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Road of No Return (gay outlaw biker MC romance)

Page 18

by K. A. Merikan

  Zak parked in front of it, and they didn’t waste more time. It was about time to part and start thinking about business. Ten grand that Stitch had to come up with. He followed the car with his gaze as long as it was in sight, and opened the door, then entering the quiet corridor. When he got to his room though, something was off. The floor seemed to creak louder and the house was dead silent, even though Crystal's car was in the garage.

  When he walked into his room, he tripped over a whole pile of bags and suitcases. “The fuck?” he uttered looking around the stripped-down space. Even his bedding was ripped off the mattress and stuffed into a black trash bag. “Crystal?” he yelled out.

  Her voice echoed back with so much disdain and he didn’t even know what he’d done to deserve it. “Come to the family room, you piece of shit!”

  He sneered and curled his hands into fists. What now? What else was life about to throw at him? Stitch stomped down the stairs and to the living room. Was this Milton’s idea? Filling her head with bullshit again?

  “What the fuck is wrong again?” he asked, but stopped mid-stride when he saw her sitting by the table with his other cell phone placed in the empty space like an insult. His mind went blank, and all blood drained from his face.

  Crystal looked at him, her hair wild as if frizzed from all the anger in her eyes. “My mom’s phone’s not working, and she’s leaving for the weekend, so I thought you wouldn’t mind her borrowing this old piece of junk,” she said and shoved the phone away. It slid across the table and stopped an inch away from the edge

  “You gave it to your mom?” he wanted to say, but managed to only whisper. All his muscles froze, making it hard to even breathe.

  Crystal snorted, and the dragon tattooed on her hand seemed to move as she flexed her muscles. “Thank God, no. I had enough sense in me to check if you didn’t have any fucking porn on there.” She took a deep, long breath, which made her breasts move up and down in the neckline. “You’re a fucking deviant.”

  This couldn’t be happening. He didn’t need this shit on his plate right now. “Who told you that you can touch my stuff?” he hissed and walked up to the table on wobbly legs that felt like marshmallows. The soreness in his ass was now a stark reminder of just how ’deviant‘ he was. His heart was beating faster than a machine gun, and all he could think of was just how badly he was fucked. And not in a good way.

  Crystal rose from the chair and pushed him back, following the shove with a hard slap to his face. “You sick fuck! How long have you been fucking guys behind my back, huh? You got me pregnant so that I’d be your excuse?”

  Stitch swallowed and took a step back. “I… It wasn’t like that!” His stomach shrank to the size of a bullet.

  “Stop bullshitting me!” Crystal’s voice turned into a scream. She kicked the chair to the floor, breathing hard and fast. “You made me feel so bad about myself when you didn’t want to sleep with me, or when you couldn’t get it up, and now it turns out it was all because you want a ‘juicy ass’? It’s been the best years of my life, and now I’m divorced and stuck with a kid!”

  Shame bled onto Stitch’s face with burning heat. He remembered those moments all too well. He was such a failure. “I never wanted to make you feel bad.” He raised his voice as well. “I always cared for you, Crys. I wanted to make it work. You were a cool babe, so I went for it. You weren’t just an excuse.” He tried to touch her shoulder but only got another slap.

  “Don’t you dare!” hissed Crystal, her big eyes turning away with a deep shine. “I thought you were different than all the others in the club, but turns out you’re just a faggot! You won’t deceive me any longer. Holly doesn’t deserve a father like you.”

  “Don’t call me that!” Stitch snarled at her and spread his arms. “I always tried my best. I earn for this family, care for the both of you.” How much was he supposed to take?

  Crystal’s face was a mask of anger. “I don’t want to see your face ever again. And fuck off from Holly, or I’ll let everyone know who you really are.”

  Stitch grabbed her wrist and shook her small frame, feeling guilty about it before he even stopped. “Don’t you dare tell anyone. You have no right to keep me away from Holly.”

  Crystal stared at his hand around her wrist but then lashed out at him like a pit bull protecting her cub. “I’m her mother, and it’s my duty to protect her from cocksuckers like you!” The unexpected stab of pain spread all over Stitch’s groin, making his knees softer than cream cheese as she kicked him in the nuts. “Leave, or everyone’s gonna know!”

