Once You'Ve Touched the Heart

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Once You'Ve Touched the Heart Page 35

by Iris Bolling

  As the staff came into the office, they were happy to see her. She met one of the new employees, Heather, and liked her immediately. Before Tracy could really settle in, Monica beamed with excitement. “Okay, tell me about the wedding plans. I heard the date is set for December 31st, New Year’s Eve. I’m game for that.”

  “I have to check with Cynthia on things,” Tracy replied.

  “What are you waiting for? It’s only two months away.”

  “I know; I may have to change that date.”

  “Hmm, JD is not going to be happy with that.”

  “JD is not going to be happy with what?” Ashley asked, as she walked through the door.

  “Ms. Tracy changing the wedding date,” Monica replied.

  “Hey, girl,” Ashley smiled at Tracy as she walked into the office. “It is good to see you in here. What is this about changing the date?”

  “With everything that happened I haven’t had time to work on the wedding,” Tracy answered.

  “Have you talked to Cynthia about it yet?”

  “No, I’ll try to reach her today.” Changing the subject, she asked, “What time will everyone be in?”

  Ashley looked at her watch. “Now.”

  Tracy raised an eyebrow. “Do we have attendance issues?”

  “Yes, people show up when they want to,” Heather answered.

  Ashley looked at her, and then back to Tracy. “Let’s just say, I am glad you are back. Monica and I are not good at the discipline thing. Heather was getting tired of me saying things will get right when Tracy comes back. Now you are back. Make it right.”

  “Once everyone arrives, we will meet and discuss.” Tracy exhaled.

  “Well, I have calls to make,” Monica said. “Let me know when you guys are ready.”

  Ashley went with Tracy into the office to give her a rundown on what had gone on during her absence, including personnel issues with one of the new account executives, Denise. They also discussed Monica and how they would show their appreciation for a job well done.

  Later in the morning, Tracy was helping Alicia, the clerk, with filing. While Tracy was sorting through files, Denise walked through the door. Tracy’s hands were full of files. “Hello,” Tracy said, “would you mind grabbing some of these, before they fall?”

  Denise looked at her like she had lost her mind. “Yes, I do. I’m not paid to do manual labor; you are.”

  Alicia’s mouth fell open. “I’ll get those,” she said as she took the files from Tracy.

  “Thank you, Alicia,” Tracy said then turned her attention to Denise, who was at her desk. “Let’s try this again,” Tracy said. “Hello, I’m Tracy Washington, the person who signs that paycheck you receive; and you are?”

  Denise was a little embarrassed. “I’m so sorry. I’m Denise Jackson. I didn’t know who you were.”

  “Apparently, but regardless of who I was, if someone in this office needs help with whatever, we help. There is no ‘your job,’ ‘my job.’ Everything in this office is everyone’s job or responsibility. Is that understood?”

  Denise took offense to the way Tracy spoke to her. “I said I did not know who you were. I’m not going to apologize again.”

  Tracy’s voice rose a little. “I don’t recall asking for an apology. Nor do I need one; however, I do have the need to make sure you understand that when someone is in need, you help!”

  Ashley and Monica came to see why Tracy’s voice was raised. “What’s going on?” Ashley asked.

  “I don’t know what her problem is,” Denise said, “but Ms. Whoever doesn’t seem to appreciate the people who have been doing the work around here while she was out doing whatever.”

  Alicia and Monica sat on the desk. “This is going to be good,” Monica whispered.

  Heather looked at Ashley. “Ms. Washington asked Denise to help with some files.”

  Knowing how Tracy allows people like Denise to walk over her, Ashley interjected, “You do realize this is your boss you are addressing.”

  Tracy stood there for a moment, observing Denise.

  “I was hired by you. Do things change now that she’s back?”

  Tracy smiled at Ashley. “No, things don’t change, but personnel do. Do you have any personal possessions in that desk?” Denise looked at her dumbfounded. “Do you?” Tracy asked again.

  “Yes,” Denise said meekly, looking at Ashley. Ashley folded her arms across her chest. She knew Tracy was a fair person; there was no way she would fire Denise without giving her a chance. But Ashley wanted to see how far Tracy was going with this.

