Always on My Mind (The Dawson Brothers, #1)

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Always on My Mind (The Dawson Brothers, #1) Page 20

by Jessica Mills

  She turned to face me, her legs draping across mine as she sat sideways in my lap, then she melted against me and kissed my lips. Our slow, soft kiss, soon turned feverish and I found myself hardening against her hip. If we didn’t stop I’d have her horizontal in no time, and Rowena could stick it. She must have been thinking the same thing, because she got to her feet and pulled my arm. “We have to get ready or we’ll be late.”

  I got to my feet and let out a sigh. “I hate Rowena already.”


  I realized my opinion of Rowena wasn’t likely to change anytime soon, when she herself was late for dinner.

  Sarah and I had ordered drinks and an appetizer and were leaned in close flirting when the woman strode up on her high horse and took a seat. “Well, aren’t you two cozy. I see you didn’t wait.”

  Sarah sat up in her seat putting distance between us. “Sorry, we’ve both had a long day and were a bit hungry.”

  The woman dismissed Sarah’s explanation and held out her hand. I took it as she leveled her metal grey eyes at me. “Rowena Burke. And you must be David Dawson.” She looked at me like I was a lame calf heading off to the slaughter. “David. Davey. Dave. No, we’ll just keep that, but Dawson.” She waved a finger. “I think we can do better.” I wasn’t sure if she was still talking to me or not as she pulled out her phone and stared at it for a moment. Sarah sat stiff as a board next to me and I was about to ask Blondie what she meant by doing better, but she dropped the phone in her bag as the waitress approached.

  “I’ll have a glass of wine, and then just bring us three steaks, well done, and we want the loaded fries, not the mashed.” She glanced at me, waving a dismissive hand. “You’ll love this. It’s the house’s special, and my treat, of course. Put everything on my tab.” The waitress nodded and then scampered away as if she were familiar enough with Rowena to make like a ghost. I wished I was so lucky, especially when Rowena returned her attention to me. “I loved your demo. It was a little retro, but I think we can work on your sound in a proper studio. So you write your own songs?”

  “Yes, I write some of them, but my grandfather wrote most of them.” Her eyes dimmed and she seemed to stare off into her thoughts.

  “Oh, well do you think he can release permission for some of them? We’d have to have that in order for you to perform them.” Before I could open my mouth to speak, she glanced at Sarah. “Did you already get permission?”

  “My grandfather is dead, so there won’t be any need for that. The songs are mine to perform as I please.”

  Rowena released a sigh. “That’s a relief, shit, I thought we’d have a problem there.”

  “No problem at all,” said Sarah. “I can’t wait for you to hear some of the other songs he does, he’s got so many great ones we shouldn’t have trouble filling an album.”

  Rowena sized me up and leaned in closer. “She wasn’t kidding about your style either, you’re pure Oklahoma cowboy through and through, aren’t you.” Her eyes lingered on me a little too long for comfort. “I bet you really know how to ride too.”

  I cleared my throat, not quite sure what to say, and glanced at Sarah who shifted in her seat and adjusted her collar.

  Rowena’s phone rang and she held up her finger and then took the call. I watched her posture herself at the table. That was a lady who was used to calling the shots and getting her way. I could appreciate a strong woman, but I wasn’t sure what to think of Rowena’s attitude. If the two went hand in hand, I didn’t know if I could put up with her long enough to make a deal.

  Our food arrived minutes later and Rowena shut off her phone and grabbed a fork. “This is my absolute favorite here.” She carved into the meat and then took a bite, savoring it with a moan. “God, I love a good piece of meat.” She gave me a wink and then took a sip of her wine.

  Sarah went to work on her steak, but I was still looking at the round piece of meat on my plate and trying to figure out which cut it was. It smelled like steak, but I wasn’t sure what they’d done to it back in the kitchen. I carved a piece and gave it a try.

  “He’s absolutely perfect, Sarah. I want to meet with you tomorrow and go over the contracts. I’d also like to get a few more recordings, maybe a full song or two, and then we’ll go over scheduling and get you to sign the final contracts. I’m going to make you a very rich man.”

  “What time do you want us there?” Sarah’s voice was so full of excitement that she was practically bouncing in her seat.

