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Scattered Siblings 3: To Mate a Werewolf

Page 13

by Kryssie Fortune

  After the way the Elves had abused her, he thought she’d have shied away from sex. Her hunger to explore his body had delighted him, and her soft, pleasured moans as she orgasmed had thrilled him. Once he won her back, he’d screw her until she moaned again.

  He groaned when he imagined his cock seated inside her, her pussy gripping him like a velvet-lined steel band. Everything about her amazed and surprised him. Loving Ellie made him think he’d discovered a rare flower and watched it unfurl. Each petal, every facet or her personality, enthralled him. She was his, but she didn’t believe him yet.

  Ellie enchanted him, and except for the red rims around her eyes, she was perfection. I’m a poor sort of mate to make my woman weep. Even as she slept in his arms, he stroked her hair back off her face and whispered, “You’re mine. I’ll move heaven and earth to make you happy. Sleep well, and when you wake, we’ll talk.”

  * * * *

  Ellie woke a couple of hours later, disoriented and confused, but toasty warm. A thick quilt swaddled her, and two strong arms held her tight. She blinked and sat up abruptly.

  “Welcome to my cabin,” Joel murmured in her ear. He held her in his lap, and she could feel his erection press against her back. His cabin? Did he mean the love nest where he brought his legion of lovers?

  Joel could charm a wyvern into giving up its prey, but she wasn’t going to succumb to his wolfish ways again. “Keep your welcome. The instant my flashy thing recharges I’m out of here.”

  He kept his arms locked around her waist. Did he really think she was the next notch on his bedpost?

  It’s tempting, but I need commitment not just wham, bang, thank you, ma’am.

  He’d use her and walk away. He’d done it twice already, and she expected him to do it again. She didn’t want to be here, and she didn’t want to be with him—not when he planned to marry the coldhearted head case from the Desert Marauder pack.

  Joel’s lips brushed her ear, and pleasure exploded through her. If he did that again she’d surrender her principles in exchange for one night of bliss. Then she remembered he had the last event of the tournament tomorrow. “You need to rest and conserve your strength. Just take me back to Pammy and get some sleep.”

  His voice came out in a sexy rumble that sent shivers down her spine. “Ellie, I keep trying to tell you how much I love you, but things…people…keep getting in the way.”

  He loved her? Really? Then why did he keep shoving her away? Back before Olivia mauled her, he’d announced Ellie was his true mate. She’d no idea what that meant for their future. Nothing made sense except for the smoldering tendrils of desire unfurling inside her.

  After six months as a sex slave, she’d almost become a man-hater, but two years surrounded by Lykae soldiers cured her of that. The occasional glimpse of Joel had helped too, but she’d never imagined she could burn for a man the way she did for him. The more he held her, the more she needed him—and he’d just told her he loved her.

  He buried his face in her hair and breathed deeply as if pulling her essence into his lungs. The gesture was animalistic and possessive, so damn hot her pussy creamed. Finally, he lifted his head and gazed into her eyes. When he spoke, his voice broke with emotion. “Ellie, you’ve got to listen. I’ve already told Olivia that any contract between us is null and void. She broke our bargain when she publically refuted me. Besides, I don’t want anyone but you. My true mate.”

  She studied his face. He held his breath, and his forehead furrowed as if he doubted her, but she wasn’t the one with a coldhearted fiancée. The Elves had drugged her until she became a sexual predator, but the concept of love or affection was beyond them. Damn it, she hadn’t even kissed a man before that time on the cliff top with Joel.

  As he stroked the tip of her ear, words tumbled out of him. “You’re my world. While I’m glad to shunt Olivia off to Lysander, whatever’s going on between the two of them pales alongside the soul-deep need I have for you. Tell me what I have to do for you to forgive me, and I’ll do it. I won’t… I can’t… Damn it, I love you so much, and I’m so afraid I’ve lost you.”

  If this was a dream, she didn’t plan on waking up anytime soon. Since she wasn’t the sort of woman to play games, she curled her arms around his neck and buried her fingers in his hair. “You hurt me, Joel. I won’t deny that. I love you, but I’m scared you’ll hurt me again.”

