The Seduction of Gretchen: Paranormal Erotic Romance (Anam Céile Chronicles)

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The Seduction of Gretchen: Paranormal Erotic Romance (Anam Céile Chronicles) Page 1

by Scarlett, Rosalind

  “I know that I should not allow myself to be vulnerable to a Vampire like this, but he has me so hot, how can I possibly deny him? Besides he is far more than just a Vampire to me. He is my Vampire. And I am his.”

  Gretchen has worked at Sanguelascivia as an erotic performer and blood courtesan for several years, done it all, seen it all. She thought she had grown numb to the Vampires whom she was required to service. It was just a job. They were just the clientele.

  That is, until the night Lucius shows up.

  While on stage in the midst of her performance, Gretchen first locks eyes with him, his gleaming blue eyes never departing from her. With every move she makes, she feels him watching her, making her hotter by the second. She fully expects him to be there after the performance to request her services, but to her surprise, he is nowhere to be seen. Perplexed, Gretchen tries to brush him from her mind, yet hard as she may try, she cannot.

  What is it about him? No man— human or Vampire— has ever had her feeling quite like this, has ever penetrated her soul as he had. And she isn’t sure whether she likes it. But one thing is sure, there is no denying it. What is happening to her?

  Then soon again Lucius is there, boring into her with those cryptic eyes. And once more, he disappears before the end of the night. She finds herself fantasizing over this Vampire— something which she never thought she would do. Gretchen resolves the next time she sees him, she’ll be damned if he’s going to slip away again without speaking to her. She will take matters into her own hands if she must. She will request him!

  When at last she realises her long-awaited private session with him, Gretchen discovers Lucius has a delicious secret which she never thought possible. And just as furtively as he appears, so does he vanish once more. Left with so many questions, she can scarcely wait to see him again. And Lucius only feeds her preoccupation with him, sending her expensive gifts in between his random visits.

  Inferring a sense of urgency, this enigmatic Vampire suddenly asks to come away with him to Paris to be his bonded blood servant— and lover. Relishing her sexual freedom, Gretchen has never been one to desire this arrangement so many others hoped for. However, she fears that if she lets him go, she will never see him again, feel him again. But, what will be in store for her once she leaves the familiar comfort of Sanguelascivia?

  Chapter One

  Oh my God, these two are so incredible at what they do! Did I ever get lucky tonight!

  As the brawny dark-haired Italian male positioned between my legs plunged himself deep inside of me over and over, the attractive sandy blonde German stood at my head feeding his cock to my hungry mouth. I was in absolute heaven! But then, never was I not in that scenario. What woman would not adore having the carnal attentions of two gorgeous men upon her?

  And so, there I was, immensely enjoying this tantalizing carnal performance onstage when it happened— that fated moment which changed my life as I knew it. Though, why it had to choose that particular moment to happen, I will never know.

  With that one solitary moment of exquisite connection with another, I suddenly comprehended that things would never be the same.

  Four years earlier, I had left my home country of Holland and came to Venice, Italy. Unlike most of the women who came to work at Sanguelascivia— which is a contrived word from the Italian words sangue, meaning blood, and lascivia, meaning lust— I was not destitute or without other more socially acceptable options. No, shocking as it was to most, I actually sought to work there. After inadvertently hearing of the place— and the lust inducing acts which took place there— I could not seem to get it out of my head. Late at night in bed, I would find myself imagining all of the beautiful women and muscular men in their stimulating variety of sex acts. Just thinking about it was enough to rouse me so that I would have to pleasure myself in order to get some sleep.

  It did not take long for me to resolve that I would go there as soon as I became of age. For that, I had to wait two long years. In the meantime, I refused three perfectly suitable marriage proposals. My parents were positively beside themselves. I told them not to work themselves into a dither over my life, as I already had it all planned out and would be out on my own, fending for myself soon enough.

  Needless to say, this did not go over well.

  When at last I arrived in Venice and tracked down this highly exclusive club for the Vampire Elite, I did not even have any guarantee that I would be hired to be a performer there. If I had not, I do not know what I would have done, having left the only home I had ever known behind for a foreign country. But that was never an option. Being part of Sanguelascivia’s cast of erotic performers was the only thing I had imagined. I simply had to make the audition. There was no other way.

  The audition was the most unnerving, and yet the most exhilarating thing ever I had experienced! You see, I had come to Sanguelascivia as a virgin. Upon informing the club’s performance director, Lucia, of this minor detail, to my relief, she seemed quite pleased. She then amended what I would be required to do in my audition, which consisted of a multitude of scenarios which were thrown at me, beginning with my laying there in the centre of the stage completely nude, my legs spread eagle on a table while several members of the cast, male and female, surrounded me, their hands, mouths and fingers roving all over my body, while various body parts were sporadically presented to my mouth to service.

  Both the males and females were far more attractive than I ever could have imagined. Clearly hailing from a variety of countries, there were fair-skinned blue-eyed, blonde Scandinavians, bronze-skinned brunette Italians and Spanish, as well as Germans, French, and even a few Russians. However, I had yet to spot another redhead such as myself, which made me hopeful that I would be a unique asset there amongst the, what I considered to be, far more gorgeous performers than I.