  “Well, you should be in your office at your regular time, and I’d like David, here, to come by around ten a.m.”

  “Sounds great. He’ll be there.” I listened to the two go back and forth while I chewed my meat. The fake smoky taste killed any resemblance to real steak, and I realized it was processed. I narrowed my eyes at Rowena who seemed a little too eager to have me alone.

  I dropped my fork and pushed my plate aside. “I’d prefer Sarah be there too.”

  Rowena’s expression faltered and she seemed to force a smile. “Of course, I can call her up when you arrive.”

  The table was quiet for a while as they finished their meals. I picked at my fries and left my fake steak to go cold. Something wasn’t setting right with me about Rowena and I wondered if Sarah sensed it too. She knew the lady better than me, but I wasn’t sure she’d been in this situation with her before. Did she trust her? I didn’t and I was going to mention it to Sarah.


  I waited until we got back home to mention Rowena. Sarah had been so busy driving and chatting about money and schedules, that she hadn’t mentioned a thing about how Rowena acted.

  Sarah slipped out of her skirt and hiked her shirt up over her head. She was so beautiful standing there in her lingerie that I almost forgot my concerns. I stripped down to my underwear and stretched out on the bed. Sarah turned on a lamp and shut off the main light before climbing into bed beside me.

  “Did you not get a strange feeling from that woman?” I couldn’t help but blurt it out. I thought about being more subtle, but I’d chickened out mentioning it enough already.

  “Strange? That’s just Rowena. She’s so confident that she just takes over the conversation.” She snuggled up beside me where I sat.

  “It’s not that she monopolized the conversation, it’s what she was saying and how she said it. Sarah, she was coming on to me. Not only that, and I hope I’m wrong, but I think she plans on shutting you out.”

  Sarah shook her head. “That’s impossible. You’re my client. I found you. Besides, she doesn’t have time to look after you herself, that’s why she employs me.”

  I spotted the nervous undertone. She was trying to convince herself. “What about her coming on to me? Doesn’t that bother you at all?” Most women would be upset by something like that, but I know Sarah was constantly surprising me.

  “You’re a gorgeous man, get used to it. Besides, she won’t be the last in this line of work, David. I’m aware of that. She raised her leg up, letting it lay across my lap, and rubbed my abs. “The only thing I’d have a problem with, is if you were coming on to her.” She narrowed her eyes playfully and grinned.

  “No chance of that. You’re my girl.” I slid down next to her as she shifted to drape her leg over my hip.

  “Mmm,” she moaned. “I like the sound of that.”

  “Do you?” I grinned as she nodded then kissed my chest, working her way up to my neck.

  “Yes, now, where were we?” She gazed into my eyes.

  “When?” I shrugged playfully, knowing good and well when she meant.

  “Earlier,” she whispered against my neck.

  “Dinner, with Rowena?”

  Her lips met mine for a quick peck. “No, earlier.”

  “In the car on the way to dinner?” I chuckled as she frowned and gave me another quick kiss.

  “No,” she said against my lips.

  “Ah, I think I might remember.” I kissed her, but quickly pulled away. “I’ve got it! On the sidewalk
in front of the restaurant?”

  “Shut up,” she said with laughter in her tone.

  I slipped my hand down between us and rubbed her warm mound, flattening my palm firm against it. Her breath hitched as she gasped. “Fine, I have better things to do with my mouth anyway.” I shifted her onto her back and slipped my hand down between her thighs which she parted to welcome me. Before I could slip my hand inside her elastic, I noted her expression. Her eyes were ringed red.

  “Hey, you.” I sat up on my knees and she scooted up on the bed to sit crossing her arms in front of her. I’d never seen her so shaken. “Sarah, what’s wrong?”

  Fat tears spilled down her cheeks. “I think you’re right. I think she is trying to shut me out.”

  I moved up and laid down behind her and pulled her against me. “It’s going to be all right, Sarah, I promise.” I held her there until she fell asleep, her cheeks still wet with tears and I vowed then and there that I’d never let Rowena hurt her again.

