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Her Three Wilde Champion Men [Wilde, Nevada 2] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)

Page 13

by Chloe Lang

  Her orgasm flashed through her body again, traveling through every pulse in her veins.

  Another thrust, more powerful than any that had come before, made her scream again.

  His eyes closed as he came inside her pussy. She tightened her channel around his shaft, feeling his hot pulse there.

  After a little time, he rolled to the side, pulling her into him. God, she loved the feel of his body. She wrapped her arms around his neck, continuing to shiver.

  He kissed her tenderly.

  Did he really mean it when he told her that he loved her? Or was it just the heat of the moment? Doubt began to creep up inside her.

  “What’s the matter, sweetheart?” he asked, looking straight at her.

  She closed her eyes, fighting back the unshed tears. “Nothing is wrong, Brandon. That was wonderful.”

  “Don’t give me that, baby. I can feel the change in you. What’s going through that pretty little head of yours?”

  She opened her eyes and confessed, “Love? Love is a big word.”

  “Damn right it is. You’re the first woman I’ve ever said it to. This is a very big deal to me.” He brushed the hair out of her eyes.

  It hadn’t been just lust that had pulled those words from his lips. She smiled, feeling so happy, so hopeful, so cherished. “Am I still the judge here?” she asked teasingly.

  “Yes, you are. What’s the verdict?”

  “Guilty, as charged, counselor. I think I would like to go to court more often.”

  He laughed. “I love you, Shelby. I will always love you.”

  “I love you, Brandon.”

  Chapter Sixteen

  Alex followed Justin, who was in his beat-up Ford pickup, driving to their family cabin, the place where Shelby was. On the passenger seat beside him was the box of chocolates he had bought for her. Justin had insisted on being the one to bring her flowers.

  Brandon was at the cabin, too, keeping an eye on her, making sure she was safe. Brandon had made it clear to him and Justin that he wasn’t ready to pursue Shelby.

  Alex grinned, knowing that Brandon would come around eventually, but glad his brother would be empty-handed today. The old high school competitiveness was back, though he believed they would eventually end up sharing her. He wasn’t sure how such a thing would work, but for Shelby he would make sure it did. In the meantime, getting a leg up on Brandon and Justin in the race to win her heart first would be fun. But that wasn’t the only race they had to run. She was in trouble. Real trouble. Byrd had won the first round. The trial was set. Shelby was accused of two murders.

  His gut clenched. He’d turned just about every stone trying to find any shred of evidence that would help prove Shelby’s innocence. He and Justin had come up empty-handed.

  Brandon was trying to get her court date moved to a later month. His brother had questioned Norma and Lily over the phone, but still needed to verify their alibis as soon as possible. God, Samantha, Norma’s homicidal daughter, would’ve made a viable suspect. But Samantha was dead. The Mexican cartel was still their primary lead, but getting any evidence against the syndicate was proving beyond difficult, even with Austin Wilde’s help and connections.

  Fuck! Things were going from bad to worse. Charly Wynn knew the score and had granted Alex a leave of absence from his duties with the hospital construction. She was Shelby’s friend and knew about the murder charge.

  He hated to leave all that work to Charly, but he had to do it. Shelby needed him now. She needed him and his brothers. Even with the hectic search for witnesses, a part of his busy mind continued to mull over Justin’s declaration about Shelby.

  “Shelby’s from Wilde. She wants all of us.”

  Since long before high school, Alex, like all the kids in Elko, had known about Wilde. It was a big joke between jocks always hinting at the homoerotic element such a family would produce. “Are you going Wilde on us, Champion?” one of the jerks on the football team had asked mockingly when he’d learned about Alex’s friends in Wilde. The Strong brothers were like another set of siblings for him. He’d never understood their life, but had known them for a long time. None of them had a shred of gayness inside them, not that it would matter to him if they did. He’d met Michael, Jessie’s old fiancé, who was now with Harry, a former Elko football star. Great guys, both of them.

  Are we really going to go Wilde? Hell, yeah.

