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Reaper Dreaming: A Reaper Novel

Page 6

by Christie Palmer

  Hunter shook his head, “Just tell me what you came to tell me and then get out.”

  Victor gave him a knowing smile, “Elle wants to be the one to tell you. She gets so excited when she has news. I can’t ruin it for her.”

  Hunter shook the sweat out of his eyes and pushed past Victor. Swearing under his breath over how whipped his brother was. Victor grabbed Hunter and swung him around. “I liked being whipped, you have no idea the benefits I get from it.” Then he motioned to Hunters broken and bleeding hands. “No way in hell you are going to my woman half naked, covered in blood and broken it will upset her,” Victor held out his own hands for Hunter who huffed and handed his hands over to his brother.

  Victor winked at his brother and closed his eyes Victor closed his hands around Hunter’s broken and bleeding hands. Victor shuddered as he healed Hunter, “Gah that hurt like hell.” Victor hissed dropping Hunters' hands. “Let’s not do that again real soon.”

  “I didn’t ask you to heal me.” Hunter reminded him.

  “Yes but I won’t have you upsetting my woman either,” Victor insisted with a growl. “Now get cleaned up and I’ll see you in Violence.”

  Hunter couldn’t get cleaned up fast enough. But a quick shower and a clean clothes and he Flashed over to Violence and Victors fortress. It was a huge rock house built into the side of a mountain, with several rooms and a large living space and kitchen. Victor had cleaned it up since the last time Hunter had been there and it looked more like a home now. Flowers sat on counter tops, and warm rugs covered the marble floors. It definitely showed a female influence. Hunter had to admit it looked lovely. Not something he was going to tell Victor though.

  Elle and Victor were waiting for Hunter on the large balcony, Elle got up and hugged Hunter. Shuddering slightly from the residual power Hunter carried from Treachery. It wasn’t something Hunter could control, it used to hurt her but now that her curse had been lifted she swore it was no longer painful. Hunter had his suspicions she felt something close to pain when he touched her though. Elle just refused to give into it, she was the kindest creature Hunter had ever met.

  “Thank you for coming to see us.” Elle gave him a bright smile.

  “I’m glad to see you have recovered so well from your contact with Lailah,” Hunter said.

  Elle waved it off. “It was nothing,” She offered.

  Victor snorted, but for his part, he kept his mouth shut.

  “Victor said you had information for me?” Hunter wanted to get to the point.

  Elle nodded, “Yes, I didn’t want to say anything in front of that Uriel guy. He seemed a little snotty if you ask me.” Hunter agreed wholeheartedly.

  “Anyway… while I was draining Lailah’s power some of her memories bled through. There is this detective who is giving her a hard time Detective Banner?” Hunter already knew about Banner “Anyway… Lailah stole drugs from Jimmy and she plans on using them to get news from some of Jimmy’s friends to find out what happened to Jimmy. She is hoping she can give this information to this detective to get him off her ass.”

  Hunter just sat there in shock for a moment, “What?”

  “Oh plus, she knows she is something special, oh not that she is an Arch Angel in the making but she has special powers. Healing, she can sometimes read people, different little things. And Jimmy has sold her before,” Elle added.

  “She thinks she can use some of her abilities to help find Jimmy as well,” Elle added.

  “Holy shit!” Hunter said standing.

  Victor jumped up to stop Hunter, “Don’t go running out, we need to have a plan. I don’t think she will run out into the streets of Chicago and do something stupid.”

  “Really? And why wouldn’t she. Now she’s feeling so much better you mean?” Hunter asked his words dripping with sarcasm.

  “Yeah, I’d forgotten about that,” Victor said thoughtfully.

  “Yeah but Uriel promised to have some Fallen watch over now her piece of shit Guardian has taken up residence in Treachery,” Elle explained happily. “Really how much danger can one mortal transitioning into an Angel get into?”

  Hunter and Victor both turned to Elle and Elle shrugged giving them a bright smile, “Really? She didn’t seem like the type to get into serious trouble. And we have so many other things on our plates already. What with the Tribunal going all psycho branding and killing Others on us. Let’s give these Fallen the benefit of the doubt.”

