He wanted to give her whatever she wanted.


  The interruption gave him a chance to shift in the chair, casually adjusting his shirt over his erection.


  Nick took the glass as Terrah cleared her throat.

  “I think I’ll have another glass, too.”

  After Terrah took her drink, they both thanked the stewardess and she moved on.

  Nick took a generous swallow, aware of Terrah’s eyes on him.

  “You kissed me to distract me as the plane was taking off?”

  “Yes. Did it help?”

  Terrah seemed embarrassed as she took a sip from her glass. Nick could tell she was searching for the right thing to say when she looked at him.

  “Yes, it did.”

  “Good. I’m glad my kiss could help.”


  She was in serious trouble.

  In danger of spontaneously combusting in mid-air!

  His kiss alone makes me wet.

  Her panties were drenched and her pulse was racing as her body tried to come down off the sexual high that was Nick Tasso.

  God, the things he could do with his mouth.

  She couldn’t imagine those lips anywhere else on her body.


  Okay, so she could imagine it. Was imagining it right now, as he calmly sipped his champagne as if he hadn’t just shown her, again, how an honest-to-goodness passion-filled kiss was done.

  “Look, you can see the skyline.” Nick gestured towards the plane window.

  Terrah turned her head to see the twinkling lights of the city below for a second, before clouds obscured their view. She pressed back into her seat with a shaky breath.

  “Do you need another kiss?”


  “Ha ha! Very funny.”

  “I’m very serious.”

  Terrah smiled. “I’ll let you know.”

  “Don’t be shy. I’m always ready to help.”

  He grinned at her and she couldn’t help but laugh.

  Nick was right… Ten hours suddenly didn’t seem that long.

  She looked past him to their stewardess, who gave them both a warm smile.

  “Dinner will be served shortly. Would you two prefer the roasted chicken with saffron rice or our red snapper with Caesar salad?”


  “Salad,” Terrah said a nanosecond after Nick’s response.

  The flight attendant chuckled. “Okay, will you be having more champagne with dinner?”

  Terrah shook her head. “Just water for me.”

  Nick smiled at the stewardess. “Same here.”

  He turned to her when they were alone. “Are you hungry?”

  “A little. How ‘bout you?”

  She saw something flicker in his eyes—longing? Desire? She couldn’t be sure, but her body reacted instantly, heating up all over again.

  “I could eat.”


  His gaze never left her face and his eyes spoke to her as clearly as if he’d whispered in her ear. For a brief moment, Terrah wondered if he’d actually spoken the word that popped into her head, except his lips hadn’t moved. He was a master at conveying his thoughts with his body language and those sexy eyes. Her heart skipped a beat as she pictured him licking her nipples, which were brushing against the soft cotton of her bra, erect, ready for his tongue. She shivered, imagining him leaving a trail of kisses down the valley between her breasts to her pussy.


  She needed water right now to put out the fire he was building within her with no real effort at all.

  “Are you cold?” He knew damn well she wasn’t.

  She was saved from answering as their food arrived.

  They were served their dinners and her breathing slowly returned to normal. Nick kept her talking while they ate their meal, which turned out to be delicious. Who knew airline food could actually be tasty?

  Terrah found herself laughing easily with Nick. They chatted about work stuff and mutual acquaintances, which helped her to stop obsessing over every dip of the plane. An unexpected thrill of delight zipped through her every time he chuckled at something she said.

  She loved the sound of his deep voice, but his laugh was positively delicious!

  It really wasn’t fair for him to be so damned sexy and easy-going. He was one of the top male models in the world, yet he was the most unpretentious man in the industry she knew.

  Their plates were taken away and they both settled back in their seats.

  “Well”—Nick glanced at his watch—“only seven hours and thirty-four minutes until we land.”

  “Don’t remind me.”

  Her gaze dropped to his mouth as he smiled.

  She suddenly longed to taste his kiss again. Heat suffused her face as she averted her attention to her purse.

  Distraction… You need a distraction.

  She pulled out a fashion magazine she’d bought at the airport, flipped it open and casually turned the pages. Her eyes widened as she stopped and stared at the glossy page.

  So much for distraction.

  There was Nick in all his male beauty, lounging on a beautiful leather couch in only his designer underwear.

  Terrah groaned softly as her eyes feasted on the lust-inducing ad.

  The camera angle and expert lighting lovingly highlighted every sinewy line and hard muscle. Nick’s body was a work of art in itself. The noticeable bulge in the underwear held her attention for a moment, but it was the smouldering look in his eyes that tempted her. His electrifying gaze held a million promises and Terrah was willing to bet he could fulfil every one of them.