  Chapter 29


  The annoying buzz of Sarah’s alarm clock sounded and I felt her warmth leave me. I opened my eyes as she silenced the thing and then she took off to the bathroom before I could say good morning. I couldn’t believe the time. I’d never slept until seven a.m. a day in my life and was surprised that I’d managed to sleep so peacefully. I credited Sarah being in my arms, she was such a sound sleeper and I missed her closeness already. I got to my feet and headed to the kitchen to put on some coffee while she turned the shower on.

  I looked in her freezer and found frozen waffles and stuck a couple in the toaster. By the time she came out, toweling off her hair, her breakfast was ready. “You’re going to have me so spoiled,” she said, taking a bite of her waffle. “I need to get my hair dry now, though, or I’ll never make it in on time. I’m taking the car. I figured you’d get there a lot easier in a cab, if you don’t mind. I’ll leave the number and address.” She ran back to the room, still toweling off her hair and it wasn’t long until I heard her hair dryer going.

  She was in such a rush, and I wondered if this was what all of her mornings were like. I’d have a lot to get used to for sure. I turned on the TV and found the news, but everything was so different. I didn’t understand half of the places they mentioned or my relation to them. I’d have to get used to my surroundings and I guessed I would over time. It was exciting in some ways, and not so much in others. Give me a guitar and a stage and I’d be right at home. One had to be just like another. At least I hoped.

  Before I knew it Sarah was ready to leave and she leaned in and kissed my cheek before heading to the door. “I’ll see you in a few hours.”

  I could tell she was trying to be strong and optimistic. I wished I could go with her. I don’t know what made me think she’d never leave my side, but it wasn’t until the moment she shut the door, that that reality kicked in. I got up and went to the window waiting to see if I could see her on her way to her car. I backed away, not wanting to look like a ninny, but minutes later, I stepped closer when she approached her car, got in, and drove away. I didn’t have a phone or anything to call her. All I had was my appointment and for some reason I couldn’t get excited about it. I tried to pump myself up, but something about Rowena just didn’t feel right. I hoped I was wrong about everything, but I had a nagging feeling in the pit of my stomach.

  I went ahead and got ready and then passed the time strumming my guitar and making sure it was in tune. I packed it up and headed out after calling the cab and waited downstairs for it to arrive. It was my first ever cab ride, and if things went well today, the first of many.

  We stopped out front of a large building and I approached the door, seeing a large sign that read: Elder Tree Management and went inside to the front desk. The lady gave me instructions and I took the elevator up and it opened to a registration desk and a small waiting room.

  The lady behind the desk smiled politely. “May I help you?”

  “Yes, ma’am, I’m here to see Rowena Burke. I have an appointment. I’m David Dawson.” The door behind her opened up and there was a room full of desks just on the other side of the wall. I heard phones ringing and voices and wondered if that was where Sarah was. I missed her. I took a deep breath as the lady told me to take a seat. I sat down, tapping my foot nervously. I rubbed my palms on my jeans, hoping I wouldn’t appear as nervous as I felt. This was the big chance I’d waited my whole life for.

  “Right this way, Mr. Dawson.” I stood and followed her into the room, and though there were a handful of people inside, I didn’t see Sarah anywhere.

  I hoped she’d be in the office with Rowena waiting on me, but as the receptionist opened the door, I could see that Rowena was alone.

  Rowena stood and walked around her desk to welcome me. She extended her hand, which seemed harmless enough, and then took the liberty of pulling me into a quick embrace. I stiffened but forced a smile.

  “I’m so excited, David. Today’s the big day. I went ahead and got your contracts fast-tracked in so we’re all set if you are. I think you’ll find we’re going to take very good care of you here at Elder Tree.” She patted a chair, offering me a seat and then hurried around her desk.

  I took a seat and glanced to the stack of papers on her desk. “I’m sure you will. Sarah’s said some great things about your company.” I noticed her back stiffen at the mention of Sarah’s name.

  “Yes, well, she’s certainly a great young woman. We appreciate her so much here.” She pushed the papers toward me and then slapped a pen down atop the stack. “I say we shouldn’t waste any more time. Glance over these and sign or initial where indicated. The sooner we get the ball rolling, the better.”

