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Harmonizer's Evolution (Balancer's Soul cycle)

Page 17

by Lee Morgan

  Before they knew it the day had become quarter after ten at night. Sarah knew that because Pearl’s thoughts had become sluggish. She was both tired and hungry.

  “Connor,” his eyes opened and met hers. It looked like this was the first time he’s opened his eyes since teaching Darrel as well.. “It’s getting towards their bedtime. Can you watch them for a few minutes while I prepare their bottles for them to sleep on a full stomach?”

  “Sure, they are both very worn out.”

  Soon after their feeding they were both fast asleep. They didn’t get a chance to lay down any ground rules. It didn’t matter because they would continue working with them in the morning.

  A week has passed since Pearl and Darrel first used their telepathic abilities. Sarah and Connor noticed that when they use their ability they don’t get headaches like unmated Balancers. It wasn’t a big stretch, because they’ve seen Keepers use their extraordinary powers casually, without the requirement of a mate.

  Both of their words of the English language have become perfected and they could now speak conversationally with most adults. Connor also found their telepathic range to be close to one hundred feet away. Any further and you don’t even know they were trying their hardest to talk. They learned that intruding in on another’s thoughts were bad manners so they no longer do it without permission. If they were to break this rule they were confined to their crib for the rest of the day, alone and without anything to do. If they tried it again they wouldn’t get to see anyone except their parents for a full week.

  Darrel tested his father’s patience on this subject only once and found out who the boss of the house really is. Connor placed him in his crib for his behavior and shut the door. He finally started wailing for someone to get him, but he found out what a timeout really meant.

  Pearl saw all this and vowed to be a good girl forever. Everyone knew she never wanted to be away from human contact for an extended period of time.

  They really haven’t changed in the past week, but their features were filling out and becoming less wrinkled. And they were becoming even more beautiful.

  The twin’s didn’t like the bottle compared to the comforts of their mother’s bosom, but they soon became accustomed to it.

  Connor went by Jack’s yesterday because of the news. The new numbers were in. Over three thousand and six hundred were confirmed dead and they were still searching the ocean for any more lucky survivors. Some had been miraculously rescued or washed up on shore. Plus the scientists were still dumbfounded because they haven’t found the direct cause of the incident yet.

  Rhoda was also feeling better yesterday and she, along with David, came over to find out the new trick. Pearl and Darrel agreed to call them Great-Grandfather and Great-Grandmother. Neither David nor Rhoda were shocked by their telepathy, but they were thrilled to be able to converse with their grandchildren.

  And there wasn’t any sign of Veronica showing up anytime soon so Connor took it as good news that Sorono was still well and the other Head Elders were still unworried about his absence.

  No news was good news.

  Tonight Sarah decided to teach the twin’s about numbers. Pearl counted to three hundred and nineteen before losing her place. Darrel made it to three hundred and eleven before falling asleep.

  The days became soon became repetitive. It was a good thing because all newborns needed a defined structure. They would have their twice a day feedings as well as a nightly lesson which they always looked forward to. When it became a hassle for everyone to come over to the cottage, Sarah and Connor decided to alternate between going to his mom’s, her parents or his grandparents. Darrel became fascinated when he watched his Great-Grandfather and Daddy working in the forge. It seems like his son might lean towards being a Fire type. Pearl soon began getting in the habit of asking for pretty stones. If she is like her brother then she’ll most likely be favoring Terra in the future.

  Since Kara’s apartment is too small to house a party, she always visits once school is over. So as a result she and Mark surprised everyone by starting the process of buying a new home. Apparently they are buying a plot of land beside Jenny’s that has been vacant for nearly a hundred years. Since Changers are also immortal their fortunes have piled up and Mark wasn’t lacking in the money department. He bought the land outright. He said “If there is ever an emergency we’ll be close by. Plus our strange family needs to stick close together.”