  “I suggest you remove them immediately and take your ornery ass back out that door to where you came from. The rest of you, we have a staff meeting in my office,” Tracy said with an unyielding look on her face.

  “Wait a minute,” Denise said as Tracy began to walk away. “You can’t just fire me; I mean, Ashley, aren’t you going to say something here?”

  Tracy put her hands on her hips and looked at Ashley. “Well, don’t look at me like that,” Ashley said. “I like my job. I’m not getting fired on your first day back. I’ll wait until tomorrow.” Ashley laughed.

  Tracy turned to Monica and Alicia. They both jumped up and went into Tracy’s office.

  Heather got up. “I’m going to be in there with them. I would like to keep my job, too.”

  Once the employees were out of the room, Tracy turned to Denise. “You see, Denise, I am the founder, co-owner and CEO of Next Level Consulting. I will be damned if I will allow someone whose paycheck I sign to speak to me and certainly not to our clients in the manner you just did. This business is my life’s work. I did not develop it to work with people like you who have no respect for others. If you feel for some reason you are above anyone in this office, you are working in the wrong place. No one who works for me will ever look down on another human being.” Tracy exhaled and looked at Ashley, trying to calm herself down. She turned back to Denise. “Now, if you feel you can be a part of Next Level Consulting with what I just said you are welcome to stay, for now. But don’t ever presume you can speak to me in that manner again.”

  Tracy walked into her office and Ashley followed. The meeting began and a minute later Denise walked in and took a seat. Tracy never acknowledged the action; she just continued with the meeting.

  After the meeting, Ashley stayed in the office. Ashley looked at Tracy; this was a different Tracy. She was more assertive and had a certain confidence about her now. Ashley smiled. “I am so very proud of you. Any other time you would have let someone like Denise ruin your day.”

  Tracy smiled. “She pissed me off!”

  “No shit.” Ashley laughed. “It’s about time you got pissed off.”

  “Oh, speaking of people who piss me off, I have to call Cynthia.”

  “Don’t change the date, Tracy, it will break JD’s heart,” Ashley pleaded.

  “Ashley, this is the end of October. The wedding is supposed to be in December. That only gives us 60 days to put together ‘the wedding of the year,’ as Cynthia calls it.”

  “It can be done and will be done. If anyone can pull it off, you know Cynthia can.

  Tracy sat back and exhaled. “If we keep it simple, I guess it could be done.”

  Ashley smiled. “Since JD is out of town, why don’t we all meet at your place to get things started?”

  “Okay, speaking of places, we have to find a house. Jeffrey’s condo is too small for both of us. I mentioned coming back to our apartment to him and he had a tizzy.”

  Ashley laughed. “I know, he told me about it. He asked me what in the hell was wrong with you. Did you honestly think he would let you out of his sight after what happened?”

  Tracy smiled. “I don’t know what I was thinking. Well, call Cynthia and Rosaline; see if they can meet us at the house. Give me two hours to call clients and I’ll join you.”

  “I’ll call Mama to see if she could meet us there, too,” Ashley said as she left the room.

; Tracy looked at her e-mails. “Let’s get these cleared up.”

  When Tracy arrived home, Martha was there and dinner was prepared. “Hello, Mrs. Harrison.”

  “Hey, Tracy, now what made you think you could change your wedding date? Come here, child, take a seat.” Martha wiped her hands off. “Tracy, JD would be so hurt. The whole time you were in the hospital he was afraid you may not marry him.”

  Tracy stopped tasting the macaroni and cheese that was on the stove. “Why would he think that?”

  “Honey, JD feels responsible for what happened to you. And he thinks you believe he’s responsible for it, too.”

  “I don’t.”

  “Then don’t change this date. If you don’t do anything else this year, you make sure you marry that man.”

  Ashley, Cynthia and Rosaline walked in. “Hey, hey, what’s up home girl? We ready to plan this wedding?” Cynthia started.

  “Hey, girl, hugs all around,” Tracy said. “Mama has cooked dinner for us, but it’s a working dinner. So grab a plate and take a seat. I’m getting married on December 31 if it kills me.”

