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Harmonizer's Evolution (Balancer's Soul cycle)

Page 7

by Lee Morgan

  The very first to speak was Veronica. “It is good to see my old friends again after such a long time. You two look well.”

  Connor grinned as he spoke calmly up to their tall friend. “You look more than well, Veronica. I can sense that you are more powerful than the last time we seen each other. It seems like Sorono did to you what I did with Sarah.”

  She looked up to her mate with a sly smile. Then Sorono spoke to her. “I told you he would notice right away. You cannot hide from our perception or intuition. And you thought he wouldn’t notice?” Sorono let out a hissing chuckle and Veronica used her tail to smack his bottom. “Ouch, what was that for?”

  She grinned, showing her large teeth. “Because you made fun of me!”

  “Sorono!” Connor called out and changed the mood with his smile. “Don’t let it bother you too much. Sarah did the same to me, but with a metal spoon. Take my advice and don’t say anything else, for now.” Everyone smiled in mild embarrassment.

  Veronica drew herself up slightly and returned to Connor’s statement “Yes, Sorono’s bond with me has strengthened me. I’ve never felt so powerful in my whole life. All of my strengths have become even easier to manage and my former limitations have become just as strong. And also my aura has somehow changed color. It’s no longer gold like my eyes.”

  Wanting to see for herself, Sarah poured energy into her eyes. Everyone glanced in her direction and it was true. Veronica’s energy is now as pure white as Sorono’s is, instead of golden. Remarkably her energy’s size became as wide and heavy as Sorono’s and the entire clearing became saturated by both white and dark blue energy’s. Sarah then compared it to the size of Connor’s and her own and it seems like they all have about the same size auras.

  “So can you guess why we are here?” Sorono taunted her mate and brought Sarah back to the conversation. She stopped the energy flowing into her eyes.

  The younger Harmonizer went silent for a minute while studying the two Keepers in front of them. Then Connor’s smile changed to pure joy as he looked between them. “Your Egg! It has hatched! If it hadn’t Veronica would still be carrying it in the bend of her arm. She would always hold it unless there was something that she had to do.”

  Sorono knelt down and looked closer at Connor. He moved very slowly so as to be careful of something fragile. “Very good deductive skills. Yes, our egg has finally hatched. I would like you to meet my stepdaughter, Shannon.” Sorono leaned closer to the ground until his chest hovered almost four feet from the ground. His tone changed to a calm and fatherly coaxing. “Come on out now, little one. There are people who would like to meet you. They have been waiting for a very long time.” Then he seemed to coo. “Please?”

  Sarah stepped closer to her mate and gently rested her hand against his forearm. They silently watched as the bulge in Sorono’s robe began shifting and moving of its own accord. The small movement ruffled as it moved towards the opening. Then they saw the first glimpse of the new addition to their family. It came out as a thin black tail. Just after the tail escaped it was followed by two small clawed feet. Once the feet dangled, the new Keeper seemed to lose its grip. It slipped out of the robe in a single slide. The new baby fell on her bottom. She hissed from the impact, but wasn’t hurt.

  She was absolutely adorable when she finally looked at her surroundings. She had a rounder face than adult Keepers once she finally looked at the new creatures and her black scaly skin was pristine. Her leathery lips pulled back in a smile to show her small, yet sharp, white teeth. The top of her skull sloped back just like all the others of her kind. Both of her eyes were situated forward like all other predators. She had eyes just a shade darker than Veronica’s gold. She was wearing a light brown robe of her own, that is brand new and a thin golden sash tied around her middle, holding it together.

  Sorono pushed himself back up and Shannon’s attention went to him. Veronica moved to stand directly next to her mate. They both stood tall and proud as they looked down at their child. Sorono said in a coaxing tone again “Go ahead and stand up. Take all the time you need and introduce yourself like your mother and I taught you. You can do it.”

