Harmonizer's Evolution (Balancer's Soul cycle)

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Harmonizer's Evolution (Balancer's Soul cycle) Page 5

by Lee Morgan

  “All the girls have been plotting a surprise baby shower for Sarah. It is happening as we speak.”

  Mark chuckled and everyone glanced at him. “Don’t worry I just remembered something funny that happened this week.” They acknowledged him and resumed following Connor. “No wonder why things were so secretive. There is at least some comfort in knowing that I won’t be in any danger when I return home.”

  “Yeah. But I’m the one who will though.”

  The party finally arrived at the secluded destination and everyone enjoyed the serene view. They came across a hidden lake that very few people knew about and there was a small clearing and the place gave a quiet and tranquil feeling. An osprey suddenly swooped down and captured a fish on the other side of the water and Troy commented on the sight. It wasn’t a big lake, but it is a clean and safe for everyone.

  After everybody finished gawking, they all worked together on building five shelters. Tyler and Billy decided to make their own by themselves and they did a decent job. Troy and Terri had their own shelter as did every other couple.

  Everyone grew hot and sweaty from the trek here and the building of their shelters, so Connor allowed everyone to go for a relaxing and cool swim. They didn’t need to be told again. Brittany and Susan had become good friends and they beat everyone into the cool water. Tyler and Billy weren’t too far behind.

  About an hour into everyone’s frolicking Jim yelled. “Connor, Mark!” They turned to look at him as his sons and Troy were all playing Marco Polo. “You started that fire twenty minutes ago. How about you come in and join us!”

  They glanced at each other. Mark smiled and shrugged “Why not!?”

  They both walked to the brownish water’s edge and kicked off their shoes. Just before they entered the water Troy said “Take your shirts off. Men don’t need to wear shirts to go for a swim.”

  Billy anxiously shouted “Hurry up and play with us!”

  Connor spoke calmly and evenly to the little men. “If I do, you cannot make fun of me.” They nodded and everyone began looking at him and Mark.

  Mark removed his silver t-shirt and walked in. Everyone saw how well built he is; even if he only copied Connor’s structure on his frame.

  Connor sighed and removed his sleeveless shirt. He dropped it on the bank and when he turned around everyone saw his exposed torso. Unfortunately everyone gawked at the chest. The silence broke with Jim’s speechless whistle. “That’s some build you’ve got there. And that tattoo isn’t too shabby.”

  “Wow, Mr. Connor, you’re huge!”

  “Thanks, Tyler!” Connor said while entering the cool water.

  They spent another hour swimming and then the group stepped out to dry off. It was time to teach a new survival skill. “Alright everyone, gather around me for a new lesson.” Everyone dropped what they were doing and sat in a loose circle around Connor. Once everyone calmed and settled in he pulled his pack to his side and pulled out one of the empty soda cans. He brandished it before everyone and they became intent on what was said. “This simple aluminum can, can be a lifesaver if you have nothing else to use. Tell me what you can do with it.” He waited and listened to everyone’s guess. “Very good. You can use it to boil water or as a way to transport an ember to another fire bundle without it going out, but you can also use it to help in fishing.” Everyone shared a look of disbelief. Even Mark didn’t know this trick.

  Connor grabbed the pop-tab between his fingers and worked it back and forth until it came off. He tossed the hollow can over to Billy and Connor held the tab up in front of everyone. “You can make a hook out of this… Tyler, Billy?” The boys perked up. “Can I ask you to go find some grubs and insects that we could use for bait?”

  “You can count on us!” Tyler said and they stood up.

  “Here, take this, but be very careful. This isn’t a toy.” Connor held out Tool by its handle. “There is a dead and rotting tree back over there. Cut into the bark and collect the termites and grubs. Don’t worry I already checked for snakes and didn’t find any. It looks like we will have to find your treat tomorrow.”

  Billy grabbed Tool and the brothers went over to where he pointed.

  Connor then showed everyone how to shape the ringed tab into a hook. He then handed everyone else an empty can and they began making their own.

  About thirty minutes later the brothers safely returned with a can full of live bugs. Billy handed Tool back and showed Connor all the bait they collected.

  Connor told everyone to empty out their canteens and they drank everything. They screwed the lids back on tightly to seal in the trapped air. While they did that their instructor pulled out the roll of fishing line from his pack. Using the hatchet side of Tool to cut twelve strips of fishing line he handed each person a thirty foot length. With his instructions and demonstrations everyone fastened their hooks to the end of the line. Then they tied a portion of the string to their canteens, about two and a half to three feet down. They all tied the other end of the line to a firm, hand-sized stick. It would save their fingers from getting cut if they caught something and would help them to bring their catch on shore.

  Everyone was given the live bait and they put it on their hook. They walked to the lake and spread out. Everyone tossed their canteens with their baited hooks into the still lake. The canteens served two purposes and the first serves as a weight to get the line out there and the other is to serve as a bobber.

  Brittany, Ray and Terri caught a fish while everyone else lost miserably when the can became empty. They were kind enough to share with everyone. Mark and Connor declined their offers because they could go months without food and weren’t the least bit hungry. They didn’t need to know that though.

