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Scattered Siblings 3: To Mate a Werewolf

Page 10

by Kryssie Fortune

  He pictured her dangling over his shoulder, head down, her hair swinging wildly as he carried her off to his home. He’d plant a playful slap on her butt, then stroke it until she purred. The boner he’d been sporting since he saw her in the kitchen throbbed at the thought.

  She said nothing, but she let him lead her toward the trees. Once they were out of sight, he turned to face her. “Will you trust me, Ellie?”

  “About as far as I can spit,” she shot back.

  “I’m going to turn primal and kidnap you. We need to talk privately, and you need a break after slaving away in our kitchens. Don’t fight me on this.” He’d meant to hold her and flash, but the longer he could cradle her in his arms the better. He shifted and freed his primal beast. Eight and a half of feet of fur, claws, and fangs lifted her gently, and he ran at an incredible pace.

  Ellie didn’t scream, but rather than back down, she beat on his mammoth chest.

  My mate’s the bravest woman I’ve ever met. Finally he reached a limestone cliff. He leaped upward, bounding from ledge to ledge.

  Ellie snorted. “Figures that the abominable snowman lives in cave.” His shoulders shook as his primal beast chuckled. Halfway up the hillside, he set her back on her own two feet. When he shifted to human form, he expected abuse or a slap. Instead she turned her back and said nothing.

  He rested one hand on her shoulder. “I don’t make a habit of carrying off females, and I’ve never brought another here. This is my special place, and I wanted to share it with you. Close your eyes and let me guide you the last few steps.”

  She still didn’t look at him, and she spoke without heat. “Trust and spit, remember? News flash, yeti, I’m not playing your stupid trust games. You’ve had your fun, so take me back and let me finish catering tonight’s feast.”

  He winced as her words struck home. “Can’t we call a truce for the next couple of days? Look on this as my thank-you for warning me about Marcellus earlier.”

  “You heard?”

  Joel nodded. “I’ll always hear you, and I’m grateful for the warning. Come on. Let me reward you for it. I swear I won’t do anything you don’t want. Ellie the Elf, just give me a chance. Please.”

  He held his breath as she took time to consider his words.

  Finally she told him, “Okay, but don’t call me that ridiculous name. We’ll declare a temporary truce, but no touching without my consent.”

  “What? Ellie the Elf? Don’t you like it? I think it’s cute. As your new best friend, I want you to close your eyes and let me guide you.” It crucified Joel that she hesitated. Once she’d have gone with him willingly, and if he had his way, she would again. Mate or not, they couldn’t build a relationship without trust.

  Finally she nodded and closed her eyes. He stepped nearer, put his arm around her shoulders, and walked her forward. Once they turned a corner, he dropped a gentle kiss on her cheek. “Okay. You can look now.”

  Ellie flinched as his lips brushed her scars. She took a hurried step away from him, and for a moment, Joel thought she’d weep. Then she blinked and gasped at the landscape before her. Three limestone pools brimmed with water, the top one filling the second, and the second spilling over into the third. A hot spring flowed from the limestone cliff, constantly refilling the highest pool.

  Sun-kissed and open, the water reflected the clear emerald green of the sky, but Joel preferred the green of Ellie’s eyes. He almost pulled her into his arms just to stare into them, but she’d probably slap him if he tried. That, or ram her knee into his groin.

  Lykae drill instructors had trained his firecracker of a mate, but he didn’t want her practicing her self-defense techniques on him. Unless she judo flipped him to the floor and threw herself on top of him. His cock twitched at the thought.

  “THIS PLACE IS amazing.” Ellie stared at the limestone cascade.

  Joel took her hand and led her closer. “Just the place for a soak after a hard day in the kitchen. The top pool’s too hot to be comfortable, but the second one’s perfect. Race you to be the first one in?”

  When Joel shucked off his shirt, Ellie caught her breath. She stared at the trail of fine dark blond hair that ran from Joel’s stomach and vanished behind his fly. In her dreams, she opened that zipper and kissed her way lower, following the golden trail down to his cock. And look at the trouble that got me into last time. That’s one treat I’ve got to resist.

