Book Read Free

Ample Delights

Page 11

by Nichelle Gregory

  I should’ve got on the damn shuttle.

  Chapter Thirteen

  “After you,” Aidan said, holding the door open for her.

  “Thank you.”

  They walked into the upscale restaurant and tempting scents wafted over Terrah.

  “Mr Marks, your table is this way.”

  Terrah returned the waiter’s warm smile and ignored the irritation she felt when Aidan placed his hand on the small of her back. She gritted her teeth as he guided them after their waiter through the crowded restaurant and focused instead on the beauty of the space they were about to dine in. Huge, leafy green plants created secluded areas, a pianist played familiar tunes and open patio doors brought in warm breezes off the ocean. The place was filled with patrons enjoying themselves.

  “They have coconut lobster skewers here that will make you never want to leave this island.”

  “I bet.”

  Terrah looked away from Aidan as they continued to walk through the restaurant, distracted by the noise of a large group visible through the open patio doors…and faltered in her steps.

  There were Nick and Jocelyn.

  Terrah stared at him with his arm around her waist. Jocelyn was laughing and batting her eyes as they both chatted with the ad execs surrounding them, obviously having a great time.

  “What’s wrong?” Aidan asked as he turned his head to see what she was looking at. “Oh, I forgot to tell you the promotion luncheon was also going on here. We don’t have to go over and say hi if you don’t want to.”

  Terrah couldn’t answer Aidan. She was too busy watching Jocelyn place a kiss on Nick’s cheek. From where she was standing, it looked like Nick was enjoying every minute of the blonde’s attention. Terrah’s blood roared in her ears as she studied the two of them. Her rational mind considered the possibility that it was all a publicity stunt, but her irrational side was kicking up some major dust in her head.

  Lying, womanising pretty bo—


  Blinking, Terrah saw Aidan and the waiter patiently waiting for her to say something.

  “Aidan! Come on over here.”

  “Damn, we’ve been spotted.”

  Terrah gave Aidan a weak smile. She knew he didn’t really mind being the centre of attention again.

  “This will only take a minute,” Aidan told the waiter, not even bothering to ask if she minded walking over there with him.

  She barely noticed his arm snaking around her waist as he propelled them both towards the crowd. Terrah forced her lips to curve upwards and said hello to faces she didn’t even see as Aidan talked. She took a deep breath when his arm slipped off of her as he stepped away to autograph one of his photos. She turned her head and her gaze locked with Nick’s. He didn’t look happy to see her.

  Her pulse quickened as he approached, despite the war going on in her head over what she’d just witnessed between him and Jocelyn. His manner was calm, but something in his eyes twisted her stomach into knots as he looked down at her.

  “What are you doing here with Aidan?”

  His dark tone annoyed her.

  “Having lunch. Looks like you’re enjoying your luncheon, too.”

  Terrah stepped back when Nick reached out to touch her. She looked away from the storm brewing in his beautiful eyes.

  “This isn’t what it looks like.”



  She lifted her chin to look at his face just as Aidan rejoined them.

  “You, my man, are a true professional.” Aidan clapped Nick on the shoulder. “I couldn’t have asked for a hotter photo shoot unless it had been X-rated.”

  Terrah didn’t miss the flash of annoyance in Nick’s gaze as he looked at the photographer. “I’m glad you got the shots you needed.”

  “Nick, they want to take a few more pictures with us,” Jocelyn said, joining them with a girly giggle. “Can I snatch you away?”

  For the second time, Terrah wished she’d got on the shuttle bus as she tuned out Nick’s short response. She wished she were anywhere but where she stood.

  Aidan turned to her. “Are you ready to go to our table now, Terrah?”

  Terrah looked away from Nick’s narrowed gaze as Aidan pressed his hand against her back again. She forced herself to nod eagerly at Aidan. “I thought you’d never ask.”

  “Goodbye, you two.” Terrah flashed Nick a stellar smile. “Enjoy the rest of your meal.”