  I took the pen and then pulled the papers closer. I turned through the pages, glancing over a lot of numbers and percentages that seemed almost surreal, and though I wasn’t any kind of dummy when it came to figures, I still didn’t know this industry. I needed Sarah. Before I could speak, something caught my eye on the page. “Who’s this Patrick Delaney person?” His name was mentioned several times and indicated as my agent, if I was reading the thing right.

  Rowena let out a long tiresome breath. “I almost forgot. Glad you mentioned it.” She rolled her eyes and laughed, waving a dismissive hand. “Patrick Delaney will be your representing agent.”

  “Which agent will Sarah be?” I narrowed my eyes and met her cold, grey ones.

  She loosened her collar and let down her hair, shaking out her long blond layers. “You know I think very highly of Sarah as a person, she’s been just a wonderful little ray of sunshine around here the past year, but quite frankly she’s not got the experience that your talent deserves.” My blood started to boil as she got up and walked around her desk, putting herself between me and it. “A man with your talent needs special attention, David, and you’re just the type of client that I’d like to nurture personally. Patrick will see to it that things are done my way, with your best interest in consideration.”

  I handed her the contract and the pen. “Thanks for your time, but I’m not interested if Sarah’s not involved as my agent.” I started to leave, but she put her foot up on my chair between my legs to stop me.

  “Don’t be impulsive, David. In case you haven’t heard, we’re the best in Nashville and you’ll be hard-pressed to get anyone else’s attention, much less a contract like this one.” She tossed it back at me and I let it fall to the floor. “A smart man would pick that up and sign it.” I glared through her so hard I was losing my focus. She leaned down, her lips close to mine. “I know you’re talented David, but trust me, I know what’s best for you and your career. Let me take care of you.”

  I sucked in a long, tired breath. “Sarah and I are a package deal. You let her be my agent or I’m out of here.”

  “Don’t be foolish, David. You think some young pussy is going to have your back? That she knows a damned thing about what’s best for you and your career just because she’s spread her legs for yo
u? I bet you even think you’re the first.” The words cut through me. I didn’t know what to do or say. I sat there like she’d thrown cold ice water into my face and she could tell it had damaged me.

  “I told her to do what it takes to get you here and it appears she did.” She stood from the desk and reached over to pick up the contract and then returned to her desk. She straightened the papers, giving them a hard whack against her desk and then pushed them toward me, slapping the pen atop them as if to say it was my last chance.

  “I’m not signing anything. Not today, not until I talk to Sarah.” Even if what this hateful bitch was saying was true, I had to give Sarah a chance to explain, but somehow, I didn’t believe Rowena. She leaned over her desk, deliberately giving me an eyeful of cleavage. I knew she’d say or do anything to get me to sign, even lie. I didn’t waste another minute getting the hell out of there, and as I opened the door to leave, Rowena laughed.

  “You’ll be back. And next time, the offer will be much less. That girl is going to cost you. And there’s something else I think you should know about your darling Sarah. She won’t be an agent here much longer.”

  I spun around. “What? Why? She’s done everything you asked.”

  Rowena shrugged. “I hired her as a favor to her ex and now I’m seeing that she’s not cut out for the job. She takes things too personally. I need someone who is tougher.”

  “Someone who doesn’t give a damn if the person your after’s mother is in the hospital?” I shook my head and stormed out, slamming the door behind me. The noise startled the people at their desks and I looked around for Sarah, but didn’t see her anywhere.

  I approached the receptionist and asked her where Sarah was.

  “She was sent on an errand. She won’t be back until after lunch.” The woman gave me a warm apologetic look and then went back to her computer browsing.

  I hurried out of the building and instead of taking another cab I decided to walk back to Sarah’s. It was only a few blocks away, and I needed to blow off steam. I couldn’t believe that after everything, Rowena was going to fire Sarah after all. She was going to string her along and let her think she’d have a chance. Sarah deserved better. I stopped in a store and bought a cell phone. Not having a way to reach Sarah was killing me. The man at the shop set it up and an hour later I was at Sarah’s apartment programming in numbers that I could remember. I tried to call Sarah, but she didn’t answer, so I called home to let my brothers know we’d made it and that the meeting didn’t go so well. After adding in my band members’ numbers and Kinsey’s, I made myself a sandwich and watched TV, hoping Sarah would call me back. Hours passed and she didn’t.


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