  There were only three of them as opposed to the six Strong brothers. The Strongs had figured out how to share Charly. Surely Brandon, Justin, and he would be able to do the same for Shelby. Even though he and his brothers had always been competitive, they’d always been able to share the things that were important. And there wasn’t anything or anyone more important than Shelby.

  If he got a chance to ask Seth Strong how he and his siblings had made it work with Charly, he would. But with the murders still unsolved and with Byrd chomping at the bit to pin it on Shelby, having a chat about the poly life with his old friend would have to wait.

  He’d told Justin and Brandon he would give the Wilde way a try. He meant it, too. Ever since that night at his apartment, Alex knew he could never live without her. His brothers were more than just siblings. They were his most trusted friends. Together, they would find a way to learn how to create the life she deserved.

  As he pulled his Mercedes next to Justin’s truck in front of the cabin, he wondered if Brandon was still set on keeping things focused on just the case. His brother had made that quite clear when they’d posted Shelby’s bail. You’ll come around, bro. I know you will.

  Grabbing his gift for Shelby, Alex got out of his car, and Justin was already on the front porch holding the roses for her, his limp nearly gone. He bet his little brother could still beat him in a race, even with his bum leg.

  They walked inside and didn’t see either Shelby or Brandon.

  “Back porch,” Justin said, heading that way.

  Alex turned his head and saw one of the bedroom doors closed. Not the one Shelby had been in, their parents’ old room. That would’ve made sense in case she was dressing. “Wait. They’re not out there.”


  “Third bedroom door is shut,” he said, knowing Justin would realize that never happened up here.

  His little brother smiled and sprinted to the door. So like him, Justin didn’t knock but swung it open. “Nice to see you two enjoying yourselves.”

  Brandon was pulling on his jeans. “Yes we did,” he answered with a grin.

  Shelby was still in the bed with crumpled sheets, which she had pulled up to her bare shoulders.

  “How are you doing, sweetheart?” Alex asked her, seeing the flush of pink on her pretty cheeks. Yes, I can go Wilde. For her, I can go anywhere, do anything.

  “I’m okay,” she answered meekly.

  “You look a lot more than okay to me, Shelby,” Justin said, handing her the roses. “You look sexy as hell, baby. These are for you.”

  “They’re beautiful, Justin. My favorite color, too.”

  Red. I need to remember that. “You can’t eat roses, Shelby.” Alex handed her his gift. “But you can eat these. I hope you like chocolate.”

  “Addicted as can be to anything chocolate. Thank you, Alex.”

  “I see you two are up to your old ways,” Brandon smirked. “Three can play at that.” He left the room.

  “What does he mean by ‘old ways’?” Shelby ate one of the chocolates.

  “We’re brothers, baby,” Justin said. “Competition is in our blood.”

  “I don’t want to come between you guys.”

  “Honey, you won’t.” Alex touched her cheek. “We want to share you. Our competition will actually benefit you. It’s a family thing with us. Pop started it by telling each of us that we were his favorite. We all knew about it, but kept up the ruse for fun. But I know,” he said with a grin, “I’m your favorite, right?”

  She shook her head and smiled.

  Brandon returned with a bottle of c
hampagne and a glass. “See. I have a few tricks up my sleeves.” He popped the cork and poured the sparkling wine for her.

  “You old dog,” Justin said. “When did you get that?”

  “On the way up here. I stopped at the liquor store down in Wilde. I bet you like bubbles, sweetheart, don’t you?” He handed her the glass of champagne.

  She nodded and took a sip. “You said you were buying beer.”

  “I was. But I also bought this for you.”

  She turned to Alex. “I guess I’m already benefitting from the brotherly competition.”

  “Did you bring us any good news?” Brandon asked Justin and him.

  “Nothing so far,” Justin answered. “But we won’t give up. We’ll find the real creep.”

  Alex saw Shelby’s face tighten with worry. He sat down on the bed next to her. “Justin is right, sweetheart. It’s only a matter of time.”

  “Time? I don’t have much time. My court date is set for a month from now.”

