The Seduction of Gretchen: Paranormal Erotic Romance (Anam Céile Chronicles)

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The Seduction of Gretchen: Paranormal Erotic Romance (Anam Céile Chronicles) Page 2

by Scarlett, Rosalind

  Not yet familiar with many of the other performers, I could not help but wonder who my designated partner was. I thought perhaps I should ask around, but then quickly decided against it for fear of appearing daft. I would just have to wait until then to find out.

  Whoever he is, he better be good! After all, this will be my first time. I certainly hope he will make it memorable.

  To say I was not disappointed would be a stark understatement, indeed.

  I was trembling as I ambled onto the stage in the flowing white gown in which they had dressed me, I presumed as a symbol of my purity. Already there waiting for me was one of the most handsome men ever I had laid eyes upon. Tall and extremely well built, he had black wavy hair which hung down his neck and over part of his face, barely hinting at the striking green eyes from which he stared out at me lustily. Entirely nude, his rather endowed manhood pointed to me eagerly.

  So this is Vincenzo. Oh my!

  With his glistening, bronzed skin, we made for quite the contrast, which I was sure was not arranged by mistake. It would make for all the better show.

  Mister Tall, dark and muscular takes the fair, young virgin maiden.

  And though I had heard he was no more than twenty years of age, he appeared to be every bit a man as many older ones I had known. He was the man most women only dream of having for a lover. And here I was fortunate enough to have him for my first.

  The way Vincenzo stood there fixedly waiting, devouring me with his penetrating gaze set my insides to liquefying, making me so lightheaded, I thought I would surely faint right there on the spot. However, there was no way I was going to humiliate myself like that— or miss this delicious opportunity before me.

  Inviting me to him, he lifted his arm, reaching his hand out to me. By the time I had reached him, I was practically panting with anticipation. Immediately taking control, he wrapped his arm about my waist, abruptly pulling me to him. I gasped at the feel of his hot body against mine. Towering over me, he leaned down to look upon me. Before I knew it, his lips were claiming mine, his tongue seeking mine out hungrily. I did not hesitate in accepting, relishing the novel feel of his tongue dancing about mine.

  God, he tastes good!

  After he had thoroughly kissed me, making it clear that he would have me, Vincenzo released his hold upon me, taking a step back. My legs severely weakened from his incredible kiss, I nearly collapsed. Instead I managed only a slight stumble. His hands moved up to my chest, and grasping the delicate fabric of my gown he pulled them apart, ripping it straight down the middle. I detected some restlessness from the audience as the gown fell off of me and to the floor. I felt a moment of sudden shyness as realisation washed over me that I now stood naked before not only him, but also the hundreds of Vampires in the audience.

  Vincenzo’s eyes raking hungrily over my body as they were, I felt myself already growing impatient for this to commence. Likewise valuing the sight of him, I wanted him to take me. I was beyond ready to know the feel of a man claiming me with his cock, hard and ready to bestow me pleasures which only a woman could know.

  Chapter Two

  So many years had passed since that first night, since my steamy deflowering on stage before the crowd of bloodthirsty Vampires. In those years, there was virtually nothing I had not seen, had not done. I was fairly confident I had grown completely numb to the Vampires whom I was required to service and all of their varying idiosyncrasies.

  While I did not necessarily mind that part of my job, still I had no particular attraction to them. I merely tolerated them. Some were more pleasant than others, and some flat-out revolted me. But most of them just were.

  I certainly had never become entranced by one, or gave any further thought to them after my duty was done and I left the room.

  That is, until the night he walked into the club— and right into my soul.

  As I mentioned earlier, I was in the middle of relishing my performance with two of my favourite, most scrumptious males. As the German male moved away from my face to trade places with the Italian occupying my sex, my view was opened up. Before it happened, I had been whimpering, intensely impatient to be filled again. But somewhere amidst their transition, my focus shifted.

  Drawing me away from my carnal euphoria, I felt an exceptionally penetrating stare from someone in the audience. Turning my head to the side I gazed out. At once, my eyes were met with those of another’s and there was no mistaking that it was he who had alerted my senses.

  Filled with an unsettling confusion, I forced my eyes shut to try to refocus on the pleasurable sensations in my body as I felt a hard male organ pushing its way inside me again. Instead, my mind wandered, thinking of him.

  Strange, he is a Vampire. That has certainly never happened to me before.

  Unable to stop obsessing over him and worse yet, to realise what the two men were even doing to me any longer, I peeled my eyes open again. I was shocked, yet delighted— yet shocked at myself for being delighted— that his gleaming blue eyes had never departed from me. They were the most intense, the most expressive eyes I had ever beheld.

  In that very instant I was utterly captivated by him.

  Then, to my dismay, I was picked up and flipped over, the Italian male coming forward and pushing his cock into my face, forcing my concentration away from him. Though I was no longer in the position to see him, nonetheless, with every move I made, with every thrust of them into my body, I felt him watching me, making me involuntarily hotter by the second. I found myself wanting to keep eye contact with him, wanted to be staring into his eyes while my body was being taken by them.