  “Thanks. You, too,” Jocelyn replied with bubbly charm.

  Terrah glanced at Nick. “Enjoy.”

  She didn’t wait for his response, pivoting instead to follow their waiter, who’d been standing by patiently to take them to their table.

  It was too bad her appetite had been completely ruined.

  * * * *

  Nick strode up the tiki-lit walkway towards Aidan’s villa, forcing a smile as he passed familiar faces from the morning’s photo shoot. He was pissed off. Every time he thought about Aidan’s arm around Terrah he gritted his teeth. She was obviously under the wrong impression about Jocelyn. It annoyed him that Terrah could even jump to conclusions about him and Jocelyn after the afternoon the two of them had just spent together.

  Having to turn down Jocelyn’s invitation to go to tonight’s party together had been even more irritating. She seemed hell-bent on seeing a connection between them because he’d slept with her. It had been pure torture for him spending the afternoon pretending to be into her, for the pictures the publicity and marketing team had set into motion for the promotional luncheon.

  He usually didn’t mind the PR gimmicks he had to do as part of a huge marketing campaign, but Jocelyn had taken it too far by kissing him in front of everyone. She’d left him with no choice but to return her kiss as their pictures were taken. Once the cameras had stopped flashing he’d expressed to her, in private, that he wasn’t interested in dinner or anything else…period.

  Needless to say, Jocelyn had not been pleased. No, she’d been livid, insisting they still had something they needed to discuss, but he’d walked away when Lyn had come over to talk. He’d left the luncheon shortly after.

  Nick cursed under his breath.

  The irony…

  Jocelyn wanted him to respond to a connection she felt, which didn’t exist between them, and Terrah refused to acknowledge the one he knew they shared. He realised the brevity of their time together, but there was no denying the power of their kismet-like chemistry after the way they’d been with each other yesterday. He knew Terrah felt it whenever they were together.

  When he saw her tonight, he’d make her admit to it.

  He still couldn’t believe how cold she’d been at the restaurant. Cold? She’d been downright icy, talking to him as if they barely knew one another. If he hadn’t known better, he would never have guessed she was capable of the fiery passion she possessed.

  As soon as he’d got back to the hotel, he’d gone to Terrah’s room and knocked on the door. When she hadn’t answered, he’d sent her a text message telling her he wanted to see her, to which she’d replied, See you at Aidan’s party.

  Not exactly what he’d had in mind.

  Exhausted, he’d showered and crashed for a couple of hours before getting up to dress for the luau. Aidan’s party was the last place he wanted to be. He was burnt out on the social scene. Terrah was the only reason he was here. He wanted her back in his bed, moaning and calling his name like she’d been less than twenty-four hours before.

  An image of Aidan’s arm around Terrah’s waist resurfaced in his mind.

  Why had Terrah gone to lunch with him? Was she interested in the pompous photographer?

  Aidan obviously enjoyed throwing lavish parties. Music was blasting and the night air was thick with the smell of barbecue. One of the female production hands from the shoot offered him a beer as he passed by, which he took with another tight grin.

  Nick took a swallow of his beer, distractedly waving his hand to someone callin
g his name. Terrah was the first woman in a long while he couldn’t wait to get next to again, and not just between the sheets. He liked the comfortable vibe between them. She was smart, sassy and fun to be around. He wanted to look her in the eyes, ask her about Aidan and tell her nothing was going on with him and Jocelyn…again. Once they cleared the air he could take her back to his suite and—

  “There he is!”

  A cheer arose from the partygoers when he stepped into the villa.

  Party face on.

  “Hey!” Nick called out as he caught the laurel leaf crown thrown in his direction. He pointed his finger at the guy who’d tossed it. “No props at a party.”

  Everyone in the room laughed as someone shouted out, “Let’s worship the cologne god!”

  Nick shook his head, waving off the few who’d actually lifted their hands up and down in deference to him. “I’m not wearing the cologne tonight, people, so I’m mortal like the rest of you guys.”