  Stitch bowed down in pain but managed to hold in a yelp through sheer willpower. He did not deserve this. “You crazy bitch!” he hissed and backed off slowly. He was so completely screwed. The last thing he wanted was to have even a suspicion like this float around the club. But the worst thing was that by her knowing, it all became as real as the lost drug money. He was a fag. With Zak everything became blurred, and Stitch loved that cocoon of safety they shared. No one outside of it needed to know Stitch liked cock, but it was too late now. Cox yesterday, and now Crystal. It felt like shit. He didn’t want to be defined by who turned him on. He was a Hound of Valhalla, a father, a lover, an outlaw. Not a fag.

  “Take your things and fuck off,” growled Crystal, and with one last push to Stitch’s chest, she stormed out, leaving him in the empty family room to a whirlwind of thoughts.

  Chapter 16

  Zak parked his car by a toy store in the town center and looked at his phone, slowly turning it in his hand as he leaned back in the seat. It was a quiet day, with people walking by going about their everyday business, but to him it seemed so surreal. He had a boyfriend. Monogamy had seeped into his life so unexpectedly he hadn’t even noticed, and when the time came, he just went for it without question. It was different with Stitch. Unlike any other guy Zak had ever been with, Stitch really was dedicated to him. Being with him didn’t feel just like having fun together, Stitch gave him 100 percent of his attention, and was always willing to help when it was needed. From the very beginning, his eyes had been so intense. And the things he was saying from time to time, they would sound corny on anyone else’s lips, but coming from him they were sincere and moving.

  Zak bit his lip and messaged Cox to meet him in a nearby coffee shop, one Zak believed neither Stitch nor any of his friends would visit on a club day. He needed to stop the conflict between Stitch and Cox before it was too late. The reply came as quick as it always did, and Zak slowly slid out of the car and walked down the street to the café itself. It was a pleasant, rustic shop called Granny’s, owned by three old women who had been friends forever. Upon entry, he made some small talk with Marge, one of the Grannies, but he couldn’t even remember what he talked to her about the moment he sat down in the farthest corner of the café, with a piece of cheesecake and a big cup of tea.

  He deserved the extra carbs after yesterday's workout. He’d never expected Stitch to ever be willing to put out, he’d never expected them to become as close as they did, but last night made him feel like a real man. He’d topped many times before, but it was the first time it meant something more than just having sex and feeling good. He felt responsible for Stitch, and at times it seemed like one wrong move could shatter Stitch’s thin-lined confidence. And he couldn’t let that happen. With that big, strong body opening up to him, not just for sex with a hot guy but to him alone, it’d been harder to control his body than ever, but he’d managed. For Stitch. He wouldn’t have forgiven himself if he couldn’t give Stitch amazing sex in return for his trust.

  He was so lost in thought, he hadn’t even noticed Cox walking up to his table. “Hey, Zak.” Cox sat opposite to him in the booth and leaned over the table, his arms looking as hunky as ever.

  Zak froze with the fork at his mouth. “Hi,” he muttered with his mouth full. He’d been thinking all morning how to talk to Cox about last night, and whatever was between them, but now his head was empty as a balloon.

“You wanted to chat?” Cox smiled at one of the waitresses when she brought him coffee. “Because I do.”

  “Yeah, I think we need to talk,” said Zak with resignation, pushing away the remaining part of the cake. He decided to start with the unpleasantries. “Why did you puncture Stitch’s tires?”

  “What? Someone slit his tires?” Cox asked so innocently that Zak would actually believe him if he didn’t know better. “A dangerous lifestyle leads to things like that, I suppose.”

  Zak forced a smile to his lips and looked straight into Cox’s eyes, shocked by the blatant lie. “Don’t try to bullshit me. It’s not gonna stand.”

  “You should worry about the bruises on your neck, not the slit tires.” Cox pointed to Zak’s neck, and his voice had real concern in it.

