Always on My Mind (The Dawson Brothers, #1)

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Always on My Mind (The Dawson Brothers, #1) Page 21

by Jessica Mills


  When Sarah finally arrived, I was embarrassed she’d caught me watching a talk show with a panel of women all talking about their experience with orgasms. I quickly shut it off and went to greet her. I pulled her into my arms and wasted no time with the lip lock. I’d never missed anyone as badly as I’d missed her. “Today was the longest day of my life.” I held her tight and savored her scent.

  “Sorry I wasn’t able to be there, Rowena sent me on a stupid errand, but I think I must have impressed her because it was pretty important business.” She gave me a sympathetic smile and I tried hard to figure out how to tell her what I’d learned.

  “I didn’t sign the contract, Sarah.”

  “Why?” She pushed away from me searching my eyes.

  “It was a shitty deal, and I’m not taking it.” I shrugged. “She tried to stick me with some Patrick Delaney guy.”

  Her eyes were wide and she pushed my chest. “You go back there tomorrow and sign it. He’s the best agent in the company!”

  “No, I want you to be my agent. We’re a team. A package deal.”

  “Baby, that’s sweet, but seriously, you need this deal. Elder Tree is the best company anywhere and Patrick is the best agent they have.” She searched my eyes, tears filling hers.

  It couldn’t get any worse, I had to tell her. “If I have to hear what a great company they are one more time I’ll lose my shit. I wouldn’t work for that manipulative, lying bitch if my life depended on it, okay, so let’s just get that straight right now.”

  I didn’t realize how loud I was being until she winced and stepped back. “What happened?”

  “She’s going to fire you, Sarah. She told me today. She said you lacked experience and weren’t working out. She also tried to convince me that...” I shook my head; I couldn’t mention it. It was stupid and probably another lie. I think a part of me didn’t want to know if it were true or not.

  “What?” Sarah’s tears spilled down her cheeks as I drew her close. She pushed away. “What else did she do?”

  “She tried to convince me that I’m not the only client you’ve slept with and if that’s true, I don’t even want to know. It’s in the past.”

  “Well, thanks for the vote of confidence.” She stormed past me to the kitchen, her tears quenched with anger. I followed behind her as she went to the kitchen and grabbed a bottle of water from the fridge, slamming it shut. “I can’t believe this.”

  I raised my hand defensively as she spun around. “I didn’t think it was true.”

  “Good, because it’s not true. I’ve never slept with a client or a potential client. I was in a relationship with my last boss, but that was not how I got my last job, it’s how it ended.”

  “It’s not my business, Sarah. It’s in the past. I was in relationships before you, too. It is what it is.” I blocked her exit from the kitchen and took her into my arms. “I’m sorry, I just couldn’t sign with that hateful wench. It’s me and you or nothing.” I brushed her hair from her face and kissed her forehead. “We can do this without her. If I’m as good as you think I am surely you can pitch me to someone else.”

  She sagged against me. “I have a few names up my sleeve that I can give a try. They aren’t as prestigious as Elder Tree, but we might make it work.”

  “I have complete faith in you, Sarah. From here on out, we’re in this together.”

  She gave me a crazy smile and ran to the living room. I followed and watched as she took out her phone and after a quick motion, placed it to her ear. “Hello, Rowena. I just wanted to tell you that I quit.” She was so excited when she ended the call that she dropped her phone to the couch and dove into my arms.

  I pulled her in close and spun around. “Is it weird that turned me on?”

  Chapter 30


  I couldn’t believe I’d quit my job. The realization hadn’t set in until I was in my room getting comfortable. My mind was in a thousand places. What we were doing, what we should do.

  “We should go back to Oklahoma; I can take some time away from here now that I’m not working and we can wait until after your mother is out of the hospital.”

  “No way, we’re not quitting now. We just got here.” He stripped off his jeans and I glimpsed at his firm ass. He sat on the bed beside me as I slipped off my shirt and shrugged into my soft cotton camisole.

  “I’m not talking about quitting, but we can be there for your family and I can still call around.” I slipped down my jeans and traded my panties for a soft pair of boy shorts.

  “Well, there are things you’re not considering. One, we’ve got more privacy here. And two, the chores around here are so much easier.” I hadn’t thought that this was probably the first vacation he’d had away from home in a long time and it was nice being alone with him.

  “I guess you’re right.” I shrugged. “It is nice having you all to myself.” I lay back on my elbows and he lounged beside me. His dark hair was in serious need of a trim and his stubbly chin...well, it was perfect.

  “You just quit your worrying. This is all going to work out for the best. You don’t need that company or that. . . Rowena.” I giggled as he said her name like it carried some misfortune, and then I sat straight up, remembering a company I hadn’t thought of. “Broken Branch.” I turned and gave him a wide-eyed grin.

  “Honey, you’re getting that crazy look in your pretty green eyes again.” He looked up at me like I was insane.

  “Broken Branch is a company formed by former agents of Elder Tree. They’re not as big of a company, but they took some talent with them and they have a pretty impressive lineup. I know one of the agents that formed it. He left about six months ago, and took one of the biggest clients Elder Tree had. Rowena hates him, but I’m thinking that might help.”