  Since then a month has passed and Mark gratefully accepted Connor’s and Jack’s help, on building his new house. During the building process they had to put up a large, opaque plastic screen around his house. He wanted it to be a surprise for his nosy mate. Mark had Connor periodically check his mate’s thoughts to see if she has peeked and remarkably she hasn’t even considered checking on the progress. This is a side of Kara who was waiting to be overwhelmed in surprise.

  And also during that month their family voted and Deputy Burrow had now become the new Sheriff Burrow. Everyone became pleased and their friend had all of them come over for his victory party and celebration.

  The town had made the correct choice for Sheriff.

  As Jack and Connor put the finishing touches in the living room, Mark entered. “Connor, Jack,” They stopped wiping the windows to see him smiling sheepishly by the front door. “I just wanted to thank you again for giving me a hand. I just wish there was more I could do for the two of you.”

  “Forget about being indebted. You’re family.” Jack stated with a grin. “Wow, never in my life would I have said that to a Changer…”

  His best friend looked away and then around the room.

  Connor changed the subject. “Tomorrow’s the big day! What time is the revelation supposed to happen?”

  Mark’s silver eyes found him and he retorted “Actually I was planning on bringing her here around noon because she only has the one class tomorrow. I’ll need to borrow your powers to pull off the plastic that’s surrounding the house. After the big showing, we’ll have a barbeque party for everyone. I’ve already packed all the meat out in the back freezer.”

  He walked up and placed a hand on Mark’s shoulder. “I’ll be here by quarter till then, Bud.”

  “Thanks again, Buddy. I’ll see you tomorrow then.”

  Jack and Connor soon left together. They moved under the plastic barrier and started walking down the dirt road. He asked this question before, but Connor didn’t interrupt. “I wonder what other reasons he’s chosen to build a home so close to ours…”

  After he finished speaking his mind Connor gave him his personal answers to the thoughtful questions. “Take your pick. Maybe he just wants to be close or he’s doing this for Kara. He’s never had a loving family before. Not even in his human one. Maybe it could be that he doesn’t want to take the chance if someone who lives around him catches him changing or flying. Or maybe his apartment was just too small and he wants a larger home. Haven’t you seen all the paintings that is in Kara’s art room? The apartment must have been cramped. Or maybe he would just like to invite everyone to his house rather than always coming over to ours…” Connor kept stating the obvious, but the way Jack looked at him meant that he hasn’t considered those alternatives.

  By the time they walked the quarter mile they saw Jack’s house. They parted ways because Connor could feel that Sarah was already home and waiting. It wasn’t long before his simple home came into view.

  Connor opened the front door and Sarah sat at the dining room table with their children sitting in their handmade highchairs. “Welcome home, Connor. How is everything over on your end?”

  “Kara’s house is finally finished. We’ll wait for their arrival at noon tomorrow. Were you able…”

  She pointed by the fireplace. “Yes, I found the housewarming gift we saw at the market last week.” The gift was wrapped like a large birthday present.

  “Welcome home, Daddy!” Pearl mentally shouted sweetly. Her mental voice was preceded by her brother’s. �
�Yes, Daddy’s home.”

  They were both smiling as he affectionately rubbed both of their soft heads. “Thanks, kids. Were you on your best behavior? If you were, I’ll read you a new bedtime story tonight so you can have happy dreams.”

  “I was Daddy! But I cannot say the same for Pearl…” Darrel’s eyes shifted to his twin sister. She in turn mentally shouted “Shut up, Darrel!”

  Sarah smiled as the twins had already begun their sibling rivalry.

  Connor stepped behind his mate and placed his hands on her shoulders. He peered down at his children and spoke calmly. “Alright that is enough bickering for now. Pearl, tell me what happened and then your mother and I will discuss an appropriate punishment.”