  She turned the page, casting a quick glance at Nick who was busy fiddling with his phone. It didn’t look like he’d just seen her ogling his picture.

  Thank goodness.

  Taking a deep breath, Terrah began reading an article on how to expertly trim eyebrows. She was halfway through it when Nick cleared his throat.


  She lifted her head from the magazine to look at him. “So?”

  “Tell me what you were you thinking about when you saw my ad.”

  Damn! He had seen her.

  “Nice underwear.”

  Nick raised an eyebrow.

  “That’s all you were thinking about?”

  His voice was lower than normal as he leaned a little closer to her. She had to lift her chin higher to meet his eyes.

  “C’mon, Nick”—Terrah shook her head with an exasperated sigh—“I was thinking about what I’m sure every woman on this planet thinks about when looking at that picture.”

  Was he for real?

  Did he r
eally think she was going to confess all her secret erotic fantasies about him to his face?

  “I’m not interested in knowing what every other woman is thinking, only you.”

  His seductive tone captivated her as she held his gaze.

  “I’m sure you can guess what I was thinking about, Nick.”

  “I’m not a mind reader. Were you admiring the boxers? Were you studying lighting or maybe the backdrop? Or…were you imagining the two of us together in bed?”

  A wave of desire crested over her, so strong that Terrah squeezed her thighs together as if the small movement could prevent the flood of wetness from soaking her panties.

  “What kind of question is that?” The moist heat centring between her legs competed with the burn of her cheeks.

  “The kind of question I want an answer to.”

  “Yes. I was imagining what it would be like to have sex with you.”

  She had hoped to shock him with her brazen response, but he simply nodded his head as if she’d just commented on the weather. Terrah averted her face, feeling exposed and ridiculous as she picked an imaginary piece of lint off her skirt.

  Why had she admitted that to him?

  He’s still staring at m—

  “Let me tell you what it would be like.”

  Heaven help me.

  She whipped her head up, her eyes widening as she met Nick’s steady gaze.

  “I’d tease you first and make you come.”

  She gasped as he shifted in his seat, turning his body slightly so that the passengers across from them were blocked.

  He leaned toward her. “When you were ready, I’d take you slow.” He lowered his voice even more. “I’d want to see every expression on your face as I fucked you.”

  “Nick, please!” Terrah yanked on the neck of her sweater, hotter and wetter than she’d ever been in her life.

  “Yeah, and I’d want you to say my name. I promise I’d make you say my name over and over again. Like you just did…only on the edge of a scream—“


  He gave her a rueful smile, as if he’d got carried away and regretted speaking, but Terrah knew better.

  “Do you have a clear picture of what it’d be like now?”

  Terrah blinked, rendered speechless by the scorching hot mental picture Nick had painted with his bold words.

  He was so sure it was going to happen.

  And it is.

  Liquid fire coursed through her veins instead of blood as she tried to swallow the lump in her throat. She fidgeted in her chair, wishing she could get some fresh air or least take a breath without smelling Nick’s pheromone-laden cologne.


  He said her name in lowered, husky tones, as if they were already in bed, making her squirm even more in her seat as she averted her face from his to look out of the window.

  She was going to break her own rule about dating models.

  And who said anything about dating?

  This was probably only going to be a brief fling. A brief, hot, wild fling. She’d worry about her shattered principles once she got back home. Terrah still wasn’t convinced Nick wasn’t just a player used to getting whichever woman he wanted in bed. There was a huge chance she’d get played, but it was a risk she was willing to take because she wanted him more than she’d wanted any other man in her life.

  Nick’s gentle caress on her arm snapped her out of her thoughts. She looked at him, sucking in a breath as he chuckled.

  “I’ll take your silence as a yes.”

  She could only stare at him as he gave her an amused smile. Terrah closed her eyes for a brief moment as Nick turned his attention to their ever-attentive stewardess. She exhaled, wishing she’d come up with a pithy response, but it was hard to deny the truth. There had to be laws in place against men who had this much sex appeal and charm. The stewardess wasn’t immune either, laughing and smiling with Nick as she offered him two blankets. She watched him take them, her eyes drawn to his fingers on the soft blue material.

  Even his hands are beautiful.

  And she wanted them all over her body.

  The erotic thoughts filling her head made her stomach dip, and the plane seemed to emulate the motion as Nick handed over her blanket.

  “Did you feel that?”

  Nick nodded. “A little turbulence, nothing to fear.”


  Terrah stopped short as the captain’s voice came over the speaker.

  “This is your captain speaking. Just wanted to let you know we may encounter a few pockets of bad weather. We should be through it shortly. Please keep your seatbelts fastened until further notice.”

  Pockets of bad weather…

  Was that a nice way of saying ‘Be prepared for an emergency landing’?