  Hunter felt like his skin was crawling. He wanted to return to the mortal plane and just bring Lailah back to the Infernos were Hunter knew she would be safe.

  “Seriously?” Hunter asked. “We don’t even know these Fallen, how can we give them the benefit of the doubt?”

  “You have to earn our trust,” Victor muttered.

  “But do we trust anyone?” Elle asked looking from Victor to Hunter.

  “Fuck no,” Hunter said rolling his eyes.

  Elle laughed, “That really was a stupid question wasn’t it?”

  “We trust family,” Victor said nodding at his brother.

  “That’s what I thought,” Elle nodded with a sigh folding her hands in her lap.

  Hunter snarled something very unpleasant, “I’m out.”

  “I’ll contact Marcus and Celeste,” Victor promised as Hunter Flashed.

  Hunter had to remind himself Lailah thought he was still some dream hero. It was almost comical, Hunter was the farthest thing from a hero a person could get. Hunter wasn’t sure if he should be insulted or outright laugh at the mere thought of it. He was obsessing over a female he hadn’t even been formally introduced too. They had shared a passionate kiss, and although Hunter desperately wanted more from her Hunter knew there could be nothing more between them. It didn’t matter what he wanted or desired from her. He couldn’t just pop into her life and take her away.

  Hunter wanted to kick himself for not trying to introduce himself into her life. If anything he should have tried to be more than just a dream to Lailah, because now any intervention from him would be one hell of a shock to her. Hunter’s first inclination was to just Flash right into Lailah’s apartment, then he thought better of it. Hunter didn’t want to scare the crap out of her. Lailah didn’t know him so Hunter couldn’t just barge into her apartment and he couldn’t demand Lailah not do something stupid because a demi-god/god had been inside her head and knew Lailah planned on doing something stupid and possibly deadly. It sounded crazy even to him, Hunter wondered how it would sound to Lailah. Hunter wondered for a brief moment if he was possibly in over his head with Lailah. He seriously had no idea what he would do.

  Instead of Flashing into Lailah’s apartment he Flashed to the alley across the street from her apartment, Hunter let the shadows wrap around him the moment he appeared. A feeling of deja vu washing over him. How many times was he going to be standing outside of an apartment building watching for this woman?

  Hunter located the Fallen within seconds, if Hunter thought he stood out as a Reaper, the Fallen, however, was like a beacon even in broad daylight. He stood on the edge of the street just staring at Lailah’s building. It was mid-morning, Hunter checked his phone, and swore; it had been three days. Hunter couldn’t begin to imagine all the crazy shit Lailah could have gotten herself into between then and now. Especially with this idiot watching her.

  “Fallen,” Hunter barked at the man standing on the edge of the sidewalk.

  The Fallen Angel jerked like he had been deep in thought, like nobody should have been able to see him. He looked at Hunter with shocking blue eyes, “What?” he snapped.

  “Could you be any more obvious?” Hunter asked him.

  “She is very important.” He blinked several times then turned back to stare at Lailah’s apartment building.

  “Do you honestly think standing on the sidewalk directly across from her apartment staring intently at her building isn’t going to tip her off you dumb ass?” Hunter asked. “How long have you been standing here?”

  “Two days,” The Fallen said without looking away.

  “Shit,” Hunter swore, “And you haven’t seen her have you? You idiot.”

  Hunter slapped him upside the back of the head and jogged across the street, dodging through tracking, if Hunter was lucky Lailah was holed up in her apartment freaked out. But Hunter was many things, and lucky wasn’t one of them.

  She didn’t answer her door, he should have been surprised. But he wasn’t, the Fallen was on his heels and when Hunter turned around he bumped into him.

  “Where is she?” the Fallen demanded as if Hunter could somehow conjure Lailah up from thin air.

  Hunter rolled his eyes, “You’ve been watching her, why don’t you tell me?”

  “But I’ve been watching the apartment. Exactly like Uriel told me too,” Old blue eyes said with panic lacing each world.

  “And…” Hunter said shaking his head.

  “She hasn’t left. I barely blinked. She couldn’t have left,” The guy started to rambled.

