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Sex Sessions: After The Cut (Camera Tales #2)

Page 3

by Charisse Spiers

  She starts walking and I adjust my purse on my shoulder. "Oh, Saxton, you can get the bags," she calls out without stopping to ensure he even heard her. I can't concentrate on anything for trying to enhance my walk as instructed. I'm not real sure what was wrong with mine in the first place.

  I pretty much drool the entire way to her apartment door, stopping only long enough for her to open it. Twenty-fifth floor: what that view must look like. I follow her inside, stopping in the center of the room. Everything is tidy and decorated to resemble a magazine photo. Large framed posters of a magazine issue with a name I recognize hang on the exposed brick behind the couch. "Is that where you work?"

  "Yeah," she says. "Each time my article made front page header I had the issue cover framed. Pretty cool, huh?"

  "Amazing. Must be awesome to have that kind of accomplishment under your belt."

  "It is. I've worked my ass off to get here: endless hours, not much of a social life for a while, and relationship status that is non-existent, but it's paying off. What do you plan to do, Kambry? After your current career path, of course . . . Don't take this the wrong way, but you hardly look like a porn star. Eighteen, right?"

  "I'll be nineteen this Friday actually. Don't mention it to Sax. We've never discussed actual birthdays, as strange as that sounds. I guess it just never really came up, and I don't want him to feel obligated to go all out or anything. He's already brought me here. That's more than enough."

  "Eighteen, nineteen, same difference . . . "

  "I haven't really thought about it, honestly. The only thing I'm interested in is music, but I'm not sure what I could do with it. Anything would be pretty cool, though, if I could make a career out of something I love."

  "When you say music . . . do you mean singing, songwriting, or living through it from behind the scenes?"

  "Any of the above. I love singing, and I have tons of word scribblings, but if I'm honest with myself, I don't think I have what it takes to make a career out of that. I don't really like being the center of attention. I like so many different kinds of music and I've found that my favorite pastime is finding hidden gems that no one knows about. Sounds weird I know."

  She tosses her purse on the couch and turns toward me. "Actually, it sounds like you need to look into being a talent agent for a record label. You know, getting to listen to tons of cool bands and artists in places like bars, traveling all over to do so, judging music all day and getting paid for it. Imagine being the name behind the next big hit. I'm sure it's a competitive industry, but if it's something you have a passion for it's always possible."

  "I've never thought about that before. Thanks. It's definitely something to think about soon. I know I need to be thinking about what I want to do with my life aside from . . . this . . . thing we're doing."

  "Porn." She raises her brow and laughs. "It's okay. You can say it. I'm used to the term. I've watched enough of it that it doesn't make me blush."

  "Yeah, it still makes me slightly uncomfortable to say. Blame it on being sheltered all of my life." She walks to the small kitchen and opens the refrigerator, bringing back two bottles of water, and hands me one. "Thanks."

  Twisting off the top she takes a sip. "Yeah, which is my next question. How did a girl like you get pulled into porn? I get why my brother ended up there, but I'm going to guess that's not the case for you."

  "He hasn't told you?"

  "I haven't asked. If I want to know something I go to the source. Otherwise it's gossip and that's not my thing."

  "Well, I work, or worked at a nightclub." I point to myself. "Insert VIP fill-in at Saxton's table with some other people. Gosh, when I saw him I was scared to death I was going to spill a drink or trip on my heel. He kept looking at me and my entire body would shake. I was a nervous wreck. I'm sure it showed too. When he kissed me I was sure I'd never see him again. I figured I was just part of a joke since I probably looked like a total fan-girl, when really I was just uncomfortable. Then he came back at closing."

  I stop talking, remembering that first night . . . in the pool. I take a gulp of my water, trying to wet my now dry mouth. "He lured you a little at a time . . . didn't he?"

  She has a huge smirk set in place. "Yeah," I admit, defeated. "Did I get caught in a web that traps many?"

  "No, that's why it's so funny. I honestly don't remember Saxton having a single girlfriend until he went to college. It just didn't really seem to interest him. Maybe that's why he fell so hard for that cheating tramp."

