Harmonizer's Evolution (Balancer's Soul cycle)

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Harmonizer's Evolution (Balancer's Soul cycle) Page 6

by Lee Morgan

  The room’s walls and roof resembled the simple and natural attractiveness of the rest of the house. Even the hardwood floor had a calming and natural beauty. The central ceiling fan and light were off. But this room is unique in and of itself. On the wall to the left held two open closets that would be large enough to accommodate for their children’s slow growth over the decades. On the wall that boarders with the kitchen were two newly carved dressers made out of what looked like red cedar and the fresh smell made the correlation definite. Off to the back corner sat a beautifully crafted rocking chair and beside it lay a changing station. Then her heart seemed to break as she looked to the right and under the southern facing window. Connor made two new adjoining baby cribs. And over each crib dangled an intricately designed, handcrafted carrousel. On each string held figures of different and elegant animals.

  Tears began spilling over her cheeks as she walked to the cribs and began touching them with only the tips of her fingers, it was real. She then touched the carrousel and the animals seemed to dance from the disturbance.

  Then warm and powerful arms wrapped around her torso and breasts. He spoke calmly. “I can feel that this is overwhelming for you, but that is all part of the surprise. Do you like it?”

  She leaned into his stomach and chest. She didn’t sob, but loving adoration filled her voice. “Connor, you are a genius. Our children will have the greatest father one could ever hope to have.”

  Sarah spun around and jumped into a kiss. He wrapped his arms easily around her back and kissed her back. Once their lips parted he asked in a husky voice “Try out your new rocking chair?”

  With a nod, he allowed her to drop to the floor again. He watched on as she crossed the room towards the newly handcrafted rocking chair. It wasn’t too large, but it would easily fit her when her daughters were nursing. It was padded with new cushions on both the seat and the back.

  The chair was bliss to sit on and rocking effortlessly.

  Before Sarah knew it she had went fast asleep. All the worry and expecting had tired her to the point where everything was exhausting and the chair allowed her time to rest.

  Fresh and Stale

  It’s now January thirtieth, almost nine months later after Connor designed and built the perfect room for their children. Sarah laid comfortably in the living room and continued to read a romance novel that Jenny brought over for her yesterday. The fire next to her felt soothing compared to all the melting snow. Spring still remained far away for her liking. Jenny had put Sarah on bed-rest about a month ago because of her new physique, just as a precaution. As expected, her belly had swollen to immense proportions. Her belly had become her most dominant feature and it was unmistakable to see that she carried twins.

  Sarah closed the book because it was getting stale and repetitive.

  Instead she began reminiscing.

  After waking up in the new rocking chair Sarah ran over to collect her mother and Jenny to show them the new addition. Apparently they had forgotten to inform them about the project, but they didn’t stay angry at the parents to be for too long. They absolutely loved the room nearly as much as she did. Jillian had called everyone and they came over to see it for themselves. Kara was too funny when she tried to get inside one of the cribs, but Connor had to remind her that her weight could crush the frame. For spite she jumped in one and the structure held. They all had a small laugh when she played with the carrousel like a kitten, pawing at it. Sarah offered a bottle of warm milk, but by then Kara said she was done playing around.

  During the weekdays, while she worked out at the school, Connor would work with everyone and make the lives of others more comfortable. He would work on their home and kept things both beautiful and natural. He would go off help Jenny with cutting the yard or any projects she needed help with. Or he would go over to David and Rhoda’s and helped tend to the farm. He seemed to enjoy working and making sure everyone had easier lives.

  Every weekend Connor and Mark would go to the park and teach more survival lessons. Then his business picked up once summer began and he spent a great deal of time teaching both adults and children how to live and survive out in the world, without modern convinces. Sarah didn’t need to go with him because they began linking their minds together and he’d recount everything with a clarity that would seem like she was the one to be there and doing things herself.