  A good-natured groan went around the room as Nick spotted Jocelyn. Her eyes narrowed as she stared at him for a moment. She was obviously still upset by their awkward conversation earlier. He considered going over to smooth her ruffled feathers, but there was a chance she’d take it the wrong way.

  No, it was better he kept his distance. He didn’t want to discuss whatever she wanted to talk to him about anyway.

  Nick averted his gaze, scanned the room for Terrah and caught sight of her and Aidan through the sliding glass doors leading out to the deck and beach.


  Jealousy and anger warred within him as his gaze ran over Terrah’s back. She looked deep in conversation with the photographer. He didn’t give a damn if she’d come to the party with Aidan or not. She was going home with him. He crossed the threshold and stepped through the sliding glass door to join them on the deck. The sound of Terrah’s laughter twisted something in his gut as he approached. He forced a smile onto his lips as he lifted his bottle to Aidan’s beer salute.

  “Nick, so glad you could join us tonight.”


  That one little word coming out of Aidan’s mouth irritated the hell out of Nick as he shook the other man’s hand.

  “Hello, you two.”

  He glanced at Terrah, but she wasn’t looking at him. She looked radiant and sexy, dressed in a flirty white halter top that drew attention to her honey-brown skin, and a burgundy ruffled skirt that highlighted the decadent curves of her hips and ass.

  Finally, she turned to face him, sparking his blood as her gaze locked with his.

  “Hey, Terrah.”

  “Hi, Nick.”

  Glossy lips barely curved up at him as she lifted her martini glass for a sip. Nick wanted to yank her away from Aidan, kiss her hard and stamp his claim on her.

  Easy there, Slick.

  He resisted, knowing he needed to act professional no matter how much he wanted to act upon the primeval urge.

  “This is some party.”

  Aidan chuckled. “I’ve been known to thrown a mean shindig. Terrah can tell you.”

  The conspiratorial look the photographer gave Terrah seriously made Nick consider throwing all professionalism aside. He took another swig of beer, brushing off the red-hot flash of annoyance whistling through him as Terrah’s posture stiffened.

  “I always say, if you work hard, you should play even harder.”

  Nick half-heartedly laughed with Aidan, noticing that Terrah had straightened her hair. The dark strands brushed against her bare shoulders as she stared straight ahead. He wanted Aidan to leave so they could talk. Nick shifted his attention to the rowdy group partying on the other side of the deck.

  “Well, it looks like you aren’t alone in that sentiment.”

  Candles and tiki lights illuminated the scene, casting a warm glow over the festivities. More people were down on the beach, drinking around a brightly burning pit fire.

  “Nick knows how to party, too. Don’t you, Nick?” The look Terrah gave him was hotter than the lava flowing in Kilauea. “Aidan was just showing me pictures of you and Jocelyn at the luncheon on his phone.”

  She’d seen the kiss.


  Well, it wasn’t good, but at least she’d just shown him she gave a damn.

  Laughter broke out and someone called the photographer’s name down on the sand where a few had started to line dance.

  “Oh, yeah, I always do the first line dance. You guys coming?”

  Terrah waved her hand. “No. I don’t line dance, remember?”

  “Right. Well, I’ll make sure the DJ plays something that’ll get you moving out there.” Aidan glanced in Nick’s direction. “Enjoy yourself.”

  Aidan walked away from them, and another wild cheer arose as the photographer proceeded to dance to the front of the line. Nick turned away from the rambunctious scene, leant back against the railing of the deck and faced Terrah.

  “I came to your room to talk after the luncheon.”

  Terrah watched the dancers below them goof off in the sand. “I went to the spa.”

  “Did you enjoy your session?”

  “It was soothing.”

  She’d gone to take her mind off him. Pampering at a spa always made her feel better, but not today. Terrah had walked out of the salon feeling not the least bit relaxed afterwards.

  “How was your lunch with Aidan?”

