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Harmonizer's Evolution (Balancer's Soul cycle)

Page 35

by Lee Morgan

  “All my plans for leaving forever had changed when they stopped screaming. I realized that they were weak, but still miraculously alive. It was a miracle to me because they didn’t die like my dear mentor. Unfortunately they weren’t the same once they opened their eyes and they were now as silver as mine. They didn’t know how to react, but they didn’t curse me like I guessed or hoped they would.

  “After they learned how they had changed they were strangely overjoyed. They explained because of my confusion. They were happy to be with me and not be such an outcast among them.

  “The three of us went back to the village and it was tense for some time, but because of the twin’s spirits we were excepted wholly into the lives of everyone else. Some of the villagers wished to become like me and my wives and it was their choice, but as you know only a small handful survive the transformation. We also learned that we didn’t age in the same sense they did, but we eased their apprehension by making ourselves look slightly older every now and then so that we wouldn’t look like young men and women for so long. I also learned that my seed cannot create a new life nor can our females conceive that life.

  “After a thousand years of seclusion from most of the world, I met the ambassador Sorono.” They smiled at each other because it was all a plan that was set up for another Harmonizer to show themselves. “I was the first Changer and he brought us with him to meet other strange immortals like ourselves. I agreed on one condition. I had him destroy the entire island, just incase someone were to stumble upon the plague ever again. We do not need something that dangerous to ever show itself.

  “Since joining the race of immortals I was named Head Elder for the Changers and all of my other elder Changers are from the island that I once lived on. They are all that remain of my village. With that I’ve told you of my past and that of my children’s lineage.” His silver eyes met Connor’s and he asked “Any more questions?”

  He smiled while going over the remarkable story again. “Am I right in assuming that the twin’s on the council are your wives?” Raphael smiled approvingly. “If that is true, what happened? I’ve never seen you three that close before. Don’t Changer’s mate for life?”

  “Yes, we do mate for life and yes they are still my mates. The problem is that they are being punished for giving their blood to unsuspecting victims in the attempts to even our numbers with the other races. I’d made it a law to only bring over willing subjects because it isn’t right to forcibly make someone that who do not choose to be us. They do not like being away from me nor am I thrilled to be from them. This all happened twenty years ago and out of a thousand deaths only fifty three survived the transition. I can bring them back home to my bed in three more years once the punishment ends. We try not to get too close to each other even though we want to so badly. That is why during the council that they are always on the other side of where my throne is. Since I made the law of separation I must endure it like everyone else. That is also the reason why I’m not out among the humans right now and giving my blood over to them, to bolster our numbers. I will not allow any one of my children take the life of many just to find the few who can fight with us.”

  “Being the leader always has a price.” Connor stated. “If you cannot control yourself then you aren’t fit to rule. Now I understand why you don’t like human technology.” The Elder’s eyes widened and he gave him a one-sided knowing smile. “You know that you can talk to your wives over long distances, but you are afraid that it is a sign of weakness. You do not want any temptation that could harm your standing reputation as a ruler who leads by example.” Connor’s eyes turned up to the tree canopy. “If only there were more leaders like you amongst the humans, the world would be a much more pleasant place to live.”

  “Your words are generous and are greatly appreciated. Not many know the burden of rule, but it is heartening to know that a child like you understands it all so clearly. Thank you, Connor. I’m glad to have you by my side, as a friend.”

  “Yeah but don’t treat me like Zeke and ask any questions on sex.”

  Connor dodged Raphael’s shoulder punch and were both soon laughing.

  Not too long later they ran through the town and found an electronics store. He learned quickly as he was taught about the radios and how they work. He liked knowing about the nearly infinite number of channels that could be changed to speak privately.

  They left the store with twenty handheld walkie-talkies and many long lasting batteries.

  After Connor left with Head Elder Raphael, Sarah had accomplished quite a bit for the day. Jack and Jillian had been the first to find her and soon Kara and Mark joined her and the kids. They wanted to know what was discussed in the meeting and she didn’t dare speak it aloud so she resorted to another ability. Both Pearl and Darrel remained oblivious to what was explained and they would always be if she had any say in what they learned. Her family asked questions as to why certain things are going to be done, but she couldn’t come up with a reasonable answer. They didn’t hold it against her.

  By the time she finished recounting everyone had begun looking up. When Sarah followed them they were all watching things falling from the sky. It was soon easy to see that they were enormous crates that were exactly like what Sorono had first brought with him. Thirty seven crated in total, parachuted down to their designated location. Several Keepers flew up and guided them straight into an open area when the wind threatened to blow them off course. Soon each case was placed and told to remain sealed until the Elders gave word otherwise. Once the spectacle had ended, the gathered crowd began doing what they were before the supplies had dropped.

  After an hour of waiting together, Veronica arrived and asked to spar again. They left the kids with Jack and Jillian while they made their way to the arena. This time Sarah learned how to counterattack. Veronica had shown her how to block or dodge an attack and then simultaneously throw an attack of her own. They went slowly at first, but the more they practiced the quicker the engagements moved. Even if their strengths were similar, Veronica’s experience still remained overwhelming.