  Jillian restarted her wedding planning business and had made some spectacular events that gained the good kind of attention. In just a few short months she quickly became one of the greatest planners in Minnesota and getting expensive offers on a daily basis. Well she has been doing it for over six hundred years.

  She should be the best by now.

  Then there is Jack. Ever since revealing their greatest secret to the May’s, he and David had become the best of friends. He would only go to the garage when they needed him. Luckily the staff is pretty much self-sufficient. Jack has always enjoyed the company of other men who knew the challenges and benefits of working with their hands. Since David is a blacksmith it was almost a fated friendship. Jack became in the habit of stopping by the May farm when Jillian needed to leave town. He and David started working together in the forge. Since Jack is a master Fire Balancer he helped David work the metal with his abilities. And her father told Sarah that after a hard day of work he and David would sit in the shade and enjoy a cold beer or watch a football game.

  Mark still worked at the diner during the weekdays and helped with the seminars along with her mate on the weekends. He is still Connor’s best friend and one of Sarah’s closest. They would all hang out together for a few hours every week. He began getting in the habit of asking how his nieces were coming along. Sarah didn’t mind the wording because he was like a brother to them all. He didn’t interfere too much, but he did worry. He would always ask Sarah if he could help her with anything, but she had everything one could ever truly want in a fulfilling life, a faithful and excellent lover, strong family ties and a growing family.

  Kara was a surprise to them all when she enrolled into the local community college that was about an hour’s drive away. She wanted to major in art and minor in biology. She had to go easy because she would ace every test and do everything with perfect marks. As a Changer, her mind had evolved to recall everything with perfect clarity, almost similar to a photographic memory, but far superior. Her art instructors didn’t care about her grades because her pieces were always gallery worthy and so detailed the subject looked like you can reach and actually touch whatever had been captured. She sold one painting, based on a picture, for four thousand dollars and was soon recognized throughout the school as the next artist that could become famous throughout the world. What surprised her family most of all is that her ego didn’t inflate one bit. It couldn’t become any larger. She still remained they annoying and hyperactive sister-in-law. But they were all, and always, proud of her for doing so well. She deserved what she put effort into.

  Sarah began rubbing her warm and swollen belly as her recounting turned inward and what she’s been up to.

  In early June, Connor surprised her with their wedding anniversary. She had completely forgotten all about it, but nothing important could ever slip by her mate. For their first anniversary they soared through the clouds and danced among them. It was one of the most beautiful aerial dance’s they’ve ever had together. They didn’t have any music, but it wasn’t required. His love for her was as genuine of music as it could ever come. Nothing had spoiled their entire day together. In fact it was joyous. Sarah had felt the very first kick from one of them.

  After school ended in mid-June, Sarah had to inform the school of her pregnancy towards the end of July. There was no hiding the fact of her belly any longer and the timeframe would be about perfect. Her belly went from a bump to a baseball during those three months and a petite frame couldn’t disguise much. She had told the school that she’d work until school was out for Christmas break. She would need more than just the ave
rage six weeks to return to work, more like sixteen weeks or more would be more accurate. She wouldn’t need the time to recuperate, but to be sure her children were taken care of properly.

  In November, Sarah had to go shopping for new clothes because her belly had outgrown her wardrobe. While shopping in the clothing boutique she ran into Mrs. Burrow. She was immediately thrilled to hear about the conception and she didn’t believe that her husband was telling the truth until she saw Sarah for the first time in close to a year. By the time Sarah finished getting the new clothes that would fit, she came out of the dressing rooms to see Connor and the deputy sitting over in the waiting area again. He had invited them over to their house for the first time.

  They had to show them that they literally lived in the woods and they adored the little cottage away from civilization. They all had dinner together and they enjoyed the excursion. They had only come over one last time, just before her birthday, just over three weeks ago.

