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Harmonizer's Evolution (Balancer's Soul cycle)

Page 32

by Lee Morgan

  As they approached they saw that a line had already formed. They then stood silently behind a male Keeper and a male Changer, in the shape of a large wingless tiger. When another pair showed up behind them they began speaking about how well their children were learning and also she asked how Shannon did when she stayed in the cottage. They continued speaking casually until it came their turn.

  It took fifteen minutes before they finally managed to make their way up on the stage. Veronica and Sarah made their way to a vacant square, surrounded on all sides with other amazing fighters.

  Then they separated and stood about thirty feet from one another.

  Sarah knew Veronica is going to be a tough opponent, but she was excited. It felt good to release the restrictions that were placed on her physical strength. The restraints on her muscles were a necessity or else she’d crush here babies before knowing what happened. It would also feel great to get in some unrestrained exercise. The last strenuous thing she did was giving birth.

  Veronica dropped down on all fours and said to Sarah only “Whether fighting on my hind legs or on them all is all completely natural to our kind. Our tails maintain our balance when we are erect, but only fractionally. I’m going to come at you and I’d like for you to avoid every move that is thrown your way. Today’s object with me will be to see how well your evasion and defensive tactics are.”

  “I’m ready.” Sarah said as her legs spread into a more solid stance and raised her arms up while opening her hands.

  Connor once taught her this stance. He once said “The greatest offense is the ultimate defense. If you’re opponent cannot harm you then he cannot kill you. If he is stronger than you, don’t fight. Let him wear himself out while all you do is redirect his attacks and make them harmless.” Then he taught her this stance and how it should be used when facing a straightforward opponent.

  She could still hear everyone around her battling it out, but her main focus was on Veronica. Sarah’s eyes noticed the change in her as she switched from lecturing, to giving a real-world demonstration. She wasn’t going to hold much back either. Veronica then began the quick preparation of her lesson. She dug in every claw she had into the stone, except for the small dewclaws on her back legs.

  Her muscles bunched and she instantly launched herself across the square.

  Sarah’s mind was able to process everything she did. Veronica first aimed for a straightforward shoulder tackle. Because of her speed and size Sarah had to make a small leap to the right or else get flattened on the ground. As she flew harmlessly by, Veronica dug her claws into the stone and redirected her momentum into her direction again. Stone and dust were dug up and removed from the foundation as she made this move. Some of the debris had been thrown into other matches like shrapnel from a bomb.

  As Veronica threw herself at her again she leapt straight at her, with expanded arms. Sarah leapt over Veronica and she passed right under her feet. When Sarah landed, Veronica had already doubled back and this time Sarah couldn’t jump up or to either side. The reptile’s leap and long arms had given only a single option.

  Sarah dove under her. She had to roll and spring up, but Veronica was on her again. This time she wasn’t charging any longer. Now Veronica had reared up on her back legs to begin punching. Sarah was barely able to put up her defense again. Veronica’s punches were flying at astounding speeds and had enough force in them to punch through solid steel that was as long and deep as her arm.

  As her first right punch approached Sarah’s face, her open left palm moved towards the scaly index finger. Once she felt the connection on her palm, her arm diverted the punch away with the greatest of ease. It didn’t take much effort at all to divert the incredible attack, but if Sarah’s speed wasn’t at the level that it was, her reaction would have been too late. With one punch diverted, another was already on its way. Sarah did the same thing again with her right hand.

  Veronica rained down blow after blow with precision and each one was diverted at a speed Sarah didn’t even know that lay dormant inside herself. The punches were so swift that she’d lost count after six hundred and neither of them were short of breath.

  Then Veronica’s tactics changed as she thrust her tail like a spear or slung it like a whip. She was now attacking with three weapons. As such she had slowly begun to push Sarah back. Focusing on three attacks, at the speed they were going became incredibly taxing. Sarah would either duck under the tail or divert it with her palms because if she were to jump her strength would diminish greatly. Veronica continued forcing her further backwards.