  So, for upwards of an hour, it went on and on as that. I lost track of how many different cocks I had sucked, how many other women’s cunts had ridden my tongue, how many breasts had been smashed into my face. All the while, anonymous fingers and tongues probed at my sex, teeth nibbling at my nipples. Over the course of my audition— somehow without having any previous sexual experience whatsoever— I had managed to bring two of the women to orgasm, as well as several guys to climax by my mouth.

  Eventually, after this endless barrage of stimulation, my body could take no more onslaught of pleasure and exploded into orgasm. I was utterly staggered! It was far more intense than the insignificant ones I had bestowed upon myself over the past several years.

  After all the performers who had initiated me in my audition had departed— leaving me lying there alone upon that table, still quivering with ecstasy— Lucia strode up to me and handed me a cloth with which to clean myself. Taking it, I nodded at her in appreciation.

  With a brief clearing of her throat, she began speaking to me, “Well, I must say— Gretchen, is it?”

  I nodded my head to confirm.

  “Yes… I must say, upon seeing you initially, I did not hold much hope for your prospective abilities. However, clearly I was mistaken. If what you revealed previously is indeed true, then your deflowering shall make an excellent Feature debut performance. Our distinguished patrons absolutely relish that sort of rare event. They will eat you up!” Then under her breath, I heard her add, “Literally…”

  I stared up at her completely bewildered. “So do you mean to tell me that I made the audition?”

  Chuckling, she replied, “Yes, you naïve girl! After bearing witness to your uninhibite
d receptiveness, I have to admit you would be a fine addition to the cast of performers here at Sanguelascivia.”

  Though it was everything I had been wanting, now I could hardly believe my ears.

  I have done it! Me! I am now an erotic performer at Sanguelascivia!

  Interrupting my mental self-congratulations, Lucia pronounced, “I’ll leave you to… gather your composure. When you are ready, you may join me in the performer’s lounge and we shall go over a few things after which I will show you to your quarters.”

  Still dazed— whether from the intense orgasm or the wonderful news— I watched her walk off before resuming cleaning myself up. A minute later, I jumped up from the table, and finding my legs to be rather unsteady, carefully made my way to the room just behind the lush blood red velvet billowing curtains.

  Upon seeing me, Lucia smiled somewhat stiffly handing me a white silk robe. I slipped into it immediately, grateful for something to cover myself while in her presence. “Please, Gretchen, do make yourself comfortable,” she stated coolly, motioning to a plush settee opposite the chair where she sat.

  Doing just as she said, I smoothed the robe over my thighs in attempt to ward off my slight nervousness, and then looked up at her, communicating my readiness.

  My slight awkwardness evidently not affecting her in the least, Lucia spouted off the details. “Now, so that we may have sufficient time to publicize the unique angle of your debut, your first performance will be scheduled four days from now.” As though determining to intimidate me, she paused a moment, staring at me severely before continuing. “You are not under any circumstances to compromise your purity before then. If we should discover that you have, you may count on an immediate dismissal. Is this understood?”

  I nodded my head, a bit taken aback at her harshness. But then, I supposed that sort of reserved attitude was necessary at a place such as that.

  “Very well,” Lucia replied curtly, moving on in a businesslike manner. “Now, we shall go over the specifics of your duties here at Sanguelascivia. Commencing with your first scheduled performance, you will be expected to perform five to six nights a week. The details of these performances are to be determined by myself. Just know that if you wish to remain here, there is no tolerance for inhibition. You should be willing at any given time to perform in any variety of acts upon stage, whether that may be a more vanilla, male-female interaction, a lesbian exhibition, sex with multiple males, group sex, bondage and domination, Sado-masochism, oral, anal, and double penetration.”

  The look upon my face must have transformed to one of shock upon taking in the images induced by her list of potential sexual scenarios, for she quickly added. “Not to worry, though, I promise not to heave too much at you at once. However, if any of this presents a problem to you, you would do better to speak up now, rather than balking at the scenarios to which you have been assigned at the last minute.”

  However, even I myself was not sure whether it was the intimidating factor of hearing all that I would be required to do or all that I would have the prospect of doing. Some of the things mentioned at once prompted my sex to clinch with anticipation, while others caused my body to stiffen with trepidation.

  Nevertheless, I shook my head. “It will all be acceptable.”

  “Good. It should go without saying, of course, that you are to come to each performance on time and after just having cleansed yourself meticulously. Each chamber is outfitted with a private wash basin and you shall have a personal maid assigned to you to properly assist you with such matters, as well as with dressing you and arranging your hair in the most attractive manner.

  Nodding my head in agreement, I had to stifle a giggle, for the image of having a personal maid bathing me was so foreign to me. Only my mother had ever served this purpose and that had ended by the time I reached my adolescence.