  Zak kept up a straight face, but the tender spots on his neck suddenly became hot. He hadn’t fully registered it at the time, with adrenaline rushing through his veins as he looked into Stitch’s eyes, but his new boyfriend had actually choked him the night before. Though as unpleasant as that thought was, he’d never believe that Stitch could seriously harm him. The moment he saw the intense hurt in those dark eyes, it was a stab in the stomach, and he knew he deserved every single bruise.

  “I’m fine. Don’t change the subject.”

  “Zak, I don’t think you know who you’re dealing with here. I thought you were just friends. Larsen is a criminal. He broke into your house yesterday, and we both know it was no game.” Cox shook his head and sipped his coffee.

  “I know very well who I’m dealing with, thank you for your concern,” said Zak, patting his cup. The flash of dried blood and dark bruises all over Stitch’s body went through his mind. What had Stitch been doing before he came to his house the night before? That question kept popping into Zak’s mind over and over. “He is my friend, and I don’t like the idea of his tires being slashed in front of my house.”

  “Let’s just agree we all got overheated yesterday. I’m sorry, but you have to admit our meeting ended abruptly to say the least, huh?” Cox raised his eyebrows.

  “Yes, that’s why I’m meeting you now.” Zak pressed his thumbs together, watching the handsome officer. “Why are you actually after Stitch?”

  “The Hounds of Valhalla are an organised crime group. They steal all sorts of goods and pass them on, own illegal weapons, and God knows what else. They’re growing bolder, but we don’t have enough evidence. Half of that club has already been to prison. Larsen is no different. Though now I know that he is very different,” he ended on a thoughtful note and looked out the window.

  Zak clenched his fist and shrugged even though his nerves went alert at that information. “How do you know if there’s no evidence. Why was Stitch in prison?”

  “Assault. He broke the man’s ribs and jaw. Zak, he is no teddy biker. You’ve seen yourself how aggressive he can be. And there’s no evidence for another charge, but the guys who have actually been to prison, they didn’t work alone. They claim they did, but it’s never the case. The Hounds are like a pack of rabid dogs.”

  Zak wanted to tell Cox that Stitch worked at the workshop, but he knew how stupid that would sound, so he just shrugged. “We’re still buddies.”

  Cox sighed. “He is trouble, Zak. I don’t want you to get hurt, or entangled in their shady business. I know you’re a nice guy under all that ink, but a lot of people don’t and it could make you a target if you hang around the Hounds too much. But still, Larsen being gay is quite a revelation.” He rubbed his angular chin.

  “Is he?” asked Zak with a face of stone, even though he was burning with tension.

  Cox looked up at him with a frown. “Come on, Zak. He didn’t attack you just for being with me. He looked like a jealous pit bull.”

  “People he’s not sleeping with shouldn’t talk or know about who he is sleeping with,” Zak said, looking Cox straight in the eyes.

  “He was the one breaking into your bedroom. Anyway, it’s a catch-22. I can’t use it as leverage, ‘cause he would out me.”

  Zak snorted. Yeah, right, as if Cox would risk the same consequences as Stitch. “I’m just saying that it’s good policy not to out anyone.”

  “It’s a good policy not to sleep with violent men.”

  “He’s not violent to me, I already told you.” Zak took a big gulp of the tea. He was starting to feel uneasy about this whole conversation.

  “You know what? I can see you’re into all of that biker shit. I just want you to know that if something does happen, you can come to me, and I’ll help you out. I’m on your side here, yeah?” The worst thing was Cox did sound as earnest as they came.

  Zak gave him a small smile. “Thanks, I will,” was all he could give at this point before hiding behind the mug. Stitch had told him that he’d killed a man and burned down his house, but at the time Zak was convinced it was just to threaten him. As much as he believed Stitch to be a good guy at heart, Cox’s words made doubt push its roots into him.

  “You wanna meet up next week? Preferably when we can actually be alone? I was kinda left hanging yesterday.” Cox laughed and had that twinkle in his smiling eyes.

  Zak gave a mental sigh. That was the part he was really queasy about. “Don’t take this the wrong way because I think you’re a great guy, but I don’t think we should be doing this anymore.”

  Cox’s smile stiffened and he shook his head. “I knew it. He’s threatening you, isn’t he? It’s ‘cause he hates my guts.”