  Then suddenly Sarah’s right ankle stepped in a hole that Veronica made earlier in the battle. Sarah’s stance had broken apart as her body began falling backwards. She couldn’t look back because Veronica’s right fist was coming directly at her. Her arms moved instinctively to protect her face, but were moving too slowly compared to the approaching weapon.

  Her eyes winced shut in preparation for pain.

  The pain didn’t come, but a new pressure did encompass her.

  Sarah slowly opened her eyes and looked down to see a large scaly hand, wound around her midsection. She followed the arm all the way up to see serene golden eyes. Her mind quickly pieced together that Veronica had opened her hand, mid-punch, to reach out and catch her.

  She looked up and smiled. “Good catch!”

  Veronica smiled back and a hissing chuckle escaped her throat. “It was a close one, I’ll admit. I’m thoroughly impressed on how developed you are defensively. Even before I became Sorono’s mate I’ve never met a single person who could fight off my moves so well.” Then Veronica’s eyes widened and looked to each of her sides. She then released her hold and Sarah regained her balance.

  Sarah then looked around like her friend. The first thing that she noticed was how eerily silent things were. Then her sight explained why. Everyone in the arena and those outside were staring openly at the two of them. Every single species had on a dumbfounded expression in the exact same way that they showed during the fight between their two mates. It made Sarah feel extremely self-conscious as her ears began to burn.

  Some quiet voice behind her asked “Sarah?” and she turned around to see her sister Amber. She looked as astounded like all others. Then her voice regained its usual life. “How did you…? When did you get so…”

  “Connor.” She said in answer. It took her sibling several seconds for her to understand what that meant.

  Then her eyes surveyed the ground. “Veronica, it looks like we’ve made a mess of our square.” She looked around and agreed.

  Everyone gave them a wide berth as they collected the scattered debris with their powers and brought it back to their site. Veronica had the honors of repairing the ground. It took only a few seconds.

  Veronica looked around and stated to all “Please, will everyone get back to work and stop gawking at us so oddly. We were only sparring. It isn’t like we’re going to grow another head or something.” No one seemed to have heard her so she looked down. “Sarah, shall we head back?” She nodded.

  Everyone’s eyes remained fixed on them as they walked off the stage and towards their men and children.

  By the time they returned, they were sitting side by side on the stone bench while watching their approach. They both were showing smug expression. Then as they turned down the table directly towards them, Shannon was standing in the middle of the aisle. She walked right up to Veronica and said “Mother, what happened? Everyone suddenly went silent a few minutes ago and all I could hear were very loud cracking sounds like thunder after a lightning strike.”

  Veronica looked over to the men and the twins and asked “Sorono, did you see what we did?” he nodded. “Then why didn’t you tell her?”

  “Because she wanted to hear it from you.”

  She grunted and knelt down to explain what had happened. While she did that Sarah walked closer to her husband.

  Getting closer to the table she saw that both of her children were b
oth fast asleep. She slid onto the bench and sat directly beside her mate. She whispered “What happened? They were both wide awake when I left them.”

  He then laid his left hand behind her lower back and put his lips close to her ears and a thrill shot through her body when he began to speak silently and softly. “They both became bored when they saw you waiting in line. They couldn’t entertain themselves for long and they drifted into their dreams. I was surprised that all the noise the two of you made didn’t wake them. I believe they could sleep through a cannon blast once they head into la la land.” Then he changed the subject, but kept whispering into her ear while exotic sensations continued to excite her. “By the way, I’m astounded at your progress. Those were very developed moves that you implemented out there. Your defensive skills have developed to perfection. I only showed you that stance once and you mastered it. I counted that you parried three thousand six hundred and nine attacks that were thrown at you. Very impressive for a one minute fight. I’m proud of you.”

  She then turned her head and gestured for him to bring his ear closer. Once he did she used her most seductive voice while whispering. “So show me your appreciation tonight and I hope you can last longer than a minute.”