  They all were silent and patient as the childlike Keeper pushed with her claws. It took a minute for her to finally manage to push herself into a standing position and keep her balance. She then quickly brushed off her robe and drew herself up as proudly as her parents, but she didn’t even stand as tall as their shins. She looked to be around three and a half feet tall, but she was a gracious looking child. Then everyone felt her mind reaching out. It wasn’t very strong, but she managed to speak with her mind. Her mental voice sounded like a sweet girl’s that is both rich and intelligent.

  “Good afternoon. It is a pleasure to meet all of you. My name is Shannon.”

  Connor smiled and walked right up to her. She became frightened and looked to her mother and she smiled to her daughter reassuringly. Veronica knew they weren’t a threat to her child so she didn’t intervene in any hostile way. Shannon looked back and up to Connor. He saw her fright and knelt down in front of her to ease her worry. He offered his right hand and said “The pleasure is all mine, little niece. It is a relief to finally meet you.”

  She looked at Connor’s hand and back to her parents. They both grunted in coaxing and she slowly reached out and grasped Connor’s hand with her three claws and thumb. She then smiled at him. “So you are the strange looking uncle that Father has told me about. I thought he was joking when he showed me what you looked like.”

  Sarah couldn’t stop herself from bursting into laughter. Everyone else joined her as Shannon spoke her mind as any other child does. Once the hilarious fit calmed she looked at her husband as he said “Yes I am, but you may call me Connor. How old are you, Shannon?”

  She grinned, but Veronica spoke. “It has been three weeks since she has hatched. We had to visit Firon and Clarein first because they are closer to our home. We spent all day flying here to come show off our new daughter.”

  “She is as beautiful as you are Veronica.” Connor complimented and Veronica winked at him. Then he spoke to himself as he stood up. “Three weeks, huh. High intelligence… able to touch another’s mind…” Then Connor looked up at his Harmonizer brother. “Sorono, she is very knowledgeable for only hatching three weeks ago. Have you allowed her to touch your mind so that she may learn at such an advanced rate?”

  Sorono grinned and his tone turned to ancient and proud. “Indeed, but we only allow her to learn languages at this stage, and we give her mental images of certain objects to reference the words for her understanding. We do not push our thoughts into them in an attempt to create another of ourselves, the result would be an abomination. Right now she has the mental strength of an adolescent human. We do not give her everything she wants or else her mind will be overloaded and cease to function. Later this evening we will teach her to count numbers.” Then he smiled to his daughter. “Shannon, isn’t there someone else you need to greet?”

  Shannon knew almost instantly that he meant Sarah. She turned her dark golden eyes on the other person and smiled shyly. She then took a measured step forward and had to rely heavily on her tail to maintain balance. Her walk seemed shaky at best, but she did manage to make her way closer. Sarah tried to walk closer, but Sorono shook his head. He wanted her to walk and get used to it. He didn’t want to spoil her.

  She stopped about two feet away and tilted her head. “Hello Aunt Sarah, I’m Shannon.” She raised her right hand and Sarah took it. Her hand felt hard and smooth, but surprisingly warm.

  “It’s a pleasure to meet you too.” They released each other’s grip.

  Then her eyes drifted down. Her scaly brow drew together. “Mother, you showed me what Aunt Sarah looked like, but she looks different now… She’s rounder in the middle.” Shannon pointed at Sarah’s belly and looked up at Veronica. “She looks to have a growth. Is she alright?”

  Connor and Sorono both chuckled, but Veronica shook her head at
the simple misunderstanding. Shannon’s mother walked closer and dropped to her knees once she reached them. Shannon had a quizzical expression as Veronica pointed to Sarah’s belly from a few feet away. “Remember what I told you yesterday. Unlike us, their species carry their children inside themselves. They don’t lay eggs. Your aunt doesn’t have a growth, she’s with young and she will give a live birth.”

  “Oh,” Shannon’s eyes lit up with childlike wonder as she looked at the round belly once again with wide golden eyes.

  Sarah stepped closer to the child. “If you’re very gentle you may rub my belly.” She then glanced at Veronica. “Is she able to use sonar?”

