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Dream of Me

Page 19

by Magenta Phoenix

  Jerking her ankle free from his grip, she paced a short distance from him before turning her head to glance at him over her shoulder. “How do you know that? Have you been spying on me?”

  Shaking his head, he stood up, looking up at the dark sky, he laughed, “Do I look like I have the time to spy on you? Given the chance I would, but for now, let’s just say I have my ways of knowing these things.” Tilting his head to the side, he studied her as he took a small step forward. “But the truth remains the same. Kieran cannot return you because he is bound to you, but there are other ways to return you home.”

  Spinning around to face him, her arms crossed over her breast, unconsciously fluffing them up for his watchful gaze. “How? Sera said it was impossible.”

  “Impossible for her and impossible for Kieran, but I think you will discover that nothing is impossible for me.” Taking another step forward his hand stretched out to cup her shoulders. Bending his head close to hers, he locked his hard gaze on hers. “I know of a way to get you back home where you long to be.”

  Scoffing in disbelief, she leaned her head back from him. “Let’s just pretend for a second that I believe you. What would that mean for Kieran?”

  His gaze became sharper than a blade at her question. “What would that matter?” he hissed out between his sharp teeth.

  Something about how Rurik’s depthless eyes bore into her caused her stomach to knot with a sickly feeling. His words caused the fine hairs at her neck to strand erect. Did she dare trust Rurik? He was a guard of the king’s after all; didn’t that mean he was somewhat trustworthy? She was no fool by any means. It was obvious by his barely controlled expression and the deceitful masking smile on his thin lips that he didn’t intend to offer her a ticket home for nothing.

  When she made no move to answer him, his fingers tightened against the muscles of her shoulders causing her heart to seize with fear. As he glared down at her in hard silence, she watched as he closed up the remainder of space between them. As she prepared to defend herself if she needed to, the choice was taken from her as something barreled straight into the both of them from the side.

  Crying out in surprise, she was shoved off her feet. Landing on her back a short distance away, the air knocked out of her at the force of her fall. Coughing, she fought to draw air into her lungs as the startling sound of snarls and fighting erupted a distance from her.

  The sound of wings above her forced her to sit up, fearing that someone was about to drop down on top of her. Pulling herself upright, she was surprised as Dajran swooped down from above to land directly in front of her. His hands reached out to grip her by her forearms cautiously as he assisted her to her feet.

  “Are you hurt?” he inquired gently. His eyes roamed over her even though she shook her head in denial.

  Brushing his searching hands away from her, Elena shoved at her fallen hair that had pulled free during her fall. “I’m fine.”

  Nodding, he smirked, “Well at least one of you will be.”

  Brushing at the smears of dirt on her arms, she raised her narrowing eyes at him. “What are you talking about? What happened? And where is that pushy bastard Rurik?”

  Not bothering to answer her, Dajran smirked as he pointed at the sky with amusement.

  Scowling, she tilted her head back as she followed the direction of his finger. Her eyes widened, flabbergasted; her mouth fell open. High above them, Kieran and Rurik were engaged in a savage battle of wings, slashing claws and brute strength. Neither backed down from the other, but clashed together like two winged gladiators.

  Jerking her eyes to Dajran, her hand rose, pointing at the battle above them. “What the hell are they doing?” she exclaimed with disbelief.

  Dajran’s eyes flickered from her to the fighting duo above. “Battling.”

  Huffing at his response, she narrowed her eyes at him. “I know that! But why?”

  His confused expression turned to a hard, serious one. “Why would you need to ask? Kieran is defending you. Watch how well your mate protects you.” His hand waved toward the sky.

  Her fists clenched at her sides. “I don’t need him defending me or protecting me! You guys want to go beat your chest; fine, just leave me out of it.”

  His dark brows dipped into a scowl at her words. Most females would be watching with pride that their mate was ready to defend them. However instead this female was looking at the whole action like it was an atrocity.

  Shrugging his shoulders, he waved his hand at her in invitation. “Fine, go ahead and stop them — since you can take care of yourself.”

  Moving away, her jaw clenched tight at his refusal to help. Once she got those two fools away from another she was going to give Kieran a piece of her mind that he’d never forget. Moving to the center of the courtyard as they continued to clash together violently above, she tilted her head back as she yelled as loud as she could.

  “Stop this right now! Both of you get down here!” Neither one of them so much as faltered on a punch or a swipe of their claws. Pursing her lips in irritation she tried once more. “I said, stop it now, you flying idiots!”

  Still nothing. Briefly, she turned to look back at Dajran with a pleading look. His answer came in the form of an uncooperative shrug of his wide shoulders. Turning back around, she watched as Kieran lunged forward as Rurik attacked as well. They clashed together with the sound of pounding flesh and the singing of their claws slicing through the air.