  A twinge of jealously arises every time his ex-girlfriend is mentioned. It's stupid. She was before me, but she'll always be in the background in a way. "Just so you know, he never looked at her the way he looks at you, even after all that time. I didn't bring her up to upset you. Sometimes my mouth says things before my brain filters them."

  "No, it's okay. I never had that thought. I wasn't really upset anyway. I just don't have much experience period, so I wear expressions that I don't even know I have."

  She stares at me. I'm a little uncomfortable with the direction this encounter is going. I want her to like me. Our age difference makes it hard to read her. I don't know what's even taking Saxton so long. He keeps things light. "You really do love him, don't you?"

  "To the point I'd clearly do immoral things to have him."

  "Good. He deserves that. Don't hurt him, Kambry. I'm begging you. I'm not saying you would, but as his sister I feel I need to just say this. If you ever change your mind, which let's face it can happen, we're human, but please leave instead of doing what she did. I don't want to ever see him go through that kind of heartache again. This whole porn thing is fine for now, but he's getting older. It's not the filmed sex I'm referring to; it's the constant change of scenery if you get my drift. The two of you are entitled to do whatever you want for people to watch and that's your business, as long as it's a couple thing. I know deep down he wants what our parents have. The two of us have always been close. His loyalty to a woman is rare, and maybe why he didn’t date much, but the fact that it still exists within him after being taken advantage of is almost unheard of."

  "I know, and that's one reason I fell so hard. He'd be the one to leave. That I can promise." I shrug my shoulders. "He already has once. It was on its way to destroying me."

  She walks up to me and grabs me in her small arms, pulling me into a hug. "I guess it's a good thing he came to his senses then. Oh, and I’m glad you both are here.”

  "Thank you for having me tag along. I'm sure you wanted some time alone with your brother."

  "Oh, please. Don't even think about it. I love him and all, but he can be a bit of a bore in the fun stuff. We can do manis and pedis tomorrow. You like getting your nails done?" She backs up, looking at me. A burst of laughter escapes my mouth. "What's funny? Did I miss the punch line?"

  What I thought was a short burst becomes a laughing fit, stealing my air from my lungs. In my attempt to stop laughing a sound escapes that sounds something of a hyena. It’s something that only happens when I laugh really hard, which isn’t very often. After several tries at inhaling, I finally calm myself down. "Can we just talk about your brother's foot fetish and the fact that he can paint toenails as good as a woman?"

  She returns a laugh of her own. "Surprised you, didn't it? You. Are. Welcome."

  Banging occurs on the door, drawing my attention. Tynleigh walks over and opens it. Saxton walks in with the suitcase handles hanging from his arms and two hotdogs in one hand with stacked sodas in the other. The two bags of chips are being held between his teeth. He meets me halfway in my effort to take some of the load from him. I grab the chip bags and he releases his grip on them. "Hungry?" My attempt to be serious fails miserably.

  He bends to set the suitcases down on their wheels and bottoms, fishing his arms out of the pull up handles, careful not to spill what's in his hands. "Next time you two run off at least offer to feed a man. Pre-wifey lesson number one: a man is always hungry, especially in times following travel
, sleep, and sex. Since all three have occurred today, I'm fucking starving."

  "Pre-wifey lesson. God, you're adorable."

  Before I can say anything more like that I'm sure his sister doesn't want to know our sex schedule, he cuts me off. "No, beautiful. We've discussed terms that involve cute, adorable, and those of feminine nature. They do not belong in the same sentence when referring to your man. I'm a fucking beast, I'm sexy as hell, or even funny and sweet I can deal with, but nothing on my body is adorable. I'm not a puppy. Adorable does not come with an eight pack, a big pecker, and is not responsible for making your eyes roll back in your head. I am a fucking iron man. If you need me to remind you I will."

  My eyes are bugging out of my head. I can feel it. The man that can paint toenails with no shame, talk about fictional boyfriends and listen to me read romance, has a problem with the word adorable. It makes absolutely no damn sense. I'm a little mortified he speaks so openly about our sex life in front of his sister. I keep waiting for her to scream gross any second now, like any normal human being would do when someone mentions parents having sex.