  “Yeah, maybe the non-blinking was what freaked her out,” Hunter guessed then Flashed away.

  * * *

  “Have I said thank you yet?” Lailah asked Sally.

  Sally just laughed, “Yes, about one-hundred times. How many times have I told you Jimmy was bound to get you in trouble one day?”

  “We don’t know it had anything to do with Jimmy,” Lailah insisted in defense of Jimmy but she wasn’t sure if it was out of habit. Now if Lailah was a betting woman, she might bet money it had something to do with Jimmy but she wasn’t a betting woman so today she was keeping her money safe in her pocket.

  “So what did he look like again?” Sally asked for the millionth time.

  “I’m telling you, he was tall with sandy blonde hair and blue eyes. Like penetrating blue eyes. I could see them from across the street. He stood there all night just staring at my apartment. It was the creepiest thing I have ever seen in all my life. And I grew up in foster care so I have seen my fair share of creepy,” Lailah said and she couldn’t keep the shudder from running up her spine. The guy hadn’t moved from the spot across the street. He just stood there on the curb staring at her apartment like a statue. Lailah wasn’t even sure he blinked in the ten hours he stood there before she snuck out the back way. It was the weirdest thing she had ever seen. And damn she had seen some weird things.

  Sally giggled and pushed the box of books toward her. “Well whoever he was, he must not be all that smart because he hasn’t found out where you work. So get busy girl you have work to do.”

  Lailah thanked god he hadn’t found the bookstore because it was the only saving grace in her life right now. Sally had a loft above the bookstore where Lailah was currently crashing, otherwise, Lailah would also be homeless. If it wasn’t for her boss and only friend Sally, she didn’t know what she would do right now. She didn’t doubt whoever it was that had staked out her apartment would eventually work their way around to the bookstore but hopefully by then Jimmy would have shown up. She contemplate giving the creepy dude the drugs she had stolen from Jimmy again, but she wasn’t sure that would make the guy go away. It could do the opposite and make him think she had the means to get more. And that was the last thing she wanted to happen.

  This was all Jimmy’s fault the rat bastard. The sooner she found out what had happened to him the sooner she could get her life back. And Lailah would kick his ass when she found him. Not only for what he had tried to do to her. But for tearing up her quiet little life.

  Lailah finished putting the box of books away, and was contemplating just giving the drugs to the mysterious man currently taking up residence across the street from her apartment. She couldn’t hide above the bookstore forever, eventually whoever was looking for Jimmy would find her. When the bell over the door jingled pulling her out of her thoughts.

  “Welcome to Sally’s Book Nook, what can I…” Lailah’s voice trailed off when she realized it was Detective Banner. Banner walked in and looked around like he was casing the place giving Lailah the chills he made his way over to the counter. Lailah hadn’t seen him since the evening at Jimmy’s and she had hoped he had gotten another assignment. Guess her luck hadn’t changed.

  “Good morning, Lailah, how are you?” Banner asked tucking his hands into his pockets. He looked relaxed like he was just another customer. But there was something just below the surface. Lailah noticed a strength, Banner was scanning the store like something would jump out from behind one of the bookcases.

  Lailah dropped the empty box on the counter with a thud and wiped her hands on her jean clad thighs, “Detective, do you have news on Jimmy’s whereabouts?”

  “Please call me Lincoln, after all, we have been getting to know each other right?” Banner asked.

  Lailah gave him a smile, “Okay, Lincoln, have you found my friend? Or are you here to ask me more vague questions?”

  Lincoln laughed but it was a hollow sound. “You have a sharp wit, Lailah. I find that very intriguing.”

  Lailah wasn’t sure if it was a compliment or an insult, she was having a hard time reading Banner so she had to let it pass, “So you didn’t answer the question, any news on Jimmy?” Lailah asked folding her arms over her chest. She stepped back, there was definitely something about Banner today. Lailah couldn’t tell but his aura was off, there was a darkness about it him today. And Lailah had to control the urge to put as much distance as humanly possible between them.

  “You look different.” Lincoln asked, “Have you done something different with yourself?”