  While everyone slept, Connor kept watch over everyone while relaxing in the comforts of a tree.

  Tyler and Billy didn’t get their snake this weekend, but they weren’t disappointed because they both caught larger fish than their parents, yesterday. Everyone said they would be back for more lessons, but Jim and his family would come back again in two months, when school ended for summer.

  Connor tried contacting Sarah on the way home, but she put up a strong mental barrier. Her emotions were confusing and he was unable to know if she remained upset or if was it something else. Mark saw his confused worry and patted him on the back. He didn’t have any advice for the situation. It was annoyingly strange to feel so…human. It was difficult to not know where the problem lays with the woman he loves above all else. He didn’t know how to get himself into a better position, but it was time to pay the piper.

  Mark went home to Kara as Connor walked through the woods.

  Once inside the clearing of their home, his bond told him that Sarah sat in the living room and most likely laying on the sofa. He walked to the door and took a deep breath before entering to meet his fate.

  He stepped inside.

  The first thing in his vision was the dining table holding a large assortment of items, all geared toward an expecting mother. There were so many things that would do perfectly for a child’s needs. The other women of his life went all out with their gifts. They would need all the help they could get.

  “There isn’t anywhere we can put them.” A harmonious and velvety sweet voice chimed. His eyes drifted to Sarah as she laid comfortably on the sofa with the fan above her spinning, keeping things cool. She laid with her feet in his direction so she could watch him with the most glorious green eyes he’s ever seen or will ever come to see. Her breast rose and fell with each slow and calm breath. Her hands were resting comfortably over her barely swollen belly. Even laying down, she showed an ethereal beauty none could ever hope to surpass.

  Before she could say anything else Connor dropped his pack on the floor and made his way to her side. He dropped to his knees and spoke apologetically. “Please forgive me for not telling you. I thought everyone would like to have some girl time together. Please don’t stay angry at me. How may I make amends?”

nbsp; Her eyes narrowed and she sat up. They looked at each other – eye to eye – and she spoke evenly. “That was a mean and foolish trick to play on me, but” She finally smiled the smile that is for him alone. “I did have a pleasant time with everyone. I didn’t like the surprise part, but the thoughts and planning they made showed me that your family and mine, love me the same. Plus we might actually need some of those supplies sooner than we can imagine.” Then she placed her soft palms to either side of his cheeks. “You’re forgiven, my Knight.” Sarah then leaned forward and pressed her soft and warm lips onto his. “Now where are we going to store those supplies until you finish their new room?”

  He sighed in relief. She wasn’t mad and it wasn’t difficult to figure that the children would need their own room. Sarah only wanted to make him think she stayed upset because she didn’t communicate and she managed to mask her emotions well. “They can stay in the corner by the fireplace for now. If I get started right away the projects will be complete by Thursday evening.”

  She smiled pleasantly and my heart began thundering. It was in response to the new emotion that dominated her. She shook her head slowly. “You’ve been gone for too long and I want my mate.” She grinned and threw herself at him.

  When Sarah awoke Monday morning, Connor made a large breakfast to celebrate her return to being a teacher. She didn’t want to annoy Jenny so she took another of the daily vitamins packets. She showered and attired a black t-shirt and white pants because it is a school and the students don’t need to see what she wears specifically to arouse her mate. She grabbed the heavy books and headed for the door. Connor escorted her to the tree line and they kissed before separating.

  He is going to start the newest new project today.

  Connor’s truck is just too big and ostentatious so she commandeered her blue car. Her father anticipated this and made sure it ran properly. It wasn’t long before the school filled her windshield. Today she had to substitute the Latin classes.

  What was hard is that Sarah could not only read, but also write and even speak Latin. It was once as common a language as English or Español is today. It’s a shame that she cannot teach them the proper languages that are assumed dead, but the public school system isn’t the greatest anymore.

  The school day went by fairly quickly which was surprising. Sarah suspected it to be more difficult to get back into the timed cycles, but was proven wrong. The structure was all too easy to adapt to. And Connor’s development at home held her intrigue all day. By the time she arrived at the clearing, Connor had already done more than expected. He must have used his arsenal full of abilities to aid his progress.

  The stream and waterwheel flowed and spun to the left. It attached to that side of the cottage, but the new addition was being built on the other side. Connor had already made the foundation and frame work and put up the outside paneling. It looked like the twin’s room would be just as big as theirs, if not slightly larger. There was even a single, south facing window cavity in the wall, and in the same direction as the front door. The hole was covered with a tarp. It had turned the cottage’s shape from a rectangle and into an L. Then she happened to look up.

  Sarah’s heart instantly began beating with passionate desire. Connor was hammering in the trusses in preparation for a ridged roof that merged in with the original structure of the cottage. He had been working all day and went shirtless. He had worked up a gleaming sheen of manly sweat over his rock hard and bulging muscles. Just the sight of him sent an electric current throughout her entire body, in the most exciting of ways. You’re focused on working on the house and probably haven’t even realized I’m watching you from the shadows. She then began biting her lip in a restraining attempt.