  Connor’s face went scarlet after he choked on his breath. Then his hazel eyes met hers and seemed to glaze over with desire. The smile he soon wore said ‘I’ll take on your challenge, Princess.’

  They both smile in a euphoric expectation.

  About twenty minutes later Kara and Mark returned to the group. They sat across from Connor and the kids and she was the only one who sighed heavily. Kara looked human again and her playful silver eyes met Sarah’s and then she grinned. “Sarah, after your demonstration earlier I finally gotten my match. I paired up with a Keeper named Josephine and she kicked my butt. I pulled everything my body knew and every single move that was made was thwarted by her. She sure gave me some lessons that needed my talents in self-healing. She even broke through my armor and dislocated my shoulder.” Then she looked over at Mark and smiled evilly at him and then met Sarah’s eyes again. “And this lug of mine actually taught his Keeper many lessons. He didn’t even get a single scratch on his coat. My Honey is an excellent hand to hand fighter…” for the rest of the time Kara explained, in detail, everything she did. Mark just sat there while listening and not saying a word. He just allowed her to ramble on.

  Two hours later Sarah’s parents and sister and her mate had arrived and told everyone all that they had accomplished.

  Elder Adela and Alexander found them some time later. They had brought their large group over a meal. It was unexpected, but graciously excepted. Then Darrel awoke at the smell of food and Sarah mashed up half of a banana and he liked its taste almost as much as chocolate or a cherry popsicle. After they ate a meal Sorono said he had some duties to attend to. He then excused himself and allowed them to remain with their company.

  The day had progressed quite smoothly and only a few injuries needed to be tended to. All in all the day’s work was a success.

  Then as the sun had begun to set behind the trees Sarah thought it would be close enough to head home. That was until she felt Sorono’s familiar mind. His tone carried complete authority. “Attention everyone!” The entire clearing had quieted and even some Keepers who were in their cabin had come outside. Sarah turned her head to see Sorono’s large form standing in front of the Elders cabins. He stood before the nine other Elder Keeper’s who also stood with ancient authority. “Please excuse this interruption. All Elders have finally arrived. Now I must ask that they join me in my cabin. I also request that Veronica, Sarah and Connor come as well.”

  Sorono and the other Keepers turned around and headed back into the central cabin. Two Immortal Guard protected the entrance.

  Feeling confused for some reason, she sought Connor’s hand and found it exactly what she needed. Their eyes met and she asked “What does he want with us?”

  He spoke calmly and surely. “It is time that we start our strategizing.” He then turned his gaze on another. “Bud, will you…”

  “Watch the kids?” Mark assumed. “Sure thing. I think Kara and I can hold down the fort until you arrive.”

  Sarah then added. “If we don’t return by eight, you can go ahead and take them home for bedtime. I’ve left their bottles in the fridge.”

  “Awe Mommy, can’t we stay up tonight?” Darrel asked in a winy mental voice. He then pouted when she shook her head seriously.

  Mark agreed as Connor and Sarah stood up.

  Veronica took the lead as they began converging towards the cabin. As they approached, the Guard’s allowed them passage and entered the room.

  Inside it was basic and had very few comforts. The ground became solid and the walls remained how they looked outside. Inside were simple cots that would hold one Keeper apiece. The only form of privacy came from sheets that were hung up as a makeshift wall and several fire lit torches were used for lighting. The only other thing in the large cabin was a large table with a colored topographical map of the United States. The tabletop itself was as tall as the center of her abdominals. The Keepers had to kneel or sit.

  She moved out of the way as more Elders arrived. Sarah managed to stand in a dark corner and Connor joined her. Veronica had moved beside her mate.

  Soon all thirty Elders had convened.

  When the large wooden door had finally shut Sorono walked straight towards the desk to call the meeting to order. “As all of you are now fully aware of the crisis at hand it is now time to make preparations to thwart the threat. I would like each of you to come forth and look at this map that I brought from my home.”