  By December, she looked like an overly swollen balloon. Sarah had gained a total of thirty nine pounds and it was all her babies. Her legs, arms and bottom were exactly as they have always been, but besides the growth of her belly is the surprise of how much larger her breasts had gotten. Her breasts were now the size of her mother’s, from being swollen from milk. Sarah guessed that had been how her mother had gotten such pristine endowments. Having three daughters probably made her knockout figure so perfect.

  Sarah hoped that the effect would be the same for her.

  Unfortunately for the new girth Jenny had become overprotective of her and the babies health. With Sarah’s size the way it is, she put her on bed-rest. That being said she couldn’t go out to see her glistening present that Connor made for her birthday present last year. She thought about sneaking out, but everyone of her family members were adamant about her staying home and only getting mild exercise, befitting for a human who was close to being nine months pregnant. They were only worried for their welfare so any hostility and anger she felt, slipped away. Sarah didn’t want to jeopardize their health so she heeded Jenny’s advice on the subject.

  Her mother-in-law worked with Jillian on what they should expect. They certainly couldn’t take Sarah to the hospital for the birthing so they all decided to do it here in the cottage of her home. A Balancer’s birthing is slightly different. Since the two women had had children they knew what to do. Being a trauma nurse, Jenny has had to deliver untold number of children and she would be Sarah’s primary midwife for the time the children come. Jillian and maybe Rhoda would assist Jenny during that critical time.

  For Christmas presents Jenny brought over bags medical equipment incase of any unforeseen complications.

  Problems can happen and it is always best to be prepared.

  Over three weeks ago Connor had his twenty first birthday and they had the party at Rhoda’s house. They made a meal fit for ten pregnant Balancers. They slaughtered seven heads of cattle just to feed them. If anything, Rhoda knew how to cook and she loved cooking such large and extravagant meals. Sarah really wanted to learn some of the secret recipes. Connor had a great party, but he doesn’t drink because he likes keeping his mind sharp. Everyone knew this, so he wasn’t offered any alcohol for his legal adult birthday.

  Since going on bed-rest, the women of the family come over regularly to visit Sarah. She’s rarely alone anymore because the time is drawing nearer. Mostly the ones to visit are Jillian and Jenny because Kara is still busy with school and her new profession at the same time. Rhoda comes when she’s able too. She is one who doesn’t like to go out in the snow, but she does it to check on Sarah.

  Sarah startled from the memories when the front door opened. Her hands came off her round belly as her eyes tried looking passed the balloon.

  It was only Connor and he just came home after working over at Jenny’s. He looked at her laying on the couch and a smile etched itself on his lips; her smile. Through their bond, he became overjoyed to see her again. He spoke with a deep and masculine voice as his predatory eyes took her in. “How are you feeling today, Princess? Do you need anything?”

  She pushed herself back on the couch and lifted her feet. “I wouldn’t mind one of your spectacular foot rubs, my Knight.”

  He kicked off his wet shoes and walked over. He sat down on the sofa and she laid her feet on his lap. As he began rubbing her feet she could help but moan in relief and dropped her head on the pillow. Then he began using sonar as he rubbed her feet. He had gotten into the habit of doing that recently. He loved looking at their children so she closed her eyes to enjoy the relaxing touches he was giving. She felt his pulses cease and cracked an eye to see him having a knowing smile as he worked. He’s looked giddy for some time, but he won’t allow her to know what he’s learned. Oh well. Sarah closed her eyes again. She made herself a little more comfortable.

  Connor then began speaking casually. “It seems like the last major winter snowstorm is gone for the year. I’d give it three more days until we have another minor flurry session. The stream by the house just needed a few pieces of ice to be broken away to flow free once again. Hopefully by tomorrow morning I can reattach the waterwheel and start charging the batteries without using the bike or the generators. I’ll also remove the remaining snow on the roof and…” at the time he stopped speaking he stopped rubbing her foot. She reopened her eyes and looked down. Something changed in his emotional climate.