  I say nothing as he extends a hotdog toward me. I take it, my lips pursed tightly together in fear that I may do something I'll regret . . . like ruin his testosterone-packed moment. "Well, sprout, I'm glad we established you do in fact have balls . . . incase any of us were confused. Is there anything else we should cover before I leave the two of you to your wieners?"

  I'm so glad she broke the ice. He shoves the end of the hotdog in his mouth. I can see the slightest hint of a smile on his face as he chews. I shake my head at him, waiting for him to swallow. "Nope. I think I covered all bases. Just show us where we're sleeping since you've moved since the last time I came to stay."

  "Oh, right," she says.

  He looks at me. "Eat up. We haven't had lunch and you don't come to New York without trying a street hotdog."

  "A street hotdog?"

  "Yeah, you know, the ones they sell out of the carts. Here, give me a bag of chips and take a drink."

  We exchange as Tynleigh grabs her purse and walks to the first closed door, opening it. "Here is where the two of you will be staying. It's not anything fancy, but you have your own room. I moved enough times to get a two bedroom at a decent price. Do what you want, but if it requires acrobatics and vocal training then give me a heads up so I can put in ear buds or go downstairs."

  She looks at her watch. "I need to go before my boss calls me. I'm supposed to be checking in. You guys fine? I'm pretty organized so nothing should be hard to find."

  Saxton shoves the last half of his hotdog in his mouth and gives her a thumbs up. "Okay, good. I'll be back later this evening."

  She starts to walk toward the door. "Oh." She looks back. "There is a spare key on the nightstand incase you need to leave. Don't do anything I wouldn't do, sprout."

  He looks at me and winks. "I don't think you'll have to worry about that," he says. "See you in a bit."

  "Oh, Kambry, we'll let Saxton tag along with us tomorrow. He may even enjoy it."

  She winks and walks out, leaving the two of us alone. Manis and pedis with Saxton. That should be an experience. I follow Saxton to the small table and sit down as he pulls out the chair for me. "So, what have the two of you been doing while I was gone?"

  "Just chatting."


  "How much of a sexy stud you are."


  "Hey, it wasn't a banned word at least."

  "You been thinking about that bucket list?" He asks as he pops the top on the Coke, followed by the sound of the bag crinkling as he opens the chips, tossing one in his mouth.

  "I don't really know what to choose. I've never been here before. We could just wander around and make a game out of getting lost."

  He smiles. "I may like being lost with you."

  We eat in silence. This is one thing I love about him. We can talk for hours and then sit here and just enjoy each other's company with no words at all. Some of what Tynleigh said earlier replays in my mind, now that I can actually think clearly. "I thought of something."

  He straightens his posture from the relaxed position he's in, and crumbles the now empty bag of chips. "Oh yeah?"

  "Yeah. It may be a little corny and outdated, but it's something I've always wanted to do."

  "What is it?"

  "Do any of those old, secondhand vinyl record stores still exist? You know, the ones you walk in and it's crates or bins filled with various records in no particular order, and the only way you can find the good stuff is by digging through every one?"

  The movement of his eyebrows proves he's a little surprised by my request. "I would have never taken you for a vinyl kind of girl. That's a little ahead of your time. I'm curious . . . "

  I shrug. "I don't know. I've just always been into music of any kind really, but I have this aunt that I rarely see - my mom's sister. She's a good bit younger than my parents and lives in Atlantic City now. She rarely comes home and my parents definitely don't go to see her. Maybe because she's cool as shit, unlike my parents, and doesn't really fit into their way of life. Anyway, when I was younger she used to live close by, so occasionally my mom would let me go stay with her for a few hours at a time. I remember she was into vintage stuff. You know, like old cameras, record players, stuff that you find at flea markets and secondhand stores or pawnshops. It was her hobby, but the thing that always intrigued me, even before I realized how much I love music, was this built-in shelf she had on one wall."