  Sarah followed Connor’s lead as he and everyone made their way to the table. They stood close to corner of Florida and the Gulf of Mexico. Sorono and Veronica stood over by Texas and elder Alexander and Adela stood between their families. Now that Sarah looked closer at the table there were three round discs made from wood. Sorono then stated “As each of you can see, there are three main points on this map. When I read my brother’s mind he had planned to take out those three locations first and foremost. His initial plan is to cripple America’s three major advantages; defense, monetary and entertainment.” He then used his claw to point at California and then to New York and then finally to Virginia. “These are the targets that we’ll defend, but we need to come up with a plan to save as many lives as possible. Please listen carefully to what I’ve come up with.

  “We all understand that his ultimate goal is to bring himself and his followers to rule this world by destroying innocent lives. To start that, he will need to divide his numbers into three parties during the simultaneous attack. I haven’t figured out what the time or how he will initiate the attack.

  “If he divides his number’s he will need leaders to keep those of the lower intelligent keepers in line. When the fight begins our highest priority is to take out those commanders.” Sarah looked around to see everyone studying the map while also nodding in agreement. “To distinguish the commanders I assume that they will most likely be Original’s like my son Damian. You all understand that they will be older than even I am so they will be intelligent and highly guarded to give orders.

  “Now I assume that they will not divide their numbers equally.” Many eyes went up and looked into Sorono’s expression. Sarah glanced at Connor for a moment and his eyes remained glued to the map. She’s learned what that look in his eye meant, he was processing the information while also making logical strategies, but he wasn’t looking up like usual. “My most reasonable guess is that he will need the most support heading to Washington D.C. because of the denser military strength. Next he will need the second most in number to head to New York City because of the large population. Finally his weakest force will head to Los Angelis.”

  “So the problem is” Head Elder Poseidon spoke up for them to hear. He was rubbing his jaw while glancing between the three discs. “how our numbers should be divided up.”r />
  Connor mumbled, but she didn’t hear it clearly. Sarah’s ears didn’t hear him, but some the Elder Changers and Sorono turned to him, almost as one. “Connor, what do you mean by that?”

  Her mate realized that he had been heard and looked up just as everyone shifted their gaze to him. His predatory and unwavering hazel eyes scanned each person in the room. He cleared his throat and began speaking clearly for all to hear. “I said three races, three locations.” He said mainly for her benefit. “Out of everyone in Mélange there are more Keepers than Balancers and they are more than Changers. I say all Keepers head to Virginia, Balancers go to New York and the Changers go to California.”

  “Are you saying we should fight the weakest battle?” One of the Elder Changers asked in disgust before she could see who had spoke aloud.

  Connor looked at the Elder who spoke and Sarah followed his line of sight to see a shorter and darker skinned man who stood beside Head Elder Raphael. Strange, I’ve never heard him speak before. Then her husband spoke calmly and tried placating the un-amused ancient. “Apparently you only heard what Sorono said because you sure didn’t listen. He didn’t say it would be the weakest battle. It would be the weakest force. The individual Keeper will give you more than the fight you will be looking for. I saw your fight earlier today and know how skilled you are on the ground, but your aerial prowess needs some improvement. What you must know it that the Keeper’s that we face will most likely be fighting in the air because of the freedom it offers.

  “Changers need to head to California because you can all grow wings to fly and the human structures aren’t as much of a hindrance as they will be in New York. The Changers and Balancers can assimilate within the city better than our Keeper’s can. When the fighting starts your two races can surprise them from the frightened crowds. Balancers will have the most difficult time in the fight so they should use the city to their advantage. Not many Balancers have the ability to fly, I’d guess the average should be one in five. Since they cannot manipulate their tactics as freely as you can they should form four man squads to turn their deficiencies into a workable fighting force. Like pairing up a mated Fire and Liquid Balancer with that of a Pressure and Terra Balancer. Later on I’ll give a more visual demonstration to have the Balancers understand what I mean.


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