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Harmonizer's Evolution (Balancer's Soul cycle)

Page 40

by Lee Morgan

  Sorono stood up and took a step back, but all eyes remained sharply on the spy. “If that is your choice then let’s get started. First question. Why did you come here and what did you hope to accomplish?”

  Agnes went quiet for too long and when Sorono growled she realized she was taking too much time to answer him. “Because I made a mistake.” They were quiet as she continued. “We were told to find a rich place with much food” she said ironically and they knew she meant humans as the main source of food. “and hide there to gain as much strength as we could, until we were given the go-ahead to begin our attack. I felt the attraction sent by the three pristine ones and knew it was too soon, but I left my mate to find out what was going on for myself. I got here and saw this military and hoped to gain intelligence for my people.” Then her gray-white eyes glanced over to Sarah and then back to Sorono. “Then I knew that your group had fighters capable of putting up a serious problem for our cause. I hoped to take out that strange human female before finding my commander and explaining what I saw…”

  Sarah went rigid and Connor knew what was to come next. He clamped a hand over her mouth and slowly shook his head while staring her down. She about exploded with her voice in a rage rarely seen. It took only a second, but when her eyes met his she calmed down fractionally. Her anger still thundered through the bond they share.

  Sorono looked at his brother and was glad for the actions, but also to get confirmation to the truth of Agnes’s words. He looked back and said “Next question. How can I find Ranvan?”

  Agnes let out a hissing laugh through the metal bit still in her mouth. “Find our king? You’ll never find our savior and the eventual ruler of the new world. He will bring the world back to order, like it once was in the time of my ancestor Afleen. When we were given our orders to wait, only a select few could get in contact with him. Even if you could find him, you won’t win. He is the strongest of us all. No one can stop him. Not even you.”

  “What will you get out of this war with the humans?” Sorono asked unabashed to get on with the interrogation and to keep his emotions in check.

  She smiled as menacingly as possible. “I’ll become a ruler over my providence and get to live off the fat of my land. It will be my personal paradise.”

  “Next question. How and when will the battle begin? What will be the trigger?” Sorono asked without being phased by her ignorant dream. She went quiet for over a minute and Sorono’s patience came to an end. “Answer me now or I’ll rip it from you!”

  She winced at his mental lashing. “We weren’t given many specifics, but on the day of our heritage being reclaimed, a single Call is to be sent as the initiation.”

  Finally we’ve gotten a lead. Sorono heard Connor’s mental thought and nodded inconspicuously while staring at Agnes.

  For the next three hours Sorono interrogated her for every ounce of information she possesed. They discovered that Ranvan found the ancient sanctuary deep under the sea about ten years ago and had quickly became their undisputed leader and king. Apparently they survived all this time thanks to the thermal heat of the earth and some special plants that didn’t require sunlight to grow. The plants were enough to give them oxygen and food and they also had animals that ate the plants and they ate them. Then once they were released from the home that they resided in for many millennia, they saw the new world they lived in. They didn’t like how their world had been taken over and now ruled over by another sentient race, the humans. Their goal was to all become rulers of their land. They didn’t care about the costs that it would take to achieve their dreams.

  Connor learned to read between the lines and knew that Ranvan began using these moldable Keepers to suit his own ends. He wanted power, even more than he already contains. He doesn’t like competition and wants nothing more than to be unparalleled. Ranvan is no longer a harmonizer, but a destroyer.

  Sorono suddenly surprised them all by offering “Agnes, everything that you have offered has been the truth. As a reward for your honesty you’ll be given another choice. You may stay here, chained up for the remainder of your days, or you may be released and be allowed to stay amongst us. If you choose freedom, you will be escorted wherever you go and also not allowed to leave under any circumstances. If you make an attempt, you’ll be killed on sight.”