  “Ha, you mean if it kills us.” Cynthia smirked.

  “You’re right,” Tracy replied, “because you got two roles to play; you too, Rosaline.”

  “Why two?” Cynthia asked as she took a seat at the table with her plate.

  “Well, you have to handle the planning and be a bridesmaid,” Tracy said.

  Cynthia’s fork of food stopped midway to her mouth. “What?”

  Ashley turned from the stove. “What?”

  “I want Ashley to be my maid of honor; Monica, Rosaline and you as bridesmaids. Now, all I have to do is find someone to give me away. I don’t know how that is going to work out,” Tracy said, ignoring the shocked look on Cynthia’s face.

  Ashley rubbed Cynthia on her shoulders. She knew Cynthia was touched by Tracy’s gesture to have her in the wedding.

  “Well, we were just going to have a nice wedding. With me in it—oh, it’s on. It will be fabulous!” Cynthia said.

  “Good,” Martha said, “the church has been booked. JD called Pastor Smith the day after Labor Day. The pastor said whatever day was needed the church was all his.”

  Cynthia said, with a mouth full of food, “The problem will be the reception. Everything is booked for New Year’s Eve.”

  Tracy smiled. “I have an idea for that.” Tracy placed a call to JD, who in turn called Douglas. He offered the use of the Renaissance. Once that obstacle was removed, the planning of the wedding was moving forward. The women decided to order dresses from the internet and have them altered; Tracy decided to use Monica’s mother, Judith, who was a seamstress. Rosaline planned the menu; Cynthia developed the theme, and then arranged for music, flowers, decorators and invitations; before the women left that evening, the wedding plans were just about finalized. Tracy couldn’t believe all they’d accomplished in one night.

  Right before everyone was about to leave, the doorbell rang. Gavin and Brian stopped by looking for JD. “Hey, Brian, come in, please,” Tracy said. “I’m sorry, but JD is not here.”

  “Do you have any idea where I could reach him?” Gavin asked.

  “You could call his cell,” Tracy suggested.

  Brian was standing behind Gavin trying to cut Tracy off. Tracy was looking at him frowning. She did not understand what he was trying to tell her.

  “I tried his number but I did not get an answer,” Gavin replied.

  “Tracy, we really need to wrap up; come on,” Cynthia said as she came out of the family room. She stopped almost mid-sentence when she noticed Gavin and Brian in the hallway.

  She smiled. “I’m sorry; I did not realize someone was here.”

  Tracy looked at Cynthia and noticed her flirt was on big time. “Oh, hmm, this is my friend Cynthia, who just happens to be our wedding coordinator. You know Jeffrey’s friend, Brian.” Tracy smiled. “This is—”

  “Gavin Roberts.” Cynthia cut her off. “How do you do?” Cynthia said while extending her hand to Gavin. Tracy raised an eyebrow and looked at Brian. “Much success to your bid for the governorship,” she added with a smile.

  “Tracy, may I speak with you for a moment,” Brian asked.

  “Sure, would you excuse us, Gavin?”

  “Take your time, Tracy,” he replied.

  “Cynthia, would you keep Gavin company for a moment?” Tracy asked.

  “It will be my pleasure.”

  Tracy took Brian into the kitchen. “What’s going on, Brian?” Tracy asked.

  “Gavin is looking for Carolyn. He thinks she is with JD.”

  Tracy raised an eyebrow. “Why would he think that?”

  “I don’t know, he always thinks that. He does not know where JD is and it needs to stay that way.”

  Tracy was a little bothered by the thought of Carolyn being anywhere near Jeffrey. Brian could read Tracy. “JD is not with Carolyn. Believe me, I know.”

  Tracy smiled at Brian. “Do you know where Carolyn is?”


  “Well, just tell Gavin where she is and let that be that.”

  “I can’t do that, Tracy.”

  Tracy frowned at Brian. “Why would you keep things from a person you are supposed to protect?”

  Brian looked at Tracy. “Sometimes keeping things from them is protecting them.” Brian exhaled. “I hate working for certain people.”

  “Then get off this case.”

