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Her Three Wilde Champion Men [Wilde, Nevada 2] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)

Page 9

by Chloe Lang

  The edge of release was near. Thank God.

  “I’m going to come,” she whispered.

  More muttering, but two words were detectable, over and over through the haze of manly murmurs. “My baby.”

  She screamed as the pressure finally broke through, flooding her with a pleasure so intense, so white-hot, so all-consuming that taking it all in seemed next to impossible. But the sensations kept coming, swamping her insides, firing her nerve endings, pulsing through her veins, and settling deep in her womb, which was in a complete state of spasms, clenching and unclenching and clenching again.

  Justin didn’t let up, continuing to flick his tongue on her clit, lengthening the orgasmic ride. Wonderfully dizzy, she pounded her fists on the sheets.

  Lost in her humid haze, she felt him move up her body, once again kissing her abdomen, her breasts, her neck, and finally her lips. Tasting herself on his tongue, she relished the intimacy they shared. Feeling his colossal cock pressing on her mound made her gasp.

  “Baby, I want more. Do you?” he asked through shaky, hot breaths. It was evident to her, though it would crush him, he would back down should she say no.

  Even as massive as he was, much larger than her vibrator in her nightstand drawer, her need to have him take her completely was too great.

  “Oh yes, cowboy. More. Please.”

  His devastating smile reached deep into her. He grabbed the little square foil package he’d placed by her head. She listened to him tear it open and knew she would never be able to refuse him anything.

  “Let me, Justin,” she said, holding her hand out, palm up.

  “I’d love that, baby.” He handed her the condom.

  She took it and thrust both her hands between them. She wrapped her free hand’s fingers around his monstrous dick, its girth so large she couldn’t bring fingertips to thumb. His eyes widened and he held his breath. With her other hand she rolled the condom down his cock. She was still vibrating from her orgasm, though the shivers were backing down ever so slightly, but her need to be filled remained high, pressing for relief.

  Yes, she’d been to The Masters’ Chambers regularly as a sub. But honestly, her time there was about demonstrations for new members. No intercourse. She was uncollared for a reason. There were many unattached Doms at the club, but none that piqued her interest. So before Alex the other night, no intercourse had happened for her in a very long time. The only release she found had been from her vibrator. But now, she was surrendering her heart again, this time to his brother, a cowboy who had no clue about the life. Sure, Justin had Dom tendencies, but he was not one. Still, she wasn’t about to stop. He was what she needed. From now on, he would be her addiction. She’d never ached for a man more in her whole life.

  She felt him shift on top of her until the head of his cock was probing her swollen folds, multiplying her ache to be filled even more. “Please, Justin. Please.”

  Her begging clearly had the impact she wanted from him as his dark eyes widened, his mouth turned into a lusty grin, and his giant cock inched into her pussy.

  She’d never experienced such fullness. And still more of his cock moved into her channel. Each claiming thrust forward amplified her burn and ache. Then one last plunge, and she had all of him inside her. Her breath caught in the back of her throat from the stretching.

  “I’m inside you, baby.” His eyes warmed and he asked tenderly, “How are you feeling?”

  “So good, Justin. So good,” she panted. It felt amazing to her to have him inside her, in her pussy.

  “God, you’re so tight. Beautiful.” His words were deep and full of hunger. He edged his cock back slightly, leaving her depths clenching on the emptiness. A shove back down into her pussy delivered fierce friction that sparked a sea of need. Every thrust was ratcheting up the pressure once again. Though she’d already come against his greedy lips, she could feel the edge of the next release, which was certainly going to be explosive beyond anything she’d ever experienced.

  She writhed under him, enjoying the feel of him over her, inside her, surrounding her.

  “I found you, baby,” he groaned into her mouth, and then sent his tongue past her lips.

  Her toes curled as a coil of electricity shot through her, creating lines of heat from all her throbbing, swollen parts—clit, nipples, lips—which settled and vibrated inside her womb.

  Every thrust of his cock inside her hit all her spots, the sensitive triggers that were driving her mad. “Oh God. Yes. More. Please, Justin. More.”