  So much for staying strong and standing on my own two feet. He shatters my resolutions and knocks me sideways.

  His dropped a brief, tender kiss on her lips. “I’d die first. Does that mean you’re giving me a second chance?”

  Ellie laughed. “How can I not, when I love you so much? But that still doesn’t mean I’m spending the night here. Take me back to Pammy’s place, then you can rest up for the final challenge tomorrow.”

  A slow grin spread over his face, and he looked so wolfish she knew he was up to something. His cock pressed against her, and desire burned through her blood. She wanted her happy-ever-after with Joel so much it scared her, but the tournament’s finale loomed.

  She shook her head, her teeth worrying her lower lip as she scrunched her fingers in his hair. She wanted Joel inside her, loving her until she begged for mercy. Then she wanted him to love her some more, but his pack mattered more than her selfish desires. Besides, if he’d meant what he’d just said, they had the rest of their lives. Sadly, Joel needed a good night’s sleep, not a night of wild sex and passionate loving.

  He looked too innocent when he turned her in his arms and kissed the tip of her nose. “You’re the only person I’ve ever brought here. It feels right having you here. Will you spend the night in my bed? I’ll sleep better just knowing you’re near me.”

  Tricky Lykae, tempting me into his bed. One night or forever? Guess I won’t know until the morning.

  She didn’t dare trust him, not yet. But maybe… What if she left now, and he changed his mind? Then she remembered how he’d claimed her as his true mate in front of the pack. She prayed this really was more than a fling to him. She deliberately set aside her doubts, willing to see where this evening led them. She prayed it didn’t end in tears.

  Ellie didn’t think they’d sleep much, but she took the biggest risk of her life. “I’ll stay, Joel, but you need to conserve your strength for tomorrow’s challenge.”

  He didn’t put her down, just moved toward the bed. “I need you, and I promise I’ll be good.”

  There he went with that innocent look again, and she knew exactly what he’d be good at. Her pussy overheated at the thought.

  Chapter Seventeen

  Ellie didn’t know if Elves bonded with their mates the way Lykae did, but she couldn’t love Joel more if she tried. She met his gaze, snuggled in closer, and murmured, “I’d enjoy sleeping in your arms.”

  Joel kept her on his knee as he sat on the edge of the bed. He tugged her torn sweatshirt over her head. “Let me help you undress. Once you’re comfortable, then we can sleep.”

  The only way Ellie would be comfortable was if she had Joel’s cock surging between her legs, but she hid her smile and tried to look as if she wasn’t on to his game. She loved her wolf’s tricky side, but he had so many responsibilities that she didn’t see enough of it. He growled when he realized how deeply Olivia’s claws had pierced his true mate’s skin. Dried blood still marked her shoulder.

  Joel put her down abruptly and grabbed a sponge. “Stay here.”

  He flashed away. Ellie didn’t understand, even wondered if he’d played her again, but then he ran back inside, the damp sponge steaming in his hand. He must have soaked it in the hottest pool. Gently, he rubbed it over her shoulder. She’d been too numb to feel the pain before, but a dull ache spread over her shoulder blade.

  Her heart might be doubtful, but when he licked at her injuries, her body relished his touch. As he tended her like this, her doubts fell away. His angry growl when he finished cleaning her wound surprised her. He didn’t move, just snarled, “I should
have that bitch flogged for attacking my mate.”

  She wanted to lie back and relax, but his tongue replaced the washcloth. It was rough, warm, and comforting as it laved across her wound.

  “Gods, Ellie, she could really have hurt you.”

  The concern in his voice thrilled her, and the slight scratchy texture of his tongue felt wonderful on her flesh. No one had ever made Ellie feel so cosseted and so loved. Her gaze dropped to the bulge in his leggings. “I like that King Caleb made you wear Lycra, but why didn’t you change after the match?”

  His lips hovered near her ear. “Because I spent the afternoon searching for the elusive Elf who stole my heart. I think better out here, and I racked my brains as to where I’d to find you. I thought you’d left the Tundra Toughs’ territory, and if I could’ve figured where you’d gone, I’d have followed you.”

  She sat up, her eyes glinting with angry, emerald lights. “I wouldn’t disrespect your pack that way. More to the point, the pack would never let you return if you’d broken their tradition. What the hell did you think were you doing?”

