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Ample Delights

Page 18

by Nichelle Gregory

  Nick waved his spoon in her direction. “Funny, I was just thinking the same thing.”

  “You were? Well, here then,” Terrah leaned over to offer him a bite, which Nick refused. The intensity of his stare sent a jolt of pure awareness through her that had nothing to do with the chocolate on her tongue.

  “Not about the cake, silly…about you. I want you to stay here with me while I’m in New York.”

  His proposal both surprised and disappointed Terrah. She finished the last bite of the cake and placed her plate on the coffee table. It was the second time she’d thought he’d been about to declare his undying love.

  Get a grip, girl.


  She focused on his face, pushing her thoughts as far away as she could, and smiled. “Not necessary. I don’t live that far from here.”

  “I don’t care.” Nick set his plate on the coffee table. “I don’t want to waste a moment while I’m here in the city without you.” He reached for her, pulling her back against his body as he wrapped his arms around her.

  His tender declaration filled her with happiness. She’d intended on telling him how she felt earlier, but the more time she spent in his arms, the more she realised she wanted it all with Nick…the whole ‘I love you’ enchilada.

  “So what do you say?” Nick placed a soft kiss against her temple. “We’ll get to fall asleep and wake up together.”

  “Mmm…that sounds…” Like something I could get used to. “Wonderful.”

  “So say yes.”


  There was no other answer she could give him. She wanted to spend as much time as they could together, too. Apparently, she was a masochist for heartache.

  “Do you want to watch a movie?” Nick asked as he reached for the remote.

  “Something with some action.”

  She settled back into the hard, warm line of his body and rested her head on his chest.

  Nick flashed a quick grin as he turned on the flat-screen television. “What? No romantic comedy? It’s not my favourite genre, but I’d be willing to watch one with you.”

  “No way—you gave up your portion of the cake. Pick a flick with lots of stuff getting blown up.”

  Nick laughed. “Okay…you asked for it.”

  Yeah, I sure did.

  She’d asked for it the moment she’d let herself entertain the possibility of anything more substantial with Nick, and now she’d fallen hard for him…past the point of no return. It was obvious to her that he cared about her and wanted her in his life, but he hadn’t fallen in love with her. Only she had made the mistake of letting her feelings go so far.

  Terrah blinked at the huge screen, then gave Nick the thumbs-up sign when he selected a Jason Statham film.

  Why couldn’t she just be content with the way things were between them right now? Everything was going great and, yet, she couldn’t stop hoping for more.

  Come on, Terrah, don’t be needy.

  What she needed was to know whether Nick saw any real longevity in their relationship, going into the future.

  What she needed was a contingency plan for her heart.

  And what good would that do you at this point?


  Nick wanted all of her for the upcoming weeks, and she would be his. She would forget about everything else and simply enjoy being with him, loving him even if he didn’t love her back.

  “Comfortable?” Nick asked as he shifted his body on the couch, so they could both put their feet up.


  Terrah took in a deep breath and inhaled the familiar scent of Nick’s cologne. The screen lit up and her favourite action star took off running as something exploded in the background. She focused on the movie, needing a distraction from her chaotic thoughts.

  Why had she allowed herself to fall in love with Nick?

  Chapter Twenty-One

  The sound of a dresser drawer closing woke Terrah up the next morning. She shifted beneath the warm sheets with a lazy stretch as Nick cursed.

  “Is it morning already?”

  “I’m sorry I woke you. I tried my best to close that damn drawer quietly.”

  Terrah opened her eyes to see Nick pulling off his sweaty T-shirt.

  “It’s okay. I need to get up anyway. What time is it?” She tried not to stare at his glistening abs as he kicked off his gym shoes.

  “A little after nine. I wanted to get my workout in early. Did you sleep well?”

  “Mm-hmm… I almost forgot I wasn’t in my own bed.”

  Nick cast a glance at her. “That’s a good thing. I like the way you look in mine.”