  He closed his eyes and impaled her pussy with his cock harder and faster, stimulating her G-spot. “Come for me, baby. I’m here. Feel me.” He moved a hand between them.

  Suddenly she felt fingertips on her clit, and the pulsing inside her pussy tightened hard on his cock. Everything exploded inside her as blissful release finally came. Thrilling, hot sensations swept through her as Justin continued thrusting his cock into her. In and out. Over and over. Again and again. She’d never felt more connected to anyone in her entire life than she did now under him.

  He found me.

  Chapter Ten

  Justin held Shelby close to him, enjoying the feel of her naked body next to his. Her breathing had softened a bit. God, he’d never known sex could be so intense before. She brought things out in him he’d never known possible. She’s mine. He knew that in the depths of his being.

  “Are you asleep?” she asked.

  “No, baby. I’ve just got my eyes closed. You okay?”

  “Yes. This was wonderful, Justin. You can’t imagine how wonderful, but I’m still not sure we should’ve taken this step so fast.”

  He opened his eyes and gazed into hers. “Why do you think that?”

  “Your brothers won’t go for what I need.” She sighed. “I know you said they would, but I can’t see how that is possible.”

  “Shelby, you’ve got to trust me. I’ve known them my whole life. I know they will come around. I told you that already.”

  “You did. But is it what you want? I don’t want you doing something for me that you won’t be comfortable with later.” She touched his arm. “Does that make sense?”

  “Of course it does.”

  “Then don’t just jump into something you’ve never even considered until you give it more thought. Please.”

  “Okay, baby. I won’t.” He closed his eyes and started thinking about all the possibilities that a life sharing Shelby with his brothers would entail.

  She laughed. “Justin, I didn’t mean you had to do it now.”

  He opened his eyes and kissed her. “Why not now, Shelby? You’re the expert on these things, not me. I might have questions. You can answer them right now. If I wait, I might forget. Besides, I believe we can work this out, and that we can build a family together.”

  She smiled, sending him to the stratosphere. “You do?”

  He nodded. “I do have a couple of questions, baby.” He brought them to the forefront of his mind. A poly life had lots of positives in his estimation, but there were logistics that he wanted to clear up. “What about children? How does that work with three dads in the mix?”

  “Most in Wilde don’t differentiate about that. My dads were both my dads. As far as I know, no one does any kind of paternity testing. The fathers jointly raise the children with their wives. Make sense?”

  “I suppose so.”

  “Is there a part of you that wants to have your own children, Justin? It’s normal. Wilde isn’t normal. I know that.”

  He’d always wanted kids of his own. But was that just ego on his part? Probably. “Doesn’t the Wilde way of things mean that any children you have would be mine?”

  She nodded.

  “My brothers will make amazing fathers. Brandon would definitely be the disciplinarian. Alex would be the dad who would help with homework. Me? I would be the fun dad.” He winked at her and the giggle that left her lips thrilled him.

  “What else?” she asked.

�Sharing is new but I can imagine how that works. When we take this to the next level, will there be times that I can be alone with you…in bed? Is that against the Wilde rules?”

  “There are no rules. Just the ones we make for ourselves.” She kissed him. The feel of her lush lips on his sent a hot pulse down to his cock. “I would want alone time with you, too, cowboy. In fact, I would insist on it. What else?”

  “That’s about it, baby.”

  She shook her head. “No it isn’t. There’s still the issue of getting Alex and Brandon to agree to this kind of relationship.”

  “Relationship? I love the sound of that, Shelby.” He stroked her hair, inhaling her sweet scent. “You’ve been with Alex on a date already?”


  Justin recalled Alex and Shelby’s confession that they’d been together, really been together, at Alex’s apartment. Given his and his brothers’ past, a brief flash of jealousy tiptoed through him thinking about sharing her. Foolish competitiveness. He loved his brothers and he was falling hard for Shelby. Why couldn’t such a relationship work for them? The sting vanished quickly, but Justin knew it would be something he would have to work on in the coming days if he was going to help give Shelby what she needed—a life with him and his brothers.

  “So what’s the plan you have in mind?” she asked.