  I reached for my phone and thumbed through my contacts. “Richard Miller.” I found his email address and then the digital file I’d made of David’s demo for Rowena and sent it to him along with a message. I thumbed through more names and while I was at it, sent it to the other two companies I had friends at.

  David watched me and when I met his eyes and shrugged, he smiled. “You’re amazing. You just need your little blazer and you’ll be all set.”

  I thought of how Rowena had hated my blazers. “Don’t tell me you hated them too. Do I look like a Bible salesman or a weather girl?”

  “What? I love the blazers. They’re a total turn on.” I searched his eyes waiting for him to bust out laughing, but he didn’t.

  “You’re serious?” My face glowed with a blush.

  “I’m serious. They’re sexy and powerful.” He went to my closet and opened the doors. He sifted through the clothes and found one of my blazers, a navy one-button stretch. It was one of my favorites. He held it out and I stepped inside, sliding my arms in the holes. I modeled it for him, turning and doing a little jaunty cat-walk-style step away from him and back, and he pulled me into his arms and slipped his hand up my back.

  “You really like it?”

  “I particularly love it with the little white top and tiny underwear.” He glanced down at my boy shorts and I shook my ass for him. Before I knew what was happening, he picked me up over his shoulder and spun me around to the bed. Once he had me flat on my back, he took my ankles and lifted my legs. He spread my legs and positioned himself between them, then he slipped down my panties. I made a move to shrug off the blazer, but he shook a finger at me. “No, I want to show you how much I like it.” He ran his hand up my stomach and pushed the camisole over my breasts. His hands cupped them and then he flicked the right one with his tongue, sending a warm tingle straight to my core.

  I squirmed beneath him, wiggling my hips to urge his attention lower. He released my nipple and then worked the other, and then he slipped his hand down lower, tracing little circles along my navel, and down to my soft mound, which he rubbed. I bucked my hips, pressing against him, needing the friction to ease my tender ache. His fingers parted me
and slipped through my lips into my wet body, ignoring the tender aching bundle of nerves at the top of my pussy. The more he suckled, the more I wanted his mouth elsewhere. I raked my hands through his hair, hoping it would lead him downward where I needed him, the slow ache craving his mouth as he inserted another finger, spreading me and pushing them inward and upward against my g-spot. Just when I thought I’d have to scream out and beg, he released my nipple and his tongue trailed down my stomach, toward my clit. If his mouth ignored it, I’d surely break apart.

  As his fingers worked me in a steady rhythm, his tongue brushed and flicked my clitoris. I screamed out as my release sent a rush of heat through me. David pumped his fingers faster and then pulled them free to work his tongue flat against my slit, lapping there.

  I was still riding the wave of my orgasm when his tongue left me and he stepped away and grabbed his wallet off the dresser. I glanced over as he sheathed his hardened length. He was wrapped and ready when he returned, pumping his cock in his hand. He knelt over me and nudged himself forward, spreading my thighs wider as he aimed his head at my opening.

  “You look so beautiful. Watch me put it in you, baby.” I rested my elbow behind my head and looked down to where his head teased around my slit. He inched forward, barely kissing it with the tip, and then rubbed it in little circles to tease me.

  He thrusted forward and pushed his head inside me, and then rested his hands on my knees, pumping his cock in and out, inching a little deeper with each thrust until he’d filled my entire depth. He worked his hips, thrusting deep inside of me.

  He leaned over and slipped his strong hand behind me and lifted me up, keeping his erection deep. He took me across the room and set me on my dresser, the cool glass of the mirror at my back as he grinded in and out of me nice and slow. He leaned forward and breathed in my ear.

  “You’re so wet. Feels like heaven inside of you, baby girl.”

  I took his face in my hands and kissed him, tasting myself on his lips. I wanted him to let me on top, so I pushed against him, and he cupped my ass, moving me on his cock as he walked us across the room and back to the bed. He spun around and sat down, and I nudged against him, trying to gain traction as he leaned back against the bed.

  I found my leverage and worked my hips on him until I’d managed a steady bounce. I leaned back, angling him against my g-spot and moaned in pleasure as my release came. David quickened his pace, thrusting up against me, and then he flipped me over to my back, pulled me to the end of the bed, and thrusted until we found a fast, yet steady beat.

  His cock hammered against my g-spot and I was just about to come again when he pushed hard against me, burying it deep as a strangled moan ripped from his throat.

  “Come with me,” he mumbled and licked at my neck. “Come hard, Sarah.”

  “Yeah,” I moaned and arched my back, giving myself over to the wicked hot heat building deep in my stomach.

  He finished fucking me, and collapsed beside me in a beautiful heap. I lay limp in splendor not wanting to move an inch to destroy the bliss I felt. The smell of sex was heavy in the air around us, and my stomach growled reminding us both that we hadn’t had dinner.

  He traced tiny circles against my stomach, and I realized the blazer and camisole were both bunched up behind me. “We’ve both worked up an appetite, it seems.”

  I rolled over to face him, still hanging on to the mellow feeling that had yet to fade completely. “I need a shower.”

