Once You'Ve Touched the Heart

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Once You'Ve Touched the Heart Page 36

by Iris Bolling

  Tracy cleared her throat. “Life is too short to play those kinds of games. Both of them will be very lonely people if they continue living life that way. And I know because I tried it, when you pushed away from me.”

  JD hung his head. “I know, it didn’t work for me either. But it took me five years without you to learn that. I don’t want to learn that lesson again.”

  “I don’t want to either.” They were quiet for a moment. “Jeffrey, does this mean I have to be concerned with Carolyn?”

  After all they had been through, JD could not believe she asked that question. “Tracy I’m not going anywhere. You are stuck with me for the rest of your life, or mine, whichever comes first.”

  “Thank you for that, but you being with me is not my concern. If Carolyn is not happy, that means she will still be gunning for me. To date she has tried everything from humiliation to sexual enticement. I don’t want any surprises at the wedding. Do we have to invite her?” Tracy asked.

  JD laughed. “I think we do.”

  “Okay. When you come home Friday, we have to meet with the realtor.”

  “Did you find a house?”

  “Yes, two actually; you just have to pick one.” Tracy hesitated. “Jeffrey, you know I will not have anyone from my family at the wedding. There is no one to give me away.”

  JD heard the sadness in her voice. “We can always walk down the aisle together,” JD offered.

  Tracy smiled. “No, I’ll just give myself to you. I’m sure there is something that can be done.”

  JD did not know what to say to make her feel better about this. “We could always go to Jamaica to get married. Just you and me,” he said with a touch of humor.

  “You know, at one time I would have jumped at that offer. But now I’m kind of excited about the wedding.”

  JD smiled. “I’m excited about you becoming my wife, finally. I know it seems quick to some people, but it’s not soon enough for me.”

  Tracy closed the laptop and lay back on the bed. “Mr. Harrison, why don’t you tell me what you are wearing?”

  “Hmm! Do you think you are able to handle that conversation, Ms. Washington?” JD replied as he lay across the bed.

  “With you, I can handle anything. Try me.”

  “Well, Ms. Washington, at the moment I am completely unclothed, swinging in the wind.”

  Oh no, she blushed, what had she gotten herself into? “Okay, shall I join you?”

  “Please do.”

  She removed her clothes. “I just removed your Redskins tee shirt; the only thing I have on is red nail polish on my toes.”

  JD smiled. “Describe you to me,” he asked in his deep, sensuous voice.

  Tracy’s mouth fell open. “What!”

  “Go to the mirror and describe you to me from head to toe,” he asked seductively.

  She smiled, and then pushed the bathroom door closed to reveal the mirror on the back, and returned to the bed.

  “Okay,” she said, “I’m lying on the bed on my stomach.”

  “Turn over,” he said before she could continue.

  “Now I’m lying on my back with my head hanging off of the bed because it’s the only way I can see the mirror.”

  JD laughed. “You have no idea what you are doing to me right now, do you?”

  “No, but it sounds like you are enjoying it.”

  “Do you miss me?” JD asked.

  “Yes, I do.”

  “Close your eyes,” he said.

  “Think back to the very first time we made love.” JD’s voice became low and husky. “Do you remember?”

  “Yes,” she said in a seductive voice.

  “Do you remember my hands on your body?”

  “Yes,” she replied again, and then asked, “I also remember my hands on your body. Do you remember that?”

  She flipped the script on him; that he did not expect. He turned onto his stomach, “yes,” he moaned. The conversation went on through the rest of the night. Neither of them got any sleep that night.


  The next day was a long one for Tracy and JD. Tracy’s day began in the office contacting clients. It was actually good to talk with some of them; it had been a while. Many expressed dismay about the attack; and others sent their congratulations on the wedding. Many insisted on an invitation to the ceremony. Tracy’s guest list was growing. Later in the day, Tracy met with Cynthia to pick out invitations. Cynthia had narrowed the selection down to five. Tracy loved all of them, but was able to reduce the number to two. She would allow Jeffrey to make the final selection. Cynthia made it clear: the invitations must go to the post office Monday morning. While Cynthia was still in the office, Monica’s mom, Judith, came in with pictures of wedding dresses. Ashley ran in. “No one gets a say on this but me. Everyone else, get out,” she said.

