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Dream of Me

Page 9

by Magenta Phoenix

  “What are you looking at?” he bit out, stepping closer to her in effort to intimidate her. It was working, but she refused to back down.

  “Are you supposed to be the Gu’an?” she asked with disbelief.

  “I am.” At her look of disbelief, he asked, “Why are you disappointed?”

  “You don’t look like a king. You look like all the others.”

  Scoffing, he walked past her to the raised platform. The thick muscles in his arms and back flowed beneath his skin with every step he took. Settling down on his thrown, he glared back at her. “Forgive me for not living up to the expectations of a backward thinking primitive.”

  Arching her neck backward in offense she returned his glare. “Excuse me? How do you think I’m a primitive? You people live in a castle with no running water, electricity or any other technology and you think I’m a primitive?”

  “We have no need of such things in Garmoria. I call you a primitive because you are human. I know all too well how your people think. You are a silly and inferior people that believe anything different from you must be destroyed or bent to your will.”

  Elena couldn’t find the words to combat his accusing tone. It was hard to tell whether he truly held grudges against humans — as he referred or if he was simply trying to force a reaction from her. Taking a gamble that is was the latter, she changed the subject.

  “What’s your name?” Her question utterly baffled him and almost had her laughing at his look of bewilderment.

  “What?” he asked leaning forward in his thrown. His eyes searched hers with an abundance of confusion.

  “What’s your name? You do have a name, right? Or are you simply known as Gu’an?” Taking a step closer to the platform she held out a hand in greeting, “I’m Elena.” The Gu’an simply stared at her hand warily. He tilted his head side to side, surveying her hand from every angle as if she concealed a weapon.

  “What are you doing?” he asked, his eyes narrowing with suspicion.

  “It’s called an introduction. It’s a human thing. Does your kind have no understanding of polite manners?” she smirked as his brows lowered further at her jibe.

  “I am called Cian.”

  When he made no move to shake her hand, she dropped it while taking a step back. “Well, now that’s out of the way. Why am I here?”

  Bracing his elbow on the arm of his thrown, Cian leaned back against cool stone. “Li’r believes that you have information as to why the Kelithians from last evening attacked you.”

  Scrunching her brow with confusion she ran a nervous hand through the length of her hair. “That was last night? What time is it anyway and why is it still dark out? And who is Lee-r?”

  Cian’s lips curled into a soft smile as he chuckled at her rush of questions, “You are a very strange female, Lady Elena. It is mid day and it is always this dark here. Our world possesses no sun like your world does. Li’r is our term for the leader of the warriors — the people that keep Garmoria safe. I believe you met him last night after the attack. He is also known as Arlen.”

  The image of the terrifying man that bore spiked coverings on his hands suddenly rose from her memory. That was the general of their army? His bloodcurdling appearance suddenly made sense to her. And like the king, the general seemed to dislike her on sight.

  “Why did those men try to take me last night?”

  Slowly rising from his thrown, Cian stepped off the platform while watching her. “I was about to ask the same thing. Why would Zyaid have such an interest in you?”

  She shook her head in confusion. What was he talking about? “Who the hell is Zyaid? Look; Kieran explained to me that your people and the Kelithians — or whatever, are at war. However, I have nothing to do with that. There is no reason why anyone would want to kidnap me.”

  “And yet two Kelithian warriors risked death by crossing the Greenwood and coming onto our land to kidnap a human woman that had been here for barely a few hours. Never have they been this foolhardy and something tells me that it has to do with you,” he said, pointing an accusing finger at her.

  “It wasn’t my choice to come here, you know,” she pointed out, resting a hand on her hip.

  Shaking his head, a tired sigh escaped from between his lips. “Regardless, as Gu’an it is my responsibility to protect the interests of my people. The priestess has informed me that you are Kieran’s sou’tali and as such you are entitled to my protection as well. If the Kelithians try to take you again they will see this old feud coming to an end very quickly. I won’t abide anymore senseless bloodshed.” Scratching at the back of his scalp, Elena didn’t miss how his large bicep tightened with eye-catching movement.

  Jerking her eyes away from the tempting sight she tried to focus back on what Cian was saying. How long had this war waged between these two people and what was the cause? Before she could summon the courage to ask her stomach let out a low rumble, drawing Cian’s attention from his thoughts.

  “I have kept you long enough. I will have Rurik escort you to the dining hall and get you some food.”

  With a dip of his head, he turned striding past her to the open archway. For a moment he spoke to one of the guards in hushed tones. She held herself still as she struggled to make out what was being said. They must have considered that she’d listen in on them because they seemed to speak a different language. She was still no closer to getting answers on what was really going on and to make mattered worse, it appeared as if Cian wouldn’t help in her endeavour to get home.

