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Once You'Ve Touched the Heart

Page 41

by Iris Bolling

  JD looked at Roth; he respected the man, but he was trying to deface his father’s memory and take away the one person who makes his life work.

  James could feel the anger radiating from JD and he understood—he was blind-sided with this information. “Now is not the time to lose our heads. We have a journey to take and no time to waste. JD, is it possible to get a copy of Tracy’s medical records from the hospital?”

  JD looked at James. “I’m sure we could.”

  “Good,” James continued before anyone could say anything. “Senator, we will need a sample of your blood. You indicated you knew someone who could handle this discreetly. Would you mind placing that call now?”

  Roth walked out the door. “I’ll make the call in the other room.”

  James looked at JD. “You have to keep your cool about this. From all accounts, Roth is probably Tracy’s father. However, I cannot close this investigation without Roth’s cooperation. Now I know this is coming at you from nowhere, but work with me on this.”

  JD was losing it. He always prided himself on handling situations with tact and control. That went out the window with this. JD finished his drink and threw the glass with full force against the wall. James exhaled; glad JD had released some of the tension. “Feel better now?”

  JD looked at James. “I am marrying Tracy next month. I don’t give a damn whose child she might be!”

  James smiled. “Just so you know, I’m committed to getting you down that aisle next month.”

  JD hung his head, put his hands in his pocket and begin to pace. “I don’t believe my father would have cheated on my mother, and then brought the picture home with him.”

  James responded, “I don’t believe he would have either. I do believe he brought the picture home to protect Roth. A picture like that could have been used against him in so many ways.”

  JD looked at James. “This has to be played out in a way that my mother will never, and I mean never, get wind of it.”

  James turned to JD. “We need to ensure not only that your mother never knows, but Ashley as well. I cannot allow something like this to hurt her.”

  JD had not considered how this would affect Ashley or her relationship with James. He was only thinking about how it affected him and Tracy.

  “James, man, I’m sorry. I didn’t take you into consideration on this. I appreciate the way you are trying to handle this.”

  Roth came back into the room. “I heard a bomb go off earlier. Is the deck all clear now?”

  JD smiled. “Senator, I apologize. This is all coming at me a little fast. You knew my father, Senator; the suggestion of something like this would have sent him through the roof.”

  “Like you,” James said.

  JD chuckled. “Yeah.”

  “JD, I’m as certain James did not sleep with Lena as I am that I did. Now I don’t know if I am Tracy’s father or not. The test results will answer that. My concern is Carolyn. My daughter has been through a lot this year. I don’t want her hurt by this. I honestly believe she has a chance at happiness with Gavin. This may cause her to lose focus again. At all costs, this must stay between the three of us here.”

  James cleared his throat. “Four—Lena is not a stupid woman. She is aware of this picture and its possible meaning. If she thinks it’s worth her while, she will dig further.”

  Roth looked at JD. “Okay, what do we need to keep her quiet until we can sort this out?”

  James started laughing. JD joined him and took a seat. They both sat there laughing and looking at Roth. “A house and a monthly stipend should do it,” James laughed.

  “How soon can all of this be resolved?” JD asked.

  “If we have the child and potential father together, it can be determined in days.” James looked at JD. “If the results are not clear, we may have to get Tracy and Lena together.”

  JD shook his head. “After what you reported to me, James, I’m not sure I want that woman anywhere near Tracy at this point.”

  “JD, look at it as keeping the enemy close.” James pulled out his cell and dialed Lena’s number. “Lena, James Brooks here. It seems I need your assistance here in Richmond. Would you be available tomorrow? Of course, all your financial needs associated with this venture would be covered.”

  Lena agreed to the short trip. Senator Roth set up the testing with his associate for Friday. Once all the arrangements were made, JD and James left the Senator’s home.

  “James,” JD asked, “if we have to, how will I get Tracy to this testing?”

  James exhaled. “You can take the hard way, which is to tell her the truth. Or you can take the easy way.” JD looked at James. “Take a q-tip, stick it in her mouth and tell her it’s foreplay.”