  He unfastened her jeans before he answered. His hands shook with passion. “Nothing, not even pack, matters more than you. Marcellus would make a fine alpha.”

  Ellie nodded. “He would, but you’ll be a million times better.”

  His soft growl of possession meant the world to her. She lifted her ass and let him pull down her jeans. Sneaky wolf that he was, he tugged off her panties in the same fluid movement.

  Joel kneeled between her legs and shoved her thighs apart. “After that amazing blowjob you gave me, I owe you an orgasm or three.”

  He stared at her bared pussy and licked his lips. Ellie shuddered in anticipation. None of the Elves ever thought to pleasure her, and this was new territory—something she’d only ever share with her mate.

  As Joel draped her legs over her shoulders, she leaned back and took her weight on her elbows. She watched as he lowered his head and lapped at her cunt. When her breath came in shallow gasps, he grinned and upped the pace. Her fingers curled like claws as she grasped the bed sheet. Frantic. He’s making me frantic. She should have been embarrassed with his head so close to her cunt, but a fresh wave of desire shot though her veins. She wanted. She needed, and Joel gave.

  Her soft moan throbbed with longing and burning needs. Joel stiffened his tongue and delved inside her until he found her G-spot. She felt as she’d swallowed a galaxy of stars, and every one of them turned supernova inside her. She’d never orgasmed so long or so hard.

  Joel chuckled and flicked his tongue across her G-spot again. His fingers kept a firm pressure on her clit. When Ellie came a second time, she struggled to breathe. Joel sent her spiraling out of control, and she never wanted to touch the earth again.

  She’d never imagined sex could be all consuming, mind-blowing, and… Words failed her, and as she surrendered to new sensations, she came again. Her eyes glazed, and her muscles trembled. Joel lapped at her cunt, learning everything that gave her pleasure.

  Her arms collapsed, and she lay flat on the bed, too weak to move. Her body thrummed with new cravings and lusts, but her energy level plummeted. Worn-out from her earlier tears, her brush with hypothermia, and repeated world-class orgasms, Ellie felt her eyelids drop. She knew Joel wanted to mate her, but that was something she should savor. Right now, she wouldn’t exactly sleep through it, but once she’d slept, she’d lose herself in his arms. She’d make good memories to cherish. “We both need to rest. Can we resume in the morning?”

  He nibbled her ear, but he understood why she’d rather be on the top of her game when he took her from behind and claimed her as his true mate. “Sleep, Ellie, but tomorrow, you’re mine.”

  She snuggled up, her ass against his cock, her head tucked under his chin. He pulled her closer and threw his left leg over her hips. She sighed with contentment. “I love when you hold me this way.”

  Limbs tangled, they slept.

  * * * *

  Joel woke with an armful of sweet-scented woman, his mate, cuddled up close. He wanted to sleep with his body wrapped around Ellie every night for the rest of his life. He ran his tongue over one of her ear tips and watched her wake. She was primed and ready. A few more minutes, and she’d be his.

  He fingered one nipple and kissed her ear tip. “Good morning, sleepyhead. I’ve never slept as well as I did last night. Come closer, little girl, and let the big bad wolf eat you up.”

  She giggled and nestled closer. “I’m glad you feel good. Don’t forget the tournament’s final challenge is today.”

  “Bloody hell, the tournament. Ellie, look how high the sun is. It’s almost noon.”

  They washed quickly, then hopped from foot to foot as they pulled on their clothes. Ellie hated wearing day-old clothes, but the wardrobe only contained Joel’s spare uniform. He pulled it on, grabbed hold of Ellie, and flashed them to the green outside the Great Hall.

  Overnight, Caleb’s soldiers had taken down the wrestling ring’s ropes, draped the canvas in yards of purple cloth, and set two thrones in the center. Caleb and Sylvie emerged from the Great Hall, climbed the three steps onto the ring, and took up position on the thrones.

  Rather than crowd around the finish, the pack had spread out along the route. Joel pulled Ellie into his arms and kissed her until they ran out of air. “Don’t go anywhere, Ellie. Once I’ve won the race, you’re mine.”