  Ellie dragged her gaze from his body and shook her head, “Dream on. I’m never getting naked with you again. The pleasure isn’t worth the pain. Tempting as a swim sounds, it’s best if you just take me back to Pam’s place.”

  “Just consider me Joel the ever thoughtful.” He swaggered toward her. “While you played ball with young Sammy, I borrowed you a swimsuit and towel. If you dare risk the abominable snowman’s cave, you can change in there.”

  He pointed toward a shallow cavern in the limestone cliff. Grateful for his consideration, Ellie stepped inside. Candles burned on the ledges, filling the inside with a soft, yellow light. When Joel vanished from the football match he must have been setting this up. For me? Her heart melted a little, but she still wasn’t up for any touchy-feely games.

  The cave resembled a romantic grotto. Right at the back, she spotted Pamela’s shopping bag. When he set his mind to it, Joel could be as sneaky as he was charming. That Olivia was a lucky woman, even if she didn’t know it.

  Ellie changed in record time, and when she came out the cave, Joel stuck two fingers in his mouth and whistled. His grin sent electric tingles down her spine, and her breasts perked up in response. Her nipples abraded the tight swimming costume, and her pussy ached with need.

  She blushed and waded into the middle pool. Although it started shallow, it soon became swimming-pool deep. Warm water lapped gently against her cunt. She’d prefer Joel’s tongue there, running circles around her clit, but no way would she tell him that. “Thanks for this, Joel. Even a quick dip will be heaven after a day in the hot kitchens.”

  “Take your time. Mom said the buffet wasn’t time critical, and she’s already set it back an hour. Swim your heart out. I’ll have you back in time to change your clothes as well as dress your salads. Pammy’s already drafted in your posse of helpers to set your feast on the tables. You can just stand there and give them orders.”

  He must have run around like crazy to prepare her surprise. She’d always known he was fast, but she hadn’t known he could give a superhero a run for his money.

  Joel could be so…wolfy when he wanted. She’d loved him for so long, but he’d almost destroyed her with all that scorn and derision. She wished this treat was because he wanted her the way she wanted him.

  Instead he planned to marry the disdainful Olivia. Live in the moment, remember? And don’t let him fuck me again.

  Judging by the grin on Joel’s face, he’d noticed her perky nipples. No touching, Mister. You’ve got a fiancée, remember? Only window-shopping allowed. Her costume was scarlet, like she’d escaped from an old episode of Baywatch. Red, an attractant for males everywhere, but for Lykae… She really needed to be careful here. One false step, and she’d be trying to seduce him again. That couldn’t happen, not again. She was done with his insults, and she was definitely out of tears.

  JOEL HAD NEVER seen Ellie look lovelier. Even with her scars, her beauty turned him weak at the knees. The way the water flowed around her thighs made him want to run his fingers up her legs and explore her pussy, but Ellie wasn’t ready to open up to him yet. He needed to woo her and win back her heart. Part of him wondered if he ever would. He couldn’t live without her, but his arrogant behavior might have already cost him his mate.

  This time together was about reestablishing good relations. Tonight as the feast unfolded, he’d move his carefully planned seduction up a notch. He was thankful Ellie couldn’t see underwater. His erection stood like a sword between his legs. He’d not thought to grab swimwear for himself, but if she saw his hard-on, she’d think he pla
nned this as a way to drag her back into his bed.

  Now he’d accepted that she was his mate, he didn’t know how to court her—not when he wanted forever rather than a one-night stand. As head of the Lykae forces, he’d always known how to reach his goal. With Ellie, everything he tried turned sour. If he couldn’t win her back, his life wouldn’t be worth living.

  She reminded him of a startled faun, the way she’d turned skittish around him. Not that he blamed her after the things he’d said. He worried that if he made a false move, she’d bolt. He wanted to whimper as her delicious body vanished beneath the water. When she resurfaced and floated on her back, her hair haloed around her.

  She lay with her eyes closed and a slight wary smile on her lips. Lips he needed to taste. His cock ached to take her, but he wanted something permanent, not a quick fuck for instant gratification. He ignored his aching balls and bent his knees, determined to keep his hard-on hidden. He moved closer, desperate to steal a kiss, but Ellie must have sensed his approach. Her eyes shot open, and she rolled onto her stomach. Completely at home in the water, she swam away, kicking her legs and sending plumes of warm spray over his torso.