  “SORO...!” Sarah began shrieking, but Connor placed a hand over her mouth again. He then privately entered her mind. “Princess, don’t. I know what he’s doing. We have heard the way she speaks of Ranvan. They are in awe of him. He is like a god in their eyes… Sorono knows what he’s doing, trust him like you do with me when I do something that seems strange. Just be ready.”

  Sarah’s delicate eyebrows slowly smoothed out and his hand moved off her lips. Her loving green eyes turned hard again as she looked back to the chained spy. Sarah became expressionless again, but the way she held his hand now was for support rather than anger. She trusted him, even if it was difficult.

  Agnes looked strangely at Sorono, but not in astonishment. It seemed a calculating look as she weighed her options and eventually came to a conclusion. “I choose to be free of these bonds.” Even without all the hairs on the back of Connor’s neck rising, he knew the words held more than she let on.

  Sorono moved with a fluid grace and walked up to one of the four securing metal chains and easily snapped them apart with his bare hands. He did the same for the other three. Sorono then broke the link that bound her straight legs and removed them to allow her to stand erect. Once she stood, Sorono gave her a deadly, withering look as he snapped off the metal collar and then the metal mouth bit was removed. Then she began moving her jaw once again to get feeling back. Agnes didn’t attempt anything as he worked. Then he began unbinding her torso. But before it all came off he said “Your hands will be bound for several more minutes. Once I’m through, they will be removed. Do not even attempt to try anything or you’ll be dead before you hit the ground. Understood?” Agnes held completely still as Sorono bound her wrists and then held the other end in his hand, like a leash.

  Sorono glanced at Connor and he immediately understood what to do. He gained Sarah’s attention and then jerked his head towards the door, once. She nodded and came over with him.

  He easily opened the large door to see that there remained another hour of daylight left and also that all of the other elders and their personal guards were waiting patiently outside the hut. They all went silent as they saw them exiting, but the crowd was still as noisy as it was when they arrived here earlier with the reinforcements. They all wanted some answers and would soon get some. Connor pointed towards the arena. “Please send a troop of Guards to clear the stage, immediately. We will have some special announcements to give.”

  Several of the elders sent their guards to accomplish the task. Those guards found others and quickly did what he ordered.

  Several seconds later Sorono walked out behind Sarah and Connor while holding the end of the chain in his right hand. Agnes followed behind and many eyes followed her measured movements. Veronica followed behind, defensively covering her mate from the rear.

  Everyone became confused as to what was happening, especially the other Elders. Those of the crowd closest to the hut began quieting. Then most of the crowd quieted even faster as the enormous stage was being cleared.

  Sorono gave quick and short orders as he began leading the spy slowly towards the emptying stage. The crowd parted widely and gave them a direct path to the next destination. Sarah and Connor moved to walk beside Veronica and all of the other Elders fell in behind.

  During this time Connor watched Agnes with unwavering scrutiny until he sensed a slowly building energy being gathered close by. He glanced down to the left and saw that the source came from Sarah. He didn’t bother to say anything as she kept her powers on a tight leash. Even tighter than the physical one that Sorono held in his hand.

  The atmosphere in the clearing changed from joyous to confused and angry.

  They fin
ally made it to the center of the silent stage. Everyone crowded around the clearing, trying their best to see what is happening. Connor didn’t spot his children or Jillian from where they usually sit. His hopes were that they were still at home and not around here.

  Attention was called from Sorono. The crowd went completely silent and were giving their undivided attention to the Head Elder. Sarah, Veronica and Connor stood about thirty feet away from Sorono and Agnes, who stood in the center of the platform. “As most, if not all, of you know we have had an intruder in our midst. This is that spy and her name is Agnes. She has willingly given up useful information to us. In a gesture of a willingness to forgive her crimes I gave her a choice to be released from her bonds... I keep my word.”

  Sorono then moved closer and towered over Agnes. He quickly removed the chains on her wrist and dropped the metal to the ground. Then he took several measured steps away from the spy. He turned his back to speak once again.