  In such a daze I was over him that I had scarcely even realised that they had finished with me. Paying them little attention, I rose up and quickly located him. Easily spotting his long, wavy pale blonde locks, with one last evocative look into his deep eyes, I exited the stage.

  My heart began pounding in my chest as I raced back to my chamber to cleanse myself of my performance. I knew I had plenty of time before I had to reappear for the selection process, so I decided to draw myself a bath so that I would be fresh for him. There was no question in my mind that, after what we had obviously shared, he would be there waiting for me, to request my services.

  As I lay there in the bath, I could think of nothing else. Never before had I been so affected by someone. I did not quite know what to think of it.

  I don’t know what it is about him. Never has a man— human or Vampire— gotten to me as this. Sure, I have been attracted to other men, intensely desired them even, and relished my experiences with them; but still, that was nothing like this. That was merely a physical desire, whereas this is so much deeper. If my entire lifetime was to pass by and never did I see him again, still I would not be able to shake this impression he has marked upon me.

  It is as though he has touched my very soul, though how he has done that with nothing more than a mere look, baffles me. If he has had this big an impact upon me from a look alone, I cannot imagine how it will be if ever I actually have the occasion to physically be with him, talk with him. Furthermore, paradoxically, the thought of not having that chance, already has my soul aching for the significant loss it would suffer as consequence.

  Rather anxiously, I rose from the tub, becoming more excited with each passing minute as I dried and prepared myself to go to receive him. I quickly smoothed my strawberry hair and slipped into my slinky, nearly transparent, long silk dress. Taking one last look at myself in the mirror, I smiled at myself in approval. As I exited the grand room, my stomach filled with butterflies. By the time I arrived back at the performer’s lounge, my head was so light, I could scarcely see straight.

  Of course, I had to wait my turn to be presented for selection, which only gave the butterflies more time to affect me. By the time my turn had come, I felt nearly nauseous! Stepping up onto the platform, my heart began racing within my chest. I knew that the heightened reaction of the blood within my body would serve to make the Vampires tha
t much more crazy. Likely, they would all want me to select them. Nevertheless, none of that mattered to me.

  All that mattered was one.

  I walked forwards, my eyes scanning the throng of zealous Vampires crowded around the platform down below me, looking for the only one I was here for. Actually, I was somewhat surprised that I was having to look for him at all. I had expected he would be eagerly right in the front so that I would not miss him.

  Not that I could.

  But then, reminding myself of his clearly enigmatic personality, perhaps he was the sort he preferred to remain out of the bustle of it all, choosing instead to stand patiently off to the side.

  Ignoring the Vampires in the front who were shaking their eager hands towards me, I scanned the sides of the crowd.

  I did not see him.

  My eyes moved to the centre, feeling the anticipation at seeing him again any second rise within me.

  He was not in the centre either.

  Of course. Someone as sophisticated as he would be standing quietly somewhere in the back, maintaining his composure as a refined gentleman rather than acting a fool as are these other Vampires.

  Smiling to myself at my cleverness, I quickly shifted my eyes towards the back of the crowd, skimming over each face, beyond ready to behold his once again, to chance those eyes…

  When I came to the last one without finding his, a sinking feeling began to creep up into my gut, disturbing the giddy butterflies flocked there.

  No, this cannot be… he has to be out there! I must have missed him— though how I ever could, I do not know— or perhaps he has arrived late.

  Feeling less assured, I began the same process all over again. The Vampires were swiftly growing impatient for my attention, yelling out at me, throwing their arms into the air, their hands in my face, making it all the more difficult for me to concentrate.

  As I scanned through the crowd once more, panic began to take over, settling deep in the pit of my stomach, killing off the rest of the enchanting butterflies.

  I do not understand. How could he not be here?

  Just then, the sound of Lucia’s irritated voice tore me away from my brooding.

  “Gretchen, the Vampires grow restless. Make your selection now!”

  Select someone else?

  The idea of such a thing was suddenly so foreign to me. I had not even considered it. I had set out here tonight prepared for him, not one of them! All at once I felt nauseous.

  Forcing myself to actually look at their faces, I suddenly resented my duty. I could not fathom taking another in the back tonight. Hastily, I perused the faces, seeking the most docile appearing one, in hopes that he would take it easy on me. However, I knew all too well how deceiving their outward demeanours could be. The thought of one of them touching me suddenly had a sickening effect upon me.

  Finally I chose the most harmless looking one, just praying for this to be over with as soon as possible. I am not even sure what he looked like, for in that moment, it did not matter.

  I remained completely silent as he followed me back to the VIP corridor. Mechanically, I opened the door, and motioned towards the settee.

  He went in and I followed, shutting the door behind me.

  When I turned around, he was staring at me hungrily. “Remove your gown,” he ordered.

  Complying, I slipped the straps from my shoulders, letting it fall into a pile of silk about my feet. His eyes darkened as they roved over my body, taking me in appreciatively.

  Nodding in approval, he patted his leg and said, “Come here.”