  Brandon sat down next to her on the opposite side of the bed. “I’ll get that moved to later this year. It’s quite normal in murder cases.”

  “Murder? God, I never thought I’d be in the middle of such a thing.” She closed her eyes.

  This was too much for her. Alex didn’t want her to be burdened with worry. So, he decided to change the subject. “Shelby, you had two dads and one mom, right?”

  She opened her eyes and smiled, and he felt his heart thud in his chest. “Yes.”

  “Tell us about how growing up in that kind of family was for you.”

  “I had the best childhood you can imagine. My dads are amazing. Typical doting fathers. My mom is a saint. They don’t live here anymore. I miss them a great deal.”

  “You’ve got two brothers and a sister, right?” Brandon said. “How was it for them?”

  She shrugged. “I think my brothers would say the same as me, though my dads were tougher on them sometimes. In Wilde, boys are expected to be their very best. Anything less is not tolerated.”

  “And for girls?” Justin asked. “For you and your sister?”

  “I’d say it was perfect. Carolyn had a tougher time than I did, but that’s another story.”

  Alex wanted to be his very best with her. Always. “Did your parents ever argue in front of you and your siblings?”

  “You two need to stop dancing around the issue,” Justin said with a laugh. “Shelby, what my two older brothers are hinting at—and terribly so in my opinion—is how do men from Wilde share one woman? What’s the logistics to such an arrangement?”

  Justin always did know how to cut through crap, and boy, he’d just sliced through a whole bunch of it in one swoop.

  “I’m not sure. I think that’s all decided between the men and their wives.” She grinned. “In Wilde, we really do believe in the motto ‘what happens in the bedroom, stays in the bedroom.’”

  “Or The Masters’ Chambers, I bet.” Justin placed the roses on the other nightstand.

  She nodded. “Have you guys been there?”

  Alex shook his head. “Of course I know about it. Everyone in Elko does.”

  She sighed. “Austin would love to hear that. He is very proud of his club.”

  Justin shook his head. “I did try to get in there, Shelby, a while back, but your boss wouldn’t let me inside. He told my buddies and me that we would have to take lessons first. Can you believe that?”

  Brandon laughed. “With your man-whore track record, I’m surprised he didn’t bring out the welcome wagon for you.”

  “Me, too,” Justin agreed.

  “Are you Elko boys thinking about dipping your toe in the Wilde dating pool?”

  Justin crawled on the bed from the foot of the mattress up to her feet. “Yes, we are. But the only pool I want to dive into is you, Shelby.”

  Her lips formed the prettiest O Alex had ever seen. “You mean right now, Justin?” she asked.

  “That’s exactly what I mean, baby.” He put his hands on her knees, which were still under the sheet. “Right now. There’s no need to wait, is there, brothers?”

  Brandon shucked his jeans to the floor. “No need at all. If we’re going to find out if we can do this Wilde thing, there’s no time like the present.”

  “The Champions are in sync once again,” Justin said, tugging on Shelby’s only covering.

  “Wait,” she said. Then she turned to Alex. “What about you, Doctor? Are you in sync with these two?”

  He smiled and brushed the hair out of her eyes. “Shelby, you want this, don’t you?”

  She nodded.

  “Your wish is my command, baby,” he answered.

  “Have any of you guys ever tried a ménage before?”

  Shelby’s candidness thrilled him. “Not me,” he confessed. Shelby wasn’t the kind of woman who played games. What he saw was what he got. And damn, what Alex saw in her he had to have.

  “Dating for me has been strictly one-on-one,” Brandon chimed in.

  “I have had a threeway before,” Justin confessed. “Me and two girls though.”

  “Man-whore,” Brandon teased. “I knew it.”

  “Not anymore, bro.” Justin jumped up and stripped. “There’s only one woman for me now.”

  “Guys, are you sure about this?” Shelby’s eyes were wide but her smile told him she was excited about the prospect.

  “For you, baby,” Brandon said, “yes. Should we set some ground rules?”

  “This isn’t a courtroom, bro,” Justin said, crawling back on the bed. “Other than keeping clear of each other’s dicks and staying focused on Shelby, what else?”

