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Dream of Me

Page 30

by Magenta Phoenix

  Straightening her back, Elena shook her head in denial. Though his words were encouraging, it didn’t change the fact that they were now prisoners to the Kelithian king. When Zyaid ordered her to do whatever she was suppose to do, what choice would she have?

  Out of the silence a drum beat sounded like the heartbeat of the earth. Jerking around, she saw the courtyard was filled with over fifty warriors. All stood along the outer stone circle in the middle of the courtyard. Again the drum beat sounded before repeating again and again. It had begun.

  The crowd of warriors parted as a tall Kelithian man stepped into the inner circle. He seemed different than the other Kelithians, more deadly. Unlike the rest this Kelithian was dressed in dark trousers and a red, long sleeved shirt. His hair — while golden like the others — was cut short. His hard gaze met hers through the crowd of people. His eyes glowed solid white in the darkness causing Elena’s heart to freeze in chest.

  Never breaking eye contact the man began uttering a dark chant. Over and over the bone chilling words that he uttered slowly caused the ancient etchings around the stone circle to glow with golden light. Raising his hands upward, the man tilted his head up toward the sky. A sudden wind began whipping around the circle as his words became louder. The sky above began to turn black with dark power that he began to channel.

  "Who is that man, Kieran?" she asked fearfully.

  "His name is Toric, he is a Kelithian sorcerer. His power surpasses all, even Zyaid."

  It had begun. They were quickly running out time. If he didn’t get Elena out of Zyaid’s reach soon, there would be no stopping the Kelithians from destroying everything in their path.

  “Elena,” Kieran’s weak voice hissed out beside her, drawing her attention. Turning to look down at him, she fought not to allow her fear to show. Meeting her frightened gaze, his expression urged her to listen to him. “You must get yourself free and run. I cannot protect you from them now. Leave me and go.”

  “I have no chance at escaping without you, Kieran. And I’m not leaving without you.” Leaning forward, she wrapped her fingers around the vines that trapped him. Nothing she could do was able to pull the vines free from him.

  Time ran out suddenly as the howling wind quieted and the echoing drumming grew silent. Out of the sudden silence, a roar of thunder exploded as a burst of golden energy shot from the stone circle to the black sky above. Beneath them the ground cracked and shook with the force of an earthquake. Not a single Kelithian batted an eye at what was happening as Kieran and Elena watched with horror. The golden energy flowed like a raging river of fire between the magical circle and the sky above.

  The man’s muscles tensed with the force of the energy around him as his eyes looked on Elena’s again. “Bring the key forward.” Instantly, Elena felt the chain around her ankle disappear as two warriors came towards her. Before she could react, their hard hands gripped her arms like vices as she was jerked to her feet and shoved forward.

  Behind her, Kieran thrashed against his bonds. “Let her go!” he snarled out. His beastly form fought to emerge but his weakened state prevented him.

  Hearing Kieran from behind her, Elena began to fight as the warriors dragged and shoved her toward the inner circle. Within the crowd she saw Zyaid and Rurik watching with amusement as she was forced closer. Without a pause, she was tossed into the circle. Falling to her knees she struggled to breathe as the air seemed to be sucked out of her lungs within the circle. She was jerked to her feet again as Toric gripped her hands in his hard grasp. Her heart pounded in her chest as she looked into his empty eyes.

  Jerking her close to him, he clasped their hands together as he interlaced their fingers. Closing his eyes, his smooth voice began the same chant. Instantly she began to feel lightheaded as if this man was pulling her life force from her. Her hair lifted off her shoulders as the flaming energy whipped faster around them by the second. As darkness began to cloud her vision she was thrown away from the man holding her as the energy around them exploded.

  Landing outside the circle she instantly felt like she could breathe again. Gasping, she pushed herself up on her hands and knees as she looked back at the dark sorcerer. A red energy began to glow around him as his chanting words grew louder. Uttering a final chant, the red energy exploded from the man and reacted to the golden energy, creating a light to intense that Elena was forced to cover her face. The howling wind slowly waned as the explosion of light dimmed.

  The center of the circle now was empty as the wall of rippling golden flames still reached the sky. Slowly rising to her feet, Elena felt herself moving unwillingly toward to the circle. She had expected something grander if this was meant to open the veil between their worlds. Looking behind her, she saw the Kelithians stood back as Zyaid held up a staying hand. What were they waiting for? Moving closer, she focused on the flowing flames in front of her. A gasp of surprise was forced out of her as the energy suddenly sparked like volt electricity dancing along the current. Then like looking through a window, she saw it, sunlight and the familiar sight of San Francisco: her home. Her heart filled with dread as she took in the sight of her home.

  Abruptly she was shoved aside as someone moved past her toward the circle. Coming to stand before the image of the human world, Zyaid smiled with wonder. It had worked! Hesitantly he raised his hand toward the energy field; sparks snapped at his touch but allowed him to pass his arm through. Withdrawing his arm he turned to smile wolfishly down at the human female.

