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Once You'Ve Touched the Heart

Page 29

by Iris Bolling

Toward the end of his speech, Gavin announced his engagement to Carolyn Roth. She stood and joined him at the podium. Carolyn was raised for this role. She had all the right qualities a governor would need. She finally got what she always wanted—the spotlight. But it came with a price. Behind all the smiles and hand shaking, Carolyn Roth was fuming. And all her wrath was aimed toward Tracy. As she stood there at the podium kissing Gavin and waving her hand, she vowed to find a way to make Tracy Washington pay for taking away her full dream: public life, the mansion and JD Harrison.


  Back at the office the new regime was settling in. JD held a staff meeting with all the employees. He wanted to let them know what he was expecting and what he planned to give in return. The staff was very receptive. They already knew JD, liked and respected him. No one was uncomfortable working for him. One or two would have to change their way of doing certain things. JD did things by the book. No cases would be assigned under-the-table. Most of JD’s time was spent going over the managerial responsibilities that he had not been involved with previously. Getting acquainted with his new boss was easy; it was the current attorney general. JD had worked on several cases with him. The transition was smooth.

  JD surrounded himself with good people who approached the law with the same enthusiasm as he. At the beginning, he was going to have to pull some long hours to get caught up on the administrative end. After that he was sure things would slow down. Ironically, on his first day in the position, JD received a petition to appear in court before Judge Mathews. The defense was asking the judge to remove JD from the Cortez case to prevent the attempt at malicious prosecution. JD laughed at the petition, but called Calvin in for a strategy session just to make sure all bases were covered.


  Tracy went back to the office after the news conference and jumped into the project she had left behind. It felt good to have things back to normal, at least for the moment. “Hey,” Ashley said grinning, “I saw the news conference—looks like it went well. Carolyn seems to have everything on point with Gavin. Did they set a date for the wedding?” Ashley looked at Tracy then smiled. “Have you set a date?”

  Tracy smiled. “Not that I’m aware of. And as for me, no, not yet.”

  “I’m going to miss you so much, Tracy. You have been there for me through so much stuff,” Ashley whined.

  “Am I going somewhere?”

  Ashley laughed. “No, but we will not be living together anymore. Do you realize we have lived together for more than six years?”

  “I know this is a happy occasion, but it’s sad, too,” Tracy said. “You gave me the family I never had. Now we are really going to be sisters; isn’t that something.” They both laughed.

  “I asked JD about a date and he said it’s up to you,” Ashley said. “So when is this going to happen?

  “I don’t know; we haven’t talked about it,” Tracy said.

  “Okay, where are you going to live? You can’t stay in JD’s place, it’s too small. Let’s go house hunting,” Ashley said eagerly. “We get to plan a wedding and shop for that, too.”

  “Wedding?. Ouch.” The thought scared Tracy. “I hadn’t thought about that.”

  “What the hell do you mean? That’s the best part,” Ashley asked, surprised.

  “No, I can do without the wedding. Just let me have your brother for the rest of my life.”

  “One comes with the other.” Ashley smiled. “With JD’s career you have to have a wedding. There’s no getting around that.”

  Tracy stretched out across her desk. “Do we have to?” she cried.

  “Yes,” Ashley replied.

  Tracy sighed. “You are going to be there with me, right?”

  “All the way.”

  “Maid of Honor?”

  “With pleasure.” Ashley smiled. They were silent for a moment. “Are you going to let Cynthia do the wedding?”

  “I don’t know about that, Ashley. How do I trust Cynthia to handle the most important day of my life?”

  “It’s a job; and Cynthia would not do anything to hurt her business. You know that, Tracy. This wedding is going to be a big event, one of the biggest in this city. She knows that.”

  “Ashley, even if I was willing to give Cynthia a chance, I don’t think Jeffrey will.”

  “Tracy, Jeffrey will do anything you ask him to. Just think about it,” Ashley replied.


  Ashley hesitated. “Do you think James and I will ever make it to this point?”

  Tracy smiled. “How are things going with you two?”

  Ashley smiled. “Girl, I lie to you not, the man rocked me from one end of his bed to the other.”

  Tracy laughed. “That’s good, but what else? Have you two talked?”

  Ashley closed her eyes. “Yes, we talk all the time. But not the way you mean. I don’t want to push him.”

  Tracy looked at her. “Are you okay with that?”

  “For the moment,” Ashley replied. They were quiet for a minute. “David’s been quiet since the function. No notes or anything.”

  “Did James ever tell you what he said to him?”

  “No, and I did not ask. And you would not have asked either, if you had seen the look on James’s face when he came back into the room.”


  James was in his office when Karen Holt knocked on the door. “Do you have a moment, James?” Karen asked.

  “Sure, have a seat,” James replied. He sat back in his chair and placed his pen on the desk. He was wondering when Karen was going to stop avoiding him. She returned to work the week JD was in the hospital.

  During that time, James’s attention was on Ashley. With all that was happening with JD, most of his free time was spent with her. He really did not have a chance to talk with Karen about David. James was sure David had put his own spin on what was happening. He was just as sure that whatever David told Karen, she believed. James had spent a lot of time with Ashley during the weeks following the confrontation with David. He did not trust David and did not want Ashley to be alone or vulnerable to him. He had seen David in action at several DNC functions. David knew how to put on a good front.