  She watched with horrified exhilaration as Kieran was able to avoid every strike of Rurik powerful hands. Kicking out, Kieran nailed him in his chest, sending Rurik tumbling through the air until he crashed into the high branches of a tree, only a moment before Kieran bore down on him.

  The branches gave away under their weight with the sound of thunderous snapping. They tumbled down the length of the tree in a tangle of wings and thrashing limbs. Her heart squeezed in her chest as Kieran found himself pinned against the truck of the tree. He quickly jerked his head away second before Rurik’s claws barreled savagely through the trunk.

  If she didn’t do something soon they would kill each other. But what hope did she have to rip to powerful, enraged gargoyles apart without putting herself in the path of danger? As though a light breaking through the cloudy darkness of her mind, an idea took form.

  If at first you don’t succeed — cheat.

  Taking a deep breath she called upon her two semesters of theatre that she’d taken during her college years. Slowly she turned toward Dajran; his eyes met hers in confusion as she purposely caused her feet to stumble unsteadily.

  “Dajran…” She allowed the words to whisper between her lips weakly. Forcing her knees to give out, she tumbled to the ground in a fake faint. As her body crashed to the ground she closed her eyes and waited. Hopefully her false demonstration would draw the attention of the quarreling duo from each other.

  “Elena!” Dajran cried out in fear. He didn’t disappoint her as he rushed to her side.

  She expected to feel Dajran touch her with concern but he was never given the chance. Her eyes jerked open in surprise as strong hands jerked her off the cool ground and pressed her against a warm and solid chest. Raising her eyes she saw Kieran’s concerned face hovering over her. His breaths escaped in pants as his heart thundered against her side. Narrowing his eyes, Kieran turned an accusing glare to Dajran who took a cautious step back.

  “What did you do to my sou’tali?” he snarled. His voice emerged as cold as ice and twice as deadly.

  Not allowing Dajran to answer, Elena bucked and fought Kieran’s protective hold. “Zip the macho attitude, Birdman! Your wing-man didn’t do anything and put me down you oaf!”

  * ~ * ~ *

  Flashing a startled look, Kieran struggled to hold on to his squirming mate. What had happened? At Dajran’s shout, instantly the blood haze that had filled him just moments ago suddenly began to fade. Abandoning his mission the rid himself of a rival, he nosedived straight for the fallen form of his mat
e. Only to be surprised when she sat up in his protective embrace and began to snap her lovely lips at him.

  What did he do? Most women would be excited with the idea of their chosen mate fighting for her. Apparently his mate didn’t understand the honor.

  “Put me down!” Elena repeated through clenched teeth as she began fighting his hold.

  Tightening his arms around her, he lowered his face to hers until their noses nearly touched. “I will release you when I wish to.” At her silent glare he released a slow breath through his nose. “Now, why did you faint? Are you ill?" His gaze turned worried. Perhaps she wasn’t fully healed from the attack the other night.

  Scoffing, Elena shoved against his chest. "Nothing is wrong with me. It was the only way to stop your idiotic macho display up there."

  His expression hardened. It was an act? Growling, he narrowed his eyes at her. "Never do that again," He scolded. "Explain to me why you sought out another male’s attentions?” his question hissed out between his sharp teeth.

  Her lips pinched together a second before her hands shot upward; gripping both of his ears she gave them a sharp tug toward her. Eyes widening, Kieran shouted as pain shot from his abused ears. He struggled to pull his face away from his mate’s vicious grip, but with his arms holding his mate — there was no way.

  “Do you wish to release me now?” she sneered, tugging on his captured ears again.

  Reluctantly yet quickly, she found herself lowered onto her feet. His hands jerked her wrists down from his abused ears. Releasing her, his hands rubbed at the abused skin while keeping a watchful eye on his scowling mate.

  Taking a step back from his overwhelming presence, she crossed her arms over her chest. “And just for the record bud — I didn’t seek out anyone, not that it’s any of your business.”

  “It is my business!” he hissed out stepping closer to her. “You are my mate! I will fight any one that thinks to take you from me! It is my right!”

  “You both are being a bunch of cave dwelling, chest beating idiots!” Taking another step forward she stabbed a finger into his bare chest with her next words. “If I don’t want someone touching or talking to me, I’ll handle it myself! Leave Rurik alone!”

  Just as the words left her lips, Rurik dropped down on the other side of Elena, his chest heaving with exertion and rage. His skin was shiny with sweat and blood from the claw marks crisscrossed over his chest.