  It was hard to meet Nick’s steady gaze, but Terrah refused to look away.

  “It was nice. Aidan likes to entertain.”

  She’d been bored to tears, but she wasn’t going to admit it, especially after she’d seen that pic of him kissing Blondie. Her reaction to the picture had confirmed that, despite her best efforts, she’d invested more of herself emotionally than she wanted to admit in this fling with Nick. She had no one to blame for her heartache but herself.

  Terrah shifted her gaze from Nick’s, determined to keep cool. “Where’s Jocelyn?”

  “Who cares?”

  She turned her face back to his with a bored sigh. “Apparently, your lips do.”

  “You’re upset.”

  “No, I’m disappointed. Disappointed I believed your lines.” Terrah looked up at Nick. “You got me into bed, so you can stop pretending there was ever anything else on your agenda concerning me.”

  “You’re wrong.”

  Terrah scoffed. “Yeah, it was all a publicity stunt, right?”

  “It was. The kiss was Jocelyn’s doing. She surprised me with that and I had to hold up pretences for the sake of the pictures being taken.”

  “Did you fuck her for the sake of the job, too, Nick?”

  Terrah regretted her words the instant she’d uttered them. She stared at Nick as her face heated up. The tension in his jaw was the only indication of his anger…that, and the glint of fury in his eyes.


  “You know what, Terrah? Forget it. Believe what you want about that kiss…about me. It’s obvious I’m not going to be able to change your mind.” Nick ran a hand through his hair. “I’m disappointed, too.”

  He turned and started to walk away from her before she could speak, and in that moment she believed every word he’d said.

  Chapter Fourteen

  “Nick, wait!”

  He stopped in his tracks, came back to her, wariness evident on his handsome face.

  “What is it, Terrah?” he asked, after seconds of silence had passed between them.

  “I believe you about the kiss.”


  The tension between them made her sad. She couldn’t read anything from his schooled expression as he held her gaze.

  “I’m sorry for what I just said about you and Jocelyn. That was in poor taste.”

  “This is all very polite, Terrah, but it doesn’t tell me what I want to know.”

  “What do you want to know?”

  “Do you think I’ve slept with Jocelyn since being here on the island?” Nick asked, studying her face.

  “No, I don’t. Did you come to the party with her?”

  Annoyance flashed in Nick’s eyes. “No, I did not. Did you come here with Aidan?”

  “He offered to bring me.”

  “And?” Nick prompted as he stepped in front of her, effectively blocking her view of the people partying around them.

  Her body reacted instantly to the heat swirling in the blue-green depths of his eyes. It wasn’t fair—he looked like sex incarnate, wearing cut-off shorts with ragged holes on his thighs, a snug white T-shirt that hugged his biceps and stretched across his pecs.


  She opened her mouth to say she’d come to the party alone when images of Nick’s hard-on at the photo shoot flashed in her mind. Whether he’d slept with Jocelyn or not didn’t change the fact that she needed to walk away. She knew from today she couldn’t continue to indulge in a fling with him and not become even more emotionally involved.

  “Let’s share a final toast…to the success of today’s hot shoot.” Terrah twirled the guava martini in her glass and lifted it up.

  “By hot, you mean my er—”

  “Erection, yes.”

  “I see,” Nick said, grabbing her arm.

  “Hey, let go.”

  Nick didn’t respond. He pulled her away from the deck railing and took them into the shadows. “Not before we finish clearing the air.”

  Terrah frowned as she glanced down at his hand on her elbow. “I didn’t come here with Aidan.”


  The rough pad of his thumb rubbed against her arm, causing goose bumps to emerge.

  “Were you jealous about what you thought was going on between Jocelyn and me today?”


  A warm breeze laced with the scent of barbecue fluttered through the tall, exotic plants shrouding them in the corner of the deck as they stared at one another.

  Terrah exhaled, caught off guard by his bold question and her rapid response. Embarrassed, she tried wrenching her arm from his grasp, but he wouldn’t release her.


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