  “James, we have not really had a chance to talk lately. I felt it was important that you and I talked before things went any further,” Karen started.

  Karen was a class act. James respected her and her abilities. He did not understand for the life of him why she was with David. “What is it you feel we need to discuss?” he asked.

  “David tells me you have concerns about his past relationship with your friend Ashley.”

  James acknowledged, “Yes, that’s true.” Karen looked a little shocked, so James continued: “Did he tell you what those concerns were?”

  “James, I know about the supposed attempted rape. I was there. If things had happened the way Ashley claimed, David would have been charged. There were no charges filed.”

  James knew women like Karen well enough to know they would protect and defend their man no matter how much evidence you put in front of them. “Karen, did David tell you what’s happened recently?”

  “Yes, he told me you insinuated my position here could be in jeopardy because of his past with your girlfriend,” Karen exclaimed.

  James smiled in disbelief. “And you believed him?”

  “He’s my husband; of course I believed him.”

  James stood up, put his hands in his pocket and looked directly at her. He had to take a minute. If he spoke too soon the anger he was feeling would be exposed. That would not be good. James never understood why some women were actually blinded by love.

  “Karen,” he said calmly, “you are a valued part of this administration. I have no intention, nor did I ever insinuate any intentions, of removing you. I have never and never will make business decisions based on personal issues. With that said, I believe you are in a difficult position. As long as I am commissioner, you are here with me.”

  Karen was speechless. She was ready
for a fight with James. But he turned the tables on her.

  “You must have said something, James. David would have no reason to lie.”

  James did not want to get into personal issues with Karen. Rather than telling her what actually happened, he chose to refer her to David.

  “Apparently he did have a reason. It’s up to you to determine what that reason may be. Was there anything further we need to discuss?” James asked, in a tone that let Karen know the discussion was over.

  Karen stood. “No, nothing else.” She left the room.

  James sat back down. “Oh, Mr. Holt, I did warn you,” he said to himself. Too pissed to continue working, James called Ashley. “I really need to see you tonight.”


  “JD! Man, I’m glad I caught you,” Brian said as he stepped into JD’s new office. “I have some feedback on Tracy’s family. You better sit down, JD.” Brian exhaled. “I know what I found out is not all that there is, but I can tell you Tracy did not have a charmed life. And I have to agree with Al, she needs to stay away from her family.”

  “Tracy told me some of the story. What did you find?”

  “Tracy’s father had a thing for little girls. He had his way with the oldest sister—Valerie is her name—and the other sister, Joan. Word has it, Joan fought back, and ended up dead. The death report indicates she died during a rape; assailant unknown. Day moved out and took to the street life. The oldest girl was sent to live with an aunt. Tracy was young and his actual daughter, so she stayed with the mother. Rumors have it the father disappeared after a fight with Day, and never returned. After that, it was the mother and the little girl. The neighbors in their old neighborhood said that the daughter was left alone in the apartment regularly. The family eventually moved into a house that Day purchased in a different neighborhood, which is where the mother still resides. That neighbor said that the girl spent most of her time in the house or at school. Every now and then she would go to church with her family. When Tracy went away to school, she never came back. The mother is money hungry. Day was paying her a thousand a week, back in the day, to keep Tracy. Can you imagine that shit, man? Someone had to pay you to take care of your own child.”

  JD got up while Brian was talking. He was disappointed with the information he was getting. This was something he wanted for Tracy. JD wanted to give her a family. His idea of trying to reunite Tracy with her own family was not promising.

  “JD, Lena Washington will do anything to get to Tracy’s money.”

  “Damn, I was hoping Tracy would have a chance at reconnecting with her family.” He hesitated. “Your people will keep a lid on this information?”

  “Jones and I handled this one. It won’t go anywhere.”

  “Thanks, B.”

  “You ready to roll?”

  “Yeah, I need to hold Tracy for a while,” JD replied.

  Chapter 27

  That weekend began with a beautiful fall Saturday and JD was home alone. Physically, he wasn’t able to resume certain activities, such as his Saturday pick-up games with Calvin and the guys. Tracy and Ashley were holding their regular tutoring sessions at the local high school. Then they were off to meet Cynthia and Rosaline.

  While putting away papers from his briefcase, JD ran across the written report Brian had given him on Tracy’s family. He wasn’t ready to give up on Tracy and her family; although her mother might not be worth reconnecting with, her sister and extended family might be. JD overheard Tracy talking to Ashley about the wedding. She was concerned about having no one there to give her away. The only person right for the part was Turk, and that wasn’t happening. JD thought she might have an uncle or male cousin who was not under the mother’s influence.

  JD opened the file, and then searched through the papers. There was an address for the mother and sister in Norfolk, which was less than a two-hour drive away. Why not? JD thought. He looked at his watch, then put the file away. When he grabbed his car keys, the telephone rang. “JD, this is James Brooks.”

  A little puzzled, JD asked, “Yeah, Brooks, what can I do for you?”