  Brandon laughed. “I guess that about covers it.”

  “Speaking of covers,” Alex said, taking off his shirt. “I think one rule we should consider is Shelby shouldn’t be allowed hers any longer. What do you guys think?”

  “That’s why you’ve always been my favorite brother.” Justin grinned.

  “You’re just saying that.” Alex removed his briefs, the last piece of his clothing. He tossed them to the pile on the floor where the rest were. Being nude had never been an issue for him or his brothers, but this was quite different than skinny-dipping in the lake.

  “I thought I was your favorite, Justin,” Brandon said, joining in on the familiar family teasing. “But I have to agree with Alex. Time to unwrap our present.”

  Justin did the honors, pulling the sheet off of Shelby.

  Alex’s heart thudded hard in his chest as he looked down at the most beautiful creature he’d ever seen. He’d touched every inch of her the other night at his apartment, but he’d not gotten this kind of chance to scan her body. He moved his eyes slowly over Shelby. Her long lashes were fluttering and her lush lips were quivering. Her breasts were perfectly formed, round and full. Her nipples stood up, tantalizing him. But it was the sight of her pussy, bare as he’d seen it that first night, that had his pulse hot in his veins.

  She was in the center of the bed, and Brandon moved to one side of her. Justin came up between her legs, holding her by the ankles. He joined them, ready to take the Wilde leap into a new way of being, a life of sharing Shelby with his brothers.

  “You got condoms?” Justin asked Brandon.

  He nodded, reaching into the top drawer of the nightstand by the bed and bringing out a box of them. “This should be more than enough. How do we decide who does what?”

  Shelby giggled. “Ménage virgins. It must be my lucky day.”

  “Hey,” Brandon smiled. “We might be new to this, sweetheart, but you’re not about to give us lessons on sex.”

  “Yes, Sir.” She nodded sweetly, looking even more beautiful.

  “Let’s take turns,” Brandon suggested.

  “Rock-paper-scissors?” Justin teased.

  “Hell no,” Alex said, tracing his fingers over her delicate shoulder. “I’m taking my turn now.” He leaned down and captured her lips with his. He watched her eyes close slowly as he deepened his kiss. Sh
e moaned into him, wrapping her arms around his neck. His cock throbbed as his tongue tangled with hers in her mouth.

  Out of the corner of his eyes he saw Brandon and Justin taking their turns, too. Brandon sucked on one of her nipples. Justin painted her thighs with kisses. Shelby’s breathing sounded lusty and desperate. Their joint attack was working on her. Brandon and Justin had obviously fallen for her as much as he had. There were no words for how right this moment felt to be here with his brothers and the woman they all loved.

  * * * *

  Shelby’s lips were swollen and tingling from Alex’s lusty kiss. Her nipples were peaking and aching from Brandon’s delicious torture. Her clit throbbed from Justin’s shameless caresses. They were driving her past sanity and logic to a state of mania and need.

  “How are you doing, Shelby?” Brandon asked her. “You okay?”

  She nodded, once again sensing his inner Dom. This was new territory for all of them, and like the best-trained Dom, he was checking in to see where her limits were. They didn’t feel like outsiders to her. She’d been down that road of betrayal before. She trusted them. There were no hidden cameras to fear.

  This was the dream, her dream. Alex released her lips and trailed a line of kisses down her neck to her nipple closest to him. Brandon teethed her other one while gently massaging her breast. She could feel Justin’s tongue on her mound, his fingertips threading through her dampened pussy. Brandon was right. They didn’t need any lessons on sex. They were quite skilled.

  “God, you’re so wet for us, Shelby,” Justin murmured from between her thighs. “I’m going to bathe this beautiful bare pussy until you come, baby. Then I’m going to fuck you senseless.”

  Justin’s licks landed back on her pussy. Him lapping up her cream increased the pressure inside her.

  “Mmm,” she responded.

  “Tell us what you want, Shelby. You want this, don’t you, baby?” Brandon asked.


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