Book Read Free

Once You'Ve Touched the Heart

Page 34

by Iris Bolling

  “Mr. Harrison.” Mrs. Langston’s voice came over the intercom. “Senator Roth is here to see you.”

  “Send him in, thank you.” JD stood. “Hello, Senator. Come in, have a seat.”

  “JD, I need you to review the suggestions from your people and be ready to do a dry run before a select panel by day after tomorrow. Will you be ready?”

  JD looked at his desk and laughed. “Sure, I could do that.”

  Senator Roth laughed. “Good. The result of that meeting will determine our next step. You do realize if you are successful with this, I will ride you until you become a part of the ticket for the upcoming election.”

  JD smiled. “I know you will continue to try. Hell, you’ve never stopped. But my number one priority at this point is Tracy and my home life. After that is settled, I will reconsider my position with the party.”

  Senator Roth stood. “That’s all I ask. Just open the door. How is Tracy doing?”

  “She’s smiling again, that’s good enough for me,” JD replied.

  Senator Roth smiled. “I’m glad to hear it. Well, you have a lot to do in a short period of time.”

  JD looked at the desk. “Yes, I do, but it will get done.”

  Senator Roth departed. JD called Tracy to let her know he would be late coming home.

  “Mrs. Langston, would you call Calvin and then come in here for a moment?”

  When she stepped into the office, JD asked, “Mrs. Langston, do you have any plans for dinner?” “No. What do you need?” she asked in a knowing tone.

  JD gave an apologetic smile. “The case I originally planned to assign tomorrow will need to be done now. Once Calvin and I assign these cases, I will need them put in the system before we leave tonight. Could you give us a hand with that?”

  “You got it.” She smiled.

  “Hey,” Calvin said as he walked in.

  JD laughed. “Call Jackie; we are going to be late tonight.”

  Calvin exhaled as he took off his jacket. “Already called her; what are we doing?”

  JD pointed to the desk. “We are assigning cases.”

  It took them most of the evening, but the job was completed. All assignments were made and put into the database. JD knew some of his decisions would be questioned, but the assignments were made based on experience, not on promises. They were leaving the office, but JD and Calvin still had work to do. They agreed to meet at JD’s place in an hour.

  When JD got home, Tracy greeted him at the door with a kiss. “Hello.”

  JD was surprised to see her up and around, but was sure Nurse Gordon was encouraging Tracy to move around and get back to normalcy. JD smiled vibrantly. “That makes up for the entire day,” he said. He kissed her again as they walked over to the sofa in the family room and took a seat. JD told her about all he accomplished during the day and about the visit from Senator Roth.

  “Are you going to consider being a part of the ticket?” she asked.

  JD shook his head. “I don’t know. I am not sure I have the tolerance to deal with people making deals and compromises. Unless I see something different, I can stay where I stand.”

  Tracy looked at him. “Sometimes we have to step out on faith. Just follow the path of things put before us. It may not be what we planned for ourselves, but it very well may be the answer to your purpose in life.”

  JD looked down at her. “That was pretty deep. Do you believe that is my path?”

  Tracy thought for a moment. “I believe you are destined to do great things. How that will come about, I don’t know. I don’t trust Carolyn Roth on a lot of things, but on this I do. She based her entire future on you and that belief. I see how people react to you and how you react to them. You actually care about people. Isn’t that the very type of politician you say we need?”

  “I think people go into politics like that, wanting to find a way to help people,” JD said, “then something happens to them and they forget the reason they were there in the beginning.”

  “Well, if you decide to do this, don’t make the same mistake others have made,” Tracy said. “I promise, after you win and your head gets big, I will remind you of this conversation.”

  JD smiled. “You promise?” he asked as he leaned down to her.

  “I promise.”

  “Excuse me,” Mrs. Gordon said. “While you two were in here making out, Mr. Johnson came through the garage and is at the table eating your dinner.”

  They laughed. “Calvin is here already?” JD said as he got up.

  “Hello, Calvin,” Tracy said as she walked into the kitchen and kissed him on the cheek.

  “Hey, Tracy,” he replied, still eating.

  “Is it good, man?” JD asked, teasing Calvin.

  “Man, I love Jackie, but she can’t cook; not in the kitchen anyway.”

  Mrs. Gordon smiled; she loved to see people eating and enjoying her food.

  As Tracy sat down, she asked, “What do you think about Jeffrey running for office?”

  Calvin stopped eating and looked up. “It’s about time man; the party can really use you.”

  JD put his hand up. “We were just talking, playing around with it a little.”

  “JD, you need to seriously consider this. You could single-handedly rejuvenate the party. The party needs us, young, strong leaders with integrity. You know, we always sit around condemning the way the system is. Maybe it’s time to try to do something to change it.”

  JD looked at Tracy then at Calvin—the two people he trusted the most in the world, besides his mom and sister. They both seemed to think he should enter politics.

  “I will consider it. But that’s a long way off.”

  “Okay if I put together an exploratory committee?” Calvin asked.

  “Why?” JD asked.