  Terrah glanced up to where the oxygen masks were supposed to fall down. She needed to relax. There was nothing to fear.


  Nothing to fear at all. You’re just a few thousand feet above the Pacific Ocean.

  “Terrah, look at me.”

  She slowly turned toward Nick.

  “You’re not going to freak out on me over a little turbulence, are you?”

  “What? No. I’m good.”

  “You’re not good. I can practically see the disaster scenarios playing out in that pretty head of yours.” Nick reached out and touched her knee. “Am I going to have to kiss you until that ‘Fasten your seatbelt’ sign goes off? Because I will.”

  Terrah laughed. “That might bother the people across from us.”

  “Do you think I’m concerned about that?”

  He traced a circle on her knee, shifting all of her attention away from the integrity of the plane and back to him. Tension faded from her shoulders as the warmth of his touch spread like wildfire up her leg.

  Nick tapped his finger on her thigh. “Why don’t we watch a movie?”

  “A movie sounds good.”

  It felt strange talking about watching a movie as if he hadn’t just declared his intention to take her to bed for sweet loving.

  “Comedy? Drama? Romance?”

  The tone of his voice darkened a little on the last word and Terrah dropped her gaze from his face to his hand, which was still on her knee.

  “Definitely not drama.”

  “Let’s laugh, then.”

  He slipped his hand off her leg, and Terrah watched him set up the movie.

  “What did you pick?”

  “It’s a surprise.”

  He grinned at her as he put on his headphones.

  Terrah followed suit and looked at the screen in front of her. She groaned when Jim Carrey popped up on the screen. Within minutes she was giggling at the actor’s wild antics, totally forgetting about her fears concerning the plane.

  It felt perfectly natural laughing and watching the movie with Nick, who seemed to find the same things as funny as she did. She was actually enjoying herself…in the air.

  Terrah glanced at Nick, taking in the way his long frame lounged back in his seat. He was the reason she was so relaxed, and she appreciated his efforts to help her calm down. Her gaze ran over his white shirt and she wished she could lay her head on his chest. She could—she knew it, he wouldn’t stop her—but the seats weren’t conducive to that kind of arrangement.

  Too bad.

  Or maybe it was for the best.

  The more she contemplated sleeping with Nick, the more she realised she might not be able to walk away from him unscathed. She kept discovering new things she liked about him besides his good looks. Spending more time with him confirmed she was more than just physically attracted to him.

  Halfway through the film, Terrah found it harder and harder to keep her eyes open. She pushed her seat back and turned her body towards Nick to stretch out into a more comfortable position. She inhaled deeply and a yawn escaped from her lips. Her eyelids fluttered downward as she fought to stay awake. She smiled sleepily, unable to stop Nick’s
erotic declarations from replaying in her head.

  Terrah wondered if he was a man of his word. She wanted to find out in the worst way.

  She was exhausted and sex-deprived…clearly in no shape to rationally think about all the ramifications of sleeping with Nick.

  Her eyelids dropped and the last thing she saw was Nick’s gorgeous profile illuminated by the screen in front of him as she drifted off to sleep.

  Chapter Eight


  Nick watched the blanket slip from Terrah’s shoulders as she shifted in her seat. She looked so damned beautiful while sleeping. Her soft moan made his cock twitch and it took considerable effort not to touch her. He was certain she’d welcome his caresses, but he didn’t want to start something that couldn’t be finished thirty thousand feet in the air.

  When he touched her again he wanted no interruptions…nothing stopping him from doing exactly what he’d told her he would, what he’d been thinking about for the past ten hours.

  “Terrah, wake up.”

  She opened her eyes, blinking as she arched her body.

  His gazed dropped briefly to her breasts, which were pushing invitingly against the soft threads of her sweater. If she’d been any other woman, he’d have thought she’d orchestrated the movement for his benefit, but Terrah wasn’t like any other woman. She was simply loosening the kinks from her body.

  And I want to work ‘em out for her.

  “What time is it?”

  Nick glanced at his watch. “Almost six in New York, but we’re about to land and it’s almost eleven here.”

  As if on cue, the captain came on the air, announcing their estimated landing time in Hawaii.

  “You slept through breakfast service. Are you hungry?”

  Terrah shook her head, setting her seat back into the upright position. “I’m just ready to get off this plane. Did you sleep?”

  “A little. I never sleep well on planes.”

  “Me either, typically.”

  Nick grinned. “Could’ve fooled me. You were snoring the whole time.”

  Terrah’s eyes widened with horror. “Are you serious?”


  She glared at him. “I don’t do jokes before eight a.m.”

  “We’re on Hawaiian time now, sweetheart.”


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