  “Seize her,” he ordered.

  Elena fought as two Kelithians moved to restrain her arms behind her. “What are you doing?” she hissed out. “We had a deal, Zyaid. I did what you wanted. Now let my mate and I go,” she whispered firmly.

  “To her knees,” Zyaid ordered with a smile. As she was forced roughly to her knees she watched as Zyaid drew his sword from his hip. “Don’t look so shocked, human. I neglected to tell you something about the crossing the veil. Only the one that opens the veil can bring it down again. Since I can’t risk you doing that, I am left with little options.” Shrugging his shoulders at his words like they were talking about the weather, he raised his sword above her head. Fear squeezed her heart inside her chest. Fighting against the hands that held her, she refused to submit to this. Her eyes watched in horror as the serrated edge of the sword came toward her face.

  Without warning another sword thrust in front of her face, clashing with Zyaid. The force of the sword clashing against his own caused Zyaid to stumble back. Gasping, Elena raised her eyes as the tall form of Kieran stepped in front of her wielding a long sword. With quick movements, he cut down the Kelithians that held his mate.

  “No one threatens my mate!”

  Zyaid eyed the Garmorian with distaste as he backed away. Narrowing his eyes in anger, Zyaid yelled to his warriors around him, “Kill him and the human!”

  Standing, Elena moved to Kieran’s side, her shock quickly faded away as the crowd of warriors turned their focus on them. Sensing her fear, Kieran spoke softly to her as he grasped her hand with his free one, “Don’t worry; you’re safe now.”

  Choking laughter bubbled up from her chest at his words. “I’m going to have to disagree with you on that one.”

  Several Kelithians charged forward with their swords raised. Their war cry caused Elena to tense, certain of immediate death. The battle cries suddenly were silenced as arrows flew around them and struck down the attacking warriors. Turning around, she smiled with surprise as an army of Garmorians dropped from the sky above.

  “I told you,” Kieran said with a weak grin.

  All Kelithians stood back with their weapons at the ready, awaiting orders from their master. Another form fell from the sky beside Kieran drawing all eyes. Rising from his crouched position, Cian stepped forward drawing his sword with a dark expression.

  “It’s over, Zyaid. This ends now,” His hard voice rang loud though he barely spoke above a whisper. “Order your people to lay down their weapons and I promis
e all will have swift judgment.”

  Smirking, Zyaid shoved his sword back into his sheath at his hip. “You know me well enough to know that will never happen, Gu’an. I’ve come too far to stop now.” Taking several more steps back, he kept a watchful eye on Cian as he moved. Jerking his eyes to his waiting warriors he yelled, “Attack! Kill them all!”

  An explosion of clashing weapons echoed around her as Kieran jerked Elena off her feet as a warrior lunged straight for Cian. Cian’s sword rang through the air as he met the lunging sword with his own.

  Shoved against the side of the fortress, Elena looked up at Kieran’s tense face. “Stay here,” he whispered harshly before turning away to rejoin the battle. More fighting ensued around them with the yelling of warriors and the clashing of steel.

  Near the inner circle, she watched as Rurik followed behind Zyaid as they moved toward the portal to her world. To her horror, they both passed through unseen. Several more warriors rushed from their fighting posts to follow their leader as the rest continued to battle the Garmorians around them. She had to do something. If they didn’t stop them — there would be no hope for her world.

  Moving from her hidden spot she raced forward. Dodging through the throng of swinging swords and powerful battling men, she rushed toward the rift to her world. She was a foot away before another body collided with her, sending her crashing to the ground. Rising up on her hands and knees, she quickly stood, jumping back as a warrior’s sword cut through the air near where she stood. Through the crowd of bodies, she saw Kieran. At the sides of Arlen and Cian, he fought. Wielding his sword he cut down Kelithian warriors as they came. Even from the distance she could see his weariness. Most of the Kelithian warriors had been overcome or killed. But still some followed their master through the rift to her world. She had to stop this.

  Not knowing what would happen, she savored a last look at Kieran. When she’d been forced to open the portal to her world, it felt like it had sucked her life force to do it. So what could she expect to happen if she were to attempt to close it? A small part tempted her to follow Zyaid back to her world. But as the thought came, it drifted away with the image of Kieran’s face. She no longer wished to return to her home. This was her home and now she had to save it.

  As though he could have heard her thoughts, Kieran’s gaze clashed with hers as another Kelithian fell to his sword. In that moment, she could see the realization in his eyes. He knew what she was about to do. Though growing weary, he shoved through the crowd of remaining fighters, his face panicked. Knowing he would stop her if he got close enough, Elena spun away and ran the last bit of distance to the portal.

  “Elena! No!” Kieran’s words rang aloud among the remaining heavy sounds of battle. Coming to a skidding stop in front of the inner circle, she focused on the image of her world. Gulping, she closed her eyes as she thrusted both of her hands into the flowing energy. At her touch, the energy current reacted, roaring like a hurricane and swirling around like a tornado.