  Cynthia protested and Monica smiled. “My mom will tell me which one she picks anyway.” Tracy, Ashley and Judith spent the rest of the afternoon locked in the office. When they came out, each one was smiling. “Okay, Mama; give,” Monica said.

  “No, baby,” she said, “not this time.” She smiled and left the office.

  Tracy and Ashley laughed. “I’m getting married!” Tracy screamed. Ashley and Monica fell out laughing at her. They had never seen her so excited.


  JD’s day started with a meeting of district attorneys in Roanoke. The meeting went so well, it was suggested another be set for Friday afternoon. Senator Roth was happy with the notion of having more people hear JD’s presentation. JD was more impressive than the Senator anticipated. Not only was he able to hold his own with questions on the bill, but when the conversations went to politics, JD proved himself more than capable of expressing his opinions and ideas on issues. There were times when the group disagreed with his position. He broke down their points of contention until he had them wavering on their viewpoints.

  One of the men JD and the senator met with was planning to put his hat in the ring for attorney general. He suggested if JD was to run he would drop out of the race and support him. JD was flattered but indicated he was not considering running at this time. The man encouraged him to consider it. “The party needs someone who has not been beaten into submission; we need you,” he said. Senator Roth could relax a little now. Key people were beginning to see what he did in JD. In addition, JD had been asked to consult on the Melvin case.

  The case involved six little girls who were abducted from their homes, molested and killed by Charles Melvin. However, the conviction was wavering. The evidence was not connecting to a point of more than a reasonable doubt. The AG’s office was unrelenting about the outcome of this case. Unfortunately, the DA handling the case was at his wit’s end. He asked JD to review the files to see if fresh eyes could reveal anything to put a needle in the man’s arm. Of course, anything having to do with children touched JD’s heart, so he agreed.

  That afternoon was the first moment he had to himself; he called Tracy. JD was smiling before she answered the telephone. He was remembering their conversation from last night; or, more accurately, this morning.

  “Hello, you’ve been on my mind all day, Ms. Washington,” he said.

  “When will you be home?”

  “Tomorrow morning, not a minute later. I miss you.”

  Tracy smiled. “You ever wonder if there was such a thing as being too happy?”

  “Yes, the day I met you,” he replied. “I’ll talk to you later.”

  JD sat at the desk and began to read the case file.

  Chapter 32

  Carolyn had just hung up the telephone with her dad. He was still in Roanoke. She knew he was with JD, but was not sure what they were up to. The cover story was about some bill JD wanted to pass to protect his “precious” Tracy. Carolyn was getting real tired of that. Every time she turned around there was something in the paper about the “power couple,” as they were called. That should be her and Gavin getting that publicity, not JD and Tracy.

Carolyn had to make some moves here. Maybe she could give Gavin a date. Have a formal engagement party. Invite all the right people. Who could handle that? TNT seemed to be the hot event planners at the moment. First Carolyn had to get Gavin to ask for a date again. She would have to play up to Gavin for the next week or so. By Thanksgiving the date should be set. They could have the engagement party on New Year’s Eve. That was the date of JD and Tracy’s wedding, but invitations had not gone out. With everything that had happened with them over the past few months, Carolyn was sure they would change their date. She smiled to herself: maybe they will cancel altogether.

  Carolyn went into the bedroom; Gavin was still on calls with his advisors. She sat on the bed and began to lotion her legs. As she pampered, Gavin’s attention was drawn away from his conversation. As he ended the call, Gavin wondered what she wanted. Any other time she would shower, pamper and change her clothes in the dressing room, unless she wanted something. “What is it this time?”