  “Are you just going to just stand there or are you going to say hello?”

  Connor asked playfully while still hammering away. “How long did you know I was here?” she thought innocently.

  He stopped hammering and turned his piercing hazel eyes on he and another thrill shot through the core of her body. Sarah had to stop biting her lip because it was getting painful. He then smiled her favorite smile and she could feel his love wash through her. “You of all people know it’s practically impossible to sneak up on me. I could sense you ever since you entered the forest. It’s like I can almost sense everything that’s around me and being so attuned to you has made sensing you all the easier.”

  She tilted her head. “Harmonizer thing?”

  “Yep… Probably.”

  She stepped out of the shade of a tree and walked towards the front door. “Just give me a minute to put these things away and I’ll give you a hand.”

  Just before she even reached the front door Connor dropped from the roof and barred her path. A largely muscled chest, that will forever be branded with a black X, filled her whole vision. He held up a hand. “You know that I don’t show you a surprise until it’s complete. Please promise me that you will not do anything to spoil this surprise. I want you to see the full effect of what is in store for our children.” His eyes were calm and piercing and she couldn’t tell him no with all that’s building inside her. When a faint smile barely tugged at the corner of her mouth, he grinned. “Thank you, Princess!” He leaned down and gave her a quick kiss. He made sure his sweaty body didn’t touch her but the sensation drilled trough a third time. “Just wait a moment.”

  He left her standing just before the entryway and she could hear his expedient movements inside their home. There were quick sounds of hammering and just as quickly he came back and stood before her. Sarah asked playfully “Are you trying to hide some of the evidence from me?”

  “Why of course. You’ll love it though.” He grinned and then looked up. “I have about four more hours of daylight remaining. When I’m finished making the roof I’ll clean up and start dinner.”

  Sarah knew she needed to clear her mind because her desires were running rampant. “Alright, but I’ll cook dinner for us and have it ready by the time you finish working.” He smiled, gave her another quick kiss and lazily jumped back up twelve feet, onto the unfinished roof of the twin’s room.

  She quickly went inside when he started hammering again. Connor had knocked out a section of the kitchen wall and made a new doorway, but it was only covered with a blue plastic sheet that had been nailed into the wall. Connor hadn’t had time to make a door so he covered the entrance and placed objects on the bottom to keep them from making the sheet flutter.

  She had to sit at the table and focus on her breathing while the ceiling fan tried cooling her down. Then she began to whisper to herself. “Sarah, calm down and exercise some restraint. That’s how you ended up in this predicament in the first place… But those muscles…” Her hands slowly reached for her belly and her lips naturally smiled despite trying to regain control. “It’s all worth it just to have you two though.”

  He put on the roof before the light of the sun faded over the horizon, but the room wasn’t entirely sealed yet he explained. She prepared a large ham-steak dinner and they ate well.

  That night her control vanished when she made love to the one man she has always been destined for. Her self-control was nothing next to the overwhelming love that they feel for each other. She went to sleep feeling like gelatin.

  By the return home of the next day, the roof was completely on and the room sealed, nice and secure from the element. Connor even made a simple, but elegant looking door that separated the kitchen from the kid’s bedroom. Other than that, she didn’t hear too much work being done and it was difficult not to ask. Connor would only smile her smile and it wasn’t difficult to imagine that it is going to be perfect.

  On Wednesday Sarah didn’t hear Connor hammer anything all day when she returned home. All she could hear was a repetitive sound like slicing and scraping behind the closed door. Then Connor would usually take out a bag of trash and dump it outside. Covertly, she snuck a peek at what he threw out and it was nothing but a pile of wood shavings. Why does he al
ways have to make things so tantalizingly mysterious? She wondered.

  When Sarah finally returned home on Thursday she found Connor laying out in the semi-high grass. His legs were mostly straight and his ankles were crossed. His arms folded back behind his head and used them like a pillow. Glancing at their home revealed that he finally finished.

  Sarah walked right up to him and saw how serene his expression was and that he had only taken a shower a short time ago. His hair was still wet and he recently shaved. She remembered what that serene face meant. He was relaxing with nature or something like that. It is something Harmonizer’s had to do or else they become dangerously destructive in an attempt to find nature anyways. The strangest thing to watch was from the subtle movements of the grass moving without wind and it seemed to caress him.

  He cracked an eye and gave her a playful smile as he rested in the grass. He spoke calmly and contently. “Are you ready?”

  “For what?” She asked teasingly and he knew that she was.

  Despite his enormous physique he moves silently and gracefully, like a jungle cat. He stood up and their fingers sought each other. He took her school bag and led the way to the newly expanded home. He opened the door and placed the bag on the table. She realized he cleaned up the room and everything looked in perfect order. At least he is good at cleaning up after himself.

  She looked up at him when their hands released. He gestured toward the new door. “Princess, it’s time that you see the finished room.”

  Sarah became too excited to savor the moment and leapt for the door. She swiftly opened the door and the blood in her veins seemed to stop for a moment. Inside the room showed to be even more precious than she first imagined.


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