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Mine, Not Hers (True Love Book 1)

Page 17

by Betsy Anne

“Mr. Weber! I’m so sorry! I wasn’t looking where I was going. Are you OK?” I toss my hair while I ask. He grins.

  “Yes, of course, I’m fine. No harm, no foul. Are you OK?”

  This is my chance. I change the subject entirely.

  “Is this your office? What a great building!”

  He’s proud of it. “Yeah, this is it. I hope to expand on it someday soon.”

  He starts to walk away, but I’m not missing my chance for him to notice me.

  “I’d love to see inside. I might go into the medical field, I’m just not sure yet.”

  I’ve got him hooked. How can he say no to a student?

  “Sure, why not. I have a patient in a few minutes, but I can show you around once I get him started on the machines.”

  I’m good, it’s really not fair.

  I take advantage of the time I have alone. The receptionist seems friendly, so I buddy up to her to get some information.

  “This is a great place. Do you like it here? Does Mr. Weber work late? I know how busy he is.” I seem like any other clueless student.

  “He does have a crazy schedule. He works late many days, so he can eat dinner with his family and come back at night. He such a great guy.”

  She seems a bit infatuated with him herself. Stay back, bitch. The phone rings, and she turns her back to answer and look at the schedule. There is a list of phone numbers tacked to her desk wall. Hospital, pharmacies, supply reps and bingo! Jason’s cell! I commit it to memory and turn to store it in my phone. Just in time, she turns around and smiles.

  “Would you like a quick tour of the office?” She stands.

  “Yes, please!” I say, a bit too over-eager.

  “We get a lot of interested students who come here. Mr. Weber is great at mentoring those who want to go into the medical field, in particular physical therapy. Are you thinking about P.T. school?”

  Maybe now I will. “I’m not sure yet, still thinking about my options.” Your boss being the best one.

  She shows me around the practice, and it really is cool. We pass by his office, and there are pictures everywhere of his wife. I can’t help but stare at them. High school, wedding, everywhere. He has a smile on his face in them that I’ve never seen before. It’s like he’s a different person, somehow even hotter. Jesus, his teeth are perfect. I don’t think I’ve ever even seen them before.

  She notices me looking at them.

  “Aren’t they cute? Been together since high school. He adores her. His schedule rotates around seeing her. If I could ever find a man like that, right?” She smiles, a hopeful idiotic smile.

  Well, I’m not smiling. I don’t find the notion of the two of them together adorable. I know he’s faking it. After all this time, he has to be. She’s not even pretty. She’s little and plain. What the hell does he see in her? Who could fuck that forever and be happy? I remind myself that it’s only because he hasn’t had me yet. Oh, just wait, Mr. Weber, have me you will and you will never look back.

  As I revel in my thoughts, he walks over and interrupts.

  “I see that Julia has given you the tour. I need to oversee this patient so I can’t show you around today. Ever have any interest in coming back, just call Julia and she’ll let me know.”

  He turns quickly and walks away.

  I have his cell number. Just debating now if it’s too early to send an anonymous picture of my tits. It may just serve my purpose. Number one, get his engines running, and number two, if his wife finds it, even better. I lie back on my bed, and position my tits just right. Snap and send. I make sure there’s nothing to give me away in the background, and I blocked my number.

  This isn’t my first time to the circus.

  Chapter 34


  I call Jason at home and let him know that we’re going out for the afternoon, and if he needs me, just text. He tells me that tonight something has come up and he won’t be able to get together with the group. He sounds genuinely sad about it.

  “I’m headed into the office now, I’ve got some things to take of first. I’ll talk to you later, honey. Have fun with the girls.” He pauses for a moment and says, “I love you sweetheart, and I miss you. I feel like I’ve barely seen you lately, and you know how sad that makes me.”

  My head is swimming.

  “Me too, honey.” Is all I can spit out.

  “OK, Jason is heading out so I think the house will be empty. Let’s see what we can find,” I say to Melanie and Colleen, and their heads bob up and down. I’m not sure how in to snooping around my house they are, but I need help. I’m not sure what I’m looking for, and many hands make light work.