  She grinned and cupped his cheek in the palm of her hand. “You’ve got that so wrong. I’m yours whatever the result of the race. Now go win back your rightful position.”

  His mate made him proud, and his inner wolves clamored to claim her. He’d win today just to see her eyes shine with delight. Of course pack mattered, but win or lose, he knew Ellie was his.

  As he approached the start/finish line, Marcellus pulled him aside. “What happened yesterday was wrong. I’ve met your pack, and I know how much you mean to them. What I’m saying is, I’ve got your back, and I’ll time out before I finish ahead of you. I’ll either find another pack or go lone wolf and roam the unclaimed prairies.”

  Joel looked him over carefully. Marcellus seemed genuine, and he’d take him at his word. He nodded at the other man. “We’ll talk later.”

  Next, Joel looked around, trying to locate Titus, but he’d mingled with the crowd out on the course. Titus would be a fool to interfere after Caleb’s warning.

  The remaining three contestants lined up, waiting for King Caleb to signal the start.

  Caleb stood and called, “Remember, gentlemen, apart from the standard rules, anything goes. You may not shift from your primal form until the time is up, and you have exactly two hours. Ready? Then the race starts now.”

  Three primal Lykae charged for the bridge. Marcellus’s red beast tackled Lysander’s brown form, giving Joel a head start. He really does have my back.

  The lads Joel had kicked the ball around with yesterday lined the bridge. They’d lifted young Sammy and his friends onto the parapet so they could see over the crowd. Along with everyone else, they cheered when Joel crossed first. Behind him, Marcellus and Lysander traded blows as they ran.

  Beyond the bridge, the track curved in a series of S-bends. Titus watched from the apex of the first. He clenched his fists and growled, visibly willing Lysander on. Joel glanced over his shoulder just as Marcellus punched Lysander’s belly. Lysander doubled up and dropped to the ground.

  He could only hear one set of footsteps behind him. Another look over his shoulder, and he spotted Marcellus in the distance. Apparently Lysander had decided to stay put. He’d fight the other contenders when they returned with a standard, capture it, and run on to win the race. That would make for an interesting return trip. Well…no one said this would be easy.

  Thirty-five minutes after he’d last seen Lysander, Joel reached the standards. He had an hour and five minutes to return to the King Caleb with his prize. Then the Tundra Toughs pack was his. Of course he’d have to fight Lysander firs
t. He wouldn’t surrender his flag easily.

  Joel grabbed a standard, rolled it lengthwise, and wrapped it around his biceps. It took exceptional control, but his primal wolf form managed to knot it firmly in place before he started back. A couple of minutes later, and Marcellus came into sight.

  “Watch out,” Marcellus growled. He struggled to form the words in primal form. “Lysander. S-bends.”

  Joel considered going cross-country, but the route was slower, and the race had a time limit. He decided to remain on the track, but he’d keep his wits about him. His beast roared inside him, fearless and confident it could take on anything. He picked up the pace and distanced himself from Marcellus, his senses on high alert. There was no sign of Lysander. The going was too easy, and Joel knew he’d have to fight to keep his flag. As he rounded the third S-bend, a barrier of uprooted trees and shrubs blocked the path.

  Knowing Joel was stronger and faster, Lysander had spent his time building a barricade and setting traps. Joel had thirty-five minutes left to defeat Lysander, race just over eight miles down the road, and win. He’d just sprinted thirty-six miles. Lysander was relatively fresh, but to win, he needed to take out both remaining competitors as well as get back with a flag.

  Those pine trees were centuries old, but for Lysander’s beast, uprooting them would have being akin to picking flowers. He’d piled branches and scrub against his roadblock, but it wasn’t enough to stop a Lykae in primal form.

  Playing safe, Joel forced his beast to a halt. It growled, eager to press on, but he planted his feet and studied the barricade. Big mistake. Lysander dropped from the overhanging branch of a tree and brained Joel from behind. The blow took him to his knees.

  Lysander tore at the standard on Joel’s arm, but he’d knotted it too well for it to come loose easily. Lysander roared and threw a wild punch. Joel leaped to his feet, ducked Lysander’s second punch, threw back his head, and howled. Lysander missed again.


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