  His eyes were sharp and focused on something other than what he was looking at. His strong jaw became set and his jaw muscles were clinching. Large muscles beneath the winter clothes tensed and his nose slightly flared. She would know that look anywhere. Connor’s preparing for something. She pulled her foot from his grasp and managed to sit up safely. She whispered “Connor, what is it?”

  Without looking at her he said ominously “Something’s coming…no several something’s. My instinct is telling me something strong is headed towards us.” He turned his head towards the new room, but he looked up. “Stay here.” Her heart started racing from this unseen threat that had Connor’s defenses going up.

  Sarah wanted to follow him as he stood up, but his words meant more than Stay here. He really meant Don’t move and stay safe. Her mate walked over to the desk by the door and he pulled out Tool and he held it with white knuckles. He didn’t look scared, he was dangerous right now.

  Apparently whatever it was is moving quickly to their home. Connor reacted by running to the front door. He jumped in his boots as he grabbed the handle. She then felt a mind trying to enter her mental barriers. Both Connor and Sarah stopped moving and breathing. It was a very strong mind, but a familiar one.

  “Connor, Sarah? Are you home?”

  Sarah was the first to communicate back. “Veronica? Is that you?”

  The mind soothed at being acknowledged. “Indeed it is, my friend. I can see your home. We are coming in from east.”

  “We? Who’s we?” Connor asked without moving his lips.

  Then another and more ancient mind could be felt by both of them. “Come outside and see for yourself, Little Brother.” Then the mental link severed.

  Connor’s eyes met hers and she saw his defenses drop with the sigh he blew through his nose. The other mind was from his older and differently looking brother. He slid Tool in his belt loop and sighed in relief. He smiled at her and offered out his hand, after walking over to her side.

  Sarah smiled back and took his hand. He helped her to stand up. They walked over to the front door and Connor helped her slide her sneakers on while she slipped into a heavy jacket. He did it because her belly will not allow her to see her own two feet. Soon they were ready and he opened the door.

  It was still very cold outside, but they had special visitors coming by. Sarah’s warm cheeks felt the cold, but her belly remained insulated. Sarah stepped out into the slush and stopped when she felt Connor’s power rising. She glanced at him and then understood what he was doing. He started using his power over Liquid to l
ift and throw the mushy snow into the woods surrounding their home. Once he finished the simple task he walked to her side and they looked eastward.

  The blue sky was clear and bright but she couldn’t see anything.

  The moment Connor saw something he pointed slightly to the left of where she was currently looking. Apparently he could see something that she couldn’t. It took another minute before she saw two tiny black dots moving slowly in the sky and then felt their energy being used. Their forms kept growing and growing as they flew straight for them. Once they were small dots, but now they were huge.

  Sorono and Veronica were flying side by side as they soared directly towards the small clering. They saw the dark brown ground that separated the two younger immortals from the white surroundings. As they closed the distance they began slowing down even further.

  Connor and Sarah stood still as they landed gracefully on their back legs, despite their enormous size and weight. First to come to a halt was Veronica. She looked like the first time they saw her; elegant and powerful. She wore a white robe and a gold belt encrusted with red rubies. She stood proudly at around ten feet tall and her sleek black scales looked in perfect condition. Her sharp claws and thin whip-like tail looked dangerous, her casual body language was anything but. Her large golden eyes looked happily upon them. And then there was her mate.

  Sorono is by far the largest of the Keepers Sarah’s ever met and the oldest. He stands about fifteen feet tall and his muscles are just as overly developed as her mate’s. His tail is slightly longer and more than twice as thick compared to his new mate Veronica’s. He wore a different robe this time; silver and green. And inside the robe lay a small bulge. He has large and piercing hazel eyes that have a slit pupil, like a feline’s. His eyes have the same color as Connor’s because they are brothers and Harmonizer’s. Despite the size and species difference between Sorono and Connor, the Head Elder said they were equally strong.


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