by Joe Jackson
river otters (perros de agua)
Rogers (Wickham’s Orinoco
Roman (Jesuit priest in Venezuela)
Roosevelt, Franklin Delano
Ross, Sir John Clark
rosy periwinkle, biopiracy of
Rough Notes of a Journey through the Wilderness from Trinidad to Pará, Brazil (Wickham)
Rousseau, Henri
Royal Botanic Gardens, in Calcutta
Royal Botanic Gardens-Kew:
cinchona seeds stolen for
directors of
economic botany mission of
Far Eastern rubber stock sent from
India Office collaboration of
plant collections of
public access to
rubber cultivation at
staff of
as state institution
Wickham’s relations with, with
Wickham’s seeds brought to
Royal Colonial Club
Royal Geographical Society
annual supplies of
in Brazil, see Brazilian rubber trade
commercial uses of
curing of
harvesting of
initial European exposure to
rubber (cont.)
labor abuses in collection of
military uses of
names of
prices of
purity of
speculative investments in
types of ; see also specific rubber-plant species
U.S. as largest consumer of
vulcanization of
worldwide production levels of
Rubber Age
Rubber Booms
Sachs. F.
Sackville, Sir Lionel
Saldaña Rocca, Benjamín
Salisbury, Robert A. T. Gascoyne-Cecil, Lord
Sanción, La
sand flies (zancudos)
San Fernando de Atabapo, Venezuela
Santarém, Brazil
Amazon-Tapajós juncture at
confederado settlements near
English school in
hevea seeds smuggled through
Jesuit mission in
racial history of
soybean cultivation near
Santos, Roberto
São Paulo Railway Company
sarrapia tree (Dipteryx odorata)
Saturday of Glory
sauva ants
Scholz, Waldeman
Schroeder Lessa, Luis Gonzaga
Schurz, William
British public spending on
economic benefits of
as male domain
Scully, William
sea cucumber (bêche-de-mer)
Sephardic Jews
Sepoy Mutiny (1857)
sequoia trees
seringa (syringe rubber)
seringal (ciringal)
Serique, Julio David
Serique family
Serra de Humayta
Shelley, Percy Bysshe
Siccama Plan (1880)
silk grass (arghan) (Bromelia magdalemae) (Colombia pita fiber)
silk moths
Silva Coutinho, João Martins da
Sinclair, Upton
Singapore, hevea cultivation in
Sitio de Taperhina
Smith, Herbert H.
snowy egrets
Society for the Protection of Birds
Solomon Islands
Somme, First Battle of (1916)
soybean cultivation
Spanish Conquest
Speke, John Hanning
sponges, farming of
Spruce, Richard
on Amazon Forest
background of
on Brazilian rubber trade
in cinchona theft effort
on Guaharibos tribe
Pará fine source sought by
on rubber collection
in Santarém area
Sri Lanka, see Ceylon
Starley, John Kemp
steam navigation
Stevenson Rubber Restriction Plan
stingray, Potamotrygon
Stonequist, Everett
Storach, W. M.
Straits Settlements
strangler fig (matapalo)
streetcars, electric
Stroop, Allie
sucuruju (anaconda)
sugarcane plantations
in Australia
in Brazil
Surinam, rubber industry wiped out in
Swayne, Sir Eric
Swietenia mahogani (mahogany)
syringe rubber (seringa)
Talking Cross -50n
Tapajós (Tupaya) Indians
Tapajós Pará Rubber Forests Ltd.
Tapajós River
tea plantations
Tears of the Tree (Loadman)
Teatro Amazonas
Teatro do Paz
telegraph wires, rubber insulation of
telephone service
Temash River
temblador (Electrophorous electricus) (electric eel)
Temple, Hercules
terra firme
terra preta do Indio (Indian black earth)
Thiselton-Dyer, William Turner
Thomson, Thomas
Thwaites, H. K.
tin mines
ti-ti monkeys
tires, rubber
tobacco cultivation
tonka beans
toothpick fish (candiru)
Torquemada, Juan de
transatlantic cables
Transcontinental Express
tree frogs
maximum sizes of
in sacred mythology
see also specific tree species
tropical forests:
clear-cutting of
dangers and discomforts in
ecological functions of
fertility of
insect life of
native mythologies of
rainy season in
sounds of
species diversity of
strangler fig of
transcendent states induced in
tree-growth patterns of
vines of
see also Amazon Basin
Tucker, Quincy
Tulum, Talking Cross in
Tupaya (Tapajós) Indians
Tupi Guarani
turkey buzzards
tutuma (calabash)
Uapés River
ubá canoes
Ule (Castilloa elastica)
ultraviolet rays
United North and South Oil Company
United States Rubber Company
uti possidetis
vampire bats
Vanderbilt, Cornelius
Van Roosmiler, Marc
Vaughan, James
civil warfare in
confederado refugee group in
gold mining in
governors of
northern llanos vs. southern forests of
rubber collection in
tribal peoples of
Ventura (lancha pilot)
Victoria, Queen of England
Victoria amazonia
Victorian era
Victoria Peak
Villares, Jorge
Walker, William
Wallace, Alfred Russel
Wardian greenhouses
Watkins (Wickham’s confederado travel companion)
Weir, John
Wetherall, Lucille
white rubber (mbungu) vine (Landolphia)
White Women’s Protection Ordinance (1926)
Wickham, Christine Francis Pedley
Wickham, Harriette Jane, see Pilditch, Harriette Jane Wickham
Wickham, Harriette Johnson
in Brazil
millinery business of
Wickham, Harry
Wickham, Henry (father)
Wickham, Henry Alexander (son)
biographer of
biological piracy of
in Brazil
in British Honduras
childhood of
in Conflict Islands
death of
family background of
family members taken to Brazil with
finances of
health problems of
Hevea brasiliensis drawings of
homes built by
Honduran government employment of
India/Ceylon posting sought by
Kew relations with
knighthood bestowed on
later years of
marriage of
Mayan negotiations with
mountain-climbing experience of
native lifestyle adopted by
in Nicaragua
on optimal growth conditions for hevea
in Papua New Guinea
personality of
Wickham, Henry Alexander (son) (cont.)
physical appearance of
plantations of
public acknowledgment of achievement of -42n
in Queensland
rubber-tapping work of
self-promotion efforts of
solitude and loneliness of
on tribal peoples
in Venezuela
writings of
Wickham, John Joseph Edward
Wickham, Joseph
Wickham, Sophie Phillips
Wickham, Violet Case Carter:
background of
in British Honduras
in Conflict Islands
death of
health problems of
marriage of
memoirs of
on native peoples
personality of
physical appearance of
in Queensland
on rubber biopiracy
servants of
in successive farm efforts
travels described by
on Wickham’s career
wilderness housekeeping of
on wildlife
Wilken, W. A.
William Henry Clarence, King of the Miskito Nation
William of Wykeham
Wilson, E. O.
Wolfe, Thomas
World War I,
World War II,
Wycherley, P. R.
Yanomami tribe
Yberra Ortol, Filipe
yellow fever
Yucatán Peninsula
British Honduran border with
violence on
zancudos (sand flies)
Zebu cattle