  By the end of the training regimen, the crowds had shown up to watch the exciting match. They were still openly gawking, but Sarah realized that they were studying them and what they did. All races were learning how to fight just as much as Sarah was. Whatever they could see from them they added to their style of fighting. Unlike them she was the one feeling the painful effects from the lessons.

  After the match ended they collected the children and made their way over to the food line. Veronica had told Sarah that Elder Adela was granted permission to make a cooking cabin. She and a few people who volunteered began to cook for the mission preparation. They fed all who came, well.

  Around noon Connor finally returned with his companion. He saw Sarah and handed over the large bags to Raphael and made his way over. His expression explained that he learned some interesting facts and finally solved several of his ideas. Sarah had entered his mind and listened to the story of the first Changer. She listened in fascination as he spoke the story and it was so well told that she could almost see it all so vividly.

  Many parts of the story were too sensitive for certain little ears, but they spoke around them and listened to Mark’s excuse for not telling that particular story. He calmly stated to her soul mate “You’re a stickler for not telling another’s secrets and it wasn’t mine to tell. I didn’t even tell Kara, even though she never asked.” Sarah could tell by her excitable sister-in-law that she honestly didn’t know and the way she looked at Mark piqued her interest for the full story. Sarah began blushing at remembering one part of Raphael’s story. It gave her too many ideas about how Changers have their mates. She only thought they were like Balancer’s and could only be bonded as a pair, not as a threesome or even a harem in a way. But in a way it isn’t all that surprising that they have more animal instincts and many animals have more than one sexual partner in their lives.

  She realized Connor kept
looking at her while also reading her mind and seeing what was being imagined. Some imaged were too embarrassing, but he only smiled. He didn’t criticize her thoughts or even have anything to give her as an alternative. His mind was calm and clear. His emotions were just the same and she began focusing on them to calm herself down as well.

  Not too long after another conversation finished did Sorono and many of the other Elders exited the main cabin. They walked with calm determination and many began to spread out amongst the crowd. Connor watched this with more scrutiny than anyone else. He then silently asked no one in particular “Just what are you up to?”

  She placed her hand on his forearm and pleaded with her eyes to know what he could understand that no one else could. Connor gave Sarah a smile that held not even an ounce of worry. He placed his large and warm hand atop of hers and shrugged without knowing the answer.

  They then returned to watching Sorono tower over all others as he made a direct approach to the ring. Everyone parted away as his calm pace soon led him to the center of the ring. All talking and noises were quelled as he raised a single hand for complete attention.

  “Last night a subject was brought to my attention, thanks to my youngest brother, Connor. It has been the target of much debate between the Elder Keepers and myself. We have come to the conclusion, that in the best interest for everyone’s survival that you learn some hidden secrets of the Keepers.” She watched as Connor sighed in relief and as everyone began whispering in confusion and delight at hearing about Keeper secrets. “These secrets pertain to Balancers specifically. To serve the greater good you will learn about the hidden abilities that lie within you.” Jack, Jillian Ben and Amber all glanced at Sarah and Connor and then amongst themselves. They looked confused and thrilled about this turn of events.

  Sorono turned and looked straight over at them. “Connor, your concerns have been granted in your favor, but I ask you this, how will you take responsibility for your actions?”

  Connor didn’t take much time in coming to a conclusion. He smiled at Sarah and soon stood on the bench so that all could clearly see him. She knew that he would need to yell at the top of his lungs so that the ones furthest away could hear so he did something else. She felt the touch of his mind and knew that he was reaching into everyone else’s. He hasn’t done something like this since the last meeting when he told all who the real Head Elder was.

  His mental voice was calm and clear. “Since it was I who brought this to the attention of the elders and must take responsibility, I will be the one to train the Balancer’s in the new ways.”

  Not on your own you won’t. Connor heard her personal thought and looked at her. She stood up by his side and projected her mind just like he was doing. Using telepathy in this way is neither easy nor difficult, but it requires much concentration. “I will also help in their training.”

  It was difficult to see from this distance, but Sorono gave a nod to them. “Very well.” he then began looking at the crowd. “As all of us who are gathered, heard there will be a new flow to our time together. Now besides everyone sparring, Balancers will be taught in how to use their abilities to their highest potential.” Then she saw as Sorono turned his sights on the collected crates. “Ah, it seems as if my first shipment of supplies have arrived. I would like for them to be opened. Inside one crate should be a generator and in another will be methane fuel. Even if we are out here we will need some comforts and the electricity will be an aid.

  “In several containers will be food. Please bring them over to Adela’s cooking cabin. Also bring in the large freezers to keep the food from being spoiled.

  “In the rest of the crates will be cloth for us when we need new clothing and large cubes of metal for forging. We will use those cubes to begin making our armor and weapons.” Then Sorono gave a warning. “We are all in this together and I will not tolerate any hoarding. We will share everything equally. If you need help, ask. If there is something that you are capable of that others aren’t, help them. We are not here for personal gain because as of right now we are all one peoples.”