  “To determine how much support you would possibly have if you do decide to run,” Tracy answered.

  JD and Calvin turned to her. “What do you know about politics?” JD asked.

  “Just what I read in books.”

  “What books?” Calvin asked.

  JD said, “Don’t; don’t ask.”

  Tracy smiled. “What office are you considering?”

  “Governor?” Calvin suggested enthusiastically.

  “No,” JD frowned, “that’s Gavin’s position.”

  “And you don’t think you could beat Gavin?” Calvin laughed.

  “I don’t want to beat Gavin. Gavin has paid his dues. He deserves to be in the race,” JD replied.

  “See,” Calvin said, shaking his head, “that is part of your problem, you don’t have the killer instinct. When you run for office it’s just like going to trial. You must know what the opponent knows. You have to be out to win, no matter what.”

  JD looked at Tracy. “This is exactly why I have never shown any interest in politics. Here we have a mild-mannered individual who has turned into ‘Tony Soprano’ just at the mention of politics.”

  Tracy smiled. “Let’s say grace.”

  After grace the conversation continued.

  “I don’t think Calvin’s statement was that bad,” Mrs. Gordon said. “If Tony Soprano had been into politics, he would be looking to out his own mother to get more votes.”

  “Thank you, Mrs. Gordon,” Calvin said with a grin.

  “You are welcome, Mr. Johnson. Mr. Harrison, I have to go now. Will you need anything else tonight?

  JD stood. “No, thank you. You have a good evening.” JD walked her to the door.

  “Is he serious about this?” Calvin asked Tracy.

  She hunched her shoulders. “I don’t know. It just came up.”

  “How would you feel about it if he did?”

  “I would support anything that Jeffrey wanted to do without hesitation. But I will not influence him one way or another. Something like this has to be his decision.”

  Calvin looked at Tracy. “JD is a born leader. He always has been. If JD told people that a beer a day is good for them, the grocery store shelves
would be empty by the morning. His leadership is sorely needed.”

  JD walked back in. “Mrs. Gordon’s last day with us will be Friday. She feels you are doing very well and you can be on your own now.

  The telephone rang. “I’ll get it,” Tracy said.

  As she left the room, Calvin turned to JD. “Is this why Roth is taking on the bill with so much gusto?”

  “I believe so.”

  “Are you ready to pay that price?”

  JD looked into the family room where Tracy was on the telephone. He thought about her safety. “Yes.”

  “Jeffrey, it’s the police,” Tracy said as she handed the telephone to him.

  JD took the call in the family room. When he returned to the kitchen he announced that the other assailant in Tracy’s attack was killed.

  Calvin looked at JD. “What are the odds on that happening without some assistance?”

  JD looked at Calvin. “That’s the exact question the police are asking.”


  That same evening, Gavin and Carolyn were in Northern Virginia campaigning. Senator Roth was with them, but on another mission. The leadership committee was working on completing the Democratic ticket for the state’s top offices. All were willing to put their support behind Gavin as governor only if the remainder of the ticket was strong. Gavin was the only contender for governor and Daniel Graham for lieutenant governor. There were several candidates for attorney general. Senator Roth wanted to get a temperature rating on JD. Most of the leadership were very familiar with JD and his efforts in the city.

  Senator Roth was pleased with the outcome of the meeting with key figures at the DNC. With their backing, he was certain JD would be the next attorney general, which, in turn, would practically assure Gavin as the next governor and Carolyn as the first lady.

  “What are all the secret chats about, Dad?” Carolyn asked later in the evening.

  “Just trying to get the ticket complete,” he replied. There was no way in hell he was going to let Carolyn in on this. Her focus was in the wrong place. She was still doing things to interfere with JD and Tracy. Roth loved his daughter, but sometimes she did not know what was best for her, and at times, did stupid things. Carolyn was not looking at the big picture. She was too intent on her own little world. “How did Gavin do this evening?”

  “We raised another million tonight,” Carolyn replied.

  “Good work, this early in. We will need every dime of it to get him elected.”

  “Are you worried, Daddy?”

  “Unless we surround Gavin with the strongest ticket possible, he will not win.”

  “Then I guess we better get some strong people; who do you have in mind?”

  “We are working on it,” he replied as Gavin came in. “Gavin, how are you?” the Senator asked.

  “We are doing well tonight, from what Carolyn tells me,” Gavin replied as they shook hands.

  “Glad to hear it. Have you two set a date yet?” he asked.

  “No, not yet. Your daughter is dragging her feet.”

  Senator Roth looked at Carolyn. He knew exactly what she was doing. He had warned her before she went down this path with Gavin. She was still holding out hope that something would happen with JD and Tracy.

  “Well, I was hoping to be a part of two weddings before the year was out. But I guess I have to settle for the one.”

  “Which one is that, Daddy?”

  “Oh, I was talking to JD the other night,” he began.

  “That’s right,” Gavin interrupted.

  “He and Tracy set a date,” the Senator continued.

  Gavin smiled. “That’s one New Year’s Eve party I am looking forward to.”