  Carolyn never looked up; she bent over exposing her back to him. “Do you think you could lotion my back for me?” she invited.

  Gavin put the telephone on the dresser; he took the lotion out of her hand as she lay on the bed. He straddled her and began to lotion her back.

  “Do you think we could skip the function tonight and stay in, just the two of us?” she asked.

  Gavin smiled. “We have a few people expecting us; we should not disappoint them.”

  She turned over and looked up at him. She rubbed his thighs. “Please, Gavin. We haven’t had any real time alone in weeks. I’ll call and make the apologies.”

  Gavin stretched out on top of her. “What reason will you give them?”

  She smiled. “I’ll tell them the truth: Carolyn is a horny girl and she needs to get laid.”

  “I’m sure that will go over big with the congressman,” Gavin laughed. He pulled her hands over her head. “Now, what is it that you really want?” He kissed her neck.

  “I want to get married,” she pouted.

  He stopped, looked down at her. He’d been trying to get her to set a date for weeks. “Carolyn.” He kissed her between her breasts. “Why now? I’ve been trying to get a date from you for weeks.” He bit one of her nipples.

  She moaned. “I wasn’t sure, before,” she replied as she wrapped her legs around him.

  He held her hands above her head with one hand, while the other slowly caressed her body. “Sure of what, whether or not JD was truly going to marry Tracy?” She started to move but he stopped her. “That game is over, Carolyn,” he calmly said as he looked down at her. He slipped his free hand under her and pulled her closer. She could feel his nature growing against her leg; she thought that gave her the advantage. But it wasn’t to be: Gavin’s patience with Carolyn’s antics had run out. He was now taking control of their relationship. “I will not spend another day wondering where you are and what you are up to,” he said in a very calm, cunning way. He ran his tongue from her navel, between her breasts, up to her chin. Staring down at her he said, “From this moment on, you will behave in a manner consistent with the first lady of this state in public and in private. You may not love me, but from now on, you damn well better act like it. If you don’t, there will be no date needed.”

  She looked at him a little stunned. “You can’t win this race without me,” she said.

  He kissed her feverishly, with every intention of getting her hot. She moaned. He broke the kiss. “Try me,” he said as he got up.

  Not sure what had just happened, Carolyn watched him grab his jacket and put it on. “Where are you going?” she asked with a frown on her face.


  She laughed, not believing he was going to leave her in a state of wanting. “You are going out”?

  “Yes,” he said coldly, “and I expect you to be here when I return. If you are not, I will assume you chose not to comply with my request. In which case the engagement is off.”

  Carolyn looked at him in total disbelief. “You can’t be serious.”

  Gavin exhaled. “I plan on moving into the governor’s mansion next January. The question you need to find the answer to is, will you?” He started to walk out, then turned and said, “Be sure to give the congressman our deepest regrets for this evening.” He closed the door behind him.

  Carolyn threw the pillow at the door. “Shit!” she screamed.

  Carolyn knew, eventually, Gavin was going to rein her in. She thought it would not happen until they were married. She got up and dressed. She wondered if this was a bluff. Would he really break the engagement? She placed the call to the congressman’s office making their excuses. Then she called her father. Carolyn told her father about Gavin.

  “Carolyn, before you went down this path with Gavin, I told you he was not a fool. Nor was he a man to put up with your nonsense. He is right, you either commit fully to him and his mission or you need to step aside.”

  Carolyn frowned. “Daddy, would you still back Gavin if I did not marry him?”

  “Yes.” He went on to say, “This is about state government, not my daughter’s love life. One has nothing to do with the other.”

  “Will there ever be a time when your daughter will come before the state?”

  Senator Roth hesitated. “Yes, when my daughter stops playing games and takes her own life seriously. Carolyn, if for one minute I truly thought you loved JD, I would have fought tooth and nail for you. But you don’t love JD or Gavin. It’s about which one could give you the limelight you want. You seem to think that light is in the mansion. Well, okay—do what you need to do to get there. Then what? Do you think you are going to be happy, Carolyn? I don’t.”