  Terrah ignored the somersaulting butterflies in her stomach as she grinned. “And I like waking up to the sight of you half-naked and sweaty.”

  “Yeah?” Nick asked, coming closer to the bed. “Would you like to join me in the shower?”

  She smiled as he stroked the side of her cheek with his thumb. “Would you mind if I lay here a little bit longer instead?”

  “Nope. You want me to turn on the television?”

  “Yes. I look forward to the weekends at home when I can actually lie in bed and catch up on all my recorded shows.”

  The sound of a coffee commercial filled the bedroom after Nick had turned on the television. “Here you go.” He handed her the remote and pointed to the screen. “I’ll be out in five and then we can go get some of that.”

  “Coffee, yes!” Terrah lifted her face as he leant down to kiss her lips. “Take your time. I might change my mind and join you after all.” She winked at him as she absently flipped through the television channels.

  “Make my morning, babe—”

  They both froze as a picture of the two of them, after dinner the night before, flashed on the screen.

  “Was that…?” Terrah asked, blinking at the screen.

  “Go back.”

  She flipped back to the previous channel and stared at the high-res photo of the two of them up against the limo they took after their romantic dinner. She flopped back down on her pillow, closing her eyes as she listened to the reporter.

  ‘The sexy Nick Tasso has been reported to have bought a stunning penthouse apartment in Manhattan. He’s been spotted several times with Terrah Bryant, a noted makeup artist in the modelling world, after breaking up with supermodel Jocelyn Tyler, who, sources confirm, suffered a miscarriage yesterday. There’s been speculation as to whether Nick was the father.

  ‘The fact that Nick’s apparently dating a woman with real curves has rekindled the discussion in many circles on just what a healthy body image for women is, and which body type is the most attractive to the opposite sex.

  ‘Terrah, it would seem, has always struggled with her weight. Here’s a picture of her in high school—‘

  Terrah gasped, sitting up fast. She stared as old photographs of her, when she’d been at least thirty pounds heavier, were showcased for the world to see. “Oh, my God, I can’t believe…” She barely noticed Nick walking over and turning off the television.

  Heat rushed to her cheeks as she shook her head. All of the insecurities she’d fought so hard to shatter about her body seemed to swallow her whole. She blinked, wishing the old photos weren’t etched in her mind. Anyone watching the news channel would see her personal struggle with her weight in the past.

  What would Nick think of her now, knowing how big she used to be?

  Tears filled her eyes as she dragged in a breath and glanced up at Nick. “Well, now you really understand why I didn’t have any dates in high school.”

  “Terrah, I’m so sorry.”

  “Me, too.”

  She cleared her throat, willing the tears not to fall. She was not that girl anymore.

  Overweight, unwanted, undesirable—

  “Terrah, look at me.”

  Nick’s deep voice pulled her out of her dark thoughts. She lifted her face to his, embarrassed by the single tear that slid down her cheek as he came to her sid

  “Tell me what you’re thinking.”

  He sat down next to her and took her hand in his. The concern in his eyes made even more tears fill her own.

  Terrah shook her head, uncertain whether she could speak yet without falling apart.

  “Don’t let that stuff get to you. I thought you looked cute in those photos.”

  “Stop it.”

  Terrah waved her hand in the air as she got up from the bed and tucked the sheet around her body. She could take anything else but the polite platitudes, especially coming from Nick.

  “Stop what?”

  “Don’t say that just to make me feel better, because it only makes me feel worse.” She refused to look at him as she continued. “I was chunky back then. Hell, I was fat. I knew it, everyone around me knew it. So don’t tell me I looked cute when we both know I looked terrible.”

  “You were overweight, yes, but I still think you were cute. You allowed the people in your life to make you believe you were completely unattractive, and that wasn’t true.”

  “Wasn’t it?”


  Terrah finally looked at Nick. “Well, it doesn’t matter now. I’m not that girl anymore and I will never be again.”

  A moment of silence passed between them.