  Pearl wasn’t smiling any longer and she averted her eyes in shame. She was trying to shrink away just like her mother does in an embarrassing situation. At least she hasn’t learned to bite her bottom lip. “I didn’t mean to do it on purpose, Daddy. I swear. It’s just… I saw Mommy’s friend, Mrs. Burrow’s in the market with us. I waived at her like I do with G’ama. The lady blinked at me and I quickly covered my wave with a big yawn. I stretched out as far as my limbs would go and then I pretended to fall asleep.”

  Pearl quit talking so Sarah finished the end of the story. “And then Mrs. Burrow came up and wanted for her to wave again. Pearl did make a small mistake, but her quick actions kept her secret safe. Our son here keeps annoying her with guilt.”

  “Oh he has, has he?” Darrel’s eyes found his Daddy’s and his toothless smile waned. “If that’s the case, what should we do about the two of them?”

  “Two? But Daddy…”

  “Darrel,” Connor silenced him and continued talking. “It isn’t appropriate to keep flaunting a mistake which you very well could have made yourself. It also isn’t nice that you been making your sister feel guilty for something that was an innocent accident. Until you realize how hurtful your actions are, you two will have a similar punishment. Am I clear?”

  He shied away, like his sister. “Yes, sir.”

  Sarah and Connor sealed off their minds from them. They knew that their parents were deciding their fate. Eventually they concluded and Sarah explained “Daddy and I have decided that no action will result in these minor transgressions,” They looked at both of them with open expressions “but if it happens again the two of you will be in timeout for the next four hours; together and alone for that entire time.”

  They understood.

  Soon it was time for sleep because tomorrow is going to be a big day.

  Early the next morning they were all excited about the big reveal. Connor carried Pearl in one arm and the house warming gift in the other and Darrel went with his mother. The four of them walked through the green woods, once the sun was almost high in the sky. There was still plenty of time so they decided to have a nice casual stroll through the woods.

  Once they made it through the trees they saw some company. Jillian and Jack were all excited as they animatedly spoke with Connor’s grandparents. Jenny stood off to the side of the group, standing in the path of a gentle breeze. They were all speaking by the truck, obviously they weren’t waiting for the babies.

  A sly smile crept on Connor’s face.

  Once they were within one hundred feet, Pearl mentally called “G’ama!” Jenny, along with everyone else shifted their eyes to their approach. “How was work yesterday? Did you have fun?” During her mental contact Connor monitored both of his children’s telepathy, just incase they intentionally broke the rules.

  Jenny’s golden hair billowed out as she made her way up to them. Her chocolate brown eyes were locked on her granddaughter in a loving way. Jenny used her calm and rich voice. “Everything went wonderfully, Pearl. Actually I wish more newborns could speak like you do. We have a little girl in pediatrics who cries and cries yet we cannot figure out what her ailment truly is.”

  “Maybe we can help, G’ama.” Darrel suggested. “We can enter their minds…if Daddy gives us permission, that is.”

  His mom looked at Connor with a wondering expression. He then looked at each of his children calmly. “We cannot do that, Darrel. A human baby’s mind is just too fragile compared to yours and your sister’s. No one would dare attempt to enter a mind of one so young and weak. Sorono is an exception for he has millennia worth of experience, so don’t even bring that up. Darrel, even if you attempted to enter the child’s mind, she would go into a coma and could even die.” Connor then pointed to Darrel’s silver haired grandfather. “I know just how dangerous it is because your Grandpa did it to me once. It wasn’t something anyone should ever feel. We don’t harm anyone unless it is in self-defense and no other option is available.”

  Darrel looked at his white haired grandfather and then to his daddy. Then his mental voice went silent.

  David suddenly broke the short silence. “Come on everyone. It’s eleven thirty. How about we get a move on?”

  As they all began walking together down the road Pearl gained Connor’s attention. “Daddy, is it alright if G’ama holds me?”

  Jenny smiled and easily took her off his hands.

  Since both of Sarah’s hands were in use, Connor placed his hand on the small of her back and they walked the rest of the quarter mile while conversing with everyone. Soon they saw the plastic shielded house. The only physical thing one could see is the size of the house by looking at the roof. Everyone has eagerly awaited this day; besides Jack and himself.