  JD laughed. “In other words, lie.”

  James nodded. “Exactly.”

  Chapter 37

  Lena arrived at the hotel as scheduled. JD made it clear he wanted to meet with Lena personally before any agreements were made regarding Tracy. He did not intend to allow this woman the opportunity to hurt Tracy again. That morning, JD caught the chopper to Roanoke to review evidence found in the Melvin case and called the hospital to have Tracy’s records released to Senator Roth’s physician. This was a true test for JD. The case was breaking wide open and the situation at home was just as complex. Both needed his immediate attention. JD left Roanoke and returned to Richmond to meet with Lena that afternoon.

  James met Lena at the hotel lobby early that morning. He wanted to make sure Lena did not run into Roth or Tracy during her time in Richmond. Lena was advised the meeting between her and JD was to discuss Tracy and the role she would have in her life. In actuality, James wanted to make sure Lena was under control just in case she connected his questions to the picture. To keep Lena occupied he arranged for them to have lunch.

  While standing in front of the hotel waiting for the car to arrive, they were seen by Cynthia and Ashley. “Ashley, girl, ain’t that your man standing over there with a woman that’s not you?”

  Ashley turned as the car pulled up. The driver opened the door and James and Lena got into the car. Ashley watched mortified as the car passed them. Cynthia looked at Ashley. “Why are you not calling him on your cell?”

  Ashley was too stunned to do anything. “I’ll have to deal with that later,” she said and walked away. There was no way she was going to lose her cool in front of Cynthia.

  When Cynthia drove off, Ashley called Tracy, who attempted to calm her down. “There has got to be a perfectly innocent explanation to this, Ashley. You know James is not a man to play games. Where are you anyway?” Tracy asked.

  “I’m at the hotel bar,” Ashley replied.

  “Have they returned yet?”

  “I don’t think so,” Ashley said. “I just don’t believe this shit.”

  “Ashley, calm down. You don’t know what is going on. Is it possible the woman is James Jr.’s mother? She could be just dropping James Jr. off with James.”

  Ashley thought. “That could be,” she said, a little calmer.

  Tracy exhaled. “Don’t you think you should leave now, before they do come back?”

  Ashley was still not quite sure. “No, I have to know.”

  “Okay, stay where you are. I’ll be there in a minute. Don’t do anything before I get there. Promise me,” Tracy insisted.

  “I make no promises,” Ashley replied angrily.

  Tracy got into her car and drove to the hotel. When she arrived, it took her a minute to find her friend, but when she did, Ashley was well on her way to being drunk. “My goodness Ashley, what are you doing?” Tracy took the drink out of her hand. “Would you give us some black coffee, please,” she said to the bartender. “I can’t believe you are doing this. It is two o’clock in the afternoon and you are drinking like a whale.”

  Ashley sat straight up. “There they are,” she said. James and Lena headed to the hotel lounge. As she followed their movement, she frowned. “What the hell is JD doing here?” />
  Tracy turned just as JD stood to greet James and the woman. “I thought he was in Roanoke today.”

  “Mmm…hmm, and James was supposed to be out of town, too,” Ashley slurred. They looked at each other. “I may be drunk, but I know something is up, Ashley slurred. Let’s go, Tracy.”

  “Ms. Washington,” JD spoke as he took a seat at the table.

  “Hello, Mr. Harrison,” Lena responded, “it’s nice to see you again.”

  JD smiled. “We can dispense with the niceties, Ms. Washington. I’m here only to make sure you clearly understand the conditions of any arrangement made here today. Under no circumstances is Tracy ever to know you are here for any reason other than your sincere desire to establish a relationship with her. If Tracy even suspects something different, previous agreements will be null and void. Do I make myself clear?”

  Lena looked at JD. He is a handsome man, she thought. “Tracy has good taste, Mr. Harrison.” Lena smiled.

  JD asked the question again. “Do you understand the terms of this agreement?”