  Veronica shook her head while maintaining eye contact with Sarah. “No, it will take another ten years until she will be capable of using any form of her abilities. She is only capable of telepathy until then.” Sarah nodded and grabbed for the bottom of her coat. Veronica looked carefully at her daughter and warned “Be very careful when you touch her. Use the back of your hand so you don’t accidently cut her skin with your claws. We don’t want to harm the baby.”

  Sarah pulled her shirt up a little bit to reveal her huge belly. Veronica watched carefully as Shannon used the back side of her hand and brushed it against the smooth belly. She was very careful. “Wow, it’s all soft and…what was that!?”

  “That was them kicking.”

  “Them?” Sarah looked to Veronica as her large eyes narrowed.

  “Yes, them.” She replied happily. “I’m carrying twins.”

  “When will be the time of their arrival?”

  “Not soon enough. I’d say within the next few weeks or so.” She explained to Veronica that she is on bed-rest because the time is near. Veronica gave her congratulations and asked if she could touch. She didn’t need to ask, but Sarah never once told her that. Shannon moved to her mother side as Veronica used the back of one of her fingers to brush the bulge.

  While Veronica touched, Sarah saw Sorono nod as he looked down at Connor. They were having a private conversation. Then the two of them looked to her with masked expressions. They knew that she was staring at them and they cut their conversation short. Sorono then spoke “Veronica, what would you like to do? You said you’d explain what you wanted after coming here.”

  Veronica drew her hand back and looked back at her mate. “Yes I did. Actually I was wondering if we could stay here until Sarah delivers her children. She said they will arrive soon.”

  Sorono silently watched his mate with loving adoration. Then he smiled positively. “I do not see why not, we have the time. But where would we stay?”

  “That’s easy!” Connor stated and drew attention upon himself. He stood just as proudly beside Sorono and continued stating “Sorono and I will go over to the old clearing where we used to train and hone our new abilities. We could erect something within a few hours, if we go now. We can make a quick cabin out of the local trees and it would keep all of you sheltered from the elements.”

  “Well what are you waiting for?” Shannon said from her mother’s side.

  Sorono chucked at his spirited daughter. “Very well. We will come back when the shelter is made.” Sorono looked down to his side. “Lead the way to this clearing of yours, little brother.”

  Before Sarah could say anything, her mate took off into the sky and flew westward to the rocky clearing. Sorono began following right behind and soon the trees obscured her vision of them.

  “What should we do for now, little one?” Sarah’s focus returned to the ancient Keeper and her young daughter.

  Shannon looked around and saw the cottage. She pointed “May I go play in there until Father returns?”

  Veronica looked at her and Sarah nodded. “Alright, but be on your best behavior.” Shannon let out a hissing giggle and walked towards the front door.

  Sarah trailed after her as she became stumped on how to enter the home. She didn’t know how to use turn the doorknob. Sarah entered Veronica’s mind and said “I’ll keep an eye on her. There is some wood behind the cottage if you’re cold and need to make a fire. Enjoy the quiet time while I play with your daughter.”

  “Thank you. When you become a mother you’ll love to take up any respite that is offered. Let me know if Shannon gets into something she shouldn’t. Now it’s time to knock the chill off me with a nice warm fire.”

  As she showed Shannon how to open a door, Veronica began walking around the house to take her up on the hospitality.

  Sarah followed behind the inquisitive Shannon and it felt terrific to enter the warm room. For the next few hours Veronica kept peering in through the window, making sure her daughter heeded her words. Sarah had taken off her coat and the young Keeper remained fascinated that she didn’t lay eggs like her mother. Veronica stayed in mental contact the entire time.

  Before they knew it Shannon grew exhausted and collapsed on the sofa. Sarah gave her a blanket and she seemed so content sleeping in front of the crackling fire. Sarah sat with her and rubbed her soft scaly head while conversing silently through the wall with Veronica. She still liked so excited that she was able to make a daughter after such a long time. She was always so easy to talk too.