  “Lady Elena?” Turning toward the archway, she saw another gray skinned warrior watching her. His gaze watched her curiosity but was guarded like all the others. Flashing a smile, he stepped forward. “I am Rurik. I have been asked by Gu’an to escort you to the dining hall.”

  “I’d rather wait for Kieran,” she stated taking a step back from him. “He said he’d be back to get me.”

  Nodding, Rurik smiled kindly at her hesitance. “I understand; however Kieran is at a warriors meeting with the Li’r and may not return for some time. I wish only to obey my Gu’an orders and take you to get some food. I offer my protection in Kieran’s absence and promise that no harm will come to you.”

  Parting her lips to decline his offer for the second time and inform him she needed no one’s protection, her traitorous stomach decided to growl once again. Heat rushed up into her face as Rurik smirked at the sound. He held an arm out to her in a silent offer of an escort.

  “Come. Let me feed you and if you wish I shall answer any lingering questions you may have.” His gentle offer was too tempting to pass up. Wishing she could find the strength to quell her empty stomach, she reluctantly threaded her arm through his. Surely a simply meal couldn’t cause her any harm. With the comforting thought she returned his friendly smile as she walked beside him as she allowed him to guide her down the dark corridor.

  * ~ * ~ *

  Leaning against the cold stone at his back, Kieran crossed his arms over his chest as he listened to the sea of voices around him. Within the warrior’s chamber at the bowels of the stronghold, nearly a hundred warriors stood facing the Li’r as he paced back and forth with aggravation. From what he’d heard, the interrogation with the Kelithian prisoner from last eve did not go as the Li’r expected. It had been so long since their enemy was brave — or stupid enough to cross the Greenwood and onto their land.

  “What have patrols turned up?” Arlen demanded, turning his scowling face on the group of warriors in charge of last night’s sky patrol near the borders of their lands.

  “Other than the two the other night, there have been no other activity from the Kelithians,” Dajran answered lazily from beside Kieran.

  “You obviously missed something! Two of them crossed the Greenwood and into our lands, to make matters worse they did so under our noses!”

  “If I may, Li’r?” A young warrior boldly spoke up. “Perhaps the two were working alone.” When there was no reaction on his commander’s face, he
continued. “Kieran said himself that the two were after his sou’tali. Perhaps that was all they were after,” he stated, looking toward Kieran for support. Arlen also looked toward Kieran as the young warrior finished.

  “What say you, Kieran?” Arlen’s rough voice asked. “Do you think this was just the actions of two?”

  Pushing away from the wall he shook his head in denial. “It’s true that they said Zyaid wanted to meet her, but I doubt his motives are noble. Since these two failed. He could try again and not just for my sou’tali but everyone’s. What is unclear to me is why a human woman would be of such value to him."

  "Also, how did the enemy even know your mate was here, Kieran?" Lowen, a fellow warrior, asked from across the room. "It seems to me, Li’r that someone may be feeding the Kelithians information from within our walls."

  "Are you suggesting that we have a traitor among us, Lowen?" Arlen asked gruffly, allowing his hard gaze to rest on the reserved warrior. Lowen skillfully twisted a throwing blade between his finger while he replied, "How else would they have known? Furthermore, we should ask ourselves why a human female would be so valuable to them."

  Casting a grim look around the room at all the warrior’s under his command, Arlen reluctantly nodded, “I agree.” Pointing a finger at Kieran, his rough tone was weighed with impenetrable concern. “Watch your mate closely. If the enemy is bold enough to brave the dangers of the Greenwood it must mean your mate is important to them. We must all be ready if they attack again. The false king is becoming bolder by each month that passes. I fear more blood will be spilled again if we don’t end this conflict soon.”

  Slowly turning in a wide circle he directed his stern gaze toward the other warriors. “Everyone needs to be double vigilant. The safety of our mates and our way of life depends on it. Those of you that have begun seeking your mates — trust no one. Keep your mates close and well within your sights. Since the attack on the eastern village, we can afford no mistakes.” Holding his sharp gaze for a moment longer on his audience, Arlen looked away before waving his hand toward the ceiling in a sharp motion. “Dismissed.”

  Many of the warriors returned to their training, while others slowly filed mutely out the wide archway. The ones that were still on duty returned to their assigned posts. Crossing beneath the carved archway, a hand on his shoulder had Kieran coming to a stop just outside the warriors’ chamber. Turning around, Dajran’s concerned face greeted him.

  “How is your mate this day?”

  Scoffing, his hand reached up to scratch at the back of his head. “Truthfully, I do not know. All I can tell is that she seems angrier at my presence than anything she may be feeling from last night.” Seeing his friend fighting an inner battle behind his dark eyes, Kieran asked, “How does your seeking go? Have you been led to your mate?”

  Instantly, Dajran eyebrows lowered into a deep scowl. “I have.” At Kieran’s questioning look, he added, “It’s complicated.” Tightening his clenching fists at his sides, Dajran spun around and stormed away. Kieran was left starring after his friend in confusion. Apparently he wasn’t the only one with a difficult mate.

  Turning around also, he made his way back to fetch his mate. His mind worked furiously as he struggled to imagine what the king had wanted to speak to her about. Obliviously, Elena was an exotic mystery that would make any that encountered her curious. But why would the king wish to speak to her alone? Crossing through the dark courtyard, he made his way toward the main area of the stronghold. Before he could cross the open doorway, a voice called his name from behind.

  “Kieran!” Turning to look over his shoulder, he watched as a fellow warrior approached him. He instantly recognized him as Fylan — one of the Gu’an’s guards. “I’m glad I reached you in time. The Gu’an asked that I inform you that he had your sou’tali escorted to the dining hall for the mid day meal. You may retrieve her there.”

  Instantly, he felt a chill rush up his spine. Who had his mate? Garmorian males were very possessive of their mates and rarely allowed another male near them. He had not yet begun the Malrai Hin that would make Elena as his. Another would see it as an invitation to slip under her guard with his absence and petition her affections. His claws curled into deadly points as he took an aggressive step toward the Fylan.

  “Who has my mate?”

  Chapter Six

  “I’m not eating that,” Elena said firmly as she stared at the butchered animal displayed along the table in front of her.

  Pushing back in her chair she leaned away from the creature’s empty eyes that stared back at her. From what Rurik had told her, it was a plant eater of the forest called a lyra’der. It had the long legged body of a deer but bore three sets of horns. One short set at their temples, the second and longest pair sat between their dark pointed ears and the third curled outward from beneath the chin.

  The roasted meat gave off a scent that was a mix of burnt ham and spoiled milk. Casting her eyes around the large eating hall, she saw others ripping off huge chunks of meat from similar platters before digging in with gusto. Others were drinking something from thick, black horns that had once belonged to the lyra’der.

  Then, to her disgust, Rurik did the only think that could make it worse. Without a second pause, he ripped off a roasted leg from the displayed lyra’der and held it an inch from her lips. The sight of the under cooked meat as small dots of blood leaked out, caused her to turn her face away with disgust.

  “What’s wrong?” Rurik asked with concern before pulling the meat back to inspect it for himself. Nearly taking all the meat off the bone in a single bite, he tested the flavor. “It’s good meat,” he assured her. His hand reached out to rip off another juicy hunk off the carcass with a smile. Holding it out to her in offering, she fought against the rolling of her stomach.

  I think I’m going to be sick.

  Haven’t these people ever heard of a salad or a cheeseburger? God, she could kill for a cheeseburger and fries about now. But the putrid smell coming off the meat all around her was making her lose her appetite.

  “You need to eat to keep up your strength,” he stated with concern when she refused to take the offered meat from his hand. Turning back to look at the offered meat, she narrowed her eyes at Rurik.

  “Get that out of my face before you make me sick!” she gasped out loudly. With a confused expression he did what she asked. Throughout the dining hall, Elena noticed that she’d attracted attention from all the others with her outburst. Other males stared at her with curiosity and whispered amongst themselves, making her very uncomfortable.

  “Why is everyone staring at me?” she asked, breaking the awkward silence between herself and Rurik.

  Popping another strip of meat into his mouth, he turned to look over his shoulder at the curious gazes of the others around them. Smirking, he shrugged his wide shoulders. “You’re unique,” he replied in between chewing his meal.

  “Unique?” her face twisted in a disbelieving scowl.

  “You are one of the first mates that have been obtained by dream seeking. Others are curious about you. I can see why others would envy Kieran’s good fortune. With your coloring and your shape… you are very unique.”

  Rolling her eyes, she scoffed with disbelief. These people thought she was unique? She was just a slightly normal, plus sized, pale redhead. What was so unique about her? Part of her still couldn’t believe that she wasn’t dreaming all this. She needed to get home.

  Folding her arms over the top of the long table, she leaned forward, “Listen; you have no need to envy Kieran. I am nothing to him. This is all just a mistake. The first chance I get to go home, I plan on taking it.”


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