  “But the girl from the past is still a part of you, and from the way you’re reacting to those old photos… It sounds like you haven’t reconciled with that fact, no matter how you feel about your body now.”

  “The whole world probably saw those horrible pictures! I always hated them.”

  “Terrah, it doesn’t matter who saw them. That’s not who you are now. So, why do you care?”

  Terrah furiously swiped at the tears sliding down her cheeks. “Because I do!”

  “I know you do, but ask yourself why.”

  Angry and frustrated, Terrah clutched the sheet around her in a death grip. “I don’t expect you to understand, Mr I’ve-Had-A-Perfect-Body-Since-I-Was-Born—and I don’t appreciate you trying to psychoanalyse me.”

  The words came out harsher than she’d wanted, all her pent-up fury poured into every syllable. Her eyes widened as Nick stood up from the bed. His face was devoid of any emotion, but the tension in the air made her heart sink.

  “You’re right. I don’t have a clue.” He barely looked at her as he unstrapped his watch and threw it onto the bed. “I’m going to shower.”

  “Nick…” Terrah stretched out her hand, regretting the tone she’d used with him, and the insecurities that had surged up and made her act like a child. “I’m sorry.”

  Nick shook his head. “Don’t worry about it.”

  Terrah watched him as he turned and exited the room. She closed her eyes and took a deep breath as she listened to the sound of the shower coming on.

  What am I doing?

  She was taking out her frustrations on Nick, which wasn’t fair, even if he couldn’t relate to what she’d dealt with. After all this time, she’d thought she’d buried all her issues about her self-image. She had finally got to a place within herself where she felt comfortable, desirable…even sexy in her own skin, and she’d slain a lot of personal demons to get there. Or, at least, she’d thought she had.

  Terrah went to her purse on the dresser and took out a mini hair clip. She let the sheet wrapped around her naked body fall to the floor as she pulled all of her hair back into a sloppy French twist and clipped it. With a shaky breath, she walked towards the full-length mirror on the wall outside the entrance to the bathroom. Her gaze drifted from her face to her full breasts. She ran her hands down her waist and over her rounded hips. Her palm rested over her soft belly as she looked at her thick thighs.

  Nick is right.

  She still hadn’t fully made peace with the past.

  Terrah exhaled as she stared at the imperfections of her body…imperfections she’d learned to celebrate.

  How could she let a little gossip and a few pictures throw all her hard-earned self-confidence out of the window?

  I am not the awkward girl in that photo.

  No, she was all woman… A woman with delicious curves. She was proud of her body, and she wasn’t going to let anyone or anything make her question that pride again. Nick was right—why should she care what people thought of her past when it was the here and now that mattered the most?

  Terrah stepped into the bathroom and took in a deep breath of the fragrant soap scenting the damp air. She padded across the floor to the shower door. Nick’s back was to her and her gaze ran over his naked silhouette behind the steamed glass. She wrapped her fingers around the door handle and pulled it open.

  “May I still join you?”

  Nick dropped his head down, and droplets of water fell from his spiked hair onto his face as he looked at her. He gave her a slow smile, and some of the tension within her faded when he nodded.

  “I was hoping you would.”

  Nick held out his soapy hand. Terrah took it and stepped into the shower. He closed the door behind her and their bodies touched, sending shivers of awareness through her. Beads of water hit and warmed her skin as she lifted her face to meet his eyes.

  “I apologise again for snapping at you.”

  “Apology accepted.” He gently tugged on her chin. “I’m sorry if I came across as insensitive.”

  Terrah rubbed her hands on his soap-slicked skin, placed a kiss on his chest and watched rivulets of water slide over hard muscle. “What you said is true. I just didn’t want to acknowledge it. The craziness of the media, coupled with the flashbacks from my past, made me almost lose sight of who I am on the inside.”

  “And out.” Nick leant down to kiss her lips. His hands skimmed up her waist to cup her breasts. “Don’t you ever question how sexy you are to me.”