  “Leave that to me, baby. You just be your beautiful, amazing self.”


  He cupped her breasts.

  She smiled. “You’re quite the devil, Justin.”

  “I’m in no hurry to be anywhere, are you?”

  “I guess not until we hear from your brothers about Lucille.” Worry filled her face.

  “Shelby, it’s going to be okay. Once Lucille wakes up, she can ID the real attacker and clear your name. Until then, I have something in mind to pass the time.”

  “I bet you do.” She grinned so sweetly, and her anxiety vanished.

  He traced his fingers over her lips. “You game, baby?”

  “I am, but I see you don’t play fair, do you?”

  “No, I don’t and never will.” He kissed her deeply, glad to be able to distract her from the shit Byrd had brought to her front door.

  Brandon and Alex were in Elko checking on the victim. Hopefully, Lucille would wake and clear Shelby’s name. Once his brothers returned, Justin would fix it so that Brandon got to have a solo date with her. Right now, he wanted to enjoy his alone time with Shelby—his woman.

  * * * *

  Brandon rushed into Lucille’s hospital room behind Alex and Dr. Tara Vines. His dad and Sheriff Byrd followed him. A nurse was checking Lucille’s IV.

  “She went through the surgery fine but I’m worried about her vitals, Dr. Champion.”

  Alex looked at Lucille’s chart. “How’s her pulse now?”

  The nurse answered, “She’s throwing tons of PVCs.”

  “What are those?” Byrd asked.

  “Premature ventricular contractions, Sheriff.” Dr. Vines turned back to Alex and continued telling him about Lucille’s condition. “Her pulse goes up to over one hundred eighty and then will fall to thirty beats a minute. Her blood pressure is doing the same. Up and down.”

  “What meds have you put her on?” Alex asked Dr. Vines.

  As the two doctors continued discussing Lucille’s case, Brandon glanced over at Byrd. The man was frowning. Clearly the asshole wasn’t happy with this turn of events. Why?

  “Maybe we should go to the waiting room,” Brandon said to him and his dad. “Leave this to the professionals.”

  “That would be a good idea, gentlemen,” the nurse chimed in.

  “Helen, I’d like to stay.” Byrd’s sickly sweet tone seemed to mesmerize the middle-aged woman.

  “I can understand that,” she said. “You know I was there when Shelby Taylor threatened poor Lucille. You’ve arrested her, haven’t you, Sheriff?”

  “It’s premature for that, Helen.” Brandon’s gut tightened into a knot. Shelby was in hot water. Very hot water.

  The nurse glared at him. “Brandon Champion, why are you here?”

  “I represent Miss Taylor.”

  Helen shook her head. “You shouldn’t be involved with that kind of woman, young man.”

  “That’s my call, not yours.”

  She shrugged. “Suit yourself. Sheriff, surely you are going to lock that Wilde girl up.”

  Byrd put his arm around her. “No arrest yet, doll. I need her account of what happened Sunday. So you can see why I’d like to stay put in case Lucille wakes up.”

  The lady smiled. “I do, Sheriff. You can stay.” The she pointed at Brandon and his dad. “They must leave. And if you ask me, I think it’s odd that Alex is here. He’s the one that brought that woman to our town in the first place.”

  Byrd nodded. “I couldn’t agree more. Supposedly Dr. Champion has an ironclad alibi. He was at the clinic in Wilde at the time of the attack. I’ll have to investigate to make sure there aren’t any holes in his claim.”

  She whispered, “You think he might be the attacker, Sheriff?”

  “Him or the Wilde woman. Maybe both,” the asshole answered.

  “You ready to make an arrest, Byrd?” Brandon said between clenched teeth. God, he hated that man. One day the fucker would slip up, and he wanted to be there when that happened.

  “Not yet. It just isn’t right to have him here since he is still a suspect in Lucille’s attack.”

  Dr. Vines turned to Byrd. The auburn beauty snapped, “That’s my call, Sheriff. I need Dr. Champion. This is my patient, not yours. Now, as Brandon suggested, I think it would be best if you all leave.”