  Carolyn sat in the chair pouting. “I don’t know what to do, Daddy,” she cried.

  “Well, you better figure it out soon. It doesn’t seem like Gavin is playing your games any longer.”

  Hearing his daughter’s anguish and feeling partially responsible, because he did spoil her rotten, he tried to give her some sound advice. “Baby girl, talk to Gavin when he gets home. Be straight with him. He knows you don’t love him, but he wants you anyway. Just know, if this is the road you are going to take, don’t expect your marriage to be anything more than a political arrangement. Can you live with that, baby girl?”


  Gavin made a call from his cell phone. “Hello, do you think you may have a few moments for a new friend?”

  They talked for what seemed like hours. It was the most relaxing time Gavin had had in a while. He liked Cynthia. She was easy to talk to. Every time he tried to put up a defense during the conversation, she would knock him down. The fact that he could possibly be the next governor of the Commonwealth did not ease her tongue at all. She was straight up with him and he liked that. When she thought he was being phony, she called him on it. After the first hour, he actually felt so comfortable around her that he took off his shoes and just laid back. Funny thing, he thought as he left Cynthia’s place, when he had first met her she had reminded him of Carolyn. After talking with her tonight, he knew she was different from Carolyn. Cynthia was not about games; she told you exactly where she stood on things. Gavin enjoyed that.

  Carolyn was sitting in the drawing room when Gavin returned home. She tried to be calm. “It’s late. Where have you been?”

  Gavin looked at her with a raised eyebrow. “That’s funny, Carolyn; you are normally not concerned with where I am or what I am doing. Why are you concerned now?” Gavin asked as he took off his jacket.

  Carolyn was more than a little frustrated at this point. He had been gone for hours. “You are supposed to be my husband soon. I am concerned,” Carolyn replied. Gavin did not respond to her. He placed his jacket across the chair. Carolyn adjusted her attitude and tried again. “Gavin,” she said calmly, “let’s talk; I mean, really talk about where we are headed and why.”

  Gavin walked over to the bar and poured both of them a drink. “Okay.” He handed her a glass. “I’m listening.�
� He sat on the chair across from her.

  Carolyn started, “Gavin, we both want the same thing. You have your reasons; I have mine. Neither of us is in love with the other, but we are good together and good for each other. And I do care what happens to us. I know you think that I am in love with JD.” She nodded her head. “I thought so too, but now I’m not so sure of that. Maybe I was just in love with the idea of what we could have been together.” She smiled. “I guess my pride got hurt when he dismissed me for Tracy. Hell, look at me.” She spread her arms out. “I still don’t understand it.” Gavin sat back in his chair and smiled; Carolyn was a beautiful woman. As he smiled she laughed. “But, either way, I don’t want that to happen to me again. I have played with you and I do apologize for that. I can only say I will never disrespect you in that way again.”

  Gavin set his glass down on the table, sat forward and folded his hands in front of him. “Carolyn, you are one of the most exasperating people I know. If I thought for one minute I could live without you in my life, I would have walked out that door long ago.” He hung his head down and smiled. “We both have the same desires, and you are right about that. But you are wrong about one thing: I do love you. I love that crazy ass free spirit of yours that causes you to do stupid things. I love the confidence you have, the way you walk into a room and rule it. I love watching your mind work on the next scheme. I love that passion you show me when your guard is down. However, I don’t love the way you try to manipulate others or me. And I hate it when we make love and you fake it.”

  Carolyn started to say something, but Gavin stopped her. He just wanted to get past this point. “I give up trying to wait on you to fall in love with me. Just tell me the date—and why?”

  Now that she had her say Carolyn did not see any reason not to be straight with Gavin. “I was thinking next spring, right before the campaign appearances get heavy. I would like to have the engagement party on New Year’s Eve,” she said. Gavin looked at her, waiting for the why.


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