  Zak wanted to howl. “God, no. Of course not. It’s my decision,” he said, as serious as he could. “I’m not some girl beaten into submission by her abusive boyfriend.”

  “Let’s just leave it at that. I won’t lie, it sucks for me because I think you’re really hot. I’ll be around if you change your mind,” Cox said and got up without further ado.

  Zak couldn’t help but look up at that wide chest and tight waistline, even though Stitch was hotter. “See you around.”

  Cox winked at him. “Your next coffee’s on me,” he said and walked off, giving Zak a view of that tight ass in the uniform.

  Zak leaned back in the chair and hugged the tea to his chest. He hoped that was the last unpleasant meeting of the day.


  Zak did his shopping, bought dinner, met two customers for out-of-studio consultations, and eventually made his way home after the string of activities that took the whole day. He should still have plenty of time before Stitch came back from his organized crime group meeting. He gritted his teeth, hoping that asked directly, his new boyfriend wouldn’t lie. But when he parked his car, he saw no one other than Stitch sitting on his porch. His bike was parked a few meters away, and only the light from a cigarette illuminated Stitch’s face in the darkness.

  Zak sighed and got out of the car smiling. Thug or not, Stich was enough to lighten his mood. “What is it, Trouble? Maybe I should give you the key already?” He laughed, feeling a slight warmth at the idea. “Did you guys finish your meeting early?” he asked, opening the trunk to retrieve his groceries.

  “Crystal found out. She found my other phone.” Stitch didn’t even look up at him, curled up in his leather jacket, and looking like a stray dog on that porch.

  Zak put down the plastic bag he’d just picked up and rushed to Stitch’s side. “Oh, no.” He scooted down in front of him, unsure what to do, and how to comfort him. “What can I do, baby? Do you want to come inside?”

  Stitch hid his face behind his big palm. “She threw me out of the house. I didn’t want to break into yours,” he said quietly. “I want you to take me in, but only if you want to.”

  Zak’s first reaction was to lean in and hug him, but with neighbors around he couldn’t do that so he just put his hand on Stitch’s thigh and squeezed it gently. He couldn’t bear to watch him like this. “You know I will take you in. Didn’t I just propose to give you the keys?”

  “It’s different though. I’d be here all the time. You could get tired of me.” Stitch thre
w out the cigarette butt and looked up at Zak with tired eyes.

  Zak slowly sat down next to him and discreetly slipped his hand under the cut to touch Stitch’s back. He could at least hug him this way. “Why would I? We’re together, aren’t we?” he whispered, suddenly tempted to just lean in and kiss him.

  “Yeah. I wanna make this work. Crystal gave me so much shit today, you know?” Stitch took a deep breath and rubbed his eyes.

  “You know what? Let’s take the frozen stuff into the freezer, and we can talk, because five more minutes, and I will be kissing you in public, okay?” muttered Zak, swallowing as he looked into Stitch’s eyes. His heart was trembling in his chest like a little caged bird.

  Stitch bit his lips and nodded before getting up. Without a word, he went over to the trunk of Zak’s car and took the bags. Zak hurried to collect all the remaining items and let them inside.

  He went straight for the pantry where his aunt had put an industrial freezer, and tossed every bag that contained something frozen inside before turning to Stitch. The guy looked so out of energy that Versay started whimpering around him when he didn't get the usual Stitch-attention. He looked lost in the living room, even though he spent so much time here.

  Zak shut the freezer and started slowly approaching his boyfriend. Stitch was such a big man, with hands that could break necks, but he now seemed vulnerable enough to shatter at a careless touch. “Stitch?” he whispered, brushing his fingers down his arm.

  Stitch turned around and hugged him close. “She told me I can’t see Holly. That I’m a bad father.” He squeezed Zak and put his head on his arm. It was just as heavy as Zak’s heart when he pulled Stitch tighter against him with a low sigh.

  How had it come to this? Stitch had to be devastated. He wasn’t one of the men who let their wives handle all kid-related stuff, he enjoyed playing with his daughter. “I’m so sorry. If only I could help you, you know I would,” he whispered, pressing his mouth to Stitch’s hair.


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