  If Lailah didn’t know better she would have thought the detective was hitting on her. However, Lailah knew by the look on Banners face he was working up to something. Lailah shook her head. “Nope nothing different. By the way, I’m not going to change the subject. Jimmy. News. Now.”

  Lincoln laughed leaning a hip against the counter, “You know if things had been different if we had met under different circumstances you and me? Before…” Banner trailed off. Shook himself then started again. “We could have been attracted to each other,” he offered with a casual light tone. Instead of it being casual it caused alarm bells to go off in Lailah’s head.

  Banner was right, under different circumstances and maybe if he wasn’t weird and freaky. More freaky than anything today. And maybe if he hadn’t followed her like a dog, and treated her no better than a common criminal several times. And, maybe Lailah could have looked past all those things. Or maybe, she could have been hit by a bus and woken up in a parallel universe with a tail and two heads. One never knew. But just maybe…

  “Stranger things have happened,” was all Lailah said to him.

  “I hope when this is all said and done Lailah, we can have a different kind of relationship.” It was the way Banner said it that had those alarm bells clanging to bring down the house, but there was also something else there... something she couldn’t put her finger one. Was it just a hint of some sadness, or was that judgment? Either way, it left Lailah wondering what the hell Banner was up too and the hair on the back of her neck standing up. Lailah was about to ask him what the hell he was talking about.

  Then Banner moved, he moved so fast, Lailah was barely able to track the movement. And then he had her hand trapped by his. Lailah was so shocked for a moment she just stood there and stared at her small hand held by his much larger one. Then she tried to pull away from him. But Banner didn’t immediately didn’t release her. She wondered briefly is she had been knocked unconscious and woken in some alternate reality, Lailah jerked at her hand. What the hell was going on?

  When she couldn’t get him to release her she started to panic, “Let me go.” Lailah croaked as she tried to jerk her hand free, but Banner was looking only at her hand. Ignoring all her efforts at escape. The panic in Lailah swelled and she took a swing at Banner with her free hand. Lailah connected with the side of Banners head but the hit didn’t seem to affect him. He shrugged it off like the hit was nothing more than an announce. Ban
ner was all consumed with her hand. He pried Lailah’s fingers open while Lailah fought with her entire body he pressed something into her palm while. Lailah desperately tried to jerk away from him.

  “Hey,” she gawked, but he wasn’t releasing her.

  “Don’t fight it, Lailah.” Banner finally spoke. Not looking up as he continued to press something into her palm.

  “Stop,” Lailah cried as the object in her palm heated. But it wasn’t just heating, no, it began to burn. And smoke rose from her palm, Lailah’s screaming turned into cries of terror and pain and she pulled with everything she had. But Banner held her as fire burned into her palm.

  “See if you hadn’t run from your apartment none of this would be necessary. This is actually your fault Lailah remember that.” Banner said, his voice taking on a dark and serious tone.

  Lailah tried scratching at Banners hands pushing at his shoulders. Anything to dislodge him. Sally was still in the back room, and as much as she didn’t want to involve her boss she wasn’t sure she had much of a choice anymore. Banner had lost his goddamn mind and was trying to kill her through her palm Lailah screamed with everything she had for help.

  “Get your goddamned hands off of me, you bastard,” Lailah shrieked. She was beyond freaked as her palm burned. Banner jerked her forward nearly pulling her over the counter. Lailah’s feet now dangled over one side of the counter as she was pulled eye to eye with Banner.

  “Stop fighting, or this will take longer than it needs to. I didn’t want to do this to you. I didn’t want to have to hurt you. But you wouldn’t cooperate I had no choice,” Banner growled at her, his eyes had gone all black. Lailah barely recognized him.

  Lailah stopped fighting as shock and fear swamped her. She was no longer staring at the detective but a black-eyed monster. “Okay, what the fuck are you?” Lailah cried frozen to the spot pulled half way over the counter.

  “Your simple mind couldn’t possible begin to understand,” Banner snapped.

  Lailah nodded. Totally believing him. This was out of her league, this went from weird and freaky right into beyond hope and redemption. Whatever Jimmy was involved in was way over her pay grade.


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