  “I was wondering if you had some time today. There’s something I need to discuss with you.”

  JD thought for a moment. He assumed Brooks wanted to talk about Ashley. JD was not sure if he was ready to have that conversation, calmly. But knew it would mean a lot to Ashley. “Where are you?” JD asked.

  “I’m at the office.”

  “I was about to take a short trip; you are welcome to ride along.”

  “Yeah, I can do that. Should I come to you?”

  “I’ll drop by and pick you up in about 10 minutes.”

  “I’ll meet you downstairs,” James replied.

  JD looked at the telephone as he hung up. He had to find a way to stop thinking of James as the enemy. Ashley liked the guy; there had to be something good about him. To be honest, the only reason he did not care for Brooks was that he tried to get with Tracy. Other than that, Brooks appeared to be a decent man.

  James was standing outside the building when JD pulled up. James got in. “Nice ride.” James looked around the BMW. JD pulled off. “What is this, a V-6 engine?”

  JD shook his head. “V-8. All the horsepower a man needs.” He beamed.

  James smiled. “It’s nice, man. But you do know, you will have to give this up when you run for office.”

  JD frowned. “Give up my ride, I’ll be damned. Why would I do that?”

  James looked out the window as JD hit Interstate 64 toward Norfolk. “You will have to go American, to satisfy the public.”

  JD laughed. “If need be I’ll buy a Suburban like Brian’s, but I’ll keep my Beamer.” JD laughed, then continued, “But, it’s a moot point. I have no plans on running for any office.”

  James looked at him and laughed. “Everything you do says political-office bound. The DNC has been keeping an eye on you. You are an impressive young man, with a big future. If you don’t at least consider it,” James shook his head, “well, that will be an injustice to the citizens of the Commonwealth.”

  JD thought about it for a minute. “I believe that was a compliment.”

  James smiled. “You deal with the issues that everyday people need addressed: gang violence; making neighborhoods safe; the education system; making sure every child has access to quality education; the job market; setting up job fairs and adult retraining centers; family unity with special projects to get absent fathers connected with their children. If those aren’t political issues, I don’t know what is. Everything you do touches lives at the very core. You are what this state needs. Gavin is good people, but he is about the same old you-scratch-my-back-I-scratch-yours politics. People are craving something different. They need someone of substance; that’s you.” James laughed. “You may not be ready to acknowledge it, but that’s where you are going.”

  JD shook his head. “I don’t see it, for the precise reason you just said. I’m in those organizations you mentioned because I like working with people; I don’t mix well with politicians. From what I see, most of them are not addressing the needs of their constituents, just their own desires.” JD laughed. “Man, I can see me in the middle of a General Assembly session going off because of the senselessness.”

  James laughed. “Been there. Actually, on one occasion I saved them the trouble and put myself out of the chamber.” They both laughed.

  This is a good thing, JD thought. Getting to know the man my little sister is in love with isn’t so bad, he said to himself. “So is this what you needed to talk with me about?”

  James knew the mood would change now. “No, I need to talk to you about Ashley.”

  “What about her?”

  “You realize we were having a pretty decent conversation there for a minute.” James smirked.

  “Is that about to change?”

  “That will be up to you. I just need to say my piece.”

  “All right, let’s hear it.”

  “I’m sure you are awa
re I’ve been seeing your sister.”

  JD nodded his head acknowledging the fact. “Yeah.”

  “I usually try to keep a certain distance, but with Ashley, I’ve gotten more attached than I planned to.” James looked out of the window. “Actually, I didn’t plan it; it just happened. But before things progress any further, I need to know where you stand on it.”

  JD thought for a minute. “Brooks, when I first met you, I was under the impression you were interested in Tracy. Was I wrong?”

  James shook his head. “No, you were right. Who wouldn’t be? She is a very intelligent woman, with a mind that very few men can appreciate, sexy as hell and my guess was untouched until you.” JD smiled. James laughed. “That’s what I thought.”

  “But, since you can’t have Tracy, you turn to Ashley. I have an issue with that.”

  James looked at JD. “I can understand that. Actually, Ashley caught me off guard and that is not something that happens to me often. I would have never approached a woman like Ashley. I always considered myself a conservative man. A free-spirited woman like Ashley would not have fit into my world, or so I thought.” He smiled. “Apparently I was wrong. As I got to know her I found Ashley’s outward persona was bogus. She is a very intelligent, confident woman who challenges me at every turn. And her mouth, I don’t quite know what to expect from her sometimes.” JD laughed, for he knew exactly what James meant.

  “Some of the things she does drive me crazy, but then,” James hesitated, “she will smile and I feel it in my core.”

  JD pulled onto the exit for Norfolk. “Are you in love with Ashley?”

  “No,” James said quickly, “I’m not ready to concede that; no, no.”

  JD noticed James became uncomfortable. “James, Ashley hurts easily and loves hard. I don’t want to see my sister hurt.”

  James exhaled. “It is not my intention to hurt Ashley, but I’ve been through some things in my life that I have no intention of going through again. I don’t know where we are going, but I will promise you this. I will take my time. Wherever it goes, it goes.” James began looking around. “Where are we going?”


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