  “Everyone wait here. I’ll be right back.” They waited by the driveway as Connor moved the plastic aside and put the gift out on the patio table.

  Then he rejoined them.

  Connor was the first to hear the familiar sound of the motor that belonged to Mark’s jeep. They all stood shoulder to shoulder by the newly paved driveway.

  As Mark pulled the brown jeep into the driveway they could all see Kara’s excited expression dominating her features. Her quickly darting silver eyes took everything in. Rhoda did her very best not to laugh.

  As soon as the jeep’s ignition was choked off, they stepped out of their vehicle. Mark shut the driver’s door and said “Sweetheart, welcome to our new home!” Kara’s grin somehow grew even more pronounced. Then Mark waited until she moved around to take his hand. Once she stood at his side and before them all, Mark’s eyes found Connor’s. “Buddy, if you please.”

  His power was already rising to do his instant bidding. Connor had the mental image of the plastic perimeter already fixed in his mind’s eyes. It was then that his instinct called Pressure to obey his whim.

  Then everyone watched as the plastic lifted off the ground and it slowly revealed the look of the house. Once the plastic cleared the roof, he mentally bunched it together and tossed it in the construction size trash container that still remained off to the side of the front lawn.

  Now everyone could see the newest house to the road.

  The home Mark designed was a Deck House. The driveway had a branched walkway that led to a raised patio. In front of the house opened up as a large patio deck that had a long picnic table, all made from oak, and surrounding the platform is a safety railing. Above the patio was an overhang that would be perfect for shade or shelter from the sun and rain. Off to the end of the patio laid a large gas grill. The house itself was single storied and squared. The roof had been shingled properly and off to one side held a satellite dish. The house itself was painted dark silver, with small sprays of black for contrast. Off to the right of the house sat a new garage that remained closed. Mark’s second surprise would be for her a little later. Then the backside of the house went right up against the forest. The front yard was showing a lush green lawn and gave a pleasant spring smell. Things were simple, yet flashy enough for Kara.

  From the look on Kara’s face, if she was in her wolf form her tail would be wagging. Mark asked “What do you think?”

  She sent him a wry grin. “I’ll let you know later.” From the look in her eyes it wasn’t hard to see we
re her thoughts were heading.

  While holding hands, Mark led his mate along the walkway. Since Changers are more animalistic, they rely on their other senses more than others do. Their sense of smell is unrivaled. Kara sniffed everything as she passed by it. As they moved, the others silently followed. Everyone moved in silent awe of the newest home.

  They didn’t stay too long on the patio as they headed for the white front door. His sister said she’d open the gift later. Kara continued sniffing as they went inside. Once there, everyone focused on what they saw, silence reined.

  The living room had a large flat screen TV that would put Deputy Burrow’s to shame. The flooring was all tiled and centered in the room is a large sofa that could seat six adults, easily. The walls were painted with a semi-gloss beige color and the roof had been pop-corned, in the center of the ceiling hung a fan that was already running. Off to the left sat an empty fireplace and to the right…

  “Kara, did you paint that?” Sarah asked while pointing to the painting Connor was staring at.

  It looked a portrait painting of Mark in a business suit with a nineteen forties mafia style hat and Kara wearing a maid’s uniform and holding a feather duster in her right hand. His arms were wrapped at her waist while she looked up at him lovingly from behind.

  His sister grinned. “That’s right. You haven’t been over to our place since the Mélange meeting last year. Yes that was the painting that I made when we had the costume dance. I painted it just before painting your picture when we got home from the meeting.”

  After that, Mark led Kara to her private art room that didn’t have any windows because sunlight sometimes distorts and warps paintings. Then he led her to the fully stocked kitchen. The bathroom and even the washroom were made from pure tile and stainless steel. Finally Mark led Kara to their master bedroom. It was the largest room in the entire house.

  After the house tour was complete he led everyone outside once again.


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