  Appearing mildly annoyed with me, Lucia continued on. “Last, but certainly not least, following each performance— after seeing to it that you are properly cleansed, of course— you are to make yourself available for selection by our highly esteemed Vampire patrons. Upon being selected, you shall escort him or her back to the designated VIP room where you shall be at their disposal. Whatever it is they wish to do with you, you are to submit willingly. Some may request you service them, others may wish to service you, and still others will have devised creative ways to penetrate you. Whatever the case may be, all will want to culminate the session with drinking from you.”

  “Drinking from me?” I enquired, letting my extreme naivety slip through to the surface.

  Affecting a look of antipathy at having to deal with me, Lucia emitted an exasperated sigh before elabourating. “The main reason the Vampires are here, naturally, to feed from human blood. The erotic shows merely serve as a sort of tantalizing appetizer for them, not to mention that our blood tastes so much better when it is flooded with the chemicals from sexual arousal. When we are in such state, it is for them akin to sipping of the finest wine.”

  I was silent for a long moment as I processed this. Somehow when I had overheard talk of this place years ago, I had either missed this vital piece of information or I had subconsciously chosen to focus solely upon the part which had caught my attention. Now, I was forced to ask myself the question. After all I had left behind to come here, to realise this position now being offered me, would I allow this solitary aspect upturn it all for me?

  Lucia seemed to actually understand, as she sat there tolerantly, allowing me the freedom to deliberate this rather weighty factor. At last, I made up my mind.

  I have gotten exactly what I have wanted, I am not going about to let a little blood frighten me away!

  Straightening up my body and elevating my chin to look at her face on, I responded with all the confidence I could muster. “Very well. I agree to the entirety. I am feeling a bit tired. May I retire to my chamber now?”

  Lucia stared at me as though she was astounded by my response, as though she had expected— wished even— that I would have chosen to do the opposite. However, I decided not to let her get to me, writing it off as she was likely rather jaded from being in a place such as this for God knows how long.

  I wonder if she was once a performer here?

  Then, just as quick as the idea had entered, I decided I simply could not fathom it, and dismissed the notion altogether.

  After quietly gaining her composure, Lucia stood and muttered, “Certainly. Follow me.”

  Following her down the long corridor of identical doors, I wondered how many rooms— how many other performers— there could possibly be!

  At last, Lucia stopped before one of them, turning to me as she pushed down upon the lever. “This will be your suite, Gretchen.”

  As the door pushed opened, I gasped at the room before me. It was so much larger than it would have appeared from the outside, than I had ever imagined it would be. In fact, it was downright expansive! I had known folks back in my home country whose entire homes were not the size of this room!

  My eyes fluttering over it, I strove to take it all in. The showpiece of the room was a massive, hand carved wooden bed, the four posts towering towards the high ceiling. It was ensconced in plush velvet bed curtains, a deep red, as it seemed with everything else there. I felt a transient shudder run through me at the unexpected reminder of blood. The bed was clothed in linens of an exotic white silk, the only fabric I had seen in this place thus far which was not red.

  This impressive bed was situated upon a sprawling intricately patterned exotic rug, likely from a far off Asian country, I presumed. The walls were covered in an ivory jacquard fabric which shimmered quite fascinatingly in the reflective flickering of the candlelight. The great span of windows was framed in corresponding velvet curtains as the bed— yet more red. My eyes moving about the room, I noticed that over in the far corner, situated beside an imposing stone fireplace, was a tub for bathing fashioned of moulded marble. Though I had come from a reasonably well-off family— and we were
fortunate to possess a tub, though it was a metal one— still I had never seen anything quite like it.

  “I trust this will be to your satisfaction?” Lucia asked indifferently, though I understood it was not really meant to be an actual question, but rather an obligatory confirmation.

  “Yes, thank you. It exceeds my expectations,” I replied, my voice full of enthusiasm.

  “Well, for that I am relieved,” she responded, the sarcasm bleeding into her tone. “I certainly would hate for you to become disenchanted with us.”

  The foulness of her sudden attitude prompted me to look at her rather oddly. Ignoring me, Lucia went on, “I shall send a handmaiden to you presently.” With that, she turned and was off without so much as another word.

  Bristling against her coldness, I tried to brush it off, telling myself what did she matter to me, besides. Turning to my room, I regarded it once more before going to the bed and lying down for a spell. It had been quite the day!

  The several days to my debut performance seemed to fly by. I must have went over the endless possibilities in my mind a dozen times. Every time I passed a male performer in the corridor, I could not help but wonder if he would be the one I would relinquish my virginity to. When, at last the day arrived, my stomach was all tied up in butterflies as I ate my afternoon meal, knowing that by the time I was finished, the assignment list should be up for viewing.

  Trying to keep my nerves steady, I slowly made my way to it, reminding myself to breathe. Finally, there I stood before it, the long scroll of paper with names written in careful script all over it. Running my finger down along it, I thought I would never find mine, until at last, it jumped out at me.

  Gretchen— Debut performance with Vincenzo.

  Vincenzo… hmm. I wonder which one he is?

  Surprising myself, I actually was a bit disappointed that I had not been assigned to a more exciting lineup, such as two men. But then, I reminded myself, there would be many more nights in which I would surely have the opportunity to get my fill of decadent sex of all sorts.


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