  Suddenly Connor’s instinct warned him to the danger that surfaced.

  Agnes hissed madly, dropped to all fours and leapt straight ahead, toward them. Sorono reacted too late, but Connor wasn’t prepared for what happened next.

  Agnes was absolutely murderous, but her target became Sarah, again. He moved protectively, but Sarah was more prepared than Connor originally credited. Sarah deftly stepped forward, to block his protective move. Her facial features twisted in rage. She raised her right fist towards the charging enemy and shouted “DIE BITCH!!!”

  Sarah instantly released her gathered energy and from her fist exploded a dark blue flame. The flame became a streamed jet that grew, the further away it traveled. The flame became so large and intense that it engulfed the Keeper whole. Agnes’s mouth opened in surprise and the raging inferno went down her throat without any chance of being stopped. The force from the blast of flames canceled Agnes’s swift movements and overwhelmed her completely.

  Sarah’s hair billowed behind her as she appeared a Warrior Goddess.

  The Keeper dropped to the ground and writhed for less than a second as the extreme heat and no oxygen could offer a life saving reprieve. Connor saw a flash to his right as Sorono barely managed to get clear of Sarah’s attack before he too found himself consumed. Everyone in the crowd watched in silence as the dark blue flames devoured its target faster than any normal flame ever could have.

  This was the very first time Connor had ever seen Sarah kill an opponent. He didn’t like seeing his loving and gentle mate do something that required her to do it, but in the coming fight she would be doing so much more than this. It would be ignorant to assume that she hasn’t done something worse in her long life, but he still didn’t ever want to see her stain her hands in blood. That is his department and one only he should bear in consequence.

  He loved her through and through and hoped she wouldn’t need her warrior’s side much after the next month.

  Everyone in the crowd could feel the overwhelming heat that radiated from Sarah’s flame. Somehow she contained it in a way that only the focus of her target would be engulfed and would leave all other bystanders safe. He added this form to memory for it would be very useful later.

  Connor then saw Sarah clutch each of her arms and began visibly shaking. She only stood a half of a step in front of him. He reached forward, grabbed both of her shoulders, twisted her and clutched her securely to his chest so she couldn’t watch anymore. She continued shaking and then his open parka allowed his shirt to absorb moisture. Even through chainmail he could feel Sarah’s frightened and relieved tears. He continued to hold her securely while also giving soft emotions for her to feel. She still wept for what she just did as she listened to him whispering words of reassurance.

  He met Sorono’s eyes while still clutching his princess. They both knew that Agnes had been completely enthralled with Ranvan’s ideals and would have never changed sides. She knew that they would get whatever information they wanted. She also realized that her life came to an end and she already chose to die fighting. It was commendable on her part, but ultimately fruitless. And finally they just showed every single member of their immortal world just what kind of enemy they will face. Even if they offered a second chance, this is what they will do to all.

  Several seconds later there was a commotion over by the side of the arena. The white haired Viking, Jack, quickly made his way on the stage and even side stepped an inattentive Guard. Before any could react to his presence, he was by Connor’s side and his azure eyes were asking if his daughter was alright.

  He nodded and then looked past him as two Guards were coming up on him from behind. Connor’s shaking head told them it is alright.

  “Sarah, look at me.” Jack said softly while petting the top of her head. After a few more coaxing words she finally turned her head to the side. Jack smiled approvingly down at his youngest offspring. “That’s my girl. Come on and let’s get you home. You’ve had a difficult week.”

  Connor then looked up and said telepathically “Sorono, we are going to take our leave for the rest of the day. I’ll leave everything else up to you.”

  Without another word, the three of them began walking away. As they made it to the crowded side, the crowd parted ways. Sarah kept her eyes on the ground as they walked through the silence. Kara, Mark, Amber and Ben quickly made their way over and their close-knit family made their way into the forest.