  “There’s Jason’s car, he’s leaving,” Melanie says as she’s sitting low, like a detective, in her car. When did my life become like a bad cop show?

  “All right, let’s go,” I say, and we hop out of her car and run like kids down to my house.

  I shout directives at them as we cross the threshold.

  “Melanie, my bedroom. Don’t leave a drawer unturned. Don’t worry about privacy; right now I just don’t care. Colleen, you comb the rest of the house.

  Drawers, laundry, cupboards, anything that may seem off, just let me know. I’m going to go through his office. He has a lot of stuff in there, so when you’re done, you can help me.”

  We separate, and head to our respective corners. I should be humiliated-and I am-but I need answers.

  I start with the obvious: Jason’s desk. He’s so organized it should make finding anything easier. I almost expect to see a file labeled, ‘Files to be filed and organized, it wouldn’t surprise me. Nothing out of the ordinary so far, just some patient notes and household bills. I’ve never peeked in any of these drawers, never having or wanting to, and a fervor comes over me. I need to find something, something to help explain this.

  One of the smaller side drawers is filled with cards and notes from me. Some of these are really old. I had no idea he kept any of them. Tears fill my eyes as the realization hits me that I might be in danger of losing him. If he goes, I may as well just give up. Life as I know it will be over. I’ll love and raise my kids, but my heart will be closed to anything new. I push these thoughts from my mind and continue on. I’ll never get anywhere if I start down that path.

  Not much to see in the bottom drawer, mostly office supplies, stacked in neat little boxes, and what look to be old phone chargers. Under the chargers I see a box with a rubber band around it. Nothing special, but I don’t want to leave any stone unturned. Maybe it’s full of letters or pictures from her. I carefully push things aside so I can reach it. I don’t want to disturb too much, he would notice for sure. The box is heavy. I slide off the rubber band and open it. Darn, just old cellphones. Wait, I thought he told me he recycled these. He’s had to change numbers quite a few times over the last couple of years, and I just assumed he threw them out. He’s not one to hold onto things-hence my surprise at finding the cards from me in his drawer-and he usually donates or recycles most things. I notice that the chargers that are bundled in the drawer match these phones. I plug them all in just to see if there’s anything on them.

  Melanie comes in a few minutes later to make an announcement.

  “All clear! Although, I really didn’t need to see your toys, girlfriend. You could have at least warned me.” She looks flushed and embarrassed. I don’t care; it just means we like to have fun!

  “What’d you find in here? Anything yet?”

  “Well, nothing really. He has a whole drawer of cards and letters from me he’s saved over the years. He’s never told me he kept them. They're all out of order, too, like he rereads them.” My heart does a quick flip. “Anyway, nothing of note yet. I did find some old cellphones, I’m just charging them to see if they contain any info or contacts.”

  Colleen walks into the room as I’m telling that to Melanie.

  “Oh, great! Maybe we’ll find some more photos.”

  I begin to sweat. I didn’t even thi
nk about that. My mind’s not functioning at a high level right now. Shit. One of the old phones starts to ping like crazy: lots of missed texts and calls. My heart sinks. I don’t think I can do this.

  Sensing my panic, Melanie says to me, “Why don’t you go get some food, and Coll and I will sift through these, see what comes up. OK?”

  Thank God.

  “OK, Mel. That’s probably the best idea. I get up to go to the kitchen, but don’t make it. I stop in the living and sink down into the couch, I can’t move. I close my eyes, and fall asleep instantly.

  I see them; they’re on a boat. Not just any boat, but a huge, expensive yacht. It feels like I’m flying over them like a seagull searching for food. She’s wearing a tiny thong bikini; it’s essentially a string up her crotch and two small pieces of fabric covering her nipples. Her skin is golden and glistening. Jason is staring at her with appreciation, and he’s slowly rubbing his crotch.