  I pause long enough to try and remember what it looked like. "It kind of looked like cubbies, but the shelves covered the entire wall, left to right and top to bottom, and were slam full of vinyl records. Most were, of course, people I had never heard of back then, but it was really cool, kind of like a real library of music. She liked to travel. She said every time she went somewhere new she would go exploring for old stuff, and never came back home without at least one new record to add to her collection. There was a few times she even played one for me. That may have been what hooked me with music. Since then, I’ve always wanted to start a collection of my own."

  He stands and holds out his hand for mine. "I'll talk to my sister and see if she knows of any. Surely there is one somewhere close by. For now, let's go lay down. I want to hold you in my arms and squeeze your boob."

  I smile and take his hand. "Of course. Let's not leave out boob squeezes in there. How romantic."

  "That's because those are my kryptonite. I'm not ashamed to say, if you ever want your way, just show me a boob or place it in my hand. Better yet, just shove your nipple in my mouth. Like a Jolly Rancher, one suck will never be enough."

  He grins at me, pulling me toward the bedroom Tynleigh told us was ours. "The things that come out of your mouth will never cease to amaze me."

  "It's all your fault."

  "How is it my fault?" I ask walking through the doorway and past him so he can shut the door. He turns the lock, and then without warning comes at me in full attack mode, quickly grabbing the bottom hem of my dress and pulling it up my body until it's laying on the floor in a pile.

  "Because you hypnotized me with your body and drowned me in your love. Now I'm a perv." He shucks his shoes and falls on the bed, fully clothed. "I'm love-drunk on you, woman. Bring your fine ass here."

  "Oh yeah? Well, why do I have to be in underwear while you have all your clothes on? That's kind of unfair, you know."

  I straddle him, creeping up his body from legs to waist. His hands go straight for my cheeks, and not the ones on my face. "I never said you couldn't undress me," he says.

  "Hmm." I reach behind me and unhook my bra, letting it fall from my body. "I guess you must not want these too bad . . . or you would already be naked."

  His eyes widen and he sits up in a hurry, pulling off his shirt as if he has fire ants crawling all over him. He grips them in his hands, pulling his mouth toward my nipple. "Tits are the magic word."

  My head falls b
ack, my back arching. I begin grinding my middle along his hardened dick. He sucks hard, biting down as he pulls his mouth free. "You want it?"

  "Don't I always?"

  "Show me."

  He lays back and laces his fingers together behind his head. My hands clench around the elastic waistband of his cotton pants; the ones I love so much. There is just something about a man in a pair of loose, cotton pants that is sexy, or maybe it's just him.

  I pull them over his hips, scooting down his body as I bring them down, and then pull them over his feet when I get to the bottom. He's fully hard, like he always is when we play, and that's one reason that I'm always ready to go with little effort on his part. It's a turn-on to know I turn him on. I lift his ankle, kissing just above the top of his no show sock as we stare at each other. "This is sexy. No showing off, no preparation, and no premeditated thought. It's real."

  Sliding my finger under the edging of the thick, white cotton, I inch the fabric over his heel, removing his sock from his foot, and then do the other one, leaving him wearing nothing but the skin he lives in. "You amaze me more and more every day," he says.

  "Shhh," I say. "No talking. Just enjoy." I grab his dick in my hand, holding it at the perfect angle for me to utilize, and then lower myself until I inch it in my mouth, slowly.

  I circle my tongue around the head as I look at him, and then take him in my mouth as far as I can. His head hits the back of my throat, causing me to gag, and triggering my glands to release more saliva. I use it as lubrication, letting it run down his length, meeting the top of my hand. I loosen my grip just enough for it to slide beneath it, and then I use my hand to smear it down the rest of his length since I can't take all of him in my mouth. He's too big. I already have to coax my jaw to stay open so my teeth don’t skim his width.

  He groans when my hand becomes one with the rhythm of my mouth. "Fuck. I love watching you suck my dick." When I reach as far as I can go, I suction all the way back up until his head exits my mouth.

  I smile at him, and then begin jacking him off with full strokes instead of half as I was, lowering my mouth toward his balls. My tongue inches out, touching to the soft skin. I run my tongue up the line that separates his balls. "Holy shit. Baby."


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