  He loved that she’d turned playful. Laughing, he dog-paddled after her.

  Ellie duck dived and swam underwater. She came up at the other side of the pool. “You’ll have to do better than that.”

  Joel flashed his devastating grin and gave chase again. He delighted in their game, and three times he let her avoid him. The fourth time he swam after her like an Olympic champion. He surfaced before her, so close he invaded her personal space. Dominant and possessive, alpha to the core, he herded her backward until her shoulder rested against the highest part of the limestone banking. Leaning closer, he caged her with his arms and stared into her eyes.

  She looked as panicked as a trapped bird. Her gaze darted everywhere, and she wrapped her arms around her chest. “You said no touching. You promised.”

  “No, Ellie, You said no touching, and when I said nothing, you assumed I agreed. Now I’ve caught you, I claim a kiss.” He moved in closer, ready to tease her lips with his, but she trembled and turned away. She’s scared I’ll hurt her again. Gods, I’m a dick.

  He backed off quickly, but for a few minutes there, he’d thought they’d connected. Instead she rejected him. For the first time in his life he felt lost, his future uncertain. She sniffed and waded toward the shallows. He trailed after her, but she turned back and raised her eyebrows.

  “Really, Joel? Naked? Tough luck, big guy. I’ve already given my annual blowjob quota. Perhaps if Olivia ever leaves Lysander’s side, she could jerk you off. Or maybe you better get used to doing it for yourself.”

  She stormed into the cave, bundled up her belongings, and flashed away.

  Joel cursed long and loud. Hadn’t she heard Olivia reject him last night? That ill-advised engagement was over even before it began. Talk about a fucked-up romance. He needed to sit Ellie her down and tell her there was nothing between him and Olivia. Winning the tournament meant nothing if he couldn’t make Ellie fall in love with him all over again.

  He hadn’t meant to parade his bare cock in front of her, but collecting her clothes and lighting all those candles took time. All he’d wanted was for Ellie to relax and listen as he tried to explain. Determined to do right by here, he’d collected everything she needed but forgotten his trunks. Hell, he wasn’t sure he owned any. Once he realized his error, he’d ensured he’d been the first one in the water.

  Despite their games, she’d taken one look at his cock and vanished. Last time she’d seen it, she’d sucked it as though there was no tomorrow. Gods, he’d loved that. Truthfully, he loved everything about her.

  He wanted to flash after her, but his common sense insisted he give her time. He’d no idea where she’d gone, but when she vanished, he felt so proud of his mate. She must be the only Elf who could flash. Maybe her human side strengthened her.

  He plunged into the coldest pool and swam until his limbs ached, and his cock still reared up and demanded he fuck Ellie. Rather than attend tonight’s feast with blue balls, he closed his fist around his dick, stroking and squeezing until a drop of precum glistened on its head. He let the freezing water lap around his thighs and howled. He grunted and thrust into his clenched fist. His face contorted, and as he thought of Ellie, sperm jetted over the edge of the pool and the stream carried it downriver.

  Joel’s cock ached as much as his heart. Not that he blamed his mate for leaving. He should have played, teased, and cajoled, not demanded.

  Chapter Thirteen

  Joel swaggered in to the Great Hall, all alpha male and simmering sex appeal. The party was already in full swing. He did a double take when he spotted Ellie. Pamela had kitted her out in a scarlet halter-top dress. It clung to her breasts, emphasized her slender waist, then swished around her ankles. With her pale complexion and jet-black hair, she looked stunning, but he wasn’t the only one who thought so.

  Unmated males hovered around her, hanging on her every word. A growl rumbled through his larynx, and his eyes narrowed. Once her expression would have softened, and she’d have welcomed him with a smile. Tonight, she ignored him and flirted with the former soldier at her side. Joel started toward her, but she grabbed the nearest male’s arm and demanded he dance with her.

  Joel’s wolves clamored to tear out the male’s throat. Instead he turned abruptly and marched across to Olivia. As usual, she chatted with Lysander, but Joel was past caring. He caught hold of her arm and dragged her onto the dance floor. Before she could object, the caller announced a progressive barn dance.