  She lies down on the upper deck to sunbathe in a manner that seems intentional, to give me a better view. She unties the top of her suit, and the whole thing falls apart. Jason is standing off to the side with an impressive erection, but he’s not making any moves toward her. I see one of the cabin doors open, and a young man walks out. He appears to be a deckhand. He is stripping off his clothes as he approaches her.

  She doesn’t even open her eyes, but instead spreads her legs wide open for him to enjoy the view. He stands and watches, just as Jason is doing, and squeezes himself. She slowly caresses her own body as they both look on. She arches her back to give them a full view of her breasts. She squeezes them tightly, and pulls her nipples hard. She lifts up one large breast to her mouth and licks her nipple with her own tongue. The men are enjoying it, and she knows it.

  Her other hand reaches down between her legs and slowly begins to rub her bald crotch. She’s well versed in what’s she’s doing, and loves having an audience. She slips in one finger, then two, then three. She fucks herself hard. She rolls over onto her stomach while her fingers are still inside her. The deck hand takes his opportunity and walks over to her and kneels down.

  She raises her ass in the air, making her desire apparent. He slips his dick into her rear while she continues to pleasure herself. That’s when Jason walks over to join the action.

  Without breaking her bond with the other guy, she raises herself onto all fours, and he slides in underneath her. The other man stops moving long enough for her to position herself over Jason’s giant erection. The two of them lower back down together and Jason’s cock fills her up. She’s writhing in pleasure as both men are inside her. She’s kissing Jason passionately, and he returns the heat. The pace becomes frantic as they are pumping into her fiercely. The man in back pulls out quickly and releases himself all over her back. She and Jason continue their pace as they come together. I recognize the other man. He’s the one from the photo she sent.


  I jump out of my skin, startled awake by someone shouting.

  “She’s an absolute psychopath!”

  It’s Melanie.

  Chapter 35


  As expected, I never hear from Mr. Weber, about the picture I sent. There was no way to know who it was from, or how to reply. I want him to discover that it was me on his own. In our next class, I wear another revealing top: A camisole really meant as underwear, with nothing underneath. The fabric is silky and transparent. The size and tone of my breasts should give him a clue. They're fucking perfect.

  I need to make sure he notices me. I sit in the front row, as usual, and align myself within his sight. As he’s speaking, I see that he finally looks down at me. I’m rubbing my pen between my tits so he’ll look down. I seize that moment to ask him a question so he’ll have to keep looking. He’s staring blankly at my chest. Fucking about time! I see him putting two and two together. He is smart; I wouldn’t think it would be that hard.

  After class is over, he leaves the room promptly. No problem, I know exactly where he goes: his office, lunch, and his practice. Maybe today I’ll surprise him in the sandwich shop. He’s not there. I’ll head to his practice and get there early enough to catch him. By three, he’s still missing in action. Maybe he went home to beat off to my picture now that he knows they are my tits. I like that thought. I go back to my dorm, and pose for another: full crotch shot, with one finger slightly inside. I use my left hand, the one with my emerald ring.

  Dead giveaway. I need to make sure he notices my ring the next time I see him. I send him two emails requesting some additional tutoring. He politely declines, citing workload, but gives me the number of someone else who would be “very interested” in working with me. Is that some kind of hint? I call the guy and let him “tutor” me, which means we fucked on his desk. If Jason thinks he’s going get rid of me that way, think again. I want him, not a substitute. I did need some cock though, so the timing was good.

  He is suspiciously absent in class for the rest of the semester. We’ve had subs, which is beginning to piss me off. His schedule at the practice has changed, too. What the fuck. Our last class, I’m there early so I can watch him come in. He has to be here so we can hand in our class evaluations. He’s ignoring me intentionally as he sheds his things onto the desk. I see right away that he has a new cellphone. No wonder. I must have sent him a hundred or more pictures, which he obviously never received. I wonder if his wife saw them. He must have changed numbers as well.

  When class is over, he is forced to stay back to answer questions and gather all the forms. I hang behind some of the other students to make sure I’m the last one in the room with him. My plan works. As he gathers his things, he looks up and sees me. He pales.