  “Same here,” Senator Roth replied. “I hope I get invited to the bachelor party.”

  “I am putting in bids now to make sure I am invited.” Gavin smiled.

  Carolyn was appalled that the two of them were having this conversation in front of her, but more than that, she could not believe JD would actually go through with this. “I think both of you need to get a grip. I don’t believe JD will ever get married.”

  “Why?” Gavin asked. “Because it’s not you he is marrying?”

  Carolyn knew she had to tread lightly here. Gavin had asked her several times to set a date. She just could not bring herself to do that until she knew he was going into the mansion. “JD never indicated we were heading in that direction. So, no, it’s not because of that. I just think it all happened rather quickly.”

  “Well, since I have invoked such deep conversation, my job is done. I will bid you two good night.” Senator Roth smiled, happy to have a reason to leave.

  “Good night, Daddy, and thanks a lot.”

  “Good night, Senator,” Gavin responded as he watched Carolyn. “So, now that JD has set a date, do you think we can?”

  “Gavin, the only reason I have not set a date is because I would like our wedding to be held at the Executive Mansion.” Carolyn put her arms around Gavin. “You know how much that would mean to me?”

  Gavin was not a stupid man by any means. He knew Carolyn was holding out for the outcome of the election, but for now, he would play along with her. The votes and support her family could bring in were needed. “Are you going to show me how much it will mean to you?”

  Carolyn smiled. “With every ounce of power I have left in me tonight.”


  A few days later, JD was in his office when Senator Roth stopped by. He arranged for JD to meet with other DAs across the state to get their backing and/or input on the Officer of the Court Protection Bill. The meetings would take him out of town for several nights. Tracy was doing better. Hell, she was itching to get back to the office. JD still was not comfortable leaving her this soon, but getting this bill passed was important and could affect so many people’s lives. He agreed to the meetings, which Roth set up in each corner of the state, making Northern Virginia the last. That way, by time he met with the members of the General Assembly, all the kinks would be out of his presentation. Roth’s mind was not just on the governor’s race at this point. In his mind that was already in the bag. He wanted JD to get some national attention. Being that close to Washington D.C., Roth planned to have one or two of his fellow U.S. senators in attendance there. Roth arranged for Dan, from the attorney general’s office, to join them. This would give others an opportunity to see the two working together.


  JD smiled as he kissed Tracy that evening. He loved coming home to her and could not imagine his life any other way. “Guess what?” he said excitedly. “Senator Roth arranged for me to meet with DAs across the state to push my bill.”

  “That’s wonderful, Jeffrey.” She hugged him. “So they are taking it seriously?”

  “It seems like it; at least Senator Roth is.” They sat in the family room talking. “This means I will have to go away for a few days,” Jeffrey told her.

  “Can I go with you?”

  “No, I checked with Dr. Shaw and he said it was a little soon. But you can go back into the office if you take it easy.”

  “Okay. How long will you be gone?”

  “I’ll leave tomorrow for Roanoke. I will probably stay overnight.”

  “The Senator will be with you at all the meetings?”

  “I think so, why?”

  “I just want to make sure someone is there that will have your back.”

  He smiled. “What do you think will happen to me?”

  “I don’t know. But you are going to be around people who don’t know you. That can always be uncomfortable.”

  “Well, Dan will be going with us on these trips. He’ll be representing the AG’s office on this.”

  “Does that mean the attorney general supports this bill?”

  “I would think so,” JD replied.

  “Then I guess it’s okay. What about Brian? Will he be going, too?”

  JD shook his head. “No, Brian has a new detail. He is now protecting Gavin.”

  Tracy laughed. “You are not serious.”

  “I’m afraid so.” JD laughed.

  “Okay, who is protecting Gavin from Brian?”

  “That’s a good question.”

  Chapter 31

  Tracy was always an early bird and today was no different. When she arrived at Next Level Consulting, no one was there. She went to her office first. Everything was exactly as she had left it two months ago. She put her purse away then logged on to her computer. There were a number of e-mails. Tracy pushed away from the desk. They have waited this long; they can wait a little longer. She walked around the office observing. The new people were set up well. New furniture had been strategically arranged to accommodate everyone. We are going to have to look into getting another location or expanding this one, she thought. When they first moved into this building they had only three employees. Now the staff had doubled and more space was needed.

  Tracy walked into Ashley’s old office, which she was now sharing with Monica. Monica really had done a wonderful job keeping things going while Tracy was out. She handled the day-to-day operations and Ashley handled executive decisions. It was nice to see things were able to continue without her. Hmm, or maybe not. Monica demonstrated her leadership ability at a time when it was needed. Maybe it was time to move Monica forward in the organization; she certainly had proven her loyalty. Other than a few mishaps, things had gone very smoothly.

  As Tracy sat at the receptionist desk, she logged on to the computer to review the files. First, she checked the client contact list. Response time was important in their business. Customer service was the key to retaining clients. The times were a little behind for Tracy’s comfort. She made a mental note to contact clients herself today, just to get a feel for how they had been treated while she was out.


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