  “Yes, I do,” Lena replied as she sat forward. “What I am not clear on is exactly what it is you want me to do.”

  James pitched in. “We haven’t come to a complete agreement on the particulars. We asked you here today to determine how to proceed. Any direction we go must not be harmful in anyway to—” James stopped mid-sentence. “Damn!” He spotted Ashley and Tracy walking towards them. “We better make a decision quick.”

  JD turned just as Ashley, who was walking in front of Tracy, reached the table. “Hello, big brother,” she said while trying to hold her temper in. She turned to James, who was now standing. “James,” she said with fire in her eyes.

  Tracy walked up to JD, her back to Lena. She raised her eyebrows. “I’m sorry, honey,” Tracy kissed JD. He held her by the waist; not wanting her to turn. “I tried to stop her,” Tracy whispered to Jeffrey.

  JD looked at Tracy, not sure how to get out of this situation. He smiled. “Tracy.”

  Ashley stumbled over to James. “Are you enjoying your day out of town?”

  James noticed Ashley was a little intoxicated. “It seems you have,” he said with a smile.

  Lena sat there watching these two supposedly controlling men squirming with these two women. She didn’t have to ask who wore the pants in these relationships. It was actually kind of nice seeing JD out of sorts. He seemed to be at a loss for words. What the hell, I’ll help him out. “Hello, Tracy,” Lena said.

  Tracy tensed immediately; JD could see it in her eyes. Tracy turned and could not believe her eyes.

  “You know this woman?” Ashley asked with attitude.

  Tracy could not respond; she was shell-shocked. She leaned into JD.

  “Tracy,” JD began.

  “JD, let me,” Lena said. JD wasn’t sure if he should; he didn’t trust Lena at all. He held his breath, as did James.

  Ashley was a little too drunk to get the whole picture, but whatever was going on she knew was not kosher. “James, what’s happening?” Ashley asked.

  “Tracy, you have grown up to be a beautiful woman,” Lena said as she stood. “I wondered when I first met JD how you were able to get such a handsome man. Now I see.”

  Tracy was trying to be polite, but all the memories of her life with her mother came to the forefront. She always tried to be professional in public, especially around JD. She did not like being rude. The last thing she wanted to do was embarrass him in any way.

  “Hello,” Tracy said. “Would you excuse me?” Tracy walked away.

  Ashley looked at James, then JD. “What have you two done?”

  JD went after Tracy.

  “James?” Ashley questioned.

  “Ashley, this is Lena Washington, Tracy’s mother.”

  Ashley was a little taken aback. “Hello,” Ashley forced out.

  James pulled his wallet out and paid the check. “I think we better go.”

  “I’ll be upstairs in the room,” Lena said. “It seems you have some explaining to do.”

  Lena turned to Ashley. “It’s nice to meet you, Ashley. Don’t be too hard on him. He was actually trying to do a good thing.” Lena left the restaurant.

  Ashley sat down, one because she was getting dizzy and two because she could not believe Tracy’s mother was here. “Is this something good, James?” Ashley asked.

  James shook his head. “I don’t know, Ash. I just don’t know.” He looked at her with a questioning smile. “Why are you drunk at three o’clock in the afternoon?”

  Ashley laid her head on the table. “Because I saw you with that beautiful woman at one o’clock in the afternoon.”

  James smiled. “You are the only beautiful green woman I see.”

  Ashley looked up and smiled, then threw up at James’s feet.

  “Why did I not see that coming?” James said as he pulled the napkin from the table to clean Ashley up.

  JD caught Tracy outside the hotel entrance. “Tracy, wait babe,” he called out.

  Tracy turned, a little confused about the direction she needed to go. Her heart was racing and she felt tears coming to her eyes. “I have to go,” Tracy responded.

  Lena came out of the door and walked over to them. She smiled. “Tracy, would you mind coming up to my room to talk? It will only take a minute.” Lena saw the confusion in Tracy’s eyes. She had an opportunity here to take control of the situation and possibly write her own ticket. “Please, Tracy, give me five minutes and if you want to leave after that I won’t stop you.”