  It had already become dark outside well over four hours ago. Sarah then felt Connor’s mind and he said they were finished. Veronica looked to have also gotten the message because she was leaning back, glancing through the window and Sarah understood that it was time for Shannon to go.

  She stood up and very gently slid her arms under Shannon’s sleeping body. She felt slightly heavier than one would imagine. Solid. She opened the front door and Veronica was already waiting. She took Shannon into her arm; still covered in the blanket. She mentally told Veronica she could borrow it to keep her warm.

  Soon their bonds told them that their mates were close. They entered the clearing silently. They were both a little dirty from their hard work. Veronica held up a finger over her lips for everyone to be silent. The men instantly saw the sleeping child and hovered in the air for a moment. Sorono entered their minds and told his mate to follow him to their temporary home.

  Veronica smiled at Sarah pleasantly. “Thank you for the respite. We’ll see you in the morning.”

  Soon the Keeper family silently flew over the trees.

  Once they were gone Sarah asked “How did it go?”

  He smiled her private smile and her heart stared fluttering. “They could live in there for a year after what we accomplished. It is secure and pretty much weatherproof. Here let me show you.” She then felt the comforting feeling of Connor’s mind brushing with hers. He began to show her what they did.

  Out in the rocky clearing the two males began working together and the images, smells and sounds were as vivid and descriptive as if she was there to watch it all happen. Connor’s accounts were better than any movie. Sorono ripped tall and mature trees from the ground like they were nothing but twigs. While he collected the timber, he used his claws and extreme speed to cut the trees like an axe. While he did that, Connor made a mortar out of sand, melted snow and dried grass. He used his ability over Liquid to pull the moisture from the grass. He mixed the ingredients together to make a natural sealant. They worked together on stacking the lumber into a large cabin and they used the mortar to seal the holes together. They cleared the ground and forcibly crushed the rocky soil into a solid floor of stone. They also added a central fireplace to warm up the home.

  “Wow, that was…amazing.” She admitted.

  “Thanks. How was your time together with the girls?” She gave him a mental rundown which made him smile. Then his eyes narrowed strangely on her. It seemed almost like an expectant look. “You’re worn out from today’s activities. Let’s get you in bed.” She couldn’t disagree and he followed her inside the house.

  Before he finally came back to bed he took a shower and called everyone over here in the morning to see some old friends.

  She cuddled up as closely to him as possible after putting on a nightshirt. Sh
e hated not leaning on her side anymore, but she had to sleep on her back.

  Then she soon found asleep.

  Connor was brought into an alert state when his instinct told him someone was approaching. Sarah felt his disturbance and groaned into conciseness. She laid to his left while keeping her bundle of covers packed tightly around her. Her long and luscious brown hair lay strewn all over her pillows. Her eyes fluttered open and they sought for him. It wasn’t long until her emerald gaze found the target sitting up by her side. Her rosy red lips quirked as she asked “What is it, my knight?”

  His left hand moved and cupped the side of her face and she nuzzled into it affectionately. His voice became calm and loving. “It seems like our guests are on their way. They will be here shortly.”

  She groaned. “Great. What time is it?” Her arms came out of her covers as she stretched. They looked at the window above them and saw that it is early morning and the sun has been up for no more than an hour at most. “How long do we have before they arrive? Oh and which guests are you talking about?”

  His senses told him that whoever was coming in this immediate direction was moving very slowly. They were approaching from the south so it couldn’t be Sorono or his family. At this speed it would have to be human, but there were three. Sarah wanted a more specific answer so he gave her one. In his mind he brought his reserved power forth and sent out pulsating waves of sonar in every direction. When the power released he could see everything and anything around him in black and white. He focused towards the south and passed the barriers of his home. The new sight allowed him to see beyond what his eyes could ever do. He passed the trees like a phantom until he saw the three figures coming in their direction. A sly smile found its way on his lips as his power ceased. Then he looked down at Sarah as she remained laying in bed looking like a goddess in the flesh.

  “It is my mom and grandparents. I’d guess they will be here within fifteen minutes or less.”


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