  “I say we go right for the food and then we can take a nice long bath.” He rolled away and got up only to turn and grab my hand and give it a tug.

  I wanted to protest, but I knew the afterglow would soon fade in his absence anyway. I forced my lazy muscles to respond as he pulled me to my feet and then he left me while he stepped into the bathroom. I found my panties and stripped off the wrinkled blazer. I’d have to take it to the cleaners, but it was so worth it. He’d given me my confidence back about wearing them. As long as he liked them, that was all that mattered.

  Minutes later David joined me in the kitchen where I had already filled the countertops preparing dinner. He perused the ingredients and then leaned against the counter beside me.

  “What can I do to help?”

  “You can wash those peppers or chop onions, you decide.” He went for the peppers and once they were clean he chopped the onions too.

  “What are we having?”

  “Stuffed pepper.” I glanced his way unsure of his silence. “I guess I should have asked if you like them.”

  “I’m sure I will, I eat everything. It’s part of growing up on a farm I guess.”

  “Well, I’m afraid I don’t usually eat as good as you do back home. I’ll have to adjust and expand the grocery list.”

  “I’ll pitch in. I’m sure I’ll eat more than you.” He embraced me from behind as I stood at the stove browning some ground meat. “Although, you do eat more than I expected for a tiny little lady.”

  “Well, I’m glad my appetites surprise you.” I tilted my head as he kissed my neck. Once again heat blossomed in my core and I grinded against him.

  “Mhm, that’s the appetite that impresses me.” He pressed his length against my ass and it was already hard and ready again.

  “You better stop or we won’t get to eat.” He pulled me closer and kissed my neck, slipping his hand around front to pat the front of my panties. “You’re so bad.”

  “I’m hungry.” He breathed the word against my neck. I wasn’t sure what type of hunger he was speaking of, but I had a pretty good idea. I wasn’t going to let him distract me from my mission of getting us both fed. Our other appetites could wait. I nudged him back and he moved to stand against the counter next to me.

  “So what do you think about the cabin?” he asked, reaching to brush my hair back across my shoulder.

  “I’m excited for you. You’ll have your own place and you can do whatever you want with it. Do you have any ideas of how you want to fix it up?”

  “Well, I was hoping you’d help me. I mean, I’m sure you’ll be spending time there too and you probably know a whole lot more than me about style and furnishings. Look how amazing this apartment is.”

  I smiled, surprised that he wanted me to be that big of a part of his life. “I’m sure I can help.”

  “I know I want a huge bed and I want to knock out a wall to add a nice big tub that we can both fit in.”

  “Sounds like you’ve got big plans. You know, you could have had a fortune to do all of that if you’d taken Rowena’s deal.”

  His laughter surprised me and I gave him a quizzical look. “I’m serious, David. I probably can’t get you a deal like that again. It’s going to be tough.”

  He shook his head. “You think I’m in this for the money? Hell, I have enough money to do whatever I need with the cabin and then some. It’s never been about that.” My eyes widened.

  “I thought things were tough on the farm, I didn’t realize.” I stopped to choose my words, not wanting to offend him.

  “Well, it is a working ranch and I’ve been working since I was eight years old. I’ve never had any bills and though my Dad doesn’t believe in technology, he does believe in investments.”

  “Oh, I had no idea.” I wasn’t sure what to think, but I realized David was probably better off than me.

  “That’s because it’s not something I was raised to talk about.” He shrugged. “I want to live this dream because I love to sing and I love the way my singing makes people happy.”

  David never ceased to amaze me. He loved music for all the right reasons and I was determined more than ever to help him live his dream.

  Chapter 31


  It was early morning when Sarah took me out to breakfast and introduced me to her friend Jenn, who was the first person I’d ever met with blue hair.

  “It’s blue this week,” she’d said when she saw me looking. “Who knows, tomorrow it could be green.”

’t mind her,” said Sarah, as she stirred her coffee. “And your hair’s been blue for at least a month.”

  “So I’m slacking. You, however, it looks like you’re working overtime.” Jenn slid her gaze across me and winked at Sarah.

  “Don’t mind her,” Sarah repeated, more adamantly the second time. She gave her friend a hard glare. “I’m almost sorry I exposed him to you.”

  “You say that like I’m a cold or something.” Jenn stuffed her mouth with bacon and I couldn’t help but be amazed seeing the two interact.

  “If you were a disease you’d be a headache,” Sarah said then she bit her waffle and nearly choked laughing as Jenn widened her eyes.

  I couldn’t help but join in. “A headache isn’t a disease, it’s more of a condition. Like a rash.”

  Jenn dropped her fork. “Sarah, I think your boyfriend just called me a rash.” The two gave me such burning stares that I sank in my seat.

  I held up my hands in defeat. “I give up.”

  Jenn laughed. “I like this guy.” She met my eyes. “Did you really have this girl milking cows?”

  “A cow, yes, her name is Bernice, and Sarah did an amazing job.” I patted Sarah on the leg and earned a smile.

  “I had fun. Except for the snake.” Sarah squirmed and Jenn gasped.

  “Oh, hell no!” She shook her head. “How could you let Sarah around some slimy snake?”


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