  JD didn’t know what Lena was up to and he didn’t like it, but there was no way he was going to leave Tracy alone with her. He did know they needed to take this inside, out of public view. A number of people spoke as they walked by. “Let’s go inside, Tracy,” JD encouraged.

  Tracy looked at him. Why was Jeffrey with her mother? When did they meet and why did he not tell her about it?

  “Yes, let’s do that,” she replied, looking at Jeffrey angrily. The look did not escape JD.

  As they entered the lobby, James and Ashley were coming from the restaurant. Lena shook her head and smiled. “Let’s take her up to the room before she throws up.”

  “Too late for that,” James said. They all rode the elevator in silence. JD was thinking he did not like the idea of not being straight with Tracy. That would only give Lena the upper hand in this situation. But right now they needed Lena to cooperate with them. Tracy was wondering how JD could have kept this from her and why. Lena was honestly a little torn. It was good to see Tracy all grown up, with a man who apparently really loves her. But she had to keep focused on the reason for the trip: money. James was praying that JD kept his cool long enough to get what they needed from Lena and Roth. Ashley was just praying that the damn elevator would stop soon.

  As they entered the room, James took Ashley into the bathroom as Lena walked over to the desk and put her purse down. Tracy stood close to the door.

  “Tracy,” JD put his hand out to her. She looked at him, feeling a little betrayed. JD put his hand down and walked back to her, took her hand and walked over to the sitting area. He was ready to defend every action he had taken regarding Tracy’s mother.

  “Tracy,” Lena said, walking towards her, “please sit for a minute.” Tracy was not used to her mother talking to her in such a calm manner. Tracy sat down on the couch and JD sat beside her. She grabbed his hand and held on.

  “I know this seems a little strange to you,” Lena said, “but I would like to try to explain it. A few months ago JD and James came by to see me. JD thought it was time for you and me to try to have a relationship.” Lena smiled. “His concern was the 12 grandchildren he says I’m going to have. JD felt it was important for your side of the family to be a part of any children you two may have together. When he first approached me about this I was reluctant. You and I never had a mother/daughter relationship. You were always your father’s child, not mine. When your father left, I held you responsible for som
e bad decisions I made. JD had no idea just how bad our relationship was, but I did. Frankly, I didn’t think there was any way you would be able to forgive me for the way I treated you back then. So, needless to say, I rejected his request.”

  Lena sat on the chair in front of Tracy and continued. “Then a few weeks later, I saw what happened to you on the news. I decided to see for myself just how you were doing. I came to the hospital and there was a guard at the door. I told him who I was and he let me in to see you. You were badly beaten and on a ventilator at the time. I spoke with your doctor and he told me you would recover. I stayed the night and watched JD and those two in there, at the hospital with you. I knew you were okay. So I went home.

  “The other day, I received a call from James, who is apparently doing some research for JD on your family. I thought it would be a good time to reconsider my original decision. James decided this was an issue JD needed to be in on. So he asked me to come to Richmond. JD was explaining his opposition to all of this being kept from you when you and Ashley walked in. JD’s position in all of this was one of protecting you from being hurt or disappointed.”

  Damn, she was good, JD thought. With the exception of one or two embellished moments, Lena technically told the truth. Tracy did not show any expression as Lena was talking. With all that had happened between them, Lena had never lied to her. The story Lena lay before Tracy was believable, but Tracy did not trust Lena. She was a selfish person and did nothing unless something was in it for her; usually money. “How much did it cost them, Mommy? You see, I would like to pay them back for all expenses that were accrued on my account. So how much did it cost them to get you here to talk to me?”

  Lena smiled; her daughter was not a dummy. You’re not going to get too much past her, and that’s good, Lena thought. “To date, just expenses, but James put out a pretty penny for dinner the other night.”

  Tracy smiled. “At least you keep it real, Mommy. You never did fake anything with me. I always knew where I stood,” Tracy said.


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