  Sarah’s feet crunched the dried grass and twigs as they walked in the failing light. With every step her mind went over and over on what she just did. In her three hundred years she’s never once killed a Keeper let alone in hate.

  Agnes would have killed her if she wanted. She could have taken her life or that of the ones that she cherishes. Agnes could have done so much damage, but Sarah felt so angry at what she could have done, but was it right for her to kill Agnes like that? In a deep part of Sarah’s mind she felt glad Agnes died by her hand, but the rest of her was appalled from such actions.

  Connor held her hand gently and his emotions were so warm and comforting that it helped ease the torrential storm of confusing emotions.

  Her internal conflict lessened as she began hearing voices. It came from Jack, Kara and Mark who were nearby.

  “So what did you learn before Mrs. Hot Stuff here turned that spy into charcoal briquettes?” Kara asked in here usual chipper tone.

  They were walking even more casually than a slow human as Connor explained what they learned from Agnes. It had taken up much time, but they listened. Sarah focused on her mate’s strong voice rather than what he had to say. His tone was soft and soothing.

  After Connor ceased speaking Mark stated “I’m glad you and the Elders didn’t give us any more details of the planning. If you laid everything out to everyone then the spy could have left without ever being noticed and gave the enemy our intelligence. We got very lucky on this encounter.”

  “What do you mean, Honey?” Kara asked.

  Sarah finally looked up to see Mark’s silver eyes scanning everyone and he saw her. He winked and then turned his attention to his mate. “Because there was only one enemy in our camp. If there was actually more than one, then our efforts would be in even more jeopardy. At least we can count on many of these mutated Keepers to not be overly smart. If the spy was intelligent then she wouldn’t have lured Sarah away. If it were me then I’d keep a low profile and wouldn’t have been seen. I would then have left and told my superior about the enemy numbers and also that they were preparing for a fight. We were just lucky that there wasn’t any more problems.”

  “That we know of.” Jack ended ominously.

  Connor then changed the flow of the conversation. “By the way Jack, where are my kids and Jillian.”

  Before he answered, Sarah did. “They are together with Mother.” Connor and everyone stopped when they heard her speak softly. She slowly looked up into his piercing hazel eyes and saw he was relieved to hear her speaking again. “When Veronica and I dragged the spy back to the clearin
g I had Mother take them to her house. I didn’t want Agnes anywhere near our kids, Connor. Since you left they haven’t been here, nor has Mother. I didn’t want to be near her either, but I needed to be close in case something should happen and I were needed.”

  He placed his warm right hand against her cheek and it was comforting. His smile made nearly all the pain in her chest lift off without a word.

  Jack broke the mood by saying “Since we are so close to home we’ll get going. You and Sarah have a quiet night. Jillian and I will keep the kids at our house tonight. You two go home and get some rest. I can tell that neither of you have gotten much sleep recently.”

  She then felt someone touch her shoulder and turned to see Kara smiling at her. “Your Dad’s right. You two look almost dead on your feet. Oh and be sure to take a cold shower.”

  Her brow drew together as she asked “Why?”

  She grinned playfully. “Because if you get intimate I’d hate to see that blue fire destroy your home if things get a little…Hot.” Kara then fanned her face dramatically while showing that feral smile of hers.

  Sarah’s face flared hot and Mark came to the rescue. “That’s enough, Sweetheart. Let’s go home ourselves and give them a break from all the drama.”

  She smiled at him. “Alright.” She turned back around and said “Night.”

  Everyone left except for Connor. Amber squeezed her sister’s shoulder reassuringly just before she and Ben walked off with Jack.

  When they finally made it home there wasn’t any sexual intimacy that night. She simply clutched herself to her mate and held him close. Neither spoke as they held each other in comfort and support. It wasn’t long before Sarah eventually fell asleep without dreams.

  The next day Jillian and Jack brought the kids home. Both Darrel and Pearl were overjoyed to have their daddy back. He was glad to be home too.


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