  He toyed with her hardening nipples and Terrah shuddered. “Nick…”

  “I love every curvaceous inch of you. You feel so good in my arms, Terrah.”

  He brushed his palms over her breasts and teased the pebbled flesh. Terrah moaned and tasted droplets of water on her tongue. She looked up into his handsome face and was overwhelmed by the rush of emotions bombarding her heart. “I love being in your arms, Nick.” She lifted up on her tiptoes and touched his lips with her own, loving the tenderness evident in the aqua-green depths of his eyes. “I love your kiss.”

  He responded to her statement by crushing her to his chest as his mouth claimed hers. Terrah welcomed his heated kiss, entwining her tongue with his beneath the warm streams of water that cascaded over them. Driven by passion, she slid her hand between their wet bodies. She wrapped her fingers around his lengthening erection and caressed the taut flesh.

  “See how hard you make me, Terrah?” His voice was a low groan as he turned her around so her bottom was pressed against his stiff cock. “I want you so bad.”

  “Then have me…” She closed her eyes as his hands slipped down her back to cup her ass. “Take me, Nick…please, before I die of arousal.” Her voice wavered and broke as he slid one finger between her ass cheeks.

  “Can you hold on long enough for me to get a condom?”

  The husky edge in his teasing voice made her smile as she shook her head.

  “I want to feel all of you.”

  “Are you sure?”

  Terrah turned her head to look at him. “Very. We should’ve had this conversation already, but I’m on the pill and I’m safe.”

  “Ditto”—Nick kissed her shoulder as Terrah grinned—“to the last thing you said.” He skimmed his fingers over her hips. “Actually, I’m not sure how safe this will be. Once I feel you—really feel you, Terrah—I think I’m going to be done for.”

  “It would be a sweet end,” Terrah teased as she braced both hands on the shower wall and pushed her bottom against Nick’s hand. She moaned as two fingers delved into her pussy. He teased her with slow strokes, making her wetter and hungrier for him.

  “I want more, Nick.”

  He slipped his finger
s from her body. He grabbed her hip with one hand and guided his cock into her with the other.

  “I want to give you everything you need.”

  Terrah cried out when he filled her, his words sending pleasure through her that matched the feel of him moving deep inside her. She shuddered against him and he groaned. He gripped her hips, digging his fingers into her, and stroked her slow and deep. The soft slap of their bodies colliding blended with the rhythmic patter of the water splashing from the shower, creating the perfect sensual soundtrack to their passion.

  I love you.

  Terrah bit her lip to keep from saying the three words inside her head as she moaned in ecstasy. She moved her hand between her slippery thighs, touched her clit with the smallest of caresses, and splinters of pleasure ricocheted through her. Nick thrust into her with an intensity that matched hers as she lost control. The depth of her orgasm sent tremors throughout her body. When she could finally breathe, she called out his name as he climaxed. Terrah’s mouth fell open and she struggled to breathe beneath the shower of water falling on them. Her body quivered along with the subtle pulses of his cock deep inside her.

  “You are delicious.”

  “Mmm…” She moaned as he pulled out, leaving her feeling strangely empty. She turned to face him, thinking he had never looked more devilishly handsome, with his dark hair all wet and spiked by the water. He smiled down at her as he rubbed her shoulders.

  “Remind me to always get you to shower with me,” Nick said, reaching for the shower gel.

  Terrah laughed as she took the offered wash towel from his hand and began to soap up her body. “I can’t do this every single time. Look at my hair.” She stretched out one of the tightly wound curls that had escaped from her clip.

  “What? I like it.”

  Nick rinsed the rich lather from his body and moved back so she could do the same.

  “That’s because it’s wet and curly. Wait until you see it dry and poufy.”

  “How poufy?”

  Terrah giggled as he turned off the shower and opened the shower door. “We’re talking major bouffant.”

  Nick chuckled as he wrapped a fluffy white towel around her. “Now, that’s something I’d like to see.”


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