  Sorono had finished his speech and turned towards their direction again. “Connor, how would you and Sarah like to proceed?”

  Connor and Sarah looked at each other and remembered that they were still standing. He smiled after he saw the image formulating in her mind. She then told him to go ahead and use it. “Sorono, we will begin now. I will work with them for two hours each day. Will it be alright if I make the daily training schedule last from ten in the morning till noon?”

  “Indeed, that will be best. The rest of the time can be devoted to sparring, weapons making and anything else that they will like to accomplish.”

  Connor nodded and Sorono saw it and began walking from the center of the stage. Then her husband laced his fingers with hers and turned his attention to a new direction. “Will all Balancer’s join me on stage? And please separate into five groups pertaining to your element. If you have the ability to control multiple elements please take the element that you favor the most. Make your way to the stage if you will.”

  He and Sarah dropped to the ground together. Jack, Jillian, Amber and Ben were looking at them and she gestured for them to go on ahead.

  “Daddy, can we come up with you?” Pearl asked pleadingly.

  “I’m sorry, but it might not be safe up there. We’ll need to have someone watch you and your brother.” Connor said lovingly.

  “I’ll do it.” Sorono said, appearing out of nowhere. Sarah jumped when she realized that he stood behind her. She looked up into his eyes as he said with a smile “I need to rest my feet for a while and can keep my niece and nephew company simultaneously. It is a win-win situation for me.”

  She knew they would be safe and said “Take care of your Uncle Sorono.”

  Pearl pouted cutely as Darrel said with a smile “Yes, Mommy!”

  Connor and Sarah were soon walking to the stage, hand in hand. As they moved so too did many among the crowd. She could already see that the stage had been cleared of sparring matches and had begun to be replaced by nothing except Balancers. They even had begun separating into the five groups.

  Before she knew it they were on stage with every Balancer who had arrived. The groups had split up into Fire, Terra, Liquid, Pressure and Metal Balancers. There were only twenty nine Metal Balancers and her sister was only one of three women among the others. The two largest groups were of the Fire and Liquid Balancers. The Terra and Pressure Balancers were slightly uneven because some of the rare Balancers with multiple talents chose what they favored. Even the Elder Balancers had all graced them with their presence. They must want to see these secrets that would be taught to all.

  There was much chattering as everyone made their way up on the stage. That all ended as Connor raised his hand for silence. She took that chance to see that many Keepers and a few Changers were looking upon this new spectacle. Connor’s lecturing voice brought her back to the task at hand.

  “As all of you already know, Sarah and I have the affinity for all elements. Not only that, our energy levels are well over one hundred times larger than each of yours. I’m not bragging, but am explaining how we’ve come to learn about these variations and gifts. My mate and I have worked together to use our gifts in new and exciting ways. We will be teaching you these techniques for your own protection. Now we will first begin about teaching you about seeing Aura.” The groups began mumbling and Sarah heard a few hisses from some Keepers, but they knew that the Elders had given Connor free reign to teach.

  “Aura is very useful for many things. What Aura is, is a visual confirmation about what ones energy looks like. We all have different colors and when we do things our aura is left behind like a signature. It can be even used to identify the person or Keeper without needing to look in their eyes. Some colors look closely the same, but if you look long enough you will begin to differentiate the subtle differences. Only Harmonizers and their mates share the exact same color.”
br />   Then Connor began teaching. “Alright everyone needs to listen carefully. To use this ability you need to focus your mind.” Sarah watched as everyone in the groups began calming themselves and breathing easier. “Good, now imagine your energy flowing into your eyes and allow your instinct to accomplish this goal. All who use energy will be capable of this. Go ahead and begin.”

  It didn’t take too long to feel the subtle amount of power it took to begin rising in everyone. Many had focused with their eyes closed as they set out to accomplish this task.

  Some gasped when they opened their eyes and began looking around. Many were stunned into being completely still. Everyone soon began using an ability that they never knew they were capable of and each one of them were older than she is. This new sense brought a new look at their world and they began noticing different things. Many had looked to their mate and others looked everywhere. Then one person finally said “No way!” Sarah looked over to see that her mother was looking straight at her. Her eyes slowly began creeping skywards. Jillian was stunned speechless yet again as she finally could see the representation of her daughter’s true power.

  Then others started following her example and looked at either Connor or herself. Soon everyone was looking at them with shock and awe. They could now see the strength of a Harmonizer and his mate. It made her feel proud and strong to see the expressions everyone was giving them.

  Sarah took a step forward and spoke clearly “Now that you can see in this way you will be able to identify the strength of your opponent. The larger the aura, the more energy they have at their disposal.” She could feel Connor’s satisfaction for her swelling thanks to their bond. “Now that you can see, you can act accordingly. Since this ability is all fresh to you, you must begin practicing with it on your own. Only you can judge its usefulness and how it should be used.


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