  Joel tried to maneuver next to Ellie and her partner, but the music started, and he ended up a couple of places in front of her. Two changes of partners, and she’d be in his arms. Then he’d whisk her out of there and make her understand that his engagement was just another screw-up on the long list of mistakes he’d made. His wolves perked up at that.

  Everyone danced the steps through once. Ellie twirled one partner nearer. He silently rehearsed all the things he needed to tell her.

  Another few steps, and he’d get to hold her again. Did she go off beat when she realized I was her next partner? My heart certainly did. He wanted to breathe in her sea air and hyacinth essence, or stroke her hair. His mouth dried in anticipation.

  Ellie’s eyes widened, and when her partner tried to pass her on to Joel, she reminded him of a long-legged filly sizing up a human. Deliberately, she turned the wrong way and shoved the next lady toward Joel. Joel pushed the unfortunate woman on past him. Ellie moved backward around the inner circle.

  Joel tried not to grin when Ellie thrust her shoulders back and scowled. Her eyes widened and she moved in uncoordinated rhythm. Like the startled filly he’d compared her to earlier, she pranced the wrong way around the circle. Two steps back, and she tried to pair up with her original partner. He concentrated on his current partner, unaware that Ellie hovered nearby. Their movements almost catapulted Ellie toward Joel. Her arms windmilled, and she planted one foot down hard, caught her balance, and skittered away. She was still trapped inside the circle of dancers.

  Joel stepped out of the dance. He mirrored Ellie’s haphazard movements. She ran faster, so Joel upped his pace. She broke into a run, and soon they racing around the dancers in an insane version of Ring Around the Rosie.

  The musicians grinned and exchanged amused glances. One of the fiddlers missed a note. Soon people stopped talking to stare at the couple racing around the dance floor. Across the room, Pamela clutched her stomach and whooped with laughter. Joel’s scowl darkened, and Ellie ran faster.

  Ellie tried to find a way to escape the circle and stay away from Joel. She ignored the groundswell of laughter, but a blush spread from her breasts to her hairline. Joel wondered if her nipples had darkened too. He’d give anything to ease her out of that dress and find out.

  Dancers stopped and stared. Ellie fled to the kitchen. She slammed the connecting door shut ju
st as he reached it, and he heard her drag something behind it. He didn’t care that his pack enjoyed his discomfort a little too much. All he wanted was to catch hold of Ellie and kiss her until she agreed to be his. He’d claim her in front of anyone, hold her close, and soothe her fears.

  Public pawing? No problem. Hell, I can’t keep my hands off my mate. Joel roared and loosed his primal beast. Gleefully, it battered down the door, spotted its mate, threw back its head, and howled. Ellie retreated behind the table that housed the extra desserts.

  Joel struggled to stop his beast from carrying her off, stripping her naked, and claiming her. He stalked toward her, aware how threatening his primal beast appeared. His control was on a knife-edge, and his wolves clamored to embrace her.

  “Don’t come any closer.” She picked up a lemon meringue pie. “I’m armed and dangerous. Remember that cheesecake facial!”

  JOEL’S PRIMAL WOLF chuffed in amusement, and his tension level dropped. A quick shift, and he was human again. His grin widened until he guffawed, and even Ellie laughed.

  He took a step closer. “Come on, Ellie. I’m not in the same class as that idiot cook. He’ll be running double-time route marches for the next two years. Your friends back in the forces will see to that.”

  She put the pie back on the table and rubbed her arm across her cheek. “Then leave me alone. I’ll be gone the instant this ridiculous three-day imprisonment’s up.”

  Joel’s merriment died away instantly. “Don’t you like it here?”

  She blinked hard and shook her head. “I like it too much. Look, I get that I can’t stay, but I can’t turn my feelings on and off the way you do. I only came to… Never mind. I didn’t come here deliberately. I just thought about you, and the world spun as though I was caught up in the Wizard of Oz’s tornado. Once my stomach stopped churning, I was in your bedroom. With hindsight, I’d rather have sicked up, not sucked you off.”


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