  “I don’t have a choice who I am assigned to protect,” Brian said. “I don’t work for myself like you do. I work for the government. You go where they tell you.”

  Tracy smiled. “Maybe you ought to think about doing that.”

  “Doing what?”

  “Working for yourself. I would hire you. That way I could try to get you settled down.”

  Brian laughed. “No, thank you, I’ll stay with the government—less dangerous.”

  When Tracy and Brian went back into the family room, Gavin and Cynthia were the only ones left. “I’m sorry that took so long, Gavin, but I did not reach Jeffrey. When I speak with him I will let him know you need to talk to him.”

  Gavin stood. “Don’t worry about it, Tracy. I apologize for bothering you with this. Cynthia, thank you for your company. I enjoyed our visit. Brian, are you ready?”

  “Whenever you are,” Brian replied. “Tracy thanks for your advice.”

  “You should seriously think about it,” Tracy replied. “Good night.”

  Tracy turned to Cynthia. “What are you doing? That man is engaged to Carolyn Roth.”

  Cynthia picked up her purse. “He’s engaged, not married,” she said, smiling. “I will talk to you tomorrow.”

  “I thought we had more to do tonight.”

  “It’s going to have to wait. I have plans,” Cynthia said as she left the house.


  Later that night Jeffrey called Tracy. He told her about the meetings with the area’s DA. He was excited about the outcome of this first meeting. “So how much did you guys get accomplished on my wedding?” he asked.

  Tracy smiled. “Quite a bit. The ceremony will be at the church at 6:30 in the evening. The reception will be at the Renaissance immediately after pictures. Oh, sweetie, you did not say how much the Renaissance is going to cost.” “No charge.”

  Tracy sat up in the bed. “Are you serious?”


  “Jeffrey, that is so generous of your friend. Now we just have to get a list of guests from you. Can you put one together tonight?”

  “Yeah, I’ll do what I can and have Mrs. Langston fax you a list with names and addresses tomorrow. I may not be back until Friday, you know.”

  “Yeah, I know. I miss you already,” Tracy said.

  “Not as much as I miss you. I never once thought about being alone before. Being here without you makes me appreciate having you to come home to every day. Right now I miss watching you take your shower, brushing your teeth. I even miss that ugly as
s purple scarf you put on your head at night.”

  Tracy laughed. “Oh no, you didn’t go there.”

  “Oh, yes, I did.”

  “When you do come home, I’ll make sure I wear that scarf just for you.” She smiled. “You had a visitor tonight,” she continued.


  “Gavin came by with Brian.”

  “Gavin? For what?”

  “Brian said he was looking for Carolyn. He thought she might be with you.”

  JD was a little blown by that. “Carolyn must be up to her games again,” JD said. Tracy did not say anything. “Tracy?” JD called. “Please tell me you are not thinking Carolyn is with me.”

  “No, I don’t think that. I was just wondering what kind of game Carolyn would be up to that makes him think she is with you.”

  JD tried to explain. “Carolyn has a way of manipulating people; you know that, Tracy. I’m sure she is doing everything she can to get Gavin elected. And I do mean everything.”

  “Jeffrey, I don’t understand things like that. If you are going to marry someone you should not be with anyone else. Or even thinking about anyone else.”

  “I agree,” JD replied.

  “Then why are Carolyn and Gavin playing this game with each other?”

  “Why do you say Carolyn and Gavin?”

  “Because Gavin was here talking with Cynthia tonight and I got the impression that it was more than ‘Hi, how you doing’ conversation. You know what I mean?”

  JD smiled at her through the telephone. “Tracy, some people don’t love the same way you do. You give your all when you love someone. You don’t play games. You don’t bring any drama. Carolyn is a drama queen. Everything centers on her, her needs and her wants. Nothing or no one else is important. Carolyn is not in love with Gavin. Gavin is just a means to an end for her.”

  “And Gavin?” Tracy asked. “Why is Gavin with her?”

  JD exhaled. “Gavin is with Carolyn for just about the same reason. He wants to be governor. Carolyn is the daughter of a very popular senator. Her connections and money can get him where he wants to be.”


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