  Lucille coughed several times. Alex and Tara went into action. Their patient coughed again and muttered several words, but the only ones that were discernible chilled Brandon’s bones. “Wilde girl did this.”

  Shelby was in trouble. Real trouble.

  Lucille’s eyes opened and then she had another round of deep, awful coughing. All of them could see the blood on her lips.

  What happened next filled him with dread.

  Lucille stopped breathing.

  “She’s flatlining” Dr. Vines said in an anxious tone. “Out. Now.”

  As Brandon walked out with his dad and Byrd, Alex was grabbing the paddles that would hopefully shock Lucille back to the living.

  He turned to the Elko County sheriff and recognized that look. Byrd had made up his mind who to go after. Shelby was on the bastard’s most wanted list for sure. Fuck.

  “Son, can you head back to Wilde and tell Connie I’m going to be late?” his dad said to him. “I think she could use your help since I’ll be tied up here.”

  His dad was giving him a signal to go to Shelby and get things going.

  “Headed there now,” he answered. “It looks like you two might be here a while.”

  “Not me,” Byrd said with a smirk. “I’m headed to the Elko Courthouse to get me a warrant for Shelby Taylor.”

  Brandon bolted out the door to his car. He had to get to Shelby before Byrd did. She needed him. He brought out his cell and sent a text to Justin. Hopefully, he was still with her.

  “You with Shelby?”

  The message came back when he got to his car.

  “Yes. How is it in Elko?”

  Before opening his car door, he responded. “Things have turned bad. Keep her safe.”

  * * * *

  Shelby sat with Justin in her home, waiting for Brandon to return from Elko. His message was cryptic and terrifying.

  “Things have turned bad.” What did Brandon mean by that?

  “When will he get here?” she asked again, knowing it must’ve been the fifteenth time at least. She couldn’t help it. She was a bundle of nerves. Was Alex coming back with him? How was Lucille? Was Sheriff Byrd still going to bring her in for questioning? Those and a million other questions swirled in her head.

  “Do you have something to drink?” Justin asked. “Maybe wine or

  “Yes. A couple of beers in the fridge I think.”

  He got up off the sofa and headed into the kitchen. “Beer might calm your nerves and be just what you need.”

  “I don’t think so. Nothing is going to calm me down until I know what’s going on.” She looked at him in his jeans and shirt. They’d both dressed after Brandon’s text had come in. “I’m glad you’re here, cowboy.”

  “Me, too, baby. Me, too.” He brought back two opened beers and handed her one. “Drink it all.”

  “You need a beer?”

  He shrugged. “I enjoy having a beer, but both of these are for you.”

  “Trying to get me drunk, are you?” She giggled nervously, glad for the slight distraction from the grimness of the moment. “You’ve already had your way with me, mister. What more do you want?”

  “More than you can imagine, Shelby.” He touched her cheek. “Everything is going to be okay. Whatever Brandon has found out, we’ll see it through together. And like I told you before, he is the best attorney in Nevada.”

  She sipped on the beer. “Jackson Wilde might have something to say about that. Oh God, I should call Austin. I didn’t go back to work after lunch. He’s home with Jessie and baby Carol. I’m supposed to be handling things for him. He’s got to be furious with me.” She grabbed her cell and punched a text out to Austin.

  “Doesn’t matter if he is or not. This is serious. He’s got to understand that.”

  “Austin isn’t a man to be trifled with,” she said, thinking about her boss, the big bad Dom. He was professional in the office, but he did know how to punch her buttons when necessary. “Austin understands more than most, Justin.”

  She hit send. In less than five seconds, a text from Austin came back. Short and to the point. “Got it. Keep me informed on what’s going on. I’ll get on it.”

  “That from him?” Justin asked.

  She nodded. “Austin must’ve already known about Byrd being here.”

  “How?” Justin’s eyebrows shot up. “Byrd came in looking for you and then left for Elko.”

  “Austin doesn’t miss much in this town. I know.” She was glad that her boss was going to do his part to help her. Austin was strict, serious, and sometimes too tough, but he was loyal. She was glad Austin had her back and that she had Justin, Brandon, and Alex in her corner.


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