  I moved to him, his arms wrapping about me and pulling me down to his lap abruptly. As his hands claimed my breasts, I stared straight ahead, detaching myself from the unwelcome experience. Seemingly unaware of my disinterest, he moved his cold mouth to them. As he drew them in ravenously, his hands descended down the line of my abdomen seeking the coveted source of warmth nestled between my legs.

  A shudder travelled through me as his cold fingers pried greedily at my sex.

  Emitting a low growl under his breath, suddenly he flipped me onto my back, forcing my legs apart, exposing me to the cold which emanated from him. The beast within taking over right before my eyes, no longer was he the docile Vampire for which I had hoped.

  His hands hurriedly spreading my delicate folds of flesh, he shoved his fingers up into me roughly, making me cry out. Seeming to be fueled by my reaction, he did it again, only harder this time.

  My stomach twisted. This was the last thing I had wanted tonight.

  Then making me sicker yet, he dove his face into my sex, his cool skin pressed against the contrasting hotness of the tender flesh. I cringed as I felt his cold tongue darting all about it.

  I wished desperately that I could simply fake orgasm and expedite this. But I knew that it would not be possible to fool a Vampire as that. They could smell it. And they coveted the taste of it saturating our blood with its chemicals of ecstasy.

  What I did I know was that the sooner I reached climax, the sooner this would all be over with. That was all I had. And I knew what would get me there faster than anything else.


  I wish I at least knew his name!

  Though, it was not easy against the haphazard movements of this orally unskilled Vampire, I managed to force him out of my surroundings and brought in the one who had already come to possess my thoughts in such a short time.

  Instead of that Vampire, I saw his long, wavy pale blonde hair between my thighs, it was his tongue I felt exploring me, pleasuring me. And though I knew it would never be possible, I imagined him coming up between my legs, his manhood hot and hard for me, and slipping inside of me over and over again.

  Taking me. Claiming me.

  With the thought of that, I felt my insides tightening in excitement, and finally releasing its wave of pleasure. Unfortunately, this excited the Vampire who had been busy between my legs, his grunting ripping me away from my fantasy and and dragging me back to reality.

  My orgasm still pulsating through me, I shuddered as he slurped up my juices, greedily pushing his cold, stiff tongue up inside in attempt to taste more.

  “You are so mouthwatering!” he remarked when he finally came up from air. “Far better than any other female I have tasted!”

  I bet he says that to all the human women he is about to devour!

  “Wait until you taste my blood!” I replied, trying to encourage him to speed it along.

  Not that he needed any encouragement. A low growl emitted from the Vampire and he was on me before I could breathe in, sinking his fangs into my neck. He was quite a bit rougher than I thought he would be. But as I said, one can never predict much of anything with these Vampires.

  Biding my time as he drank from me, my mind automatically took over and it was him who was drinking from me, taking what he needed from me. Never had I wanted to give of myself to a Vampire, and now I found I wanted more than anything to give everything of myself to him.

  At last the Vampire had finished, releasing me abruptly.

  “Thank you,” he said, instantly recommencing his gentlemanly composure. “You were just what I was in the mood for.” Wiping his mouth carefully with a handkerchief, he gave me a smile and went for the door.

  “Until next time,” he said hopefully.

  “Yes… perhaps,” I responded cordially, though I knew right then I had absolutely no intention of selecting him again. He repulsed me. But then, I had to ask myself, was it any different from the rest of them? Or was it merely because I had been given a glimpse of something far superior to the other Vampires that my mind would not cease obsessing over?

  With a hopeful smile, the Vampire shut the door behind him. Slipping back into my gown, I made my way back to my own chamber, appreciative for the chance to finally be left alone to ponder just what had happened to me tonight.

  In truth, feeling consumed by this sudden loss of control of my own will, I wanted simply to clear my mind, or at least
to think of something insignificant for a while. I desperately needed to regain my sense of balance, to know that I was still an independent woman, capable of doing as I wish, not allowing another to dictate or influence my choices.

  After a few minutes of attempting this, I slumped back upon my bed in frustration. Try as I might, I resolved myself to the fact that I simply could not drive him from my mind. Nor was I successful in replacing him with more harmless, empty thinking. Actually, I found there was absolutely nothing else in my mind but him. With just one look, somehow he had succeeded in occupying every facet of my mind.

  I have always valued my independence of anyone else— especially from men— my freedom to do what I want, when I want, to enjoy having sex with whomever I want, not being committed to one person, my life restricted in any way by another.

  So how is it this has happened to me without my allowing it? What is this spell he has placed upon me? I never wanted this, never asked for it. And yet, all the same, here it is. Beyond my control…

  Somewhere amidst my deliberations, I fell into sleep. That night, I dreamt of him. Dreamt of him making love to me, of all things! I had to laugh at that, for I knew that would only be possible in my dreams. And every night thereafter I dreamt of him again. My mind was consumed with thoughts of him with every passing second.

  Utterly lost I had become to this man who I had seen but once.

  Not a day, not a minute passed that I did not find myself thinking of him. And every day that passed and I did not see him again only made me feel more restless, more frustrated, and more foolish.

  Likely he was merely passing through our fine city and I shall never see him again. I am fairly certain I have never seen him here before. No, actually, I am positive. Never could I have missed someone like him.


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