  “Yes? What can I do for you, Ms. Berry?” He is trying his best to look clueless but just can’t pull it off. I’m cutting to the chase.

  “I see you got a new phone. What was wrong with your other one?” I approach him slowly, like a deer, so he won’t bolt. He gives me an ice-cold stare.

  “Yeah. Seemed to be getting a lot of shit on that phone. Don’t know how someone got my number, but I felt it was best to just get rid of it. You know, before that got out of hand.” He’s speaking in code, but I get it.

  “Well, did you look closely at what was sent? Maybe you should have looked,” I stare at his crotch, “harder.”

  I lick my lips slowly. He seems unaffected, but that’s not possible. I know I can make him crack. I lean down on his desk and give him a perfect view down my shirt. “These look familiar?”

  I give him the sexiest grin I know. He grabs his things in one fell swoop, and growls at me an inch away from my face. “You stay the fuck away from me. You’re nothing but trash, and I’m a happily married man. I’m finishing my degree, and I’m off this campus. If you so much as show your face anywhere near me, I’ll have you arrested. I’m not stupid; I know you’ve been stalking my office, and my practice as well. Do yourself a favor and clean up your shit before you’re kicked out of here. I know your story; I do my homework, too. I like to know who my stalkers are.”

  Holy fuck. He storms out of the room and slams the door. No one has ever spoken to me that way. My panties are soaking wet.

  He gets his Ph.D., and vanishes from campus. He has to know that he’s not hard to find. I easily acquire his next two cell phone numbers - amazing what a lot of money can get you - but I never hear back, just as expected. I lie low for a while; I don’t want to fuck this up. I need to let it seem like I got the message, and that I’m leaving him alone. Nothing could be further from the truth.

  His practice is growing quickly, and so is his family. How precious, he has his little wife and perfect little kids. I can make his world so much better.

  I finish my degree in three years. After Jason leaves, I decide to lock it down and take full loads, even through the summer, and I graduate early. My parents are pleased and shocked. They offer to buy me a place in Chicago if that’s where I plan to stay. No shit. That’s where he is,
why would I leave? They buy me an expensive condo in the next town over from him and wifey. This way, I can keep my eye on both of them. She has no idea who I am so I can walk invisibly around her. It’s him I have to be careful of.

  I major in biology, and decide to interview with big pharmaceutical companies. Great money, and they drool over women who look like me. I can make doctors come in their pants while writing as many prescriptions for my products as I want them to. I do my homework before deciding on a company. I need one that caters to sports medicine doctors. This way, I have an obvious in. Klineman Pharmaceuticals hires me after only one interview. Thank God the H.R. rep was a guy, and gave me the territory I wanted. See, if I want something, I get it. Some things just take a little more time and work.

  I see Jason all the time. It’s been about two years since I sent him any correspondence. I’m smart. I was going about a guy like him all wrong. The problem is that guys are basically separated into two groups: The dogs that would fuck me in front of their own mothers, and the ones who just don’t know what they’re missing. I’ve only run into a couple of the latter, and they really didn’t need all that much training to believe they couldn’t live without me.

  Of course, I haven’t been celibate waiting around for mister, excuse me, doctor Weber to come to his senses. I think I’ve fucked just about every doctor I call on, at least once. I’ve fucked plenty of other reps at the conferences we seem to have once a quarter. I’ve also fucked my way around Chicago easily. I love to take, and keep, photos of my trysts. Someday I want Jason to see them all and get jealous of all the guys who got to fuck me while I was waiting for him. Serves him right. Poor thing probably has to jerk off to my image just so he can fuck his plain little wife. That will change soon, baby, I’m coming.

  I know the national conference will be held in Chicago soon, and

  I’m expected to attend. I need to set my plans in motion. He will be there with his alumni friends from school; that’s the only way I know he will go, and that gives me an idea. Oh, sweet Jason, you won’t be able to wiggle away from me this time.


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