  The energy surrounded her, feeding off her as her body jerked straight. Her head fell back against her neck as the hot magic rushed through her very cells. Burning and consuming her. Screaming, her eyes jerked open as Kieran rushed closer to her. Despite knowing this was the right thing to do, she found her hand reaching out to him as he reached for her. Their fingertips barely touched as the Kelithian energy reached its climax, causing the rift to explode in a blast of all consuming light.

  Before he could reach her, the force of the blast threw Kieran off his feet. Crashing onto the hard ground, black spots danced before his eyes as he struggled to sit up. He would not fail his mate. Leaping to his feet, he was forced to shield his eyes against the bright light before it slowly faded away. Unknowing to him, around him the waging battle came to a halt. Every warrior stopped as the explosion crashed over every being in the courtyard.

  As the light faded, the howling wind did too, leaving nothing but usual darkness everywhere. Within the inner circle, Kieran’s eyes widened as the last of the Kelithian magic faded to reveal Elena’s fallen form. Shoving on lookers aside, he reached her. Crossing into the circle, he tossed his weapon aside as he fell to his knees beside Elena’s crumbled form. Curled on her side her red hair was cast across her face like a silk veil, hiding her face from his eyes.

  Pulling her upper body into his arms, Kieran cradled her small form against his chest. “Elena?” he gasped out. His heart thundered so loudly out of fear that he swore it could be heard miles away. Lifting a claw tipped hand, he shoved her tresses from her face. He could feel his stomach clench with fear at her peaceful face. Her eyes remained closed as if asleep, but through their bond, he could feel nothing.

  “Elena.” With no response he felt his throat tighten. Lowering his hand to her chest, he waited for the comforting pattern of her heart beat. Nothing. Throwing back his head to the sky, he roared his rage. His lungs burned for air as reality settled around him. "No!" He shouted to the heavens as pain filled his being. His eyes burned with tears. Elena was gone. Wrapping his arms tighter around her, he crushed her lifeless body to his. Burying his face against her hair, his inner beast roared with grief as tears escaped from his closed eyes.

  His lips peeled back in a snarl as he felt others move closer to the circle. The weight of their pitying gazes hung around him. Tightening his arms around his mate impossibly tighter, he continued to seek her light through their link. But all he encountered was darkness. The bond was gone with his beloved mate. It wasn’t supposed to end this way, it was him that was meant to die, not his courageous mate. His soul refused to admit that she was gone. Deep inside his being, he could still feel her presence.

  Moving to press his forehead against hers, his hand gently cupped the back of her head. A flicker of light caught his attention close to Elena’s face. Slowly, his hand that tenderly cupped her head began to glow with the light of his life force. His eyes widened with hope. The Malrai Hin had not taken all his life force yet, there was still a chance. Not wasting a moment, he repositioned Elena until she was supported with just his arm around her upper back. Covering her still chest with his glowing hand, he covered her parted lips with his own. A heartbeat passed and then another before he felt his spirit open up and release what was left within him through his hand and lips.

  Gasps sounded around him as he felt Elena’s chest bow out as air filled her lungs. He felt as if his chest would burst with joy, but he couldn’t stop. It was too late to turn back now. As she coughed and struggled against the rushing hot sensation, he held her tight until the last of his life force poured into her. The familiar pain in his chest suddenly receded as the last of his life force was taken.

  He fell back from her as she shoved free from his arms. Her wide green eyes stared at him as a small hand fluttered against her chest. She winced in pain as her chest felt like it was on fire. With weak movements, Kieran reached out to tenderly cup her face as she stared down at him with bewilderment.

  “I thought I lost you,” he breathed out. Inside his chest he could feel his heart taking its final slow beats. He accepted it; at least he got to see her one last time.

  Chapter Twenty-Two


  Elena crawled toward Kieran as his eyes closed and he crumbled to the ground. She reached down to cup his cold face in between her hands. What had happened to him? She couldn’t explain the hot pain in her chest but she knew that something had gone wrong the second she connected with the Kelithian energy. She remembered wandering in darkness until suddenly a blue fire burned through her, dragging her back to the light.

  Looking over her shoulder helplessly, she met the solemn eyes of Cian and Arlen. “Do something!” she shouted. Why were they just standing there? “Help him!”

  “We cannot,” Arlen whispered in a low voice. “It is the Malrai Hin. It has taken his life force since the mating was not complete. What he had left, he gave to you.”

  Horror had her face paling. “What? No! We did complete th
e bond. I claimed him and so did he!” Whether she was arguing to assure herself or Arlen, she didn’t know. Kieran couldn’t die. Not after everything they’d come through.

  “The Malrai Hin can only be completed if the female accepts her mate with everything she is. Without it, the bonding is a death sentence,” Cian said grimly. Pressing her lips together stubbornly she turned back to Kieran’s still form. He was still breathing, but it was weak and each breath had her fearing another wouldn’t follow. So Kieran wanted to die a martyr, she’d see about that! Pressing her lips together in a firm line she glared down at her dying mate.


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