  His hard gaze cut from Kieran’s stern ones directly to hers, causing her heart to freeze in her chest. “I do not need defending from a female — unlike your male,” he stated with a conniving leer. Slowly he took a step closer to Elena, his gaze softened. “Perhaps you should take my offer and consider another male — a more worthy one.”

  At the last of his words, she watched as his gaze lifted over her shoulder, no doubt directing the words to Kieran. With a low snarl at her back she could feel Kieran move closer to her. Turning to see the danger brewing between the snarling two, she turned to the side and stretched her hands out toward both.

  “Both of you freeze right there!” Dropping her arms, she exhaled, spearing a hand through her long hair.

  There was only one way to end this, because if they decided to go back to ripping into each other — there would be no stopping them a second time. She still was conflicted over how Kieran kept the truth from her, but it didn’t change her growing feelings for him. Kieran had chosen her before his people; maybe it was time that she did the same. Slowly she turned around to face Rurik’s smug face. Nervously, she moistened her lips.

  “Rurik, I decline your offer.”

  His expression darkened as his lips thinned into a thin line. “Even after what I offered, you would still choose him?”

  Kieran instantly reacted to Rurik’s words. Placing a protective hand on her shoulder he edged to her side, keeping his hard gaze on Rurik’s. “What offer?”

  When Rurik gave nothing away, Kieran turned his gaze on his mate. Her shoulders stiffened under his watchful gaze as her eyes flickered nervously away from him. What had Rurik offered her in order to lure her away from him? His chest squeezed with the thought. All this time he had wanted to win his mate — win her respect and win her love — but was there something that could make all that count for nothing?

  “My answer remains the same, Rurik. I choose Kieran and I always will.”

  “We will see,” Rurik sneered with a smile. “I won’t stop until you’re mine.” His dark promise sent chills of fear down her limbs.

  The sound of Kieran’s deep growl was enough to shake her up enough to awaken her temper. Brushing off Kieran’s hand she moved forward so fast that she startled Rurik enough that he took several steps back. Fisting her hands at her sides, she clenched her jaw.

  “Go on,” she taunted, her face clenching in anger. “Open your stupid mouth and say one more thing. I may not have wings but I have my own brand of claws and I am more than happy to use you as my personal scratching post!” She ignored the restricting feel of Kieran’s hands as they gripped her shoulders from behind, holding her immobile.

  Stepping up beside his friend as Kieran struggled to restrain his suddenly vicious mate, Dajran narrowed his eyes at Rurik. Placing his hand on the hilt of his sword, he uttered a warning, “Leave now while you can, Rurik.”

  Rurik’s eyes flashed with hate as his gaze shifted from Dajran to Kieran before settling on Elena. The muscles along his jaw clenched tightly as he spun away. Taking a few steps away, Rurik’s gray wings appeared just before he launched himself into the air. They kept their eyes on Rurik as his form shrunk in the distance as he flew beyond the fortress walls.

  “Would you really have attacked him?” Dajran asked turning to Elena.

  Smirking at this bewildered tone, she nodded, “Absolutely.”

  Using his grip on her shoulders, Kieran spun her around to face him. "You human females are more vicious than you seem."

  Choosing to take his words as a compliment, the corners of her lips curled upward. “Don’t you forget it.” Jerking her eyes to Dajran, whom was watching their exchange with amusement, she added. “You should think about that if you are thinking about kidnapping your own mate.” Though he smirked at her warning, she saw his eyes harden as he crossed his arms over his chest.

  Smirking, Kieran took a step closer until he was up against her. Bending down, he brought his face within inches of hers. She hated at how his smirk widened into a smile as she arched away from his hovering face. "Tell me what Rurik said to you."

  "No," she replied stubbornly.

  "Why not?" he growled in displeasure.

  "Because it isn’t important." Not about to be swayed from his course, Kieran gripped her chin in his hand, raising her face to his.

  "I have ways of making you tell me," he whispered in warning. His warm breath feathered against her face as his lips hovered above hers.

  Licking her lips with anticipation, a single red brow rose at his warning. "Do your worst," she taunted.

  Smirking down at her, he held her face as he did exactly that. His lips crashed down over hers, stealing her very breath from her lungs. As his lips dominated her own, his hands moved around to her back, jerking her flush up against him.

  His desire for her pulsed with need against her stomach causing her to gasp. Her fingers curled against the hard muscles of his chest as her body came alive with need. She hungered for him more than anything in that moment.

  Breaking away from his sinful lips, Elena gasped as a hot ache of desire burned through her; she struggled to fight what she was feeling. Her breasts rose and fell as she panted in the aftermath of his claiming kiss. Like the right puzzle piece fitting perfectly with another, she knew no one would ever make her burn with need as he did now.


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