by Lyndon Hardy
There is nothing magic about 128 of course, other than if the starting number is too low, the results might not be regarded as amazing enough. If it is too high, it takes too long to earn a living.
The first four crafts have named subordinates in Master of the Five Magics and its sequels.
Thaumaturgy — Journeyman, Apprentice
Alchemist — Novice
Magician — Neophyte, Initiate, Acolyte
Sorcerer — Tyro
Sulfur hexafluoride
The elements sulfur and fluoride combine into a variety of compounds. One of them has six fluoride atoms bound to one of sulfur. This result, SF6, is a dense gas that some 3000 times as potent as carbon dioxide in causing global warming.
Commercial Sulfur Transport
Sulfur is transported in a liquid form using special temperature controlled gas cylinders.
Speculative theories of particle physics that suggests there is a relationship between two classes of elementary particles. The hope is that it might form a basic for unifying gravity, electromagnetism, and the strong and weak forces of nature into one coherent whole.
As of 2017, no experimental evidence has been obtained verifying predictions of any of the theory variations.
Test and Set
At first thought, it seems an easy thing to make sure that only one of two users have access to some resource at the same time.
It is not easy; it is hard. Reliable solutions did not come for many years — until it was realized that in a single machine cycle time, the instruction that tests to see if the bit is set also sets it if it is not.
The use of means outside of normal availability to affect change. On earth, the terms magic, sorcery, thaumaturgy, and wizardry are roughly synonymous.
In Master of the Five Magics and its sequels, each, along with alchemy, have distinct meanings. Thaumaturgy is performed by the reciting incantations that bind together objects at a distance that once had physically been together and with a source of energy that can perform work.
The power of thaumaturgy is limited by the fact that all incantations must conserve energy or, as sometimes stated, the first law of thermodynamics.
On earth, the term derives from the Greek for miracle and the most similar craft is that of a physicist.
Vehicle Identification Number. Commonly used in the phrase 'VIN number'. Both this and 'PIN' number must have been coined by the Department of Redundancy Department
The use of means outside of normal availability to affect change. On earth, the terms magic, sorcery, thaumaturgy, and wizardry are roughly synonymous.
In Master of the Five Magics and its sequels, each, have distinct meanings. Wizardry is performed by the invocation of demons from another realm from that of the earth.
The potency of a wizard is limited by the power of the demons that he can dominate.
On earth, there is no such craft as such, although one could argue that the practices of witches and warlocks is similar.
Zorba the Greek
A 1964 film based on the novel of the same name by Nikos Kazantzakis. In it, Zorba heats the air in small rounded glasses (like brandy snifters) and then seals them against Madame Hortense’s bare back. The air cools and a partial vacuum is